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ACKNOWLEDGMENT .............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Abbreviations ...............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
SYNOPSIS ....................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.1 Objective of Review .............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. LITRATURE REVIEW ..........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.1. Factors Affecting Tomato Fruit Quality..............................Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.1.1 Pre-harvest factors affecting postharvest quality...........Error! Bookmark not defined. Fertilizer Application .............................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Pruning ...................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Irrigation .................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.1.1 .4 Maturity Stage ........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Cultivar Type ..........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.1.2. Postharvest factors affecting quality.............................Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. 1.2.1 Temperature ...........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. 1.2.2 Relative Humidity...................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Combination Gases .................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. 1.2.4. Physical Handling .................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.1. 2.5 Lack of appropriate harvesting containers ............Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. 1.2.6 In appropriate packaging materials ......................Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. 1.2.7 Damage during transport ......................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Lack of reliable market ...........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
3. Summary and conclusion ........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
4. Prospect .....................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
5. REFERENCES .........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.1. Factors Affecting Tomato Fruit Quality

Tomato quality can be affected by factors such as cultivar, growing conditions, and ripening on
or off the vine. There is a general belief that tomatoes ripened on the vine have better quality,
mainly in terms of flavor, increasing the price of this commodity. Tomato quality can be
classified, among others, as having organoleptic quality, defined by physicochemical parameters
that make the product satisfactory for consumers, and nutritional quality, characterized by a
number of parameters responsible for properties related to human health. Several associations
were found between tomato fruit chemical composition and physical characteristics as well as
sensory traits. The relative importance of each of these factors and their interactions depends
upon the cultivar (FAO, 2004). The tomato (solanum,lycopersicum,L ) is a vegetable crop that
belongs to Solanaceae family and believed to haveoriginated from the Andean region of South
America. Cultivation of tomatoes was expanded to large scale due to its increased
popularityduring the lasthalf-century (Preedy, 2008).

2.1.1 Pre-harvest factors affecting postharvest quality Fertilizer Application

Consumers in the past few decades have become increasingly concerned about the quality of the
food products they are consuming. Researchers have therefore investigated the impact of plant
nutrition on the quality of fruits produced. The quality traits required or purpose for which the
crop is grown will help in selecting not only the type of fertilizer but the quantity used during
production. For instance, an adequate supply of potassium fertilizer in tomato production
improves fruit color and reduces the incidence of yellow shoulder (Hartz et al., 2005), while
enhancing the titratable acidity of the fruit (Passam et al., 2007). Yellow shoulder is a
physiological disorder of tomatoes that is characterized by discolored regions that border the
stem scar. Insufficient supply of potassium in soil less tomato production can also result in
ripening disorders (Adams, 2002.). Unlike potassium, an increase in nitrogen supply to
greenhouse-grown tomatoes, beyond a certain threshold level, may reduce fruit quality by
decreasing the sugar content of the fruits (Adams, 2002). High nitrogen supply of about

250kg/ha can impair some important quality traits of fruits, such as total soluble solids
(Senevirathna et al., 2010), glucose, fructose, and pH (Parisi et al., 2006). A supply of reduced
forms of nitrogen, such as ammonium, can result in improved fruit flavours (Heeb et al., 2005).
However, the variation of phosphorus supply in soils for growing tomato crops does not
significantly influence quality traits such as the total soluble solids, pH, acidity of the tomato
juice, or the fruit color characteristics (Oke et al., 2005). High calcium uptake in fruit has been
shown to reduce respiration rates, and ethylene production, to delay ripening, increase firmness,
and reduce the incidence of physiological disorders and decay, all of which result in increased
shelf life. Blossom-end rot of tomatoes is associated with calcium deficiency (Wills et al., 1998). Pruning
Controlling the number of flowers, fruits, or fruit trusses in tomatoes is an effective way of
reducing the competition between fruits. Pruning therefore ensures nutrients are channeled to
fewer fruits sinks which canlead to increased fruit size whilst increasing sugar content of fruits
in some cases (Gautier et al., 2001). Pruning clusters to three fruits increased total marketable
yield and fruit weight and reduced cull yield of all cultivars under investigation. (Hanna et al.,
2009). Meanwhile, the effect of pruning on other quality traits of the fruit produced depends on
many factors including the sink developmental stage, fruit to leaf ratio, truss position, and
genetic background (Prudent, 2009). Pruning can result in increased fruit size in most cultivars
,under the right growing conditions ,and thus can be used to improve the marketability of high
total soluble solids(TSS) fruits which in most cases tend to be smaller in size(Beckles, 2012).
Larger fruits which are within a certain size range are usually considered to be of better value by
most consumers. Irrigation

