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1. To see is a function of ….

a. Eyebrows
b. Eye
c. Eyelid
d. Eyelashes
Answer: B
2. To smell is function of ….
a. Nose hair
b. Nostril
c. Fill the nose
d. Nose
Answer: D
3. To bite and eat food is function of ….
a. Tooth
b. Canine tooth
c. Teeth
d. Molar
Answer: C
4. Which includes body organs on the face are, except ….
a. Eye
b. Nose
c. Neck
d. Mouth
Answer: C
5. The task of the nurse profession is ….
a. Treating patients and making nursing care
b. Diagnose disease
c. Document record patient
d. Help born to a baby
Answer: A
6. Classification pain there are 3. Scala moderate pain is ….
a. 0-3
b. 3-5
c. 4-6
d. 6-10
Answer: C
7. If someone wants to know blood pressure, then medical equipment used is ….
a. Thensimeter
b. Thensimeter and stethoscope
c. Thermometer
d. Tourniquet
Answer: B
8. The unit resulting from the examination of blood pressure is ….
a. gr
b. mg
c. mcg
d. mmHg
Answer: D
9. If someone wants to know temperature, then medical equipment used is ….
a. Handschoon
b. Aseptic gel
c. Thermometer
d. Manometer
Answer: C
10. The unit resulting from the examination of body temperature in Indonesian is ….
a. Celcius
b. Fahrenheit
c. Celvin
d. F
Answer: A
11. Pict below is a waring sign ….

a. Emergency cleaning eye

b. Emergency medicine
c. Emergency heart scared
d. Emergency clinic
Jawab: C

12. Pict below is waring sign ….

a. To the right
b. To the under
c. To the left
d. To the on
Jawab: C

13. Pict below is waring sign ….

a. Five intersection
b. Cross road
c. T-junction
d. Round about
Jawab: C

14. Pict below is waring sign ….

a. Five intersection
b. Cross road
c. T-junction
d. Round about
Jawab: D

15. Show hour is ….

a. Ten minutes past two
b. Ten minutes to two
c. Two o’clock
d. A half to two
Jawab: B

16. Holiday on the day ….

a. Sunday
b. Monday
c. Tuesday
d. Wednesday
Answer: A
17. How many days in a week?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Five
d. Seven
Answer: D
18. Indepence day right on the month ….
a. January
b. August
c. March
d. December
Answer: B
19. Pancasila day is right on the month ….
a. January
b. Juny
c. July
d. May
Answer: B
20. The day after Tuesday is ….
a. Monday
b. Friday
c. Wednesday
d. Saturday
Answer: C

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