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Electrical Systems

I. General Theory of Electricity

[1] Fundamentals of electricity

1. Voltage
If water tanks A and B are connected with a pipe, water will
flow from the tank with the higher water level to the tank with
the lower level.
The same thing happens with electricity. If something with a
high electric potential is connected by a wire to something with
a lower electric potential, current will flow from the object with
the higher potential to the other object.
This difference in electric potential is called voltage. The higher
electric potential is indicated by a plus sign + and the lower
electric potential with a minus - sign.
So, just like water, if there is no electric potential, or the difference between the electric potentials is zero, no
electricity flows.
Voltage is expressed by an E, and the unit is expressed by a V (for volts).

2. Current
In electricity, current is equivalent to the flow of water, and exists in two forms: direct current and alternating
current. Current is expressed by an I, and the unit is expressed by an A (for ampere).

1) Direct current
In direct current (DC), the current is flowing in a single di-
rection. For example, electricity coming from a battery or
dry-cell battery is direct current, and can be stockpiled for
later use.

2) Alternating current
In alternating current (AC), the direction and size of the cur-
rent change at regular intervals, with one repetition being
called a cycle.
For example, the electricity used in lamps and other house-
hold appliances is alternating current, and cannot be stock-
piled for later use.
Household electricity changes at a rate of 50 or 60 cycles per

3. Electrical resistance
As the water from tank A flows to tank B, more water will flow
across in a given period of time if a larger pipe is used than if a
smaller pipe is used. This is because pipes of different sizes
have different resistances.
The same thing happens with electricity. Even if the electric
potential is the same, the size of the current differs depending
on the electrical resistance of the wire connecting the two ob-
The electrical resistance of wire varies depending on the material. At the same time, it is also proportional to the
length and inversely proportional to the cross-surface area. It also changes depending on the temperature, even if
the object is the same.
Generally, as the temperature rises, resistance increases in metal and decreases in a substance such as a semicon-
Resistance is expressed using an R, and the unit is expressed using the W (ohm) symbol.

÷ Voltage = Difference in water level between tanks A and B

÷ Current = Amount of water flowing from tank A to tank B
÷ Resistance = Diameter and length of pipe connecting tanks A and B

4. Ohm’s law
Voltage, current, and resistance have a certain relationship to E E
I=— R=— E=I·R
each other. In other words, current is proportional to voltage, R I
and inversely proportional to resistance. This is called Ohm’s Relationship between voltage, current, and resistance

law, and is expressed using the formula shown here. An easy way to remember:

E I : Current (A)
E : Voltage (V)
I R R : Resistance (Ω)

5. Power
The percentage of work that electricity does in a given time is P P
P=E·I E=— I=—
called the power. I E
The power is equal to the voltage multiplied by the current. If Ohm’s law is applied P = I2R = —
Power (P) = Voltage (E) × current ( I )
An easy way to remember:
In other words, the higher the voltage, and the more current
P : Power (W)
there is, the more work will be done by the electricity. This P E : Voltage (V)
relationship is expressed by the formula at the right. E I I : Current (A)
R : Resistance (Ω)

6. Electrical circuits
The illustration shows a battery, a lamp, and an ammeter con-
nected to each other. The current flows from the + terminal of
the battery to the switch, ammeter, lamp, and the - terminal of
the battery, to light the lamp. The path along which the electric-
ity flows is called an electrical circuit.
The battery, gauge, and resistor can be connected either in se-
ries or in parallel.

1) Serial connection
A serial connection is one in which resistors or other ele-
ments are connected in sequential order, in a series.
The current I that goes through resistor R1 also passes through
resistor R2 just as it is. In this case, the voltage is equal to the
sum of the voltages applied to each of the resistors, and is
expressed using the following formula.
V = V1 + V2 + ..... Vn
If the composite resistance is expressed as R, then, based on Ohm’s law, we have:
IR = IR1 + IR 2 + IRn
As a result, we have:
R = R1 + R2 + ..... Rn
In other words, the composite resistance of a serial connection is the total of the connected resistance values.

2) Parallel connection
The current I from the battery is divided into I1 and I2, and these flow to resistors R1 and R2, respectively.
In this case, we have:
I = I1 + I 2 + ..... In
If the composite resistance is expressed as R, then, based on Ohm’s law, we have:
—— = —— + —— + ......... ——
R R1 R2 Rn

As a result, we have:
1 1 1 1
—— = —— + —— + ......... ——
R R1 R2 Rn

In other words, the composite resistance of a parallel connec-

tion is the inverse sum of the connected resistance values.
We could write the above formula in this way:
R = ———————————
1 1 1
—— + —— + ..... ——
R1 R2 Rn

7. The three functions of current
Current has three different functions: a heat-generating function, a chemical function, and a magnetic function,
and all three of these are utilized in motorcycles.

1) The heat-generating function

When current flows to a resistant material, heat is generated.
This happens because the electrical energy is converted in
the resistor to thermal energy. The larger the current, or the
larger the resistor, the greater the amount of heat that is pro-
A light bulb uses this heat-generating function to make the
filament incandescent and produce light.
Because it can be extremely dangerous to generate heat in
wiring cords, special care must be taken to make sure that
excess current is not allowed to flow through wiring that has
been newly installed or modified.
Application examples: Items such as cigarette lighters and electric heaters

2) The chemical function

If two pole plates are put in a saline solution or dilute sulfu-
ric acid, and current is sent to them, electrolysis results, and
air bubbles will be produced on the surfaces of the pole plates.
This is called the chemical action of current. If this is applied
in a battery, the chemical action that takes place between di-
lute sulfuric acid and lead produces electrical energy.
Application examples: Electroplating, electrolytic polishing,

3) The magnetic function

If a magnet is attached to a wire through which current is
flowing in such a way that the magnet can move freely, the
needle on the magnet will begin to oscillate. This is because
magnetic lines of force are produced around the wire and act
on the needle. This action is called the magnetic function of
The magnetic function of current is used in almost all ordi-
nary electrical machines, and is also used in most of the elec-
trical devices used in motorcycles.
Application examples: Electric motors, generators, horns, relays, etc.

8. Capacitors
Capacitors are elements that, when voltage is applied, can store electricity. The volume of electricity that can be
stored is proportional to the voltage, and is expressed by the following formula.
Q : Volume of electricity
Q = CV C : Electrostatic capacity
V : Voltage
C is a constant that indicates the capacity to store electricity. This is called the electrostatic capacity of the capaci-
tor. The unit used for the electrostatic capacity is the farad, and it is expressed by the letter F.

9. The units of electricity

Item Unit Notes
Voltage Volt (V) 1 kV (kilovolt) = 1000 V
Current Ampere (A) 1 mA (milliampere) = 1/1000 A
Resistance Ohm (Ω) 1 kΩ (kilo-ohm) = 1000 Ω, 1 MΩ (mega-ohm) = 1000 KW
Power Watt (W) 1 kW (kilowatt) = 1000 W
Capacitance Farad (F) 1 mF (microfarad) = 1/10000000 F
Quantity of electricity Coulomb (C) C (quantity of electricity carried by 1 A of current in 1 second)
Battery capacitance Ampere hour (AH) AH = current (A) × time (H)

10. Wiring systems

1) Wiring
Wiring refers to activating various kinds of electrical devices by allowing current to flow to them and cutting it
off. If wiring is not done correctly, it can not only interfere with driving of the vehicle, but can cause fire as well,
so it is a very important part of the overall system.
There are three types of electrical wire used for automotive wiring, categorized based on JIS standards.
÷ High-voltage wire ... Used in high-voltage circuits such as those in ignition devices.
÷ Low-voltage wire .... Used in ordinary low-voltage circuits.
÷ Shielded wire .......... Used to shield bare wires in order to prevent high-frequency noise.
The thickness and length of the wire are designed taking the power supply capacity, the output of the electrical
device, losses in voltage, and other factors into consideration, and a proper size and type wire is selected. A
thick, short wire has less resistance of its own, so it reduces the danger of excess heat.
The wiring system consists of a wire harness, along with auxiliary wiring that connect two locations, and
accessory parts such as terminals, and connectors.
The wire harness makes up the primary electrical circuit. In order to make the wiring more reliable, wires are
bundled together and covered with vinyl tape, plastic tubes, or other materials. Also, to eliminate errors in
wiring, all wires are color-coded, with the color code marked on the sides or end of the wire.

2) Wiring diagram

electrical relationships between the various parts.

