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Chapter 7: Creating a New Country

Grade 7
Social Studies

March 27th – April 15th, 2019

Springbank Middle School

Miss McGovern

Table of Contents

Title Page…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….…….….1

Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………………………….…..………..2


Unit Objective and Skills Required…………………………………………………………………………..……….3

Unit Overview………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……4-5

Assessment Description/Key/Rubric…………………..………………………..……………………………...6-7

Materials ………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………….………8

Sample Lesson Plan 1.……………………………………………………………………………………….….......9-10

Sample Lesson Plan 2…………….……………………………….…………………………………………….….11-13


This unit on Chapter 7: Creating a New Country, is all about helping the students to understand
our political past, and how it contributed the beautiful country we live in today. By the end of
this chapter, the students should have a better understanding of how we became Canada, and
how far we still had to go to get to where we are today. As citizens of this country, it is
important to understand our Canadian identity, and how we can make a difference. In order to
make a difference, we first need to understand what situation we are in. Not everyone pays
attention to politics, nor do they appreciate their right to vote. This is a right that we as a
society have worked very hard for over the years. Thus, the more that we educate the younger
generation, the more likely they are to exercise their rights and feel confident enough to make
a change when they feel that things are going sideways within our political realm. The Grade 7
Program of Studies (POS) specifically mentions that by the end of the year, the students should
understand and appreciate how Canada has evolved. As well as, how these events have
affected our citizenship and identity over time.

Unit Objective

Students will be able to explain how Canada became an official country.

Skills Required to Achieve It

Dimensions of Thinking → Lesson 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Research for Deliberative Inquiry → Lesson 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10

Communication → Lesson 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Each of these skills involves work with the GLOs and SLOs that are outlined in the Grade 7
Program of Studies (POS).

Unit Overview

Lesson 1 –
Get the students to answer questions while watching a video on John A. McDonald.
Summary of where Canada’s identity is at, Who John A. McDonald is, Video and Sheet
Chapter 7: Creating a New Country (Grade 7) 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.6, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3

Lesson 2 –
Get the students to answer questions while watching a movie on John A. McDonald.
Continuation of the video and filling out the sheet
Chapter 7: Creating a New Country (Grade 7) 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.6, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3

Lesson 3 –
Get the students to finish the sheet and hand it in.
Finish the movie, finish the sheet, hand it in, if there is time then introduce some info on Ch. 7
Chapter 7: Creating a New Country (Grade 7) 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.6, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3

Lesson 4 –
Get the students to teach each other what they learned.
3-5 things that they learned about John A. MacDonald, Assign 2 pages to each group with a time limit, at
the end of the time, they have to come up to the front of the class to teach everyone what they learned
Chapter 7: Creating a New Country (Grade 7) 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.6, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3, 7.2.5, 7.2.6

Lesson 5 –
Get the students to repeat the information back to me.
Interactive Lecture, 1 min. Video, Lecture, Questions
Chapter 7: Creating a New Country (Grade 7) 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.6, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3, 7.2.5, 7.2.6

Lesson 6 –
Get the students to compose their role-play project in groups.
Introduce project, rehearsal for presentation on the 10 th
Chapter 7: Creating a New Country (Grade 7) 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.6, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3, 7.2.5, 7.2.6

Lesson 7 –
Get the students to compose their role-play project in groups.
Groups may plan and rehearse for their presentation
Chapter 7: Creating a New Country (Grade 7) 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.6, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3, 7.2.5, 7.2.6

Lesson 8 –
Get the students to compose their role-play project in groups.
Last day of group rehearsal for presentations the next day
Chapter 7: Creating a New Country (Grade 7) 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.6, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3, 7.2.5, 7.2.6

Lesson 9 –
Project presentations

Lesson 10 –
Student have the class to study for their quiz on the 15th

Lesson 11 –
Chapter Quiz, students may read afterwards

Assessment Description / Checklist / Key / Rubrics

Students will be formatively assessed every class. They will receive a mark of Mastery, Advancing,
Progressing, Emerging, Beginning, or Limited in the respected column of PowerSchool. This is dependent
on their participation/ensemble marks in class, as well as the extent to which they complete their
assignments. Notes may be made regarding the student’s ensemble marks, as well as the progress they
make as classes continue. These notes will contribute to their report card feedback at the end of the
term. Feedback may consist of how they contributed to the class, where they are at with their learning,
and how they could progress from there. Verbal feedback will also be given to the students throughout
the year.