Tomato is not a drought resistant crop and therefore yields decrease considerably after short
periods of water deficiency during production. Proper irrigation scheduling in tomato production
is therefore crucial to the crop development. However, with water being a scarce resource in
most production areas, growers in recent years have therefore had to develop more efficient
water management scheme that maintains crop yield but has a moderate and controlled level of
moisture stress on their crops. In a study conducted by (Mitchell et al., 1991) , it was revealed

that deficit irrigation reduced fruit water accumulation and fresh fruit yield but increased fruit
total soluble solids levels (Senevirathna and Daundasekera, 2010)

They also discovered that irrigating with saline water had no significant effect on total fruit yield
but moisture content of fruits was slightly reduced. (Ismail et al., 2007) also established that
early morning irrigation every three days resulted in higher yields than daily irrigation. The use
of trace elements or the practice of soilless tomato production can be made possible during
irrigation where the fertilizers (trace elements) are added to the irrigation water in a form of
solution and administered. These trace elements are selected depending on the specific
postharvest quality traits needed in the fruits.
2.1.1 .4 Maturity Stage
The maturity stage of tomato fruit at harvest is an important determinant of many quality traits
(Beckles. 2012). Tomato being a climacteric fruit can be harvested at different stages during
maturity, like mature green, half ripen, or red ripen stage. Each stage at harvest has its own
postharvest attribute that the fruit will exhibit. According to Moneruzzaman et al., 2009 reported
that the shelf life of all tomato cultivars under investigation is longest when harvested at green
mature stage. Although shelf life as been the most important as pectin loss reduction
biotechnology of fruit and vegetables other aspects may be of interest rather than shelf life. Fruit
nutritional values and appearance may be affected when harvested green. For instance sugar
transport to fruits in a vine-ripened tomato appears to increase during the latter part of maturity
and, therefore, when fruits are harvested immature or in a green state sugar import to fruits will
be cut off making postharvest degradation of starch, the main source of carbohydrates, which is
both undesirable and inadequate (Balibrea, et al., 2006). Meanwhile, harvesting later also
promotes higher sugar accumulation in riper fruits which are susceptiblta mechanical injuries
with a shorter shelf life (Toivonen, 2007). The pH of tomatoes is an important parameter in the
tomato processing industry. Tomatoes are processed as high-acid foods and therefore the higher
the acidity the better for processing. Cultivars with high pH therefore may not be suitable for
processing. A pH of 4.4 has been suggested to be the maximum and the optimum of a target of
4.25 (Monti, 1980). The acidity of tomatoes is highest at the pink stage of maturity with a rapid
decrease as the fruit ripens.

7 Cultivar Type

The potential quality of fruit is dependent on the cultivar type. Different cultivars are
characterized by different quality parameters making some more desirable to the producers and
consumers than others. The choice of an adequate-yielding tomato cultivar with desired fruit
qualities and longer shelf life is therefore a vital decision a producer must take. Variation in
ripening physiology has also been extensively documented among different tomato cultivars
(Ahumada and Cantwell, 1996). Several genes may be responsible for the variation of fruit
composition. Either they could be genes involved in carbon metabolism or partitioning, or any
gene specifically expressed during the synthesis and accumulation of reserves (Gillaspy et al.,
1993). A great deal of plant breeding has been done to provide a wide range of varieties with
different quality attributes. This can be seen in the wide range of commercial fruit and vegetable
varieties available to growers for planting. Shapes, sizes, colour, productivity levels, dry matter
and taste attribute, as well as the ripening times and rates and postharvest longevity vary (Hewitt
etal., 2006). Plant breeders have been successful in selecting tomato cultivars with comparably
high carotenoid levels and vitamin A content, cultivars that maintain their sweetness longer after
harvest; cultivars with higher sugar content and firmer flesh, and cultivars with higher contents
of ascorbic acid, sugars and yield (Lee and Kader, 2000).