Color code Color code
B Black B/Y Black / Yellow
Br Brown B/R Black / Red
Gr Gray O/B Orange / Black
Lbl Light blue O/L Orange / Blue
Lg Light green O/G Orange / Green
O Orange O/R Orange / Red
R Red O/W Orange / White
Y Yellow O/Y Orange / Yellow
W White W/B White / Black
B/L Black / Blue Y/G Yellow / Green
B/W Black / White Y/W Yellow / White
With electrical devices, wiring diagrams like that shown below are used as a convenient way to indicate the
3) Wiring diagram symbols
Various symbols are used on electrical wiring diagrams, for a convenient way of identifying the different elec-
trical devices. The following table shows symbols commonly used on wiring diagrams.

Content Symbol Content Symbol

Wire Plug

(to be connected)
(not to be connected)

Ground Ammeter

Terminal Voltmeter

Resistor Direct current

Variable resistor Alternating current

Coil Diode

Transistor Zener diode

Capacitor NPN transistor

Switch PNP transistor

Fuse Thyristor

Battery Thermistor

Cord, connector wire


[2] The theory of electromagnetism
1. Magnets and magnetic lines of force
1) Magnets and magnetic poles
Any object that has magnetism is called a magnet. As shown in Figure (1), if a magnet is brought close to iron,
both ends of the magnet pull the iron towards it. This property is called magnetism, and the two ends of a
magnet, where the magnetic force is strongest, are called the magnetic poles.
Also, if a rod-shaped magnet is suspended so that its center is horizontal, the magnet naturally points north and
south, and stops at that position. The magnetic pole pointing north at that point is called the N pole, and the
opposite pole is the S pole.
If two magnets suspended horizontally are brought close to each other, the magnetic poles with the same mag-
netism will repel each other, as shown in Figure (2), while those with opposite magnetism will be drawn to each
The reason that the ends of a suspended magnet point north and south is because the earth itself forms a strong

2) Magnetic lines of force and magnetic fields

If a magnet is set on a single sheet of glass, as shown in Figure (1), and iron filings are scattered on the glass and
the glass gently tapped, the iron filings all gather together and form a curve between the magnetic poles of the
magnet. This is thought to be because, as shown in Figure (2), there is a line that has magnetic force running
from the N pole towards the S pole. This line is called a line of magnetic force, and a location through which
these lines pass is called a magnetic field.

2. Magnets
1) Magnetic fields created by current
If iron filings are scattered on a sheet of paper that has a con-
ductor wire sticking up through it, and current is flowing
through the conductor wire, tapping the paper lightly will
cause the iron filings to align themselves in concentric circles.
This is because the magnetic lines of force in the area around
the conductor wire through which current is flowing act on
the iron filings, and as the distance from the wire increases,
the lines of magnetic force become weaker.
÷ The right-handed screw principle
The direction in which current flows in a magnetic field
has a constant relationship to the direction of the magnetic
lines of force. If the current is flowing in the same direc-
tion as the direction in which a right-handed screw ad-
vances, the direction in which the screw turns will be the
same as the direction of the lines of magnetic force. This is
called the right-handed screw principle.
2) Coils
A coil is a conductive wire wound in a spiral pattern. As shown
in Figure (1), if current flows through the coil in the direction
indicated by the arrow, magnetic lines of force are produced
at various parts of the coil that are like dotted lines, and the
direction of the magnetic lines of force in the coil will be like
a solid line.
If current flows through a coil that has many turns, the mag-
netic lines of force will be as shown in Figure (2), where the
result will be the sum of the magnetic lines of force produced
at each of the turns, and the two ends of the coil will be the N
pole and the S pole.
Coils are used in many electrical devices, including starter motors, generators, and ignition coils.
3) Magnets
If a coil has an iron core, as shown in the illustration, there is
a noticeable increase in the number of magnetic lines of force.
This is because the magnetic lines of force pass through iron
much better than through air, so the iron core forms a strong
An object that has strong magnetism created by current flow-
ing through a coil is called an electromagnet.
The more turns there are in the coil, and the more current
there is flowing through the coil, and the stronger the elec-
tromagnet will be.

[3] Fundamentals of semiconductors
1. Semiconductors
Electricity flows more easily through some substances than others. Substances through which electricity flows
easily, with little resistance, are called conductors, while those with a high level of resistance, making it difficult
for electricity to pass through, are called insulators.
A semiconductor, as the name indicates, is partially a conductor. Semiconductors have a resistance value halfway
between that of metal, which is a conductor, and glass, which is an insulator.

Material Resistivity (rate) / Ω cm

Copper, gold, silver, aluminum, platinum, iron, mercury, carbon,

Conductors 10-4 – 10-6
acidic and alkali solvents, etc.

Semiconductors Silicon, selenium, germanium, cuprous oxide, etc. 10-3 – 106

Insulators Glass, mica, bakelite, rubber, porcelain, plastic, paper, etc. 109 – 1020

However, not all substances with a resistance value halfway between conductors and insulators are semiconduc-
tors. Generally, substances that include the following properties are labeled semiconductors.
÷ The temperature coefficient of the electrical resistance is negative.
Generally, in conductors such as copper and iron, the resistance value rises as the temperature rises, so the
temperature coefficient is positive. In semiconductors, however, the resistance value drops as the temperature
÷ If the substance contains even a small quantity of other atoms, the electrical resistance changes significantly.
÷ The electrical resistance changes if the substance is irradiated with light, and if connected to an alternating
current power supply, a particular phenomenon occurs in which light is generated.
As indicated here, if the properties of a substance can be changed significantly by varying external conditions, the
substance is called a semiconductor.
Substances that actually meet the above conditions (semiconductors) include those such as germanium (Ge) and
silicon (Si). These two meet all of the above conditions, and are typical semiconductors. Germanium and silicon
are used as the base for diodes, transistors, and other semiconductor elements.

Genuine semiconductors...... Silicon, germanium, etc.

P-type semiconductors ...... Generally, these include silicon with
boron added, and germanium with
indium added.
N-type semiconductors ..... Generally, these include silicon with
phosphorus added, and germanium
with arsenic added.

2. Various types of semiconductor elements
There are various types of semiconductor elements made using semiconductors such as silicon and germanium.
This next section takes a brief look at elements pertaining to motorcycles.

1) Diodes
Diodes have the characteristic that the current flows in only
one direction. For this reason, they are used in rectifier cir-
cuits that change alternating current into direct current.
As shown in the illustration, a diode has an N-type semicon-
ductor joined to a P-type semiconductor.
If a positive voltage is applied to the P-type PN junction and
a negative voltage to the N-type PN junction, the current flows
easily through the diode, but if the voltages are reversed, al-
most no voltage flows.

÷ Voltage and current characteristics of diodes

In diodes, current will flow in the opposite direction, even
if it is only a tiny amount of current. This is because the N-
type semiconductor has a very small number of positive
holes, and the P-type semiconductor has a very few elec-
trons. For this reason, voltage applied in the reverse direc-
tion will become forward voltage, allowing a small amount
of current to flow.

2) Zener diodes
Zener diodes are a type of diode in which current flows in the
same way as in an ordinary diode, but in the opposite direc-
Taking advantage of this reverse characteristic, Zener diodes
are used in constant-voltage devices such as waveform recti-
fier circuits and voltage regulators.

÷ Voltage and current characteristics of Zener diodes

In Zener diodes, as shown in the illustration, when voltage
is applied in the reverse direction, current begins to flow
suddenly when a certain voltage level (Zener voltage) is
reached, and is inhibited again if the voltage drops only

3) Thyristors (SCR)
Thyristors are able to allow anode current ranging from sev-
eral amperes to several hundreds of amperes to flow when a
very small gate signal is applied, so they are used in CDI
circuits and other circuits, as switching elements.
Thyristors consist of an anode, a cathode, and a gate.
The reverse characteristic works generally in the same way
as in diodes, so that no current flows even if voltage is ap-
plied. In the forward direction, current first begins to flow
when a gate signal (voltage) is applied to the gate. Once volt-
age has been applied to the gate, the thyristor continues to
produce a flow of current even if the gate voltage is set to 0.
If the voltage of the anode and cathode becomes 0, however,
so that current can no longer flow, a gate voltage must be
applied to the gate again in order to resume the flow of current.

4) Transistors
In transistors, changes in the small amount of current that flows to the base are used in booster circuits to boost
the current flowing to the collector into a much larger current.
This is also used in applications such as generating circuits, in which signals are repeatedly generated at a given
timing, and in switching circuits, which start and stop the flow of current in response to whether or not there is
a small amount of signal current.

a) PNP-type transistors
Transistors are configured of an emitter, a base, and a
The PNP transistor has P-type semiconductors coupled
to an N-type semiconductor in a P-N-P configuration.
When a small amount of current flows to the base elec-
trode, a large volume of current flows from the emitter
to the collector.

b) NPN-type transistors
The NPN transistor has an N-P-N configuration in
which the current flows in the direction opposite to that
in a PNP transistor.
It works in the same way as a PNP transistor.

