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Alexander Kresin Rus Eng

HwGUI 2.21 reference manual
Alexander S.Kresin, October 2018 next

• 1. Introduction
o 1.1. What is HwGUI
o 1.2. History of HwGUI
o 1.3. How to learn HwGUI
• 2. Installation of HwGUI
o 2.1. HwGUI package
o 2.2. How to build HwGUI library (Windows version)
o 2.3. How to build HwGUI library (GTK version)
o 2.4. How to build HwGUI application
• 3. How to use HwGUI
o 3.1. Terminology
o 3.2. Classes, commands and functions
o 3.3. First HwGUI application
o 3.4. Windows in HwGUI. Modal and nomodal.
o 3.5. Controls review.
o 3.6. General information about commands.
o 3.7. General information about classes.
o 3.8. GET-system
o 3.9. Inside HwGUI
o 3.10. Using the UNICODE
• 4. Commands
o 4.1. Commands for windows and dialogs handling
o 4.2. Menu commands
o 4.3. Commands for controls handling
o 4.4. Get system commands
o 4.5. Print commands
• 5. Functions
o 5.1. Common dialogs
o 5.2. MessageBoxes and HwGUI dialogs
o 5.3. Drawing functions.
o 5.4. Windows handling functions.
o 5.5. Controls handling functions.
o 5.6. Menu functions.
o 5.7. Windows registry.
o 5.8. Miscellaneous functions.
o 5.A. Functions, not included in documentation
• 6. Classes
o 6.1. Class hierarchy
• 7. Utilities
o 7.1. Designer
o 7.2. Tutorial
o 7.3. Visual debugger
o 7.4. Editor
o 7.5. Dbc
o 7.6. Binary container manager
• 8. Contrib
o 8.1. ActiveX
o 8.2. QHTM
▪ 8.2.1. Overview
▪ 8.2.2. Commands
▪ 8.2.3. Functions
• 9. License
• 10. About the author

1. Introduction

1.1. What is HwGUI

HwGUI is an add-on library for Harbour and xHarbour, intended
for creating GUI applications. There are two versions of HwGUI -
Win32 version, which is based on direct calls of Win32 API, and
GTK version, which uses GTK2 library and can be used under any
platform where GTK is implemented ( Linux, Windows, probably
MacOS ).
Most of GUI frameworks, not only for Harbour, but for other
languages, too, which are based on third-party libraries, use these
libraries on all supported operating systems. That is, if any
framework is based, say, on the QT, it uses QT for both Windows
and Linux. HwGUI key feature is that Windows version uses the
native WinAPI - no need to additional mega-ton dlls for every, even
the simplest application; it works faster as there are no additional
layers between your code and WinAPI. At the same time, for other
operating systems, ( Linux - first of all), GTK engine is used. But
the Harbour code remains the same.
While developing HwGUI I tried to hide from the end user -
Harbour programmer technical details of API calls and to build a set
of commands and functions, which could allow easily create and
manage GUI objects.

1.2. History of HwGUI

I began to work on HwGUI in August 2001 and the first version
was released on August 21. Of course, one of sources of inspiration
for me was Fivewin of Antonio Linares - the only at that time GUI
library for Harbour.
My initial intention was to create a small and fast GUI lib mainly
for my own needs. And already in October I had wrote the first
small application with HwGUI for my firm, it reads the databases,
created and managed with the accounting system, generates some
documents and sends them by fax.
Firstly, from the initial release and til the 1.3 HwGUI didn't use
the OOP paradigm - and I even had declared this as one of HwGUI
features. My main motivations was speed and stability. Harbour's
implementation of classes at that time had some bugs and I didn't
want to add problems to myself. And, of course, access to object's
variables is more slow than access to the array items. OOP is an
additional level and using of it reduces application's performance.
But later I have arrived at a decision to make HwGUI OOP
based - to simplify user interface and make it better structured and
more convenient. So starting from the release 2.0 HwGUI is based
on OOP paradigm.
Since the autumn'2003 HwGUI is hosted by SourceForge, and
there is a group of developers working on it. Thanks to all of them
for participation and contributions.
Yet another important milestone in HwGUI's timeline is a
December,2005 - where a development of GTK version has been
started, so HwGUI became a cross-platform tool.

