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QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE LINUX COMMANDS Table of Contents BB system B Heraware BB siatistics ZB users B Fite commands JB ProcessRelated File Permission Related B Network Bd compression Archives J install Package BB search BW Login (ssh and teinet) WD Fite transfer J diskvsage PSB [oeector averse ‘GUIDE FOR LINUX COMMANDS! e LINOXIDE.COM ee OS) # uname -a # uname —r # cat /etciredhat_release # uptime # hostname # hostname -| # last reboot # whoami # finger user # Display linux system information # Display kernel release information # Show which version of redhat installed # Show how long the system has been running + load # Show system host name # Display the IP address of the host # Show system reboot history # Show the current date and time # Show this month calendar # Display who is online # Who you are logged in as # Display information about user Pa dala sd # dmesg # cat /prociepuinfo # cat /procimeminfo # free -m # Ispei -tv # lsusb -tv #Ishal # dmidecode # hdparm -I /Jdevisda #hdparm tT /devisda # badblocks -s /dev/sda # Detected hardware and boot messages # CPU model # Hardware memory # Used and free memory (-m for MB) # Show PCI devices # Show USB devices # Show a list of all devices with their properties # Show DMISMBIOS: hw info from the BIOS # Show info about disk sda # Do a read speed test on disk sda # Test for unreadable blocks on disk sda #iostat 2 # tail -n 500 /varllogimessages “Guide For Linux Commande" RUM) # Display and update the top cpu processes # Display processors related statistics # Display virtual memory statistios # Display I/O statistics (2sec Intervals) # Last 10 kernel/sysiog messages e LINOXIDE.COM

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