2.1.2. Postharvest factors affecting quality

Management of harvesting operations, whether manual or mechanical, can have a major impact
on the quality and shelf life of perishable fruits and vegetables like tomato (FAO, 2004). The
method of harvesting (hand vs. mechanical) can also significantly affect the composition and
post-harvest quality of fruits and vegetables.

Mechanical injuries (such as bruising, surface abrasions and cuts) can accelerate loss of water
and quality resulting in increased susceptibility to decay-causing pathogens (Lee and Kader,
2000). Susceptibility to Mechanical injuries can also be affected by stage of ripeness (FAO,
2004). Fruit ripening is a complex, genetically programmed process that culminates in dramatic
changes in colour, texture, flavor, and chemical compositions (Sahlin et al., 2004). In tomato as a
climacteric fruit, fruit ripening could happen after harvest. Lycopene, which is responsible for

the red colour of tomatoes (Nguyen and Schwartz, 1999), varies considerably between cultivars,
stage of maturity and growing conditions (Sahlin et al., 2004).

Field-grown tomatoes ripened on the vine and tomatoes ripened in stacked boxes at 22°C,
without sunlight, were compared (Arias et al., 2000). The authors indicated that total solids, total
sugars, lycopene content, and pH were the same for the tomatoes ripened on and off vine.
Ascorbic acid was higher for the vine-ripened tomato juice compared to room-ripened tomato
juice, and carotene was higher for the off-vine tomato juice. However, the author recognized that
the decrease of ascorbic acid in the off-vine tomatoes was due to the lack of light exposure
during ripening, and the carotene difference was due to the difference in ripeness stage of the

Maturation of tomato causes profound changes in the biochemical characteristics of the

commodity, which are reflected in changes of three easily measurable chemical components.
Starch initially rises, then falls and rising soluble solids accompany this decrease. Acid level
decreases and the result is an increased perception of sweetness as the sugar/ acid ratio increases
(Eskin, 2000). Thus, maturity at harvest is the most important determinant of storage-life, yield
and final fruit quality. Fruit picked either prematurely or too late, are more susceptible to post-
harvest physiological disorders (FAO, 2004). Tomato fruits are often harvested at a mature green
stage to minimize damage during transport to market, then allowed to ripen before or during
presentation in retail outlets. A limitation to marketing of tomatoes is the time that green fruit
remain in an unripe condition and/or the time that ripe fruit remain in an acceptable condition for
consumers. Stage of maturity and ripeness varies from cultivar to cultivar in tomato and other
horticultural crops (Arias et al., 2000).

2. 1.2.1 Temperature

Temperature of the storage conditions is the most important postharvest factor in maintaining
quality and extending the shelf life of fruit and vegetables after harvest. Most of the physical,
biochemical, microbiological and physiological reactions contributing to deterioration of produce
quality are largely dependent on temperature. The effect of storage temperature on
physiochemical quality and quantity changes in tomatoes varies with cultivar, exposition time
and harvesting conditions. Exposure of fruits to temperatures above 30ºC suppresses many of the

parameters of normal fruit ripening including colour development, softening, respiration rate and
ethylene production (Hicks et al., 1983). The storage temperatures of subtropical fruits such as
tomatoes are arrived at by a compromise between temperatures which are low enough to inhibit
ripening processes, but cause chilling injury, and those which are high
Enough to avoid chilling injury, but do not prevent the continuation of ripening (Couey, 1982).
Metabolic processes including respiration, transpiration and ripening are particularly
temperature-dependent. Generally, rates of biological reactions increase by a factor of two or
three for each 10 ºC increase in temperature.

Modifying the atmosphere surrounding the produce may decrease the respiration rate and extend
shelf life for some plant materials. High CO2 and low O2 concentrations are usually achieved to
reduce respiration rates and ethylene production (Wang, 1994). Low-temperature storage is
considered the most effective method for maintaining the quality of fruits and vegetables because
it retards respiration, ethylene production, ripening, senescence, and undesirable metabolic
changes and decay (Hardenburg et al., 1986). However, for chilling sensitive crops, low-
temperature storage is often more detrimental than beneficial (Wang, 1994). Tomato fruits are
sensitive to chilling injury, and may develop injury symptoms if held for 2 weeks or longer at
temperature below 13 ºC (Soto et al., 2004).

