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Int. I. Impact Engng Vol. 5. pp. 501-507, 1987 0734-743X;87 $3.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain Pergamon Journals Ltd.



J. E. Osher, H. H. Chau, G. R, Gathers,

R. S. Lee', and R. C. Weingart

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

University of California, Livermore, CA 94550


The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 100-kV electric gun has been used to launch fiat-plate projectiles for use in studies of spall
and hyp2ervelocity impact penetration of thin plates. [mpactors were 0.3-ram thick Kapton with dimensions and velocities ranging from
100 mm at 4 km/s to 10 mm 2 at 18 km/s. A Fabry-Perot laser velocimeter, an electronic streak camera, and a flash x ray were used as
diagnostics of the flyer-plate impact on the selected specimen. Experiments generally included the recovery of the remnant specimen
and fragments for detailed examination, permitting a study of incipient spall, onset of melting, and fraction fragmented. Experiments to
be described include spall measurements on simple and composite target walls at normal and oblique incidence and "reverse ballistics"
impacts of the thin-plate impactor on a stationary penetrator (e.g., Kapton impactors at 15 km/s incident on rods of steel, aluminum, and
lead) for calibration of hypervelocity impact codes.


The device that we call an electric gun operates by discharging a capacitor bank through a thin metallic foil. Ohmic heating deposits a
significant portion of the stored capacitor bank energy into the foil, causing the foil to explode. The explosion of the foil and accompany-
ing magnetic forces drives a thin plate of material placed on top of the foil down a barrel to impact a target. We have described the
operation of electric gun systems in some detail in an earlier publication (Chau and co-workers, 1980). Electric guns have been used at
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) since 1975 for high explosive studies (Weingart and co-workers, 1976) and more re-
cently for hypervelocity impact studies of inert materials (Dein and co-workers, 1984; Froeschner and co-workers, 1984). We will describe
two types of experiments: studies of spall from both simple and composite structure materials, and "reverse ballistics" impact studies of
thin-plate projectiles on rods of steel, aluminum, and lead.


The standard experimental arrangement for the electric gun is shown schematically in Fig. l(a). The exploding foil and fiat-plate impac-
tor are part of an expendable transmission line laminate that is clamped into a permanent fiat-plate transmission line leading from a
capacitor bank. The capacitor bank has been previously described (Chau and co-workers, 1981). The bank has a peak charging voltage of
100 kV, a capacitance of 17.3#fd, and an inductance that ranges from 24 nH at 100 kV to about 34 nH at 35 kV. Maximum stored energy is
about 87 kJ, and the bank is capable of exploding conductors with dimensions as large as 100 x 100 x 0.051 ram. The fiat-plate impactor
(flyer plate) was 0.3-mm Kapton for the work reported here, but may be of thicker or thinner Kapton I or of a Kapton-metal laminate if
higher impact pressures are desired. The target assembly is placed at or near the end of the barrel, and the diagnostics employed will
depend on the type of experiment conducted. For many of the experiments, the barrel is evacuated to eliminate the air shock ahead of the
flyer plate, and if recovery is desired, an appropriate fixture may be employed to catch the target and fragments. Because the momentum
and kinetic energy per unit area of the flyer plate are relatively low, compared to projectiles accelerated by a gas gun or a high explosive,
recovery of impacted specimens is relatively simple.

Figure l(b) gives a perspective of the 100-kV electric gun shot-confinement chamber. The 91-cm-i.d. door to the end of the chamber is
shown open for a shot setup, and part of the closely coupled capactitor bank is shown in the background. A standard gun-laminate
configuration for firing a thin flyer vertically upward is clamped to the input power transmission line (the clamp is hidden from view by
the heavy insulating phenolic clamping blocks). Figure 1(c) is a close up of this partially completed shot assembly [similar to the cutaway
shown in Fig. l(a),]. A disposable laminate with a 10-cm2 (outside dimension), 6.35-mm-long Lucite barrel is positioned over the laminate
bridge foil (to-be-exploded) and epoxy bonded to the Kapton-covered laminate. This is covered by a target specimen over the gun muz-
zle, and finally topped by a diagnostic assembly consisting of a standard aluminum witness plate and a 5-mm-thick LiF crystal combina-
tion [for measuring the AI-LiFinterface velocity with a Fabry-Perot (F-P) velocimeter for impulse attenuation studies[. For vacuum shots,

• V~brk supported by DNA,'[~OE. Work performed under the auspices of he U S~[~epat~ment of Energy by the Lawrence Liverrnore National Laboratory.under Contract
W-7405- E ng--48.
t Department of Physics, Kansas State University,Manhattan, KS 66506.
i Kapton isthe tradename for Dupont's high dielectricstrength,high temperature rated po yimide film.W e use lay-ups of multip e ayers of theirtype H film -- each laver
is0.L3-mm thickand backed with 0.025 m m of adhesive.