Assignments that are summatively assessed, will be graded through the same 6 levels of assessment on
PowerSchool, as mentioned above.

Ex. PowerSchool Summative Mark → Chapter Quiz

Name Final Mark

Last name, Samuel 17/30 BEG

Last name, Freya 24/30 ADV
Last name, Chandi 29/30 MAS
Last name, Mason 15/30 BEG
Last name, Patrick 30/30 MAS
Last name, Deanna 26/30 ADV
Last name, Sofia 30/30 MAS
Last name, Gillian 11/30 LIM
Last name, Allison 20/30 EMG
Last name, Maya 24/30 ADV
Last name, Memphis 27/30 MAS
Last name, Oscar 26/30 ADV

Academic Achievement Reporting Key

Level of Understanding Academic Achievement

Mastering (MAS) 90+ Can apply the learning to complex tasks independently.
Advancing (ADV) 80+ Can apply the learning to increasingly difficult tasks with prompts.
Progressing (PRG) 70+ Can apply the learning to moderate tasks with support.
Emerging (EMG) 60+ Can apply the learning to basic tasks with guidance.
Beginning (BEG) 50+ Can apply the learning to simple tasks with direction.
Limited (LIM) 0-49 Cannot yet apply the learning to simple tasks. Extensive support required.
IE Insufficient evidence to accurately assess progress
NA Not applicable to this term
IPP Please see your child’s Individual Program Plan
ELL Please see your child’s English Language Learner Assessment

Ex. Rubric → Confederation Role-Play Project

Group Members: ______________________________________________

Criteria 5 4 3 – 3.5 2.5 0-2

Mastering Adv. Progressing Beg. Limited Insufficient/
/Emerging Blank

Content -Issues Mostly -Some issues A few -Very little of There is

Accuracy surrounding surrounding the issues insufficient
Confederation Confederation surrounding evidence of
clearly were presented Confederation
presented and and were were
explained somewhat presented and
thoroughly explained based on the
-Word choice is Most -Word choice had A few -Word choice of the task.
respectful, some significance lacks
meaningful, and meaning significance
and significant and meaning

Enthusiasm -Enthusiastic Mostly -Some enthusiasm A bit Included the

/ presentation was shown of bare
Participation minimum of
-All group Most -Some members
A few information
members participated
that was
equally required,
almost all
info. was


Voices and Visions: A Story of Canada

by Daniel Francis → Grade 7 Social Studies Textbook → digital version

Movie on John A. MacDonald → A Birth of a Country → 1 hr 30 min

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcACdpePyiM

Lesson Plan 1 – Ch. 7
Grade/Subject: 7 / Social Studies – Chapter 7: Creating a New Country
Teacher: Miss McGovern
Date: March 27th, 28th, April 1st, 2019
Learning Objective(s):

-Get the students to answer questions while watching a video on John A. MacDonald

GLOs and SLOs:

7.1, 7.2

7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.5, 7.1.6
7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3, 7.2.5

-Observations during class
-Worksheet for understanding


Chapter 7: Creating a New Country from the textbook Voices and Visions: A Story of Canada by Daniel Francis

PROCEDURE (45 min.)

Introduction (5 min.)

Get everyone to come in, have them pull out the tables and chairs.

Good afternoon! We are starting a NEW CHAPTER TODAY! Chapter 7 is here and he is ready to get learnt!

Todaaaaay, we will be watching a movie about John A. MacDonald. You will also be filling out questions on a sheet as
you watch it.

Body (35 min.)

Sum up of where we are:

-we had Upper and Lower Canada
-then Lord Durham came in and convinced the British government to unite the 1 so that they could get rid of the
French language in Quebec
-The Act of Union in 1841 created one colony → made up of Canada East (Lower) and Canada West (Upper)
-OVERALL: we did end up with a Responsible Government in British North America → Leg. Assembly, Leg. and Exec.
Councils, and Governor ACTUALLY followed through with what they people wanted (reasonably)

Who was John A. MacDonald???