1.3. How to learn HwGUI

First of all, of course, it is necessary to read this manual - at
least the first 3 sections. Meanwhile, you can skip subsections
Inside HwGUI and Using the UNICODE.
For further study, I strongly recommend utility the Tutorial
utility, located in hwgui/utils/tutorial/. This utility contains an
ordered set of code samples on HwGUI with comments, all of which
can be executed directly from the utility. Moreover, the code placed
in a built-in editor with syntax highliting, you can edit it and
execute immediately, that is, it is the fastest way to check the work
of certain HwGUI constructions, styles, etc. A separate HwGUI
Tutorial package, which doesn't demand HwGUI and Harbour
installed, may be downloaded from HwGUI page.
Compile samples from hwgui/samples/, utilities from hwgui/utils/,
review their code. And, of course, write yourself, write a little more
- it is the best way to learn something. Good luck!

2. Installation of HwGUI

2.1. HwGUI package

HwGUI is distributed as an archive, zip for Windows and tar.gz,
tar.bz2 - for Linux. Currently it doesn't use any setup utility, you
need simply unpack it to any place you want. The archive package
includes following files and directories:

*.hbp,*.hbc - build files for Hbmk
make_b32.bat - command files to build HwGUI
libraries, using Borland C
make_vc.bat - command files to build HwGUI
libraries, using MSVC
make_pc.bat - command files to build HwGUI
libraries, using Pelles C
make_w32.bat - command files to build HwGUI
libraries, using Open Watcom C
makemngw.bat - command files to build HwGUI
libraries, using Mingw
makedll.bat - command files to build HwGUI
dll, using Borland C
install.txt - installation notes
contrib\ - a directory with
contribution modules, which for
various reasons were not
included in the basic sources set

activex\ - sources of HActiveX И HHtml

classes - implementation of ActiveX
ext_controls\- few additional controls
qhtm\ - sources of HQhtm class
doc\ - directory with documentation
image\ - directory with sample image
include\ - directory with HwGUI
headers files
lib\ - directory with HwGUI
samples\ - directory with HwGUI samples
gtk_samples\ - directory with samples for
GTK version
source\ - Hwgui sources
common\ - common sources for both
debug\ - sources of hwgdebug library
editor\ - sources of Hilight и HcEdit
classes - an editor with syntax
procmisc\- set of functions
xml\ - sources of HXMLDoc, HXMLNode
classes - reading and writing of
xml files
gtk\ - GTK version sources
winapi\ - WinAPI version sources
utils\ - directory with utilities
bincnt\ - Binary container manages
dbc\ - Data Base Control
debugger\ - GUI debugger for Harbour
designer\ - The Designer, an utility to
create screen forms and reports
editor\ - A text editor with extended
formatting possibilities
tutorial\ - Interactive HwGUI tutorial.

In binary distributions, build files and sources are absent. in the

source distribution, the lib/ directory is absent - it will be
created during the build process.

2.2. How to build HwGUI library (Windows version)

For a binary distribution this issue isn't actual, of course. So,
we are talking here about the source distribution. Compiling HwGUI
is quite simple - as compiling of any Harbour program.
Harbour programmers may use Hbmk utility (it is absent in
xHarbour). Just run it with hbp files:

hbmk2 hwgui.hbp hbxml.hbp hwgdebug.hbp procmisc.hbp

As a result, ypu will get hwgui, hbxml, hwgdebug and procmisc

libraries in your hwgui/lib/ directory.
You may use also one of command files, included in distribution,
depending of your C compiler. For xHarbour programmers it is the
only way. I prefer it, too, simply because I like to keep control ob
the building process.
Before building the libraries you need to set the HB_PATH
environment variable, it should point to the directory where your
copy of Harbour or xHarbour is. You may set it on your Windows
environment or in the appropriate command ( .bat ) file, including
there a line:

SET HB_PATH=c:\harbour
Then run one of command files depending of the C compiler you use (
make_b32.bat for Borland C, make_pc.bat for Pelles C, make_vc.bat for
MSVC, make_w32.bat for Open Watcom C, makemngw.bat for Mingw ) - this
will build four libraries - hwgui.lib, procmisc.lib, hwg_qhtm.lib and
hbxml.lib. That's all !