502 J . E . Osher et al.

F-P beam
for spall velocity
Fabry-Perot beam / - T e s t target specimen
/ ( w i t h hole for F-P beam)
/ Lucite barrel
~ / / ~ Kapton
~ _ _ - ' ~ flyer

~ ~ ~ - Kapton


Fig. 1. (a) Exploded and cutaway view of a typical electric gun

spall experiment, (b) shot confinement chamber, and
(c) close up of partially completed shot assembly.

the setup is enclosed in an evacuated vacuum chuck also bonded to the laminate. The chamber door is closed for firing but the confine-
ment chamber is not under vacuum. The laminate assembly and optical mirrors and windows are destroyed by the shot (a foam catch
tank is incorporated over the shot when the specimen is to be recovered).

An F-P laser velocimeter (Goosman, 1979) is used to measure projectile velocities, veloci~'-time records of spalled surfaces, and jump-off
velocities of shocked surfaces. This technique uses an F-P interferometer to measure the Doppler shift of light from an argon ion laser,
which has been reflected from a silvered spot on the surface of interest. The collimated reflected light is focused by a cylindrical lens and
passes through an F-P interferometer and a spherical lens to form a set of dots that go directly into the slit of an electronic streaking
camera. The streak camera record consists of parallel lines that diverge as the surface accelerates, changing the wavelength of the re-
flected light. The velocity of the intact reflecting surface can be measured to about 1% by measuring the change in the spacing between
pairs of lines.

A Thompson CSF Model TSN 506 electronic streaking camera is used to record a time-resolved slit image of the light produced at the
collision interface bv projectile impacts on flat or stepped blocks of glass or Plexiglas to measure impact simultaneity or as a backup
velocity measurement. Figure 2 shows a streaking camera record of the impact of a 50-ram 2, 0.25-ram-thick Mylar flyer-plate at 3.7 k m s
on a flat glass surface at a streaking rate of 50 ns/mm. The bow in the flyer front at impact is approximately 0.2 ram. The initial light in the
figure is because of light from the exploding aluminum foil plasma passing through the Mvlar flyer and glass witness plate. The dark
central band is from an opaque silver spot painted on the Mylar that serves as a reflecting surface for the F-P diagnostic. At impact there is
a bright surface flash, and then the pulverized glass becomes relatively opaque. The surface error is well within the limits for code
calculation input needed for the applications reported here.

For flash x rays, we use either one or two x-ray tubes mounted outside thin Kevlar windows in the confinement chamber door and
operated with a pulse width of 50 ns and a peak tube voltage of 100 kV. Because much of our work has been concerned with relatively low
atomic-number materials, most of our experiments have used tube voltages in the 15 to 25 kV range. The film cassette is armored with
Application of a 100-kV electric gun for hypervelocity impact studies 503



0 10 20
Curvature angle
7 X lO-3rad
Fig. 2. Impact record of a s t r e a k i n g c a m e r a s h o w i n g a
50-ram 2, 0.25-ram-thick Mylar flyer hitting a flat
glass surface at 3.7 km/s. The sweep speed of the cam-
era was 50 ns/mm.

Lucite and placed near the far laminate edge so that the image is only slightly enlarged. The x-ray image can be used to deduce relative
density profiles (line-of-sight integrated mass density) and an average velocity from known timing of any distinguishable features.


Spall Studies

When a strong shock wave that decays rapidly reaches a free surface, the reflected tensile wave required to satisfy the zero pressure
boundary, condition results in extreme tensile states in the interior of the material. If the resulting tensile stresses exceed the strength of
the material, the material ruptures or spalls, producing a new free surface. The process can then repeat itself until the remaining stress
wave is no longer strong enough to rupture the material further. The amplitude of the original wave thus determines how many spall
layers may occur, and the slope of the tail on the wave will determine the spacing between the ruptured regions.

