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As we all know advertisement do play a big role in making a product profitable for the company
about also it meets with the consumer who do they do this by colorful entertaining advertisement
which help them to know these products do excite in market and wants your share of attention.
The people which works in these advertising agents are constantly encourage to have creativity
and knowledge of how to be so effective that the product and the ad stuck into prospect mind so
that when he sees the product, he could recall it and best way to use it to find the best media vehicle
that have great usage in the target audience. This assignment will show how food beverages are
successful epically food items like biscuit in Pakistan.

Market in Pakistan

In Asia we can see that most of the houses in decision making is dominated by men and its been
going on where father makes all the decision whether it’s about the financial or child health and
his exposure to television. So, in Pakistan they should be very careful when with the message that
has been created for children so that the influence which they want on their audience shouldn’t be
negative. When advertiser should food snakes on tv it may trigger the unhealthy food demand from
chidden and their buying or eating behavior.

My assignment is on the colorful advertising of biscuit product specially from the CPL Oreo. As
well all know biscuit market in Pakistan is ever growing it’s a snake which is consumed by all
ages they may love it so much that they forget the balanced nutritional facts about the product.
Biscuit is an unhealthy snack which contain a lot of sugar, sodium etc. but that is ignored because
biscuit concussion pattern is strongly associated with personal consumption and social display like
when inviting friends of relatives for tea party or any occasion the best and common thing which
they offer is the biscuits. This pattern helped consumer build a perspective that its everyday life to
ideal a perfect moment.


The brand which is strongly associated with this assignment is the biscuit called Oreo which is
almost 100s year old and is known and loved by all over the world even we know about this brand
before it launched in Pakistan because of over exposure to international media. Because it so
success all over the world generate almost 2,3 billion dollars in sales and it want its presence all
over the world. Before the official launch of the brand in 2006 it was still available in Pakistan
market through another source. When it was officially launched by CBL and made its presence in
competitive brands like rio or prince but it was kind of good thing because Pakistan is a big biscuit
consumer and having this new product was a fresh air to breath. So, when it was available to
Pakistan which is still a developing country the finest cookies in the world with affordable price
with the same quality as rest of the world was a treat to the average consumer. To maintain the
taste and the quality CBL invested almost 1 billion rupees and open its plant in sukkur. CBL is the
biggest brucite manufacture in Pakistan with the market share of almost 30 %

Designing Ad Campaign

As a marketer I do know that when it comes to sweet and tasty snakes my biggest target audience
is the kids. So when designing an ad for the product like Oreo biscuit the theme of that ad should
be light and colorful and also meaningful. As such design was created which was called “Oreo
princess Campaign” which was such a delight for watch and was the reason for putting smiles on
million on face all over the country which had a heartwarming execution. This ad campaign had a
very attractive concept which automatically connect emotionally with the audience in a very short
span of time. This ad campaign shows a very beautiful and cute relationship between a father and
daughter. It featured a Pakistani television actor Fahad Mirza who played a loving father. The
father and daughter duo share loving moments over an Oreo the dialogue delivered in that ad was
Twist, lick and dunk got so popular that every person of all ages was recreating it in their home or

Elements used in connecting with the target audience.

The connection the Oreo used was emotions by showing parents love with their child and to
promotes family togetherness. The audience found the father daughter due cheche and
heartwarming. The ad ended on the appealing note leaving consumer feeling emotionally
connected with the brand. The second element that they target was the socio-economic classes
mainly in urban area with the core market of targeting children and teenagers which help them
ensure that the kids will be the brand advocates in the future caring the tradition TLD routine which
was made them bond with the brand. The parents also loved when their children were repeating
the scene from the tv. This symbolic routine from Oreo brought families tighter.

Advertising copy

Advertising copy is something that include the elements of advertising message weather its printed
or broadcast on tv or radio. The Oreo advertising copy is “only Oreo” which tell us that it should
be your number choose when it comes to choosing a biscuit brand because you don’t just eat an
Oreo you enjoy it.

What media vehicle to consider

Choosing the best median vehicle is the important job of advertising agencies. With a lot of
advertising spending Oreo advertising team made sure that their brand was present to consumer in
the big cities and urban areas. They made sure to use that best vehicles to promote their brand and
also combines strategy of marketing communication. From using billboard to flyer, it was like
Oreo was using every medium that they could put their brand on. Oreo team didn’t leave any
medium alone. The billboard did play a big role in ads and it was the main focuses when they were
launching their brand in 2006 telling their audience that its available to buy in their nearest store.
The ad was displayed on the biggest billboard available in the big cities’ areas. When the princess
campaign got trendy, they changed all of those ads to focus on that practical ad because it was
loved by the audience so just to remind them about the product and the brand they used in the
billboard and also cardboards etc. while the short billboard focused on the twist lick and dunk tag
line. The same concepts was used in the print ads which was seen in newspaper and magazine
specially those with kids contents. The radio also showed the audio version of the ads which was
show in the tv. The concept of tv ad were global trends.

However, the team concentrated largely amount of time on out of home which were billboards and
television commercial. Oreo bombards Karachi with billboards and TVC. They also carried out
several mall activities to attract consumers, increase awareness and generate trial. The big mall
activations were focused on children with several games and prizes. Highlighting the twist-dunk-
eat concept in brand’s colors blue and white. Oreo also partnered with movies and tv shows when
the movie Transformers launch which was the biggest movie of 2014 in which they initiated
themed packaging. This was a global deal that was also carried out locally. The brand was
extremely active on social media during that campaign. They had an official page with the name
of Oreo Pakistan that captures the Facebook audience and engages them in various ways like been
seen on the side of the Facebook or 5 sec clips. They also carried out several contests and informed
the consumers about the ongoing activations like quizzes or speech competition. In addition to
these, the team went active on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

media vehicle to choose

this brand is accosted with chidden that like sweet beverage specially like Oreo. What will be the
most reliable media I think that would be television specially the the kids’ channel like carton
network or nickelodeon which the children spend almost 4 hours a day which give opportunity for
brands like Oreo to show their ads. Because of the great influence of children over their parents
give our brand to increase sale and happened to chidden which mean that their parents are also
happy. Due to its big production, distribution investments and marketing, Oreo is expected to see
more demands and growth in market for biscuits. Its strong global brand name will be an important
contribution to the factor to its success.

Reason Behind Success.

The best reason is the connection of the brand with the audience creating an effective ad which
helped the brand and the investment in different vehicles like print or tv or radio etc. and also the
international standard which was promise and delivered.

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