2.3. How to build HwGUI library (GTK version)

The sources of GTK version are located in hwgui/source/gtk/
directory. In the same place ypu will find a bash script for
libraries building - build.sh. Before to launch it, you need to
check the Harbour installation. If it was installed using binary deb
or rpm package, Harbour files most likely are placed in
/usr/local/bin, /usr/local/include/harbour, /usr/local/lib/harbour.
In this case you don't need to do any additional work. But if your
Harbour is placed in separate directory, compiled from sources, you
need to set the path to this directory in HB_ROOT environment
variable. You may insert appropriate line in build.sh, for example:

export HB_ROOT=../../..

Now you can run the build.sh and the ready libraries must appear
in hwgui/lib/ directory.

2.4. How to build HwGUI application

Now let talk about compiling and linking GUI programs with
Harbour. HwGUI provides few header files in include/ and four

• hwgui - main HwGUI library;

• hwgdebug - visual debugger library, need to be linked together
with hbdebug for program debugging;
• hbxml - a library of classes for reading/writing xml files, it
is necessary to use forms and reports, created with the
• procmisc - a set of additional functions and HcEdit class.

Hwgdebug, hbxml and procmisc may be used without HwGUI, too.

Besides, there are 3 additional library from contrib/, which may be
linked, if needed:

• hbactivex - a library of classes for ActiveX support;

• hwg_extctrl - few additional controls, extending appropriate
standard controls;
• hwg_qhtm - bindings to qhtm, a simple 3-rd party library for
html rendering.

To build the GUI program, you need to link necessary libraries

and add some options for the C linker - these options are different
for different C systems. For to not write all these manually, HwGUI
distribution includes scripts that solve this task. For those, who
use Hbmk, there is hwgui/hwgui.hbc. Following is a command line to
build some myprog.prg, if your hwgui\ directory is located in

hbmk2 c:\harbour\hwgui\hwgui.hbc myprog.prg

For WinAPI version I recommend always add a file samples\hwgui_xp.rc,
for Windows themes was used:
hbmk2 c:\harbour\hwgui\hwgui.hbc hwgui_xp.rc myprog.prg

For those, who don't use Hbmk, there are command files in
samples\ directory for different C compilers. You may use them to
build sample programs from samples\ or as a templates to build your
For GTK version you may use Hbmk or samples/gtk_samples/build.sh
bash script - probably, you will need to set the HB_ROOT environment
variable, as described in a subsection 2.3. How to build HwGUI library (GTK

3. How to use HwGUI

3.1. Terminology

3.2. Classes, commands and functions

3.3. First HwGUI application

#include "hwgui.ch"

Function Main
Local oMainWnd, oFont
Local aCombo := {"First","Second" }



INIT WINDOW oMainWnd TITLE "Example" ;

FONT oFont ;
ON EXIT {||hwg_MsgYesNo("Really want to quit ?")}

@ 20,10 EDITBOX "Hello, World!" SIZE 200,30

@ 270,10 COMBOBOX aCombo SIZE 100, 150 TOOLTIP


@ 120,60 BUTTON "Close" SIZE 150,30 ;

ON CLICK {||oMainWnd:Close()}

MENU OF oMainWnd
MENUITEM "About" ACTION hwg_MsgInfo("First HwGUI


hwg_writelog( "Program terminated " + Dtoc(Date()) +

" at " + Time() )

First thing you will want to do, I think, is to create the main
window. The best way to do this is the command INIT WINDOW. In this
command you can define initial position and the size of the window,
it's style, icon, background color. You can set also event handlers
- codeblocks, which are evaluated for different events ( INIT, EXIT,
PAINT, SIZE changing, GETFOCUS, LOSTFOCUS and others ).
Then you need to define controls for that window and the main menu (
MENU ... ENDMENU commands), and, at least, activate the window, (
ACTIVATE WINDOW ) show it on the screen. Let analyse the above



At first, we create the font object for the main window. HwGUI
works in such a way, that if a font isn't defined for a control,
this control uses the font, defined for his parent window.


