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Chapter 1

1. Define of hr

-HRM is the use of individual to achieve organizational objectives. Basically, all

managers get things done through the efforts of others. So, managers at every level must
concern themselves with HRM. Individuals dealing with HR matters face a multitude of
challenges, ranging from a constantly changing workforce to ever-present government
regulation, a technological revolution, and the economy of the US and the world.

2. Function of HR


-Staffing is the process through which an organization ensures that it always has the
proper number of employees with the appropriate skills in the right jobs, at the right time,
to achieve organizational objectives. Staffing involves job analysis, human resource
planning, recruitment, and selection.

Performance management

-Performance management is a goal-oriented process that is directed toward ensuring that

organizational processes are in place to maximize the productivity of employees, teams
and organization. Performance appraisal is a formal system of review and evaluation of
individual or team tasks performance.

Safety and health

-Safety involves protecting employees from injuries caused by work-related accidents.

Health refers to the employees’ freedom from physical or emotional illness.

Human resource development/ compensation/ employee and labor relations

3. Why employer establish hr department? (objective of HR)

Defining Organizational Structure and Driving Productivity

Human Resource Management is a method to realize competence and drive efficiency in

organizational work. Therefore, its chief determination remains in accomplishing
organizational goals. It has to benefit organizations by outlining clearly defined aims and
achieving them.
Building Coordination Between Organizational Departments

Human Resource Management is responsible for coordination and harmonious

functionality within, and between different departments. The resources are organized to
achieve business objectives. Also, it is to be made certain that there is functional
utilization and all-out growth of human resources.

Offering Employee Satisfaction

HR management should be ensured that there is an environment of respect among people

in the organization, and individual needs are catered to. The HR strategies, policies and
ideas for individual improvement must be cohesive with the organization’s strategic goals.

Keeping Up With The Societal And Ethical Models

It must be the responsibility of Human Resource management to ensure that legal, ethical,
and social environmental issues are suitably dealt with. It must make sure that the human
resources are officially and compliantly coped with and their requirements are recognized
and fulfilled.

4. What is career development?

-Career development is a formal approach used by the organization to ensure that people
with the proper qualifications and experiences are available when needed. Career
planning rests with the employee. However, career development must closely parallel
individual career planning if a firm is to retain its best and brightest workers.

5. Objectives of career development programs?

Effective development of available talent. Career development consistently ranks high

on employees’ want lists, and they can often be a less expensive option than pay raises
and bonuses.

Development of career paths that cut across divisions and geographic locations. The
development should not be limited to a narrow spectrum of one part of a company.

Improvement of performance. The job itself is the most important influence on career
development. Each job can provide different challenges and experiences.
6. 5 career development step/ method

Manager/Employee self-service

-Many companies are providing managers with the online ability to assist employees in
planning their career paths and developing required competencies. Through employee
self-service, employees are provided with the ability to update performance goals online
and to enroll in training courses.

Discussions with Knowledgeable individuals

-In a formal discussion, the superior and subordinate employees may jointly agree on
what career development activities are best. The resources made available to achieve
these objectives may also include developmental programs.

Company Material

-Some firms provide material specifically developed to assist in career development.

Such material is tailored to the firm’s special needs.

Performance Appraisal system

-Discussing an employee’s strengths ad weaknesses with his or her supervisor can

uncover developmental needs. If overcoming a particular weakness seems difficult or
even impossible, an alternative career path may be the solution.


-Some organizations conduct workshops lasting two or three days for the purpose of
helping workers develop careers within the company. The company may send workers to
the workshops available in the community or workers may initiate the visit themselves.

7. What is recruitment?

-Recruitment is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient

numbers, and with appropriate qualifications to apply for jobs with an organization.

8. Describe how recruitment methods and sources are tailored to each other.

-Recruitment must be tailored to the needs of each firm. In addition, recruitment sources
and methods often vary according to the type of position being filled.
9. Source of recruitment.

Colleges and universities

-Colleges and universities represent a major recruitment source for potential professional,
technical, and management employee. On-campus recruitment is mutually beneficial,
both employers and universities should take steps to develop and maintain close

Community Colleges

-Many community colleges are sensitive to the specific employment needs in their local
labor markets and graduate highly sought-after students with marketable skills. Career
centers often provide a place for employers to contact students, thereby facilitating the
recruitment process.

High schools and vocational schools

-Many of these institutions have outstanding training programs for specific occupational
skills, such as small engine mechanics. Some companies work with schools to ensure a
constant supply of trained individuals with specific job skills.

Why need to established the external recruitment sources

-Fill entry-level jobs

-acquire skills not possessed by current employees.

-obtain employees with different backgrounds to provide a diversity of ideas.

10. 5 stages of T&D

a. Determining specific training and development needs

-This must take a systematic approach to addressing bona fide needs are
organizational analysis. Organizational analysis focuses on the firm’s strategic
mission, goals, and corporate plans are studied, along with the results of strategic
human resource planning. Next, task analysis focuses on the tasks required to
achieve the firm’s purposes. These tasks can help HR professionals determine
training content and how best to design training to import knowledge and skills.
Person analysis focuses on obtaining answers to the questions such as who needs
to be trained.
b. Establish training and development program objectives

-Training and development must have clear and concise objectives and be
developed to achieve organizational goals.

c. Select Training and Development method and delivery system

-Regardless of whether programs are in-house or out-sourced, firms use a number

of methods for impart knowledge and skills, to the workforce and usually more
than are method, called blended training is used to deliver T&D.

d. Implement training program

- It is often difficult as many managers are action-oriented and feel they are too
busy to engage in training efforts. Qualified trainers must be available as training
program require a high degree of creativity.

e. Evaluate training program

-The traditional framework for evaluation of training is based on 4 criteria. There

are reaction, learning, behavior and organization result.

11. Meaning of trade union

-A trade union is an independent association or combination of employees that acts as a

voice to regulate relations between employees and employers for the purpose of
improving good industrial relations, enhance economic and social status of both parties as
well as finding solutions to raise productivity for the benefit of those involved.

12. Type of trade union

-public sector trade union- The Malayan nurses union

-private sector trade union- National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE)

-Employer association- The Malayan Agriculture Producer’s Association (MAPA)

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