-Canada’s FIRST EVER Prime Minister

-Known for bringing about Confederation → the permanent union of countries with some sort of central power
(MacDonald) → Canada became a Confederation in 1867 → MacDonald helped to create Canada
-Also known for helping to create the Canadian Pacific Railway

Movie (1 hr 30 min)
Students have a worksheet to fill out as the movie goes along.

Conclusion (5 min.)

Pause the video, and say that: this is where we will be stopping today. You will finish the movie tomorrow, and finish
your sheets as well.

For the last few minutes of class, I wanted to give you back your tests. Please remind me of who is not here as I call
out your names to come get your test from me.

Please keep this in your binders so that you do not lose them! You can use them for studying later on!


Lesson Plan 2 – Ch. 7
Grade/Subject: 7 / Social Studies – Chapter 7: Creating a New Country
Teacher: Miss McGovern
Date: April 2nd, 2019
Learning Objective(s):

-Get the students to teach each other what they learned

GLOs and SLOs:

7.1, 7.2

7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.6
7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3, 7.2.5, 7.2.6

-Observations during class
-Students in groups, taught the class what they learned


Chapter 7: Creating a New Country from the textbook Voices and Visions: A Story of Canada by Daniel Francis

PROCEDURE (45 min.)

Introduction (5 min.)

Get everyone to come in, have them pull out the tables and chairs.

Good afternoon! We are finished the movie about John A. Macdonald, which means that we are going to slam
through Chapter 7’s information!

Todaaaaay, I will give you a quick introduction to what Ch. 7 is all about, and then I will assign your table groups
something that will remain a mystery for now!

Body (35 min.)

3-5 Things you learned about John A. MacDonald

-Ask the class about things they learned about him from the video and the sheets they had to fill out

In Class Assignment
-In your table groups, I will assign you 2 pages of the textbook to read AS A GROUP
-As you read, pick out key/important points to write down in a document → things that you learn from these pages
-You will have until 2:45pm to read these pages and write down what you learned from them
-Then, we will regroup and one table at a time, you will come up to the front of the class and tell us all what you

-Please hand in your doc into google classroom so that other people can have access to your information as study

1st Group: Pg. 146-147

-Government = the way that societies organize themselves to make decisions and get things done
-Democracy = the people hold the power; the people get to vote on what they want to happen with nationwide
-Representative democracy = citizens get to elect people to make decisions for them in representation of what they
want → the representatives make decisions in the best interest of the people (what is best for them?)
-Governor General / Prime Minister chooses some representatives to work with him/her, known as the Cabinet
-Canada has a responsible government because the Cabinet answers to the elected representatives in the House of
-The House of Commons representatives are elected by the people / general population
-This process of becoming Canada began over 150 years ago
-Confederation = how and why the colonies created a new country in 1867 → what is confederation??

2nd Group: Pg. 149-150

--By 1858, there were 7 colonies in BNA
-Each colony had its own history / unique identity
-Things they all had in common: all part of the British Empire, all had parliaments (a legislative body of government;
House of Commons; people elected to make laws), First Nations people lived in every colony except for Canada East
(mostly British)
-By the 1850’s, people wondered how many things they really had in common with other colonists, and about if they
would be stronger as one unit
-What led them to think about union: political deadlock in Canada, shifting trade, defending BNA
-People were unhappy with the political system
-Upper and Lower Canada TOGETHER, were called The Province of Canada → they had just 1 Assembly between
-English majority in Canada West = Canadiens being outvoted in the East
-Canadiens talked about dividing The Province of Canada
-Louis-Hippolyte LaFontaine → Reformer who disagreed with the splitting of Canada, thought he could make the
system work for the Canadiens, big supporter of French language rights, often spoke French in the Assembly even
though he was supposed to speak English, knew that the English were divided into the Reformers and the
Tories/Conservatives, joined forces with Robert Baldwin to make the “Great Ministry” and together they developed
laws to improve life in Canada

3rd Group: Pg. 151-152

4th Group: Pg. 153-154

5th Group: Pg. 155-156

6th Group: Pg. 157-158

At 2:45pm
-Call up groups one by one to present what they learned to the class
-Got 15 minutes to get through all of them
-If there is extra time, they can hand in their documents to google classroom

Conclusion (5 min. or less)

Make sure you put your document up on Google Classroom so that other people can have access to it for studying
later on.

Once you are finished, you can put away your Social stuff, and get out your Math.



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