FONT oFont ;
ON EXIT {||hwg_MsgYesNo("Really want to quit ?")}

This command creates main window with the title "Example" and
with previously created font. ON EXIT clause will cause appearance
of a message box, user will need to choose "Yes" to quit the

@ 20,10 EDITBOX "Hello, World!" ;

SIZE 200,30
@ 270,10 COMBOBOX aCombo ;
SIZE 100, 150 TOOLTIP "Combobox"
@ 120,60 BUTTON "Close" ;
SIZE 150,30 ;
ON CLICK {||hwg_EndWindow()}

The above commands creates appropriate controls - Edit, Combobox

and Push Button. ComboBox is initialized with aCombo array, which
was declared before. Button has an event handler defined - closing
the application.

MENU OF oMainWnd
MENUITEM "About" ACTION hwg_MsgInfo("First HwGUI

These commands creates the main menu, which includes the only
item "About".


And, at least, this last command activates the main window. It

appears on the screen with menu and all controls defined. Pay
attention to the important fact: the main window is modal, i.e.,
when it appears on the screen the program stops. This means, that
the lines of the code, which are located after ACTIVATE WINDOW
oMainWnd, will be executed only after the window closes. In our
sample this is a line, which writes date and time to a log:
hwg_writelog( "Program terminated " + Dtoc(Date()) + "
at " + Time() )

You can see that it is added to the file not immediately after
the appearance of the window, but only after it is closed. These
explanations may seem trivial for you, but many programmers just
starting to write GUI applications, have some difficulties with this

3.4. Windows in HwGUI. Modal and nomodal.

3.5. Controls review.

3.6. General information about commands.

3.7. General information about classes.

3.8. GET-system

3.9. Inside HwGUI

From the point of messages handling all HwGUI windows ( and
controls, which, in fact, are windows, too ) may be divided in two
1) The windows, which messages are handled by HwGUI.
2) The windows, which messages are handled by Windows API
The first group includes main, mdi, child windows and dialogs and such
controls as ( I will use the appropriate classes names ) HBrowse,
HEdit, HStaticLink, HOwnButton, HPanel, HRichEdit, HSplitter, HTab,
The second - all other controls, such as HStatic, HStatus, HButton,
HGroup, HCheckButton, etc.
Handling of messages for the first group is implemented in the
following way:
Window ( control ) creation functions stores the pointer to the
appropriate HwGUI object in a window extra memory, granted by
Windows API - by calling the function SetWindowObject(). Besides,
the window creation functions sets the pointer to the window
procedure ( an application-defined function that processes messages
sent to a window ). This is implemented by setting the pointer in
WNDCLASS structure ( see, for example, HWG_INITMAINWINDOW(),
HWG_REGBROWSE() ) or by redefinition the window procedure (
Thus, all windows of a first group has special messages processing
procedures ( MainWndProc(), WinCtrlProc(), ... ), while messages for
windows of a second groups are processed by Windows API internally.
The messages processing procedure extracts the pointer to
appropriate HwGUI object from a window extra memory and calls the
:onEvent method for this object.
The :onEvent method may process the message itself, or pass it to
the super method, or, returning -1, pass it to the default Windows
API procedure.
For example, the HStatic and HStatus are a second group controls,
i.e. messages to this control aren't processed by HwGUI - that's why
Windows doesn't process notifications, messages for it child
So, if you want to create ontop of them other controls, they are two
1) create a new class, derived from HStatic and make it a
control of a first group ( store a object pointer and
redefine the window procedure )
2) use as a place holder for a button not HStatic or
HStatus, but, for example, the HPanel. Hpanel is a general
purpose control, which I use and recommend you to use for
such purposes.

3.10. Using the Unicode

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