5) Thermistors
The thermistor is an element using the temperature char-
acteristics of the semiconductor, in which the electrical
characteristics change significantly in response to tem-
perature changes. Negative-characteristic thermistors, in
which raising the temperature lowers the electrical resis-
tance, so that more current flows even if the same voltage
is applied, are the most commonly used type.
Taking advantage of this characteristic, these elements are
used to detect temperatures, such as in temperature gauges
and fuel level warning devices.

II. Electrical Systems in the Engine

[1] Starting devices

To start the engine, first a crankshaft has to be rotated, and this requires a device called a starter. The crankshaft can
be rotated either mechanically (kick-starting) or electrically (starter motor and starter generator systems). Here,
we will look at the electrical type.

1. The rotation principle of the starter motor

1) Electromagnetic force (Fleming’s left-hand law)
Magnetic lines of force enter a magnet from the N pole and
exit from the S pole, rotating to the right around the conduc-
tor wire because of the right-hand screw principle.
Looking at a superimposed view of these two different direc-
tions of magnetic lines of force, as shown in the illustration, on
the left of the conductor wire, the magnetic lines of force are
moving in retrograde directions, so that they cancel each other
out and become weaker, while on the right, they move in the
same direction, and are added together to become stronger.
As a result, the conductor wire is pushed in the direction of
the arrow, just like a stone flung from the rubber strip on a
slingshot. In other words, when current flows to the conduc-
tor wire in a magnetic field, a mechanical force called elec-
tromagnetic force is generated.

÷ As shown in the illustration, the size of the electromag-

netic force is largest when the direction of the magnetic
field is perpendicular to that of the current, and increases
in proportion to the length of the conductor, the size of the
current, and the strength of the magnetic field.
This can be expressed as:
Electromagnetic force = (strength of magnetic field)
× (current) × (length of conductor)
÷ The relationship between the directions of the lines of
magnetic force, the current, and the strength (movement)
is constant, as indicated above. This relationship is called
Fleming’s left-hand principle. In this case, if the fingers of
the left hand are bent perpendicular to the hand, as shown
in the illustration, they indicate the various directions in-
Thumb : Direction of movement
Middle finger : Direction of current
Index finger : Direction of lines of magnetic force

2) The function of the commutator and brush
As shown in the illustration, when a coil is inserted into a
magnetic field, the current flows in opposite directions on
the right and left sides, and magnetism is produced in accor-
dance with Fleming’s left-hand principle, so that the coil gen-
erates rotating movement. Because this rotation is carried out
continuously, a commutator and brush are required.
The commutator and brush carry out an action called rectifi-
cation. Based on this action, the section coming to the N pole
side of the conductor wire and that coming to the S pole side
receive the force from the opposite vertical directions, al-
lowing the rotation of the conductor wire to be sustained.
This is called the rotation principle of the motor.

2. Starter motor-type starting devices (Cell motor types)

Starter motors are available in various forms, such as an armature type and an electromagnetic push-in type. Here,
we will look at the constant-mesh type. In this type of starter motor, a pinion which is coupled directly to the
armature at all times is constantly meshed with the starter clutch gear through the idle gear, and is brought into
intermittent contact with the crankshaft by means of a starter clutch mounted on the crankshaft.

1) Starter motor
The outer core of the starter motor consists of a yoke, a rear bracket, and a front bracket. A field coil and pole
core (field core) are mounted on the inside of the yoke with screws.

The armature is supported by a bushing (plain bearing), and

is constructed so that it can rotate while maintaining a slight
clearance with the pole core. A carbon brush is attached to
the rear bracket by means of a brush holder, and the force of
the brush spring pushes the brush against the commutator of
the armature.
The armature consists of an armature core, an armature coil,
and a commutator. There is a pinion on the front bracket side
of the armature shaft.
The armature core is made of thin sheets of steel plate stacked
on top of one another, and the armature coil is fitted into slots
provided around the outer periphery of the armature core.

2) Starter clutch
Starter clutche types include a multi-plate clutch and vari-
ous other types, but most Suzuki motorcycles use either a
roller type or a sprag type.
The roller type has a roller inserted into a wedge-shaped
groove between the inner and outer races of the starter
clutch assembly. The roller is pressed to the narrow end
of the groove by a spring.
In the sprag type, the rotational force is conveyed only in
one direction, because of the shape of the starter clutch

3) Starter relay
If the starter motor is turned by means of electricity from the battery, there will always be a switch. Because a
fairly large volume of current is involved, however, a switch designed for a smaller volume of current might be
overloaded. For that reason, an electromagnetic switch is used with a small amount of current, and the battery
and starter motor are connected by this switch, called a starter relay.

4) Electrical circuits
When the ignition switch is turned on and the starter switch
is pressed, current flows to the starter relay switch, turn-
ing on the relay. A large volume of current then flows from
the battery through the relay to the starter motor.

÷ Starter mechanism
In order to prevent the bike from jumping forward if an
inexperienced rider accidentally presses the accelera-
tor too hard when starting the engine, the system is de-
signed so that the starter motor can turn and the engine
can be started only when the front or rear brake is on.
Another system that requires the clutch lever to be pulled
in is sometimes used. (See clutch switch in diagram on
the next page.)

÷ Interlock mechanism
This mechanism prevents the bike from moving forward if the side stand has not been properly stored. When
the side stand is extended, a side stand relay is activated if the gear change mechanism is shifted to any
position other than “Neutral”. This prevents electricity from flowing to the starting system circuits, so the
starter motor cannot be activated. In this state, no electricity flows to the igniter circuit, so ignition cannot
take place. When the gear change mechanism is shifted into “Neutral”, the engine can be started.

≥ Caution
When the side stand is extended, an interlock Side stand
Engine Extended Returned
mechanism is activated, so that the bike can-
Other than Neutral × ◎
not move forward.
Neutral ○ ○
Store the side stand properly before attempt-
◎ Can be started/driven
ing to start the bike. ○ Can be started
× Cannot be started/driven

3. Starter generator-type starting devices (Starter dynamo types)
The starter generator type of starting device is called by various names, such as a starter dynamo or a sel-dynamo,
and functions as a direct-current, direct-winding starter motor (electric motor). When the engine begins to turn, it
functions as a shunt-type dynamo (generator).

1) The construction of the starter generator

As shown in the illustration, the starter generator consists of parts such as a stator, an armature mounted on the
crankshaft, along with a capacitor, a contact point, and other parts.
The armature has an armature coil wound around the armature core, and a commutator is connected to the end
of it.

The stator has eight magnetic poles on the inner sur-

face. As shown in the illustration, the field coil for the
stator and generator are wound together around these
magnetic poles.

[2] Ignition devices
The ignition system produces electrical sparks at appropriate intervals which are directed to the spark plugs mounted
on the cylinder heads, to ignite the fuel-air mixture. Some ignition systems use a battery as the power supply, and
some use magnets (high-voltage magnetic generators).

1. The principle of high-voltage generation

1) The function of self-induction
As shown in Figure (1), when current is flowing to a coil
wound around an iron core, if an attempt is made to magne-
tize that space, a voltage is set up instantaneously across the
coil to prevent the space from being magnetized.
Conversely, if the flow of current is abruptly cut off using a
switch, a voltage is set up across the coil in the direction that
will maintain the present flow of current, as shown in Figure
In this way, when current is flowing or is obstructed, so that
the coil’s magnetic lines of force are increased or decreased,
a voltage is induced that causes current to flow in the direc-
tion that prevents the change. This phenomenon is called the
self-induction function of the coil. The self-induction voltage
is higher when the switch is turned off than when it is turned

2) The function of mutual induction

When two coils are wound around an iron core, as shown in
the illustration, and the current flowing to one coil is started,
stopped, connected, or otherwise changed, a voltage is set up
in the second coil that is proportional to the turn ratio of the
two coils.
In this way, when the magnetic strength and direction of the
iron core are changed by changing the size and direction of
the current flowing through one of the two coils, voltage is
set up in the other coil. This phenomenon is called the mu-
tual induction function of the coil.
This principle is applied in the ignition coil used in engine
ignition systems.

2. Types of ignition devices
There are a number of ways to ignite and burn the fuel-air mixture compressed in the cylinder at the end of the
engine compression stroke, but currently, all motorcycle engines use high-voltage electric ignition.
In high-voltage electric ignition, a high voltage of several thousand volts or more is applied to the gap between the
spark plug electrodes, producing a spark, and the energy from this spark is used to ignite and burn the fuel-air
mixture. There are two types, as described below.