Tomato fruit are susceptible to chilling injury (CI) at storage temperatures below 12°C. Typical
symptoms of CI in tomato include surface pitting, uneven ripening or failure to ripen,increased
fungal development, and a less acceptable flavour profile (Cheng and Shewfelt,1988). Mature-
green tomatoes are more susceptible to chilling injury and spoilage rapidly thanpartial or fully
ripe tomatoes during storage at low temperatures (Hakim et al. 1995). Theydevelop CI if held for
2 weeks or longer below 13ºC (Hardenburg et al., 1986). The CIsymptoms include failure to
ripen normally, ion leakage and increased decay, especially whenfruit are transferred to a non-
chilling temperature (Paull and McDonald, 1994). Thesesymptoms do not appear during low-
temperature storage, but are apparent following ripening.Correct temperature management is
therefore important for the consumer. Thus, shelf life can be extended and quality retained if
tomatoes are ripened under the optimum conditions and then held at a reduced temperature of
12.7ºC. Storage at temperatures below 10ºC, both in the market place and in the home is a major
contributor to poor tomato quality.

2. 1.2.2 Relative Humidity

Water loss from harvested fruit produce is predominantly caused by the amount of moisture
present in the ambient air expressed as relative humidity (Honget al., 1999). At very high relative
humidity, harvested fruits maintain their nutritional quality, appearance, weight, and flavor,
whilst reducing the rate at which wilting, softening, and juiciness occur. Tomato fruits are very
high in water content and susceptible to shrinkage after harvest. Fruit shrivel may become
evident with any small percentage of moisture loss. The optimal values of relative humidity for
mature green tomatoes are within the range of 85–95 %( v/v) but 90– 95 %( v/v) for firmer ripe
fruits (Cantwell, 2009). Below the optimal range, evapotranspiration increases resulting in
shriveled fruits. Storage of tomato fruit at a lower relative humidity can result in shriveling.
Addition of moisture (wetting fruits) in lower relative humidity storage can reduce weight loss
and prevent fruit from shriveling. Meanwhile, completely saturated atmospheres of 100%
relative humidity should be avoided, as moisture condensation on the fruit surfaces may
encourage would and fungal development. Combination Gases

The combination of different gases in a storage environment is very important in extending the
storage life of tomato fruits. The optimal atmosphere needed to inhibit senescence in mature
green and ripe fruit of tomatoes is 3–5% (v/v) of oxygen but for carbon dioxide it is 1–3% (v/v)
and 1–5% (v/v) in mature green and ripe fruit, respectively (Artes, 2006), whilst 94–96%(v/v) of
nitrogen gas is required (Sandhya, 2010). A very low supply of oxygen can have a detrimental
effect on fruits by causing anaerobic respiration (Saltveit, 2003). Carbon monoxide (CO) has
been investigated as a gas for treating fruits and has been found to speed up ripening. It is
therefore necessary to balance the carbon monoxide with low oxygen to delay senescence in the
fruits (Kader, 1983). Carbon monoxide slows down postharvest pathogenic infestations whilst
improving some quality traits of tomatoes. For instance, tomatoes stored in 5–10%(v/v) carbon
monoxide with 4% (v/v) oxygen were found to have superior total soluble solids (TSS) and
titratable acid (TA) profiles as compared to control samples stored in air (Kader, 1983). The use
of carbon monoxide in the food industry is however complicated because of its health hazards to
humans and must be used with great caution.