Figure 1 shows the diagnostic arrangement used for the normal incidence spall experiments. The barrel used was made of Lucite to allow
transmission of flash x rays, and the bore was square. A vacuum chamber with a window was added to eliminate air shock.

The shock wave entering a target specimen because of the impact of an electric gun flyer plate can be roughly characterized by an ampli-
tude (stress or particle velocity) and a duration. The duration, ~, is adjustable with flyer thickness from approximately 10 ns to several
hundred nanoseconds because it is determined by the travel time for release waves from the back of the flyer to overtake the leading edge
of the shock. The amplitude of the pulse depends on the flyer velocity and the choice of density and material for both flyer and target. For
most experiments, we can use flyer plates with lateral dimensions much greater than the thickness of the sample, hence the experiments
are one dimensional and can be analyzed using a 1-D computer code.

A typical example of such a pulse as it enters a target is shown in Fig. 3, where an F-P velocimeter was used to measure the velocity of the
interface between a 5-ram-thick LiF window and a 0.075-mm-thick aluminum buffer target that was shocked by a 0.3-mm-thick Kapton
flyer plate with an impact velocity of 2.4 km/s. The purpose of these measurements was to characterize the amplitude and profile of the
pulse produced in aluminum by the flyers used in this work. The lower curve shows the observed material velocity at the aluminum-LiF
interface. The dip in the top of the curve is caused by the construction of the flyer, which was composed of two layers of 0.13-mm-thick
Kapton and two layers of adhesive material that had nearly the same density. Experiments with single-piece flyers showed no dip. The
LiF was chosen as a transparent material whose Hugoniot is known and that lies quite close to that of aluminum. We assume that the
release isentrope followed in the material from the overtaking wave is approximated by the principal Hugoniot. (This is obviously not
correct for releases involving large pressure changes because of the thermal pressures created in the material, but for steeply dropping
pressures the difference is not important for the major part of the pulse.) We used the Hugoniot data tabulated by Marsh (1980). The
upper curve in the figure showing pressure was calculated in this way. It corresponds to the pulse in the LiE Calculated values of the
expected release pressure and material velocity (Up) using an approximate Hugoniot for Kapton are in agreement with the peak pressure
deduced from the F-P record.

For the Kapton, the Hugoniot for the shock velocity U~ used was

U~ = 0.292 + 1.101 Up , (1)

504 J.E. Osher e t a l .

1.5 I 1 I 1
~e~ • oQ -o
I "~./ ~. --~Material velocity
3 1.0
-- I I --.-- Pressure P --


0 200 400
Time (ns)

Fig. 3. Pulse shape and amplitude calibration.

TABLE 1 Spall Data for 6.35-ram-thick, Z6-cm:, 6061-T6 AI Test Specimens. Variables Tabulated, from
Left to Right Are: Bank Charge Voltage, Flyer Velocity, Flyer Momentum, Fractional Mass Spailed, Peak
Pressure in the Aluminum, Spall Fragment Velocity, and Angle of Flyer Incidence.

V,, Vt It dm/ M Pal V~ Angle

(kV) (kin/s) (ktap) (kB) (km/s) (deg)
7.3-cm 2 Flyer

45 0.45 1.94 No spall 16.1 -- 90

50 1.05 4.52 Incipient 42.0 -- 90
60 1.16 4.99 Incipient 47.3 -- 90
65 1.78 7.65 6.2/99.4 80.0 0.37 90
70 2.28 9.80 9.7/97.7 109.7 0.58 90
80 2.89 12.43 12.4/97.7 150.2 0.77 90
90 3.31 14.23 14.1/97.2 180.6 0.93 90
99 3.54 15.22 14.6/97.7 198.2 0.88 90

3.5-cm 2 Flyer"

80 6.94 29.8 Not measured Not measured 60

90 6.90 29.4 7.9/101.2 Not measured 45
80 6.77 24.8 Incipient - - 30
"Smaller flyer size and angle of incidence to determine spall footprint size.

where the velocities are in cm/,~s. (The density of Kapton is rather variable, hence it needs to be determined for the particular batch used.
V,b used a density of 1.43 g/cm3.)

For the studies of shock loading of structures, a commonly used unit is the kilotap, where 1 tap is a dyn-s cm:. The upper impulse range
that we have studied varies from 17 ktap for 10-cm 2 flyer plates to 35 ktap for 3.8-cm 2 flyers. With smaller composite flyer plates using
tantalum as the impactor, we could generate impulses up to 100 ktap.

