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Android Training and Placement system automates activities of Training and
placement cell and place the best coordination between student.It provide
student community to use collective intelligence to increase selection ratio and
eases out process of creation of management information automatically. Online
Training and Placement focuses on automation of placement cell.Authorising the
CV, communicating about the various job openings to the student community,
managing the corporate relationship for inviting them for the placements as well
other activities, monitoring the progress of the selection process and
communicating with different users.


In today’s world everyone is travelling for jobs after Completion of their

graduation. It has became need for each and every student ,butfor
thatthey need to travel worldwide in searching of jobs.For simplicity of
this whole hectic procedures we had proposed Online Training and
Placement System because of earlier system is totally done manually by
maintaining records,time consuming and very difficult to maintain
coordination between student and companies. In our proposed you will
save time as well as money as its web based application.We can collect
information of all college students and fetch them according to criteria
given by company. We have three modules Admin/Training and
Placement Officer(TPO),Student,Company. Admin has full access
reserved over the system.Student’s can mainly upload their CV and can
download resources by Admin/TPO and Company.Company can register
and give their criteria for placement.
Objectives of the Project:
 To manage final year student details
 To maintain Recruiting Company Details
 To provide Jobs & Placement Alerts
 To provide previous Aptitude and technical question papers
 To provide other related study material to help for placement
 To provide an option to upload resume
 To provide an quick quiz option to evaluate themselves for
 To provide an User Friendly Interface
 To create user authorization to provide security
Existing System:
In the current system placement cells are maintaining all the records
manually using record excel or files etc. It is very tedious process and
time consuming and there are lots of chances of losing the data or
calculation errors, data missing etc.Students don’t have easy access
to study material and placement notifications.

Problems in Existing System:

 Takes more time
 Erroneous
 Manually Maintained
 Less Security
 Chances of Data missing or lost
 More human resources required to maintain

Proposed Solution:
To overcome the disadvantage of the existing system we are
developing android application for the Placement Preparation to make
it easy for students to access study materials and placement
notification and their hand.
Advantages of Proposed Solution:
 Saves Time
 Error Free
 Maintained Online through application
 Highly Secured
 Very Minimal chances of losing data
 Less human resources required to maintain.


ADMIN Uploads Downloads STUDENT
Check CV APP


Hardware Requirements

Processor Any Processor

RAM 1GB and above

Memory Card Not Required

Software Requirements

Operating System Android


Hardware Requirements
Processor Pentium 4 and above

RAM 512MB and above

Hard Disk 40GB and above

Software Requirements

Operating System Windows 2000 or Windows XP/8/9/10 or Linux

IDE Android Studio

Programming Language PHP,JAVA

Web Server WAMP Server

Database MySql

IDE Dreamveawer

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