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Purpose of calculation:

Calculate whether the wall will slide forward? Calculate the bearing pressure beneath the base?
Considering friction acting on the vertical faces, would stability improve?
Calculation Reference

Calculation Validation
Reproduction of a sample calculation from a published calculation reference

Calculation Units SI2


Concrete Base

Surface load
Q= 10,000 N/m²

LG = 1m
DG = 1m
Unit Weight
γ= 17,000 N/m³

Concrete Base
LCB = 1.2 m
DCB = 0.5 m
Unit Weight
γ= 24,000 N/m³
Friction angle on the base soil interface
δ= 25 °

Soil above the water table

Unit Weight
γ= 16,000 N/m³
Drained (effective stress) shear strength parameter
φ'= 30 °

Soil below the water table

Unit weight
γ= 20,000 N/m³
Drained (effective stress) shear strength parameter
φ'= 30 °

Active pressure coefficient

Ka = #ADDIN? ###

Values at soil surface

Depth coordinate
z0 = 0m
Pore water pressure
u= 0 N/m²
Unit weight
γ= 16,000 N/m³
Total Normal Stress (vertical)
σv = 10,000 N/m² ###
Effective Normal Stress (vertical)
σv' = 10,000 N/m² ###
Effective Normal Stress (horizontal)
σ h ' = #ADDIN? N/m² ###
Total Normal Stress (horizontal)
σ h = #ADDIN? N/m² ###

Values at 2m below the soil surface

Depth coordinate
z2 = 2m
Pore water pressure
u= 0 N/m²
Unit weight
γ= 16,000 N/m³
Total Normal Stress (vertical)
σv = 42,000 N/m² ###
Effective Normal Stress (vertical)
σv' = 42,000 N/m² ###
Effective Normal Stress (horizontal)
σ h ' = #ADDIN? N/m² ###
Total Normal Stress (horizontal)
σ h = #ADDIN? N/m² ###

Values at 2.5m below the soil surface

Depth coordinate
z2.5 = 2.5 m
Pore water pressure
u= 5,000 N/m²
Unit weight
γ= 20,000 N/m³
Total Normal Stress (vertical)
σv = 52,000 N/m² ###
Effective Normal Stress (vertical)
σv' = 47,000 N/m² ###
Effective Normal Stress (horizontal)
σ h ' = #ADDIN? N/m² ###
Total Normal Stress (horizontal)
σ h = #ADDIN? N/m² ###








Force is equal to area under the graph

F1 = #ADDIN? N/m ###
F2 = #ADDIN? N/m ###
F3 = #ADDIN? N/m ###
F4 = #ADDIN? N/m ###
Ha = #ADDIN? N/m ###

Lever need to work out moment acting from each area

L1 = #ADDIN? m ###
L2 = #ADDIN? m ###
L3 = #ADDIN? m ###
L4 = #ADDIN? m ###

M1 = #ADDIN? Nm/m ###
M2 = #ADDIN? Nm/m ###
M3 = #ADDIN? Nm/m ###
M4 = #ADDIN? Nm/m ###
Ma = #ADDIN? Nm/m ###

Kp = #ADDIN? ###

Value at 0.5m below the soil surface on the passive side

Depth coordinate
z= 0.5 m
Pore water pressure
u= 5,000 N/m²
Unit weight
γ= 20,000 N/m³
Total Normal Stress (vertical)
σv = 10,000 N/m² ###
Effective Normal Stress (vertical)
σv' = 5,000 N/m² ###
Effective Normal Stress (horizontal)
σ h ' = #ADDIN? N/m² ###
Total Normal Stress (horizontal)
σ h = #ADDIN? N/m² ###

Passive pressure force

Hp = #ADDIN? N/m ###
Passive moment
Mp = #ADDIN? Nm/m ###


Concrete Base

Consider sliding
Top Gabion
LTG = 1m
DTG = 1m
Unit Weight
γ= 17,000 N/m³
A= 1 m² ###
WTG = 17000 N/m ###
Lever about point A
LA = 0.5 m ###
Moment about point A
MA = 8500 Nm/m ###

Bottom Gabion
LBG = 1m
DBG = 1m
Unit Weight
γ= 17000 N/m³
A= 1 m² ###
WBG = 17000 N/m ###
Lever about point A
LA = #ADDIN? m ###

Moment about point A

MA = #ADDIN? Nm/m ###

Concrete Block
LCB = 1.2 m
DCB = 0.5 m
Unit Weight
γ= 24000 N/m³
A= 0.6 m² ###
WCB = 14400 N/m ###
Lever about point A
LA = #ADDIN? m ###

Moment about point A

MA = #ADDIN? Nm/m ###

LS = 0.2 m ###
DS = 1m
Unit Weight
γ= 16,000 N/m³
A= 0.2 m² ###
WS = 3200 N/m ###
Lever about point A
LA = #ADDIN? m ###

Moment about point A

MA = #ADDIN? Nm/m ###

Total Weight
WTotal = 51600 N/m ###
Total Moment about point A
MA = #ADDIN? Nm/m ###

(Effective) Normal reaction

N' = 45600 N/m ###
Maximum sliding resistance
T = #ADDIN? N/m ###

Total load that must resist sliding

H = #ADDIN? N/m ###

#ADDIN? OK for sliding

NlN = #ADDIN? Nm/m ###

LN = #ADDIN? m ###

l1 = #ADDIN? m ###

For rectangular distribution of stress

e = #ADDIN? m ###

e/B = #ADDIN? ###

Rectangular distribution of stress on the ground

qrect = #ADDIN? N/m² ###
Table of compatible units
Length Area Time Angle Mass Velocity Acceleration Force LDForce
Fundamental m m² s ° kg m/s m/s² kg.m/s² kg/s²
SI m m² s ° kg m/s m/s² N N/m
SI (mm) mm mm² s ° t mm/s mm/s² N N/mm
US Unit (ft) ft ft² s ° slug ft/s ft/s² lbf lbf.ft
US Unit (in) in in² s ° lbf.s²/in in/s in/s² lbf lbf.in
z(m) σh
-2 #ADDIN?
-2.5 #ADDIN?
Moment Work Energy Power Density Stress Unit Weight
Nm/m kg.m/s².m kg.m/s².m kg.m²/s³ kg/m³ kg/m.s² N/m³
Nm/m J J W kg/m³ N/m² N/m³
N.mm/mm mJ mJ mW t/mm³ MPa N/mm³
lbf.ft/ft ft.lb ft.lb ft.lb/s slug/ft³ lbf/ft² lbf/ft³
lbf.in/in in.lbf in.lbf in.lbf/s lbf.s²/in⁴ psi lbf/in³
x along length

Page 10

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