We have studied the spall threshold for a wide variety of materials and reports are currently in preparation by Froeschner and co-workers
(1986) and Maiden and Froeschner (1986). The work reported here will therefore be limited to recent experiments performed on 6061-T6
aluminum to illustrate the general character of aluminum spall behavior in terms of span threshold, partition of momentum between the
spall scab(s) and parent body, and to describe preliminary measurements of spall produced by a flyer plate incident on a specimen at an
oblique angle. The data for a variety of impulse levels near threshold are given in Table 1. The flyer momenta shown were deduced from
the density and initial dimensions of the flyer and the observed velocity recorded by the F-P velocimeter. The fractional mass spalled is
the mass of the recovered scab divided by the original target mass, both expressed in grams. The edge-corrected ratio of the spalled
thickness normalized by the initial thickness can be obtained from Table 1 by multiplying d m / M by 1.08, because the specimen was
76 mm z and the flyer was only 73 mm 2. The peak pressures shown in the aluminum were deduced from the observed flyer veloci~" and
the Hugoniots for Kapton and aluminum. The experiments with the LiF showed that for all entries in the table, the initial pressure pulse
width at half maximum was approximately 100 ns. While spall is governed by the strength and profile of the wave when it reaches the
free surface, for a strongly attenuated wave produced by a pulse of given duration at the impacted surface, the spall threshold can be
related to the impulse received. The angle of incidence shown is measured from the plane of the flyer to the normal axis of the target plate
(i.e., for90 °, the target and flyer plates are parallel).
Application of a 100-kV e l e c t r i c gun for hypervelocity impact studies 505

:~!~ Foam 28 I 4 I I I I l
her" ~ 24
... 2O - -C--Spall momentum ~ - -
~E 16

E 12
$ E 8

men O~
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Flyer momentum If (ktap)
Fig. 4. Fast x-ray picture of spall scab structure produced by a Fig. 5. Spall momentum vs incident flyer momentum.
0.3-ram-thick, 73-mm2 Kapton flyer at 2.9 km/s im-
pacting a test specimen of 6.35-ram-thick 6061-T6 AI
(76.2 mmZ). The x-ray timing was 30 ~ts after impact at
normal incidence.

Spall scabs are recovered by stopping them with a plastic foam catcher block. We can estimate the partition of momentum between the
parent specimen and the spall scabs by measuring flyer-plate and scab velocities with a dual-beam F-P velocimeter. A source of error in
this method is that only the velocity of the first scab is measured with the F-P. If later scabs have a somewhat lower velocit],; transfer of
momentum to the target will be underestimated. Flash x-ray photographs show that spall may occur in multiple layers (Fig. 4). Experi-
mentally, these tend to be rejoined when they impact the foam catcher block. A more detailed analysis is then required using the mass
distribution and velocities of intermediate spall layers as deduced from the known timing of the fast x-ray picture.

Figure 5 shows a plot of the spall fragment momentum calculated as a single scab versus the incident flyer plate momentum. At thresh-
old, where a single spall scab was produced, the data show that virtually all of the incident momentum is carried away by the spaU scab.
At higher flyer momenta, the estimated momentum carried by the spell scab (or scabs) is actually higher than the incident momentum
(indicated by the line l~ = If.) This may be partially because Kapton has a lower shock impedance than aluminum and recoils after impact
on the aluminum, transferring an additional increment of momentum. Alternatively, surface ablation may occur, also adding to the net
impulse. In any event, it appears that the first spall scab carries away most of the incident momentum. For a 6061-T6 Al target of the given
thickness, the threshold for spell is encountered when the incident 100-ns duration pulse is between 50 and 80 kbar, or between 5
and 8 ktap.

In the case of flyer impact on an oblique surface, we observe, in the fast x-ray picture, appreciable momentum transfer orthogonal to the
direction of the incident momentum of the flyer (near 33% for 45 ° incidence on 6061-T6 AI in a preliminary test). Another effect of the
obliqui~' is the 1/sin 0 increase in effective specimen thickness (here, 0 is the angle measured with respect to the target surface; i.e., 90 ~at
normal incidence). Experimentally, a flyer impacting aluminum at 90 ° incidence above the spall threshold results in a relatively large
sheet spall scab (often the full area of the flyer) and leaves reasonably fine-grain, new free surface on the test specimen body, while the
spall scab produced for a flyer at oblique incidence is torn into many small segments, and leaves a very jagged new free-surface on the
recovered test-specimen body. The difference in spall scab characteristics apparently is because of the velocity shear in the spall scab as it
is torn free.

