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Table of Contents
Table of Figures........................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Creating Pivot Table ................................................................................................................................... 5
Working with Pivot Table Fields ............................................................................................................... 8
Filters ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Rows ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Columns ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Values ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Grouping Data........................................................................................................................................... 11
Grouping Data for Other than Dates .................................................................................................. 11
Grouping Data for Dates ...................................................................................................................... 12
Updating Data in Pivot Table .................................................................................................................. 14
Creating Pivot Chart ................................................................................................................................ 14

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Table of Figures
Figure 1. Pivot Table .................................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2. Creating Pivot Table ..................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3. Pivot Table Fields ......................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4. Four areas of Fields ...................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 5. Example of filter ........................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 6. Filtering ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 7. Field Row ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 8. Field Columns and the results..................................................................................................... 10
Figure 9. Field Values and the results ........................................................................................................ 10
Figure 10. Grouping ................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 11. Setting grouping ....................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 12. Grouping results ....................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 13. Grouping data for dates ............................................................................................................ 13
Figure 14. Grouping results for dates ......................................................................................................... 13
Figure 15. Refresh ...................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 16. Changing data source................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 17. Creating Pivot Chart ................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 18. Pivot Chart ................................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 19. Using Slicer .............................................................................................................................. 16

Modul 5 PTI Excel – Data Visualization and Pivot Table 3

One of the problems that we often encounter in our daily lives is dealing with big data—they could
contain different types of columns and we have to analyze them. For that, you need to find a way
to analyze big data.

In doing an analysis, there are some necessary steps. Grouping, sorting, and processing data
however we need to. Microsoft Excel has served some features such as sorting, filtering, and data
analytics. However, if you think that they are not enough, then you’ll need another feature: Pivot

Pivot Table is a table that sums up data on tables in a worksheet by applying certain operation such
as data sorting, average, or grouping. It is an interactive table that can display a big data summary
in a short time, with a lot of forms and calculations per item. This feature is really essential to
summarize, analyze, and present data. Presenting data can be done without doing a lot of formulas
in Microsoft Excel.

Look at the figure below!

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Figure 1. Pivot Table

The data you input is shown on the left, while the Pivot Table results are shown on the right.

Creating Pivot Table

Select all the data you wish to be made into Pivot Table in your spreadsheet. Open the tab Insert,
go to menu Pivot Table. Click OK and Pivot Table will be created in a new sheet.

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Figure 2. Creating Pivot Table

Excel will move to the new sheet to create Pivot Table. On the right is Report Builder that is used
to modify created Pivot Table. On Report Builder / Pivot Table Fields, there are some field settings
to manage the data you wish to be shown in Row, Column, Value, or Filter.

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Figure 3. Pivot Table Fields

If there are some problems in creating Pivot Table, make sure you check these things.

1. Every column must have a header.

2. Input the target rows.

Here are the explanations of areas in Pivot Table Fields.

1. FILTERS: we fill in this area with the field we use as a filter reference that will filter data
in the pivot table we’ve created
2. COLUMNS: contains fields that will be organized horizontally / usually contains header
for data shown in pivot table
3. ROWS: contains fields that will be organized vertically in the left side of pivot table area
4. VALUE: contains fields that will determine which data will be shown in pivot table area,
usually in the form of numbers

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Working with Pivot Table Fields
You can do drag and drop field from one of four areas: Filters, Columns, Rows, and Values. These
occupied boxes will create Pivot Table.

Figure 4. Four areas of Fields

When you want to insert a Field to a Filter area, Pivot Table will add an option to do filtering on
that column.

Figure 5. Example of filter

On the figure above, on the top-right of Pivot Table lays a box named Client, which is a filter from
Pivot Table that has been created. When you click the dropdown, there are several types you can
choose on the list (can be more than one).

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Figure 6. Filtering

Rows are values that will be analyzed in Pivot Table. You can make two or more rows on a Pivot

Figure 7. Field Row

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Doing drag and drop a field to Columns area will create different columns for each value in data.
Using the combination of rows and columns, you can get more information from the data you

Figure 8. Field Columns and the results

Values from Pivot Table will be more informative if there are values inputted in Values area.
Values area doesn’t work like the other areas. This area is prepared for numeric values e.g. sum,
count, and average. When you insert a field in Values, if the field is nonnumeric, the data shown
will be a Count for each item. If you insert numeric field, the data shown will be Sum for default.

Figure 9. Field Values and the results

If you want to change values, right click the Pivot Table and choose Summarize Values By. Then,
choose the type of calculation you want.

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Grouping Data
If the data in Field Rows organized in Pivot Table are so long, you can summarize them with data
grouping. You can group the data into a few categories, e.g. months and years.

Grouping Data for Other than Dates

To group data automatically, do the following steps.

1. Right click on one of the rows or columns on the Pivot Table.

2. Choose menu “Group".

Figure 10. Grouping

3. A dialog box will show up, containing suggestion of ranges of number grouping.
4. Set the range however you like.

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Figure 11. Setting grouping

5. Click OK.

This figure below shows an example of grouping results.

Figure 12. Grouping results

Grouping Data for Dates

You can categorize your data in Pivot Field based on time range: days, months, and years. Here
are the steps to do the grouping.

1. Right click on one of the row/column fields.

2. On the popup menu, choose “Group”.

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3. A dialog box appears.
4. Set the type of grouping as you need. For the data type, we can categorize a few types at
once e.g. by Months and by Years.

Figure 13. Grouping data for dates

5. Click OK.

Here is the example of grouping results.

Figure 14. Grouping results for dates

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Updating Data in Pivot Table
One of the advantages in using Pivot Table is updating data easily when the data source is dynamic.
If the data source is in the form of a table, we can only do Refresh to update our data. Refresh can
be found in Pivot Table Tools -> Analyze -> Data Group -> Refresh.

Figure 15. Refresh

Another way is if the data source is static, we need to adjust the data source’s range. This can be
done in the menu Pivot Table Tools -> Analyze -> Data Group -> Change Data Source. Next, you
need to input the new data range that will be used as data source.

Figure 16. Changing data source

Creating Pivot Chart

Pivot chart is a visualization of pivot table that can represent your data. The feature Pivot Chart in
Excel is used to create a chart instantly through pivot table. After the pivot table is created, select
the whole table. Next, click PivotChart in the ribbon Insert.

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Figure 17. Creating Pivot Chart

Here is the final pivot chart.

Figure 18. Pivot Chart

You can change the data shown in Pivot Chart by clicking every box in Pivot Chart.

While doing the data, you can use the feature Slicer. It functions similarly like Filters. To create
a slicer, click the button Insert Slicer.

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After that, you can choose the items to be the slicer. In this example we’ll use Country as a

Figure 19. Using Slicer

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