Magneto ignition (contact type)

Magneto ignition

(AC ignition) CDI ignition (non-contact type)

Battery ignition (contact type)

Semi-transistor ignition (contact type)

Battery ignition
Full-transistor ignition (non-contact type)
(DC ignition)
CDI ignition (non-contact type)

3. Flywheel magneto ignition devices

The magneto is also called a high-voltage magneto generator, and uses electromagnetic induction to produce
primary current in the ignition coil. This ongoing process activates the ignition coil and ignites the engine. In other
words, because the magneto induces ignition under its own power, the engine can be operated without a battery.
This system is used primarily in vehicles with a small displacement. In the most commonly used magneto, the
generating coil is fixed and the magnet (permanent magnet) rotates to generate energy. Thus, the inertia of the
magnet weight is used to activate the engine flywheel. In this way, the magneto performs the function of the
flywheel as well, and is called a flywheel magneto.

4. CDI ignition devices
The CDI (Capacitor Discharge Ignition) sys-
tem is a non-contact type of device using fly-
wheel magneto ignition.
As shown in the illustration, the output from
the ignition coil is temporarily stored in the
capacitor, until a signal is received from the
ignition timing control unit. At that point, the
thyristor (SCR) is turned on, and the electricity
accumulated in the capacitor is suddenly dis-
charged to the primary coil of the ignition coil,
so that a high voltage is induced in the second-
ary coil. This is called a capacitive discharge

1) Basic function of the circuit

÷ When the flywheel turns, alternating current is generated at the ignition coil.
÷ The electricity generated at the ignition coil (charging coil) is used to charge the capacitor.
÷ When the crankshaft (flywheel) reaches a specific rotation position, a signal is sent from the pickup coil to
the CDI unit.
÷ The signal from the pickup coil is calculated by a microcomputer in the CDI unit, and signals are sent to the
thyristor gate at the optimum ignition timing for the engine rotation.
÷ When the thyristor receives a gate signal, the gate opens (goes on) and electricity is sent from the anode to the
cathode. The electricity that has accumulated in the capacitor passes instantaneously through the thyristor to
the primary coil of the ignition coil through their common grounds.
÷ When electricity reaches the primary coil of the ignition coil, mutual inductance is set up between the pri-
mary and secondary coils in the ignition coil, and a high voltage proportional to the primary and secondary
coil turn ratio is generated instantaneously at the secondary coil.
÷ The high-voltage electricity generated at the secondary coil jumps to the gap between the spark plug elec-
trodes and ignites the fuel-air mixture compressed in the combustion chamber, turning the engine.

2) Engine stop circuit
The engine is stopped by grounding the electromotive force
generated at the ignition coil in the CDI ignition system,
through a switch, so that the capacitor is no longer charged.
Because the capacitor is no longer charged, no spark jumps
between the spark plug electrodes even if the thyristor is on,
and the engine stops.

3) DC-CDI ignition device

In this system, the battery serves as the ignition power supply, the voltage is boosted using an inverter, and the
capacitor is charged.

÷ Basic function of the circuit

Voltage supplied from the battery is
boosted by a booster circuit and the
capacitor is charged. A signal from
the pickup coil causes the CPU to
output thyristor current, activating the
At this point, the electricity that has
accumulated in the capacitor flows
to the ignition coil, and a high volt-
age is generated at the spark plugs.

5. Full-transistor ignition device
A full-transistor ignition device is a non-con-
tact ignition device that uses a semiconductor
(such as a transistor) in the battery ignition sys-
The full-transistor ignition device uses a signal
generator (a device that generates ignition sig-
nals) instead of points and an igniter (control
unit) to control the flow of primary current. Be-
cause the points have been eliminated, it requires
no maintenance.

Advantages of the full-transistor ignition device

÷ No maintenance such as points adjustment or replacement is required.
÷ There is no deterioration of sparking performance because of point arcing at low speeds.
÷ There are no engine problems caused by dirty contact points.
÷ The ignition timing does not change as time elapses.
÷ This device offers outstanding resistance to water and vibration.

1) Basic function of the circuit

This is the basic circuit illustrating the principle of the
full-transistor ignition system. When the timing rotor is
not rotating (the engine is stopped), the electric poten-
tial at point P is high and the transistor is on, so that
primary current is flowing to the ignition coil. When the
engine starts and the timing rotor begins to turn, an al-
ternating current signal is generated at the pickup coil,
and the voltage waveform of that signal changes sud-
denly from + to -, as shown in the illustration, at the
position opposite the projection on the timing rotor.
If this alternating current signal is in the + direction in
relation to point P, the electric potential of point P does
not change, and the transistor remains on.
However, if voltage is generated in the - direction in
relation to point P, the electric potential of point P be-
comes lower than the operating potential of the transis-
tor, and the transistor goes off. This shuts off the flow of
current to the primary coil, producing a high voltage at
the secondary coil and causing a spark to jump across
the spark plug.

2) Digital spark advancer
The digital spark advancer is an ignition device that uses a digital computer to calculate the electronic spark
advance (it calculates the ignition timing). There is also an analog spark advancer, and generally, when people
talk about electronic advance, they mean the analog type, which uses an analog method of calculating the
electronic advance required. The digital advance method can be used in full-transistor ignition devices as well
as in CDI ignition devices.

a) Basic function of the circuit

Voltage generated in the pickup coil of the signal generator is converted in the input circuit into a clean pulse
waveform with no noise, that can be received by a computer. The digital computer precisely measures the
timing intervals of the pulse waveforms coming into it, and identifies the cylinders, judges the speed, calcu-
lates the ignition timing and then issues ignition instructions.

b) Advantages of digital advance

In comparison with other advance systems (waveform advance and analog advance), digital advance offers
the following advantages.
÷ The ignition timing is precise.
÷ The ignition timing characteristic can be freely realized.
÷ The over-rev limiter circuit is precise.
÷ Ignition timing can be carried out in conjunction with other forms of control.
÷ There are no changes as time elapses.

6. Ignition coil
The ignition coil stops and starts the flow of current to the primary coil, and thus initiates mutual induction
between the primary and secondary coils, setting up a high voltage in response to sudden changes and to the turn
ratio of the two coils.
As shown in the illustration, the ignition coil consists of an
iron core, a primary coil, a secondary coil, a high-tension
cord, a primary terminal, and other parts. The iron core has
the primary and secondary coils wound around it, and is
covered with a composite resin, securing it in place and
insulating it.
The primary coil is made of around 300 turns of copper
wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm to 1.0 mm.
The secondary coil is made of between 15,000 and 30,000
turns of copper wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm to 1.0 mm.

1) Principle
Two coils are wound around an iron core, and current flows through the primary coil in the direction indicated
at (1) in the illustration, magnetizing the iron core.
If the switch shown at (2) is suddenly opened, an attempt is made to de-magnetize the iron core, but electromo-
tive force acts to prevent this, using the self-induction function and setting up induction in the primary coil. At
the same time, electromotive force is induced in the secondary coil by the mutual induction function. The larger
the percentage by which the primary coil current is reduced, the larger this electromotive force will be, and the
larger the turn ratio of the two coils, the higher the force will be.
Generally, a voltage of between 15,000 and 30,000 V is induced in the secondary coil.

No. of turns in secondary coil

Secondary voltage = ——————————————— × primary voltage
no. of turns in primary coil

7. Spark plugs
The spark plugs are the most important part of the ignition sys-
tem, as they play a vital role in the final stroke. They receive the
high voltage generated at the ignition coil and produce a spark
between the two electrodes at the tip of the spark plug, igniting
the fuel-air mixture and activating the engine. When mounted
in the engine, the spark plugs are subjected to extremely high
combustion pressure, as well as high temperatures of over
2,000°C. They are also subjected to intense vibration.
Spark plugs are constructed to be able to withstand all of these
rigorous conditions.

1) Heat range of the plug

Because the volume of heat to which the spark plugs are subjected varies greatly depending on the position at
which the plugs are mounted in the engine and the operating conditions, the right spark plugs for the engine
must be used (plugs with the right heat range).
The plug electrodes are subjected to extremely high temperatures. The heat to which the + electrode (the center
electrode) is subjected travels along the path indicated by the arrow at (2) in the illustration and escapes to the
cylinder head.
If the temperature of the center electrode is 500°C or lower, carbon and other substances adhering to the elec-
trodes do not burn as easily, and the electrodes become dirty, making it more difficult for the spark to jump
between them. This results in a lower engine output. Conversely, if the temperature is 900°C or higher, the
electrodes become extremely hot, and end up igniting the fuel-air mixture before the spark has a chance to ignite
them, throwing off the ignition timing and causing poor engine performance. If the electrode temperature is
between 500°C and 900°C, any carbon adhering to them burns spontaneously, keeping the electrodes clean
(self-cleaning function) and allowing a good spark to jump between the electrodes, creating the optimum con-
ditions for engine operation.
The temperature of the center electrode is governed by the length of the insulator igniter shown Figure (1).
A long insulator igniter makes it easier for the center electrode temperature to rise. This is called a hard type or
hot type, and it is appropriate for driving at a low speed, with a low load. If the insulator igniter is short, the
temperature tends to be lower, and this is called a cold type. It is appropriate for driving at a high speed, with a
heavy load.