Reverse-Ballistics Study

To stud)' penetration phenomena when a projectile is difficult to launch at the desired velocity without damage by the acceleration
process, one can perform the hydrodynamically equivalent experiment of launching the target instead, at the desired velocity. If the
target is a thin fiat wall, we can simulate it with the fiat flyer plate launched in the electric gun. Such experiments allow us to address
penetration effects at velocities that are unattainable by other means. The target object (projectile) can be a simple metal rod or sphere or a
more complex assembly, depending on the effects of interest. The orientation of the target assembly with respect to the flyer plate can be
precisely chosen. The primary diagnostic is flash x-ray pictures, showing the target object at various stages of the flyer-plate penetration.
Further information is obtained from study of the debris and what remains of the target object. The study of the debris now includes the
capability of recovery of any sizable fragments, and a new catcher cylinder is under test to collect the vaporized portion of the test
specimen. Measurements of the fraction fragmented and the fraction vaporized are crucial for benchmarking computer penetration
codes that as yet do not satisfactorily predict this detail. This reverse-ballistics study used a geometry similar to that shown in Fig. 1,
except that the target rod in each case was suspended I cm above the end of the barrel. A Lucite barrel, 6.35-mm long with a 7.6-mm2bore
was used. The F-P was generally used to measure the flyer velocity until impact. In one case, the F-P trace faded just before impact, so a
corrected velocity is given from the known x-ray timing. The measurements are made in vacuum to eliminate air shock. Table 2 summa-
rizes the test-rod data for this geometry.

For each shot we obtained flash x-ray pictures at a selected stage in the impact process. In addition, the recovered rod specimens are
under detailed metallurgical study by Don Shockey and co-workers (1986). In the case of the lead rod, the entire rod was vaporized or
melted into droplets too small to be recovered. The observations have been compared with predicted damage loss from a theory by R. J.
506 d.E. Osher et a l .

TABLE 2 Reverse Ballistics Tests of 0.3-mm-thick Kapton Flyers

Incident on "Various1.59-cm-long by 0.36-cm-diam Rods. The V~is
the Fiver Velocitv. The Axis of Each of the Rods was Normal to the
Fiver Except for the Aluminum Rod, which was Tilted 18:~from
Normal. The M.L refers to the fractional mass loss.

Material Vf Fractional M/L Tip Damage

(km,'s) (%)
Steel 15 16 Melted, fragmented
Steel 15 18 Melted, fragmented
Lead 15 + 100 Nothing recovered
Aluminum 11 28 Melted, fragmented

Lawrence (1986) on the relative energy required for complete disruption of the test specimen. The observations and theory agree that
only the lead rod should have been completely melted or vaporized.

Present limitations on the wall mass/area and velocity are primarily because of limitations in the energy available and the current risetime
capabilities of the 87-kJ, 100-kV capacitor bank. Nominal performance at 99 kV with a 0.3-mm-thick Kapton flyer (0.043 g/cm2), Z6 mm in
diam, is 18 km/s as measured independently with the F-P velocimeter and impact on a flasher block. Larger or more massive flyers give
correspondingly reduced velocities.

Table 2 is the start of a data base needed for a study of scaling of penetration with target dimensions and flyer thickness, correlating the
importance of material properties with penetration, and the importance of object shape and orientation over a range of relative velocities
up to at least 18 km/s. This type of laboratory measurement is needed, for example, to guide in selecting the minimum weight micromete-
orite shield needed to protect a spacecraft against the bulk of small predicted space debris.


A new study on measuring the release isentropes of aluminum through the two-phase region is under way. We propose to make release
isentrope measurements by allowing the target to unload into selected materials with known Hugoniots. For the very low pressures we
will use argon gas with Hugoniots predicted by the ACTEX code (Rogers, 1981). Alt'shuler and co-workers (1980) have previously used
this technique to study copper and lead, but because they used high-explosive drivers, they used porous materials to achieve the high-
entropy states of interest. Bushman and co-workers (1984) used focused explosive methods to measure shock adiabats and release isen-
tropes for aluminum. We propose to use normal density materials with fast projectiles. The measurements assume the Hugoniots of all
materials used are known. The diagnostics measure shock velocity in the aluminum to determine the initial state of the release, then the
shock velocity in a variety of softer materials to determine the release states.