2. 1.2.4. Physical Handling

Physical handling can have a drastic effect on the postharvest quality or life of harvested fruits.
Rough handling during harvesting and after harvesting can result in mechanical injuries which
affect quality. According to Miller, the effects of mechanical injuries on fruit are cumulative.
Injuries which are equivalent to or greater than the bio yield point lead to a total breakdown of
the structure of the affected cells which is accompanied by unwanted metabolic activities which
may include increased ethylene production, accelerated respiration rates, and ripening (R. A.
Miller, 2003), which results in either reduced shelf life or poor quality. It is therefore important
to handle tomato fruit with care during the harvest and postharvest activities to minimize
mechanical injuries to avoid losses. Typical industrial production systems associated with
tomatoes may include mechanical harvesting, packing into crates, sorting, grading, washing, and
transporting over long distances. At each of these stages there may be significant occurrence of
mechanical injury which may be bruising, scarring, scuffing, cutting, or puncturing the fruits. In
small-scale tomato production, mechanical injuries may result from the use;

2.1. 2.5 Lack of appropriate harvesting containers

Tomatoes are harvested by manual picking instead of mechanical picking in most developing
countries. In harvesting, care should be taken to avoid mechanical damage which can be an entry
point for disease causing pathogens. The majority of farmers from Africa use wooden crates and
woven baskets with hard and sharp surfaces which cause mechanical injuries to the harvested
fruits. Overloading during harvesting can cause a buildup of excessive compressive stresses
resulting in crushing of fruits that are found at the base of the containers (Hurst, et al., 2010).
The use of smooth surface and shallow containers that will prevent overloading will reduce both
mechanical injuries and crushing of the harvested fruits (Kitinoja et al., 2008) has therefore
recommended the use of plastic basket for harvesting tomatoes.

2. 1.2.6 In appropriate packaging materials

A good ackaging system should protect the commodity against pathogens, natural predators,
moisture loss, temperatures extremes, crushing, deformation and bruising of the product. Some

of the most common packaging materials used in developing countries include large green
leaves, clay pots, woven cane baskets, wooden crates, cardboard crates, cardboard boxes, plastic
buckets, nylon sacks, jute sacks and polytene bags. The majority of these packaging materials do
not allow good aeration within the packaged tomatoes, thereby causing a buildup of heat due to

2. 1.2.7 Damage during transport

The use of appropriate transportation is another factor to consider in postharvest handling of

tomatoes. During transportation, the produce should be immobilized by proper packaging and
stacking to avoid excessive movement or vibration. Vibration and impact during transportation
as a result of undulations on roads is one of the major causes of post-harvest losses to most fruits
and vegetables especially tomatoes (Idah et al., 2007).

The bad nature of roads in most African countries coupled with the inappropriateness of the
transportation option therefore provides these unfavorable factors during transportation resulting
in great losses. Farmers in developed countries use refrigerated containers and trailers which
travel on reasonably good roads. (Zeebroeck, 2005)

Transporting tomatoes in refrigerated trucks is not only convenient, but also effective in
preserving the quality of fruits. However, both the initial investment and the operating costs are
very high and beyond the affordability of most farmers in developing countries. Farmers
therefore transport their produce using the most affordable mode of transport without considering
the effect it will have on the quality of produce. The nature of these transportation options
available to the farmers in Africa does not provide the stability the stacked produce needs during
transportation. The wobbling nature of such vehicles coupled with the bad roads cause a lot of
mechanical damage to the produce before it reaches its destination (Idah et al., 2007.). Lack of reliable market

Market availability is a big challenge facing most tomato producers in developing countries
especially those in Africa. This challenge can be attributed to many factors. One of the factors is

the pattern of production resulting in gluts. Although there has been a tremendous improvement
in the use of irrigation scheduling in dry season tomato production (Ofori-Sarpong et al., 2001),
a greater proportion of producers still rely on rain fed production. The bulk of tomato production
in Nigeria for example is carried out during the wet season of the production year (Aduga et al.,
2013). This causes high peaks in production which is always more than consumption demand of
the fresh fruit locally. The problem is further compounded by the lack of processing facilities
which can be used to process and preserve the fruits for later consumption. Producers from
developed countries always have supply contract with multinational supermarkets to supply
tomatoes. An example is the Blush tomatoes in Australia which supplies Coles and Woolworth
with tomatoes making access to market already predetermined. In the case of producers in
Africa, there is no information on reliable market availability. There is lack of communication
between producers and consumers and also lack of market information (Kader et al., 2005). This
has been the main reason for the mismatch between production and available markets. Producers
therefore have to sell their harvest at very low cost to prevent total loss.


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