2) Gauging whether plugs are burned
If you look at the electrodes of the spark plugs, you can tell the temperature of the center electrode of the spark

If the igniter section is always pure white or has granules ad-

hering to it, and the electrode diminishes abnormally quickly,
there is excessive burning.
Starting temperature
for early ignition

If it is reddish brown or pale gray, the plug is normal.

Starting temperature
for self-cleaning
The entire igniter is covered with dried carbon, or when wet
with gasoline or oil, it appears sooty or oily.

3) Reading plug model numbers

Plugs must be selected which are appropriate for the engine, but manufacturers have different ways of labeling
plugs. The table below shows examples of plugs made by NGK and Denso.
NGK plugs

B P R 5 E S -11
<Screw diameter> <Construction> <Construction> <Heat range> <Screw length> S: Standard type <Sparking gap>
A ........... 18mm P: Type with protrud- R: 2 Hot type E : 19.0mm Y: Green plug -9 : 0.9mm
B ........... 14mm ing insulator Resistor 4 V: V-plug -11 : 1.1mm
C ........... 10mm U: Type with semi- type 5 H : 12.7mm VX: VX-plug -13 : 1.3mm
D ........... 12mm creeping or creep- 6 K: Outer side bipolar electrode -L : Intermediate
E ............. 8mm ing surface dis- 7 F : Conical T: Outer side tripolar electrode heat range
BC ........ 14mm charge 8 seat type Q: Outer side quadripolar -N : Dimensions, etc.
(hex, opposite sides 16.0 mm) 9 A-F 10.9mm electrode (for rotary use) of outer
10 B-F 11.2mm B: For CVCC engines electrodes differ
BK... These are parts whose dimensions are
11 BE-F 17.5mm J: Bipolar rhombic electrode
defined by international standards for
12 Cold type BM-F 7.8mm A: Special specifications
the BOP type (ISO); the length from the C: Rhombic electrode
plug gasket to the terminal nut is 2.8 P: Platinum tip plug
mm shorter than that of the BCP type.

Denso plugs

W 16 E P 11
Symbol Gap width
Screw diameter Heat range Screw length Construction, etc.
(reach) X : Amount of projection: 2.5 mm J... A Total projection length 7 mm 8 0.8mm
M ............. 18mm 9 Low heat range U : U-groove grounding electrode (ignition position + 3 mm from W16EX-U)
E .............. 19mm N : Nickel grounding electrode J... B Total projection length 9.5 mm 9 0.9mm
(hex, 2-plane width 25.4 mm) 14 (Hot type) (racing plugs) (ignition position + 5.5 mm from W16EX-U)
F ........... 12.7mm Pt : Platinum grounding electrode J... B Total projection length 5 mm 10 1.0mm
W ............. 14mm 16 (racing plugs) (ignition position + 1 mm from W16EX-U)
If not indicated: R : With resistor A : Special heat range
(hex, 2-plane width 20.6 mm) 20 11 1.1mm
Screw Screw T : Bipolar facing grounding electrodes C : Grounding electrodes are cutback type
X .............. 12mm 22 diameter length Y : Bipolar rhombic grounding electrodes L : Special plugs 13 1.3mm
K : W -- EK projection  W...ES-L
(hex, 2-plane width 18 mm) 24 (amount of insulator projection is 1.0 mm) 
With special insulator for CVCC
M ............. 12mm M : Mini-plug

 W...FP-L
14 1.4mm
U .............. 10mm 27 High heat range P : W -- EP-U projection 
For family bikes: amount of insulator
W ............ 9.5mm 

15 1.5mm
(hex, 2-plane width 16 mm) 31 (Cold type) (amount of insulator projection is 1.5 mm) projection is 2.5 mm or 3.5 m
R : Plug with resistor P : Platinum
Y ................ 8mm S : W -- ES-U non-projecting  PQ...R-P  Standard if 

(hex, 2-plane width 13 mm)
(insulator does not extend beyond housing)  Dual-layer platinum used for grounding electrode  not indicated: 
T : Grounding electrodes are bipolar facing type  Q... PR-P
  
Z .............. 1/2PF V : Grounding electrodes are rhombic shaped 

K....PR-TP  4-wheel : 0.8mm 
X : W -- EX-U full-projection Platinum used for center electrode or grounding electrode  
(hex, 2-plane width 23.8 mm) (amount of insulator projection is 2.5 mm) S : Creeping discharge type  2-wheel : 0.7mm 
T : Tapered cut
U : Grounding electrode has U-cut
Zu : Uses center electrode of ultra-fine platinum special
alloy and grounding electrode has tapered-cut tip

[3] Charging devices
The electrical system of the motorcycle usually has a 6-volt or a 12-volt battery power supply, but in order to fully
run all of the electrical devices installed in the motorcycle, a regulated current must be supplied from the battery.
The battery itself has a limited capacity, however, and running the electrical devices only on the current from the
battery will cause the battery to discharge in a short period of time. Also, as the battery discharges, the voltage also
drops, and it is not possible to supply current to the various electrical devices at a constant level of voltage.
For these reasons, it is necessary to charge the battery, and this is done using a device called a charger.

1. The principle behind power generation

1) The function of electromagnetic inductance and induced electromotive force
The illustration shows a magnet being moved rapidly inside
a coil. If the magnet is moved in this way inside a coil, volt-
age will be produced, and the lamp will light. Conversely, if
the magnet is secured in place, moving the coil will not pro-
duce the same result. This is because changing the number of
magnetic lines of force passing through the coil produces
voltage inside the coil. Generally, this is called Faraday’s law.
This law is also called the function of electromagnetic induc-
tance, and the electromotive force produced as a result is called
induced electromotive force.

A phenomenon called Fleming’s right-hand law occurs be-

tween the direction of the magnetic lines of force and that in
which the conductor is moved, and the direction of the in-
duced electromotive force that is generated (the direction in
which current is flowing). As shown in the illustration, if the
index finger on the right hand indicates the direction of the
magnetic lines of force, and the thumb indicates the direc-
tion in which the conductor moves, then the middle finger
indicates the direction of the induced electromotive force.
The size of the electromotive force changes in proportion to
the following elements.

÷ The strength of the magnetic force

÷ The length of the conductor (the number of magnetic
inductions increases as the length increases)
÷ The speed at which the conductor is rotating

2) Rectification and the rectifier
a) Rectification of electromotive force
In order to produce electromotive force continuously, the
conductor must continuously break away from the mag-
netic flux. This can be done by making the conductor ro-
tate in the magnetic field, or by having the conductor fixed
in place and rotating the magnetic field. An alternating
current generator is usually used to generate power. When
the coil rotates at a constant speed in the magnetic field,
the electromotive force generated at the coil changes as
shown in the illustration. Electromotive force produced in
this state is called alternating-current electromotive force.
If it is extracted to an external load just as it is, alternating
current results. This is an alternating current generator.

b) Rectifier
A rectifier is a device that changes alternating current to direct current, and is always incorporated into
flywheel magnetos and AC generators. Currently, silicon rectifiers are in wide use. The silicon rectifier uses
the directionality of the current as a diode (strong current is sent in one direction, and almost no current in the
opposite direction).
There are half-wave rectifiers (one-wave rectifiers) and full-
wave rectifiers (dual-wave rectifiers).
Figure (1) shows the basic circuit of the half-wave recti-
fier, in which the symbol for the rectifier indicates that
current flows only in the direction of the arrow. In other
words, in this circuit, the rectifier allows current to flow
only when side A of the AC power supply is +, so current
flows to the resistor, and when side A is -, current no
longer flows to it. Consequently, because current flows to
the resistor in only one direction, rectification is carried
out here. However, since only half of the alternating cur-
rent that serves as the power supply is used, as shown in
Figure (2), the average current value is small, and that
waveform will be pulsating current (intermittent current).