We gratefully acknowledge the support and encouragement of S. Cochran, W. Bookless, G. Polmykal, W. Von Holle, D. Steinberg, and
others of LLNL in making these measurements. We also acknowledge the contributions of K. Froeschner of Martin, Froeschner and
Associates; D. Maiden of LLNL on spall modeling; and many helpful discussions with D. Curran, D. Shockey, and S. Holmes of SRI,
International, and with R. Bjork of Pacifica Technology. Finally we acknowledge the work and dedication of the laboratory, group of
C. Lee, R. Diaz, J. Clarr, and C. Trapp in carrying out the operation and electric gun measurements.


Alt'shuler, L. V., A. V. Bushman, M. V. Zhernokletov, V. N. Zubarev, A. A. Leont'ev, and V. E. Fortov (1980). Unloading isentropes and
the equation of state of metals at high energy densities. Soy. Phys. JETP,, 51,373-383.
Bushman, A. V., I. K. Krasyuk, P. P. Pashinin, A. M. Prokhorov, V. Ya. Ternovoi, and V. E. Fortov (1984). Dynamic compressibility and
thermodynamics of a dense aluminum plasma at megabar pressures. Soy. Phys. JETP Lett., 39, 411-413.
Chau, H. H., G. Dittbenner, W. W. Hofer, C. A. Honodel, D. J. Steinberg, J. R. Stroud, and R. C. Weingart (1980). Electric gun: a versatile
tool for high pressure shock-wave research. ReE Sci. lnstrum., 51, 1676-1681.
Chau, H., G. Dittbenner, K. Mikkelsen, R. Weingart, K. Froeschner, and R. Lee (1982). Performance of a 100 kV, 78 kJ electric gun system.
In W. J. Nellis, L. Seaman, and R. A. Graham (Eds.), Shock Wavesin Condensed Matter--1981. North-Holland, Amsterdam. pp. 691-695.
Dein, J., R. Tokheim, D. Curran, H. Chau, R. Weingart, and R. Lee (1984). Aluminum damage simulation in high velocity impact. In
J. R. Asay, R. A. Graham, and G. K. Straub (Eds.), Shock Wavesin Condensed Matter--1983. North-Holland, Amsterdam. pp. 171-174.
Froeschner, K. E., H. H. Chau, D. E. Maiden, and C. Lee, (1986). Effects of short duration stress pulses on structural materials. Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA.
Froeschner, K. E., R. S. Lee, H. H. Chau, and R. C. Weingart (1984). Shock Hugoniot measurements on Ta to 0.78 TPA. tn J. R. Assay
R. A. Graham, and G. K. Straub (Eds.), Shock Wavesin Condensed Matter--1983. North-Holland, Amsterdam. pp. 85-88.
Goosman, D. R. (1979). Measuring velocities by laser Doppler intefferometry. In R. C. Haight, P. Adye, R. B. Crawford, J.K. Prono, and
J. T. Staehle (Eds.), LLNL Energyand Technology Review, UCRL-52000-79-3. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA.
pp. 17-24.
Application of a lO0-kV e l e c t r i c gun for hypervelocity impact studies 507

Lawrence, R. J. (1986). Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM. Private communication.

Maiden, D. E., and K. E. Froeschner (1986). Analysis of spall in metals due to short high intensity pulses. Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratorx; Livermore, CA.
Marsh, S. P. iEd.), (1980). L'tSL Shock Hugoniot Data. University of California Press, Berkele?; CA.
Rogers, E J. (1981). Equation of state of dense, partially degenerate, reacting plasmas. Phys. Rev. A, 24, 1531-1543.
Shocker, D. E., D. R. Curran, J. E. Osher, and H. H. Chau (1986). Disintegration behavior of metal rods subjected to hypervelocity
impact. In C. E. Anderson, Jr. (Ed.). proc. 1986 HylR'rvehx'ity hnpact Symposium, Oct~ber 21-24, San Antonio, TX. Pergamon Press,
Oxford, England.
Weingart, R. C., R. S. Lee, R. K. Jackson, and N. L. Parker (1976). Acceleration of thin flyers by exploding metal foils: application to
initiation studies. In D. J. Edwards (Ed.), Proc. 6th Symposium ~lnternational) on Detonation, ACR-221. Office of Naval Research, Wash-
ington, DC. pp. 653-663.

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