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where P is the power required to maintain this motion,τ is the torque driving
the motion, and ω is the angular velocity of the motion. Very useful for motors
of every description.

Dovetailing nicely with Winton's analogy above, you should keep in mind that
rotational and linear motion are analogous to each other. For instance:

Linear motion talks about Force, F. Rotational motion talks about Torque, τ.
Linear motion talks about Mass, m. Rotational motion talks about Mass
Moment of Inertia, I.

Linear motion talks about Velocity, v. Rotational motion talks about Angular
Velocity, ω.
So, in linear motion, power is defined as:

P=Work/Time=Force *Distance/Time
But hey, distance/time is velocity, so:

SO, if the rotational equivalent of force is Torque, and the rotational
equivalent of Velocity is Angular Velocity, then for rotational motion we have:


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