Full-wave rectification is a type of rectification designed
to use the other half of the AC voltage discarded in half-
wave rectification. In this method, four diodes are used in
the circuit design shown in the illustration.
Assuming that side A of the AC power supply is + and
side B is -, current coming from the power supply flows
from A to (1) to R to (2) to B, as indicated by the solid-line
Next, when side B of the AC power supply becomes +
and side A becomes -, the current flows in the sequence
indicated by the dotted-line arrows, from B to (3) to R to
(4) to A. As a result, constant rectified current can always
be obtained in the direction of the current flowing to the
resistor R, regardless of the direction of the power supply
voltage. Since all of the AC voltage from the power supply
is used, the average current value is larger, and there is
another advantage in that there is little fluctuation in the

The 3-phase full-wave rectification circuit is as shown in

the illustration. For now, let’s look only at the AC voltage
between the (1) and (2) terminals of the stator coil. If the
(1) terminal is + and the (2) terminal is -, current will
flow in the following sequence: (1) → (1)’ → d → B → R
→E → c → (3)’ → (2). Conversely, if the (2) terminal is +
and the (1) terminal is -, current will flow in the follow-
ing sequence: (2) → (3)’ → e → B → R → E → a → (1)’ →
(1). In either case, current to the resistor R flows in the
direction indicated by the arrows, and full-wave rectifica-
tion is carried out. In exactly the same way, the AC voltage
between the (2) and (3) terminals and between the (3) and
(1) terminals will undergo full-wave rectification, so if side
B is + and side E is -, direct current will be obtained. As
a result, if a battery is connected between B and E in a -
circuit, it can be charged.

2. Flywheel magneto charging device
The flywheel magneto is a magnetic generator, in which a magnetic field is created by a permanent magnet
incorporated into the flywheel, and power is generated by rotating this around a coil.
Multiple functions such as ignition, lighting, and charging can be carried out in a single assembly, so this is
commonly used in motorcycles with a small displacement.

1) Construction
The flywheel magneto, broadly speaking, consists of a stator
and a flywheel. The stator is mounted on the engine crank-
shaft, and has a built-in ignition coil and lighting coil, which
is used for the power supply for lighting and charging. A per-
manent magnet is attached to the flywheel, which in turn is
attached to the crankshaft and rotates.

2) Circuit and operation

When the flywheel turns, the magnetic flux in the stator (coil) moves in a reciprocal motion, so that AC voltage
is induced in the lighting coil (or lighting and charging coil).
This AC output is used just as it is to light the headlight, while the AC output for battery charging undergoes
half-wave rectification by the rectifier (diode) for use in charging the battery.

3) Voltage regulator
The voltage regulator used in the flywheel magneto system is a regulator that does not have a relay contact
point, but instead uses a semiconductor.

a) Basic operation of the voltage regulator

÷ When the flywheel turns, positive and negative electricity is alternately generated at the lighting coil (alter-
nating electricity is generated).
÷ Part of the positive electricity passes through the rectifier and charges the battery, and the rest passes
through the headlight switch (if the switch is on) and turns on the headlight.
÷ The negative electricity is obstructed by the rectifier on the battery side and does not flow through the
system. It is used only to light the headlight (if the switch is on).
The section from the regulator grounding terminal to the circuit in the regulator is closed between the SCR
and ZD, so no electricity flows in this passage.
÷ Next, as the voltage of the negative electricity rises, it eventually reaches the set voltage of ZD, and ZD
opens, allowing the negative electricity to flow from the grounding terminal of the regulator through D
→R1 →ZD →R2, forming a return circuit back to the generating coil. At that instant, a potential difference
is produced between points O and P by R2, and the gate current of the SCR flows from point O to point P,
so that the SCR opens. The current then flows from the
grounding terminal of the voltage regulator through the
SCR, and short-circuits the negative electricity, so that
the voltage suddenly drops.
÷ This drop in voltage causes the negative electricity to be
controlled, preventing abnormally high voltage from
going to the headlight. In addition, as a characteristic of
the flywheel magneto, the production of positive elec-
tricity is delayed, to control overcharging of the battery.

4) AC-DC regulator (regulating rectifier)
Most family vehicles nowadays have the regulator and the rectifier integrated in a single unit, called a regulating
The headlight voltage is adjusted by short-circuiting, and the charging current is adjusted by being controlled

a) Basic operation of the regulating rectifier

Headlight voltage: When this exceeds the rated voltage, an adjustment circuit sends current to G of the
thyristor, causing current to flow from A to K and shorting the entire coil. This results in
the light voltage being adjusted.

Battery charging: Electricity generated by the generating coil passes through resistor R1, a diode, and
resistor R2, and a potential difference is created at points P and O. Current then flows to
G of the thyristor, and from A to K, charging the battery. There is a set voltage for the
Zener diode, and if that value is exceeded, the current flows to the ground side and is
The charging current is turned on and off by the Zener diode.

3. AC generator charging device
Like the flywheel magneto, the AC generator is a kind of magnetic generator, with lighting, charging, and igniting
functions. However, it has a larger power generating capacity than the flywheel magneto.

1) Construction
The AC generator consists of a stator and a rotor. The stator is mounted on the crankcase or the generator cover,
while the rotor has a permanent magnet and is coupled directly to the crankshaft.

2) Basic function of the circuit

With an AC generator, as shown in the il-
lustration, all of the alternating current is
changed to direct current before being sup-
plied to the battery and load.
For this reason, full-wave rectification,
which offers better rectification efficiency,
is used.
Just as with a flywheel magneto, the induc-
tance of the generator coil increases along
with the rotation, so the maximum output
current is controlled automatically.

3) Regulating rectifier
The regulating rectifier has a rectifier that carries out full-wave rectification of the generated 3-phase alternating
current to direct current, using six diodes, and is integrated with a voltage regulator that controls the voltage
Because the regulating rectifier maintains the generated voltage at a constant level, a thyristor (SCR) is con-
nected to the output terminal and the thyristor gate is activated by a transistor (Tr). The generated voltage is
detected by a Zener diode (ZD).

÷ If the generated voltage is lower than the regulated voltage

If the generated voltage is low, the voltage level applied to the Zener diode (ZD) of the regulator is below the
Zener voltage, so the Zener diode is off. When the Zener diode is off, transistors Tr1 and Tr2 are also off, and
there is no input to the gate terminal of the thyristor (SCR), so it is off as well.
÷ If the generated voltage is higher than the regulated voltage
When the engine speed increases and the generated voltage similarly rises, the Zener diode goes on, and base
current flows to the transistor Tr1. When Tr1 goes on, base current flows to Tr2, which also goes on. When the
thyristor goes on, the output current from the generator is shorted, and the output voltage drops. This causes
the Zener diode to go off once again, so that the transistors go off and the output voltage rises.
The above sequence is repeated to maintain the output voltage at a constant level.

4. Alternator charging device
The rotor of the electromagnet inside the stator coil rotates, generating 3-phase alternating current in the coil. The
alternating current then undergoes full-wave rectification by the rectifier and is changed to direct current before
being sent to the battery, to charge it.
Part of the direct current is sent to the voltage regulator to control the current going to the rotor, and in this way the
generated voltage is controlled.

1) Construction
The alternator consists mainly of a stator, a rotor and a bearing (ball bearing). The stator has a stator coil wound
in three phases, that generates the output current. The rotor has a coil used to configure an electromagnet, and
receives the supply of current by means of a slip ring and a brush. The rectifier and regulator are attached to the
alternator so that the three form a single unit.

2) Basic operation of the circuit

÷ When the ignition switch is turned on, current passes through the IC circuit and turns on the transistor, so that
current flows from the rotor coil through the transistor.
÷ As the engine speed increases and the generated voltage increases, the current from the IC circuit stops
flowing to the base electrode of the transistor. The transistor goes off, and current no longer flows to the rotor
coil, so the generated voltage level becomes zero.
÷ When the generated voltage level reaches zero, the transistor goes on, and current flows to the rotor coil. This
sequence is repeated to control the amount of voltage generated.

5. Starter generator charging device (Starter dynamo)
The starter generator has two functions: it functions as a starter, or as a generator.

1) Construction and function of the starter generator

a) Stator
There are two kinds of coils wound around the pole coil
attached inside the stator: a generator field coil and a starter
field coil. These two kinds of coils are provided because
the stator is a direct-winding motor and the generator is a
shunting generator, so the field coils are used under very
different conditions.
In other words, the starter field coil has a large amount of
current when the engine is started, so it has copper wire
wound at straight angles, with low electrical resistance,
while the generator field coil needs to produce a large
magnetomotive force with a small amount of current, so it
is wound with numerous strands of comparatively fine
enamel copper wire.

b) Armature
The armature is a rotating part that consists of an armature
core, an armature coil, and a commutator. The armature
core, made of thin iron sheets stacked on top of each other,
has grooves around the outside of it, and the armature coil
fits into these grooves.
The armature plays a part in both startup and generating
power. The armature coil is wound in the same way as the
other coils, but when the unit functions as a starter, a large
volume of current flows, so the diameter of the wound wire
is larger than in ordinary generators, and this increases the
weight of the armature.
The commutator has copper sections called segments which are formed into a cylindrical shape by insulators.
The commutator is attached to the armature shaft, and each end of the armature coil is connected to one of the

c) Brushes and brush holders

The brushes are made of carbon with copper filings mixed in it, and each of the two or four brushes is
attached to a brush holder. The brushes are pressed against the commutator by means of springs, to carry out
the rectification function.

[4] Battery
The motorcycle battery is used, along with the generator, as a power supply that sends direct current to electrical
devices such as the starting system, ignition system, and lighting devices. It has a particularly outstanding ability
to discharge large amounts of current and is compact and lightweight, with a large capacity.
Two types of batteries are used in motorcycles: a primary battery, which, like dry cell batteries, cannot be reused
once it has discharged its current, and a secondary battery, which discharges current as necessary and can be

1. The construction of the battery

The battery consists of a positive pole plate, a negative pole
plate, a separator, electrolytic fluid and a battery case. The bat-
tery case and lid are sealed using an adhesive.
One battery case is referred to as a cell, and has a voltage of 2.1
to 2.2 V. Three or six cells are connected in a series and are used
as a 6 V or 12 V battery.

1) Pole plates
The pole plates have a grid-shaped base made of a zinc and
antimony alloy, covered with a coating of a paste made of
zinc oxide shavings and dilute sulfuric acid. After this has
dried, it undergoes electrolytic processing. The positive pole
is made of lead peroxide and is dark brown, while the nega-
tive pole is gray and is made of spongy lead.

2) Separator and glass mat

The separator is non-conductive and has numerous holes in it. It has a small electrical resistance and needs to
have outstanding resistance to heat and acid, so many separators are made of synthetic resin or reinforced fiber.
The glass mat is made of glass fibers interwoven horizontally and vertically. It comes in contact with the surface
of the positive pole to prevent active material from falling off of the positive pole, and also protects the separator
from oxidation.

3) Battery case and lid

The battery case is a container that holds the pole plates. It is made of synthetic resin, and the case for the 6-volt
battery is divided into three partitions, the case for the 12-volt battery into six partitions.
The lid fits on top of the battery case and keeps electrolytic fluid from leaking out of the battery. It has holes in
it through which fluid can be both added and drained.

2. The function of the battery
1) Discharging
When the battery is connected to an external electrical circuit and current flows to it, a chemical reaction takes
places between the lead peroxide and spongy lead making up the pole plates and the sulfuric acid making up the
electrolytic fluid, and a sulfuric acid compound (lead sulfate) is produced. Water is produced at the same time.
If this action (discharging) continues, the specific gravity and the voltage and the electrolytic fluid will drop as
time elapses.

2) Charging
In a process that is the reverse of discharging, when current is supplied to the battery (charging), the sulfuric
acid in the pole plates, which was changed to lead sulfate in the discharging process, is separated out and the
specific gravity of the electrolytic fluid returns to its original state. The positive pole plate returns to lead
peroxide and the negative pole plate to spongy lead, so that discharging is enabled once again.

÷ Chemical reaction in the battery

÷ Sulfation
If the battery continues to be used when insufficiently charged, or is left in a discharged state, the sulfuric acid
hardens on the pole plates, making it impossible to charge the battery to its original state. This is called
If there is too little electrolytic fluid and the pole plates are exposed to the air, sulfation can also occur.

3. Battery capacity
The capacity of the battery is the volume of electricity that can
be discharged between when the battery is fully charged and
when it reaches the final discharge voltage. It is expressed in
ampere hours, using the Ah unit.
Ampere hour capacity is the product of the discharged current
(unit: ampere) and the discharging time. For example, if five
amperes of current can be discharged in ten hours, the capacity
is expressed as 50 Ah. Also, as the temperature of the electro-
lytic fluid rises, the battery capacity increases, and, conversely,
as the temperature of the fluid drops, the battery capacity de-
Capacity (Ah) = discharged current (A) × time required to reach the final discharge voltage (h)

1) Final discharge voltage

If the battery is discharged beyond a certain limit, the voltage drops suddenly, and this can cause severe prob-
lems in terms of battery maintenance. As a result, a certain voltage level is determined as the limit for discharg-
ing, and this is called the final discharge voltage.

 6 V batteries ..... 5.25 V

Per cell: 1.75 .... Final discharge voltage 
 12 V batteries ... 0.5 V

2) Discharge rate
As described earlier, the battery capacity changes depending on the size of the discharge current, so constant
discharge conditions are required in order to define a standard battery capacity. Generally, a method based on
the discharge time is used.
The battery capacity for a motorcycle battery is expressed as a rate over a perion of 10 hours.
This means that if the battery is discharged continuously at a constant current for ten hours, the final discharge
voltage will be reached.
[Example] The 10-hour rate for the current of a 12 V 4 Ah battery is 0.4 A.

3) Self-discharging
Self-discharging is a phenomenon in which the electricity that has accumulated in the battery gradually dissi-
pates naturally. It occurs under the following conditions:
÷ Impure metallic substances in the electrolytic fluid have resulted in an internal drain.
÷ The battery exterior surface is wet, so that an electrical circuit is formed and current is flowing.
÷ An active substance that has been dropped from the plates or the electrolyte accumulates at the bottom or
against the sides of the interior of the battery, so that the separator has been damaged and both pole plates
have been shorted.
Self-discharging takes place at a faster rate when the specific gravity or the temperature of the electrolytic fluid
are high.

4. Electrolytic fluid
Purified water or distilled water combined with sulfuric acid, forming a dilute sulfuric acid, is used as the electro-
lytic fluid. Commonly, an electrolytic fluid is used that has a specific gravity of 1.280 at a fluid temperature of
20°C when the battery is fully charged.

1) Converting the temperature of the electrolytic fluid

The higher the temperature of the electrolytic fluid, the lower the specific gravity. As the temperature decreases,
the specific gravity increases. Therefore, accurate comparisons can be made only at a standard temperature of
A temperature change of 1°C changes the specific gravity by 0.0007 in one direction or the other. Based on this,
the following formula is used for calculations.

S20 = St + 0.0007 (t - 20) S20 : Specific gravity converted to 20°C

St : Actual measured specific gravity of the electrolytic fluid
t : Temperature at which the electrolytic fluid was measured (°C)

2) Relationship between the specific gravity of the electrolytic fluid and the discharge volume
The specific gravity of the electrolytic fluid decreases in pro-
portion to the discharge volume, so it is possible to use the
specific gravity to find out the discharge volume. In a battery
using an electrolytic fluid with a specific gravity of 1.280
(20°C) when fully charged, the discharge volume will be as
shown in the illustration.

5. Maintenance-free (MF) batteries

MF batteries can be completely sealed by changing the way that the chemical reaction conventionally occurs, so
that it is no longer necessary to add water, because the electrolytic fluid does not decrease. Other advantages are
that these batteries are compact and offer higher performance.

÷ Construction
As shown in the illustration at the right, the battery
consists of the two pole plates, a separator, a safety
valve, a filter, and other parts. The separator is made of
glass fiber using very fine fibers, so it retains the elec-
trolytic fluid.
In an ordinary open type of battery, the lead sulfate
formed by discharging a fully charged battery becomes
lead peroxide and spongy lead, following which the
charging current is used for electrolysis of the water

contained in the electrolytic fluid. This causes oxygen gas to be given off from the + pole plate and hydrogen
gas from the - pole plate. As a result, the level of electrolytic fluid drops, and it becomes necessary to add
water. MF batteries are designed so that the - pole plate does not change completely to spongy lead, even if the
battery has been fully charged. Because of this, even if follow-up charging is done and oxygen gas is given off
from the + pole plate, the - pole plate does not become fully charged, and no hydrogen gas is produced. In
addition, the oxygen gas given off from the + pole plate quickly reacts with the active material (lead) from the
charged state at the - pole plate, and water is returned, so no water is lost in the process.

÷ Advantages
≥ Fluid level does not need inspecting, and water does not need to be added.
≥ There is little self-discharging.
≥ There are no projecting objects such as exhaust pipes.
≥ Fully ready to use as is
≥ Safe design
In order to disperse excess gas produced by overcharging, a safety valve is provided inside the battery.

÷ Reference
New batteries which are less than two years old should be charged.
If the vehicle is not being used for a long period of time, the battery should be inspected once a month to make
sure it has not deteriorated.

÷ Caution
Use only the specified battery. (Refer to P.122)

III. Electrical Systems in the Body

[1] Illumination devices

When motorcycles are ridden on public roads, they require various devices in order to conform to safety standards.
These include front illumination, a license plate light, a taillight, a brake light, and directional indicators.

1. Headlight
In the headlight, a filament serves as the light source, and the light produced by the filament is projected onto the
road surface, either directly or by passing through a reflecting mirror at the rear which reflects the light onto a lens.
In either case, the light is projected at a brightness and dispersion that meet established standards. The reflecting
mirror is an important element in determining the performance of the headlight, and is normally made of metal or
resin, and is a mirror with a paraboloid of curuature.
If the parallel light rays reflected by the reflecting mirror are directed at the road surface just as they are, they will
shine directly into the eyes of oncoming drivers, and are not satisfactory for safe driving at night. To solve this
problem, numerous prisms are built into the lens or reflector to change the angle of the parallel rays and brightly
illuminate the surface of the road, rather than shining into the eyes of oncoming drivers.

÷ Xenon bulbs
This is a type of bulb with xenon gas sealed into it. Xenon gas belongs to the same family of inert gases as
krypton and argon. In comparison with argon gas sealed into an incandescent bulb, xenon gas has the advan-
tages of a lower heat conductivity and a lower power consumption. It is brighter than an incandescent bulb,
and can be manufactured more cheaply than halogen bulbs.
Because this is handled as an ordinary incandescent bulb with gas sealed in it, it is handled no differently
from ordinary incandescent bulbs.

÷ Halogen bulbs
Recently, many motorcycles use halogen headlights. Halo-
gen lamps use quartz glass, with iodine as the sealed gas.
They are brighter than ordinary light bulbs and have a longer
service life, as well as more stable illumination. If these
bulbs are touched, however, an oily film is deposited on
the bulb, shortening the service life, so they have to be
handled very carefully.

÷ Projector lamps
Projector headlight bulbs consist of a bulb, a reflecting
plate, a shield, and a convex lens.
The light from the headlight bulb is projected onto a re-
flecting plate and converged at the shield. The light beam
converged by the convex lens is then projected in the for-
ward direction.
The light distribution is determined by the shape of the
In the low beam position, projector lamps filter the light
directed at oncoming drivers. They also offer illumination
over the farthest distance and thus improve visibility.

÷ Multi-reflector lamps
In multi-reflector lamps, the reflecting mirror has multiple angles, so that the light from the light source is
controlled by the reflecting mirror itself. Because the light is not filtered through a lens, there is almost no
transmission loss, and the light can be aimed at the ideal position. This means that the lens serves merely as
a protective cover, so the lamp can designed with greater freedom and flexibility.

÷ Light distribution
Headlights are designed to illuminate the area ahead of the vehicle at night, but they are also designed so that
the light does not shine directly into the eyes of oncoming drivers. In ordinary light bulbs, the light is distrib-
uted so that it is largely symmetrical on both sides of the light axis, but in headlights, given the application
involved, the light distribution is flatter, with the light beam being broader in the horizontal direction and
narrower in the vertical direction. The brightness is weaker on both sides and stronger in the center. Also, the
light distribution can be changed when passing an incoming vehicle. As shown in the illustration, two fila-
ments are used in one headlight.
When current flows to the filament used for the main beam,
where the focal point is placed, the light generated by the
filament is reflected by a reflecting mirror and divides into
parallel beams, illuminating a longer distance. A switch
can be used to change to the low beam filament, which is
for oncoming cars, and because the position of the light
source changes when the switch is operated, the light is
directed downwards and slightly to the left.

2. Taillight
Taillights can be divided based on their construction, into
those used only as a taillight and those that double as a brake
light. Recently, few bikes use the taillight only as a taillight;
most bikes use the dual-purpose light.
As shown in the illustration, the bulb of the dual-purpose
taillight has two filaments, and the bulb serves different pur-
poses depending on the filament to which current is flow-
A metal spherical mirror or a mirror with a paraboloid of
curvature is used to make the light from the bulb illuminate
the front of the lamp more efficiently. Prisms in the lens
scatter the light into the optimum light distribution. The color
of the lens is stipulated by safety regulations, which is why
taillight lenses are red.

3. Brake light
Because the brake light is the same color as the taillight, many
brake lights are integrated with the taillight, and the types and
construction are the same.
The brake light is activated when the brake is operated, to warn
drivers of other vehicles to the rear of the bike.

4. License plate light
In many cases, the license plate light is combined with the tail-
light. There is a white section under the taillight lens, and the
light from this white section passes through the lens to illumi-
nate the license plate.

5. Turn signal lights

Turn signal lights are flashing lights that are designed to alert
other drivers to the driver’s intention to change directions.
Turn signal lights flash by means of a turn signal relay built into
the circuit as shown in the illustration, that electrically opens
and closes a contact point at regular intervals, causing the turn
signal to flash and indicate the direction in which the driver
plans to turn.
Based on the operating principle, flashing turn signal lights can
be divided into capacitor types, contact point types, and transis-
tor types.

In capacitor types, the capacitor is charged and discharged to

activate an electromagnet and make the signal light flash. This
section describes the capacitor type and the transistor type, which
are used in many bikes.

1) Capacitor-type turn signal relays
Figure (1) shows the electrical circuit for a current type of turn signal relay that uses the capacitor system. The
operation of this circuit is described below.

÷ When the ignition switch is turned on, current

passes through the contact point P and the coil L 2,
and charges the capacitor C.

÷ When the turn signal switch is turned on, the cur-

rent passes through the contact point P and the coil
L1, as shown in Figure (2), and lights the turn sig-
nal lamps F1 and F’1, and the pilot lamp PL.

÷ When this happens, a movement is produced at the

coil L1, as shown in Figure (3), so that the contact
point P opens, and the turn signal lamps F1 and F’1
and the pilot lamp PL go out.
÷ At the same time, discharging of the capacitor C
begins, and the contact P continues to be held open
by the movement of the coil L2 until most of the
accumulated electricity has been discharged.

÷ When the current being discharged from the capaci-

tor has decreased, the contact point P is closed by
means of spring force. When the contact point P
closes, current flows to the coils L1 and L2, as shown
in Figure (4), and the lamps light again. As charg-
ing of the capacitor C progresses, however, the
amount of current flowing to the coil L2 decreases,
so that the movement of the coil L1 causes the con-
tact point P to open, and the turn signal lamps F 1
and F’ 1 and the pilot lamp PL go out.
In this way, this sequence of actions is repeated as
long as the turn signal switch is on, so that the turn
signal indicator continues to flash.

2) Transistor-type turn signal relays
The illustration shows the electrical circuit of a transistor-
type turn signal relay. The lamp begins to flash the instant
that the turn signal switch is turned on.

÷ When the transistor (A) is turned on by an oscillator cir-
cuit, electricity passes through the transistor and lights the
lamp. When the transistor goes off, the electricity is shut
off, and the lamp goes out.
When a turn signal lamp burns out, both a circuit in the
relay that detects disconnections in the wiring and the os-
cillator circuit are activated, causing the remainig lamp to
flash faster.

6. Fuses
If excessive current flows to an electrical circuit, the heat gen-
erated by the current melts the fuse itself, shutting off the path
to the circuit. This protects electrical devices and wiring from
excessive current.
Generally, blade-type fuses are used in modern motorcycles.

[2] The horn
The horn is designed as a warning device, but at the same time, it is important that it not sound unpleasant.
The horn can be an air-operated type, in which sound is produced by air vibrating against a diaphragm, or an
electrical type, in which an electromagnet causes the dia-
phragm to vibrate. Here, we will look at the electrical
type, which is the most commonly used type.
Electrical horns come in flat types, whirlpool types and
other configurations, but all of them are designed so that
current flowing to a coil is started and stopped by means
of a contact breaker, changing the movement of the coil.
This causes the diaphragm to vibrate and produces sound.

1. The operating circuit of the horn

The illustration shows an example of a horn circuit. In
this circuit, when the horn switch is pressed, current
passes through the horn switch, the coil L, the contact
point P, and the horn terminal to the ground. This mag-
netizes the coil L, so that the moving core is pulled by
electro-magnetic force. When this happens, however, the
contact point P opens and the coil L is no longer magne-
tized. The moving core is then returned to its original
position by the tensile force of the diaphragm. At that
point, the contact point P closes, and the moving core is
pulled once again by the coil.
In other words, the moving core travels vertically by
means of the electromagnetic force of the coil, and as a
result, the diaphragm vibrates and sound is produced.

[3] Meters and gauges
Motorcycle meters and gauges indicate the status of various parts of the bike while it is being ridden. The speed-
ometer indicates the travel speed, the tachometer indicates how fast the engine is turning, the oil pressure lamp
indicates the hydraulic pressure of the engine oil, and the oil warning lamp shows how much of the engine oil is
left. The fuel meter indicates the amount of fuel left, the water temperature meter shows the temperature of the
water, and the neutral lamp and gear position meter indicate the position of the transmission. There may also be a
speed warning lamp, as well as other indicators and gauges.

1. Speedometer
The speedometer indicates how fast the vehicle is moving in terms of the distance traveled per hour. Normally, this is
combined with an odometer that shows the total distance traveled. The speedometer is often driven by a speedometer
gear mounted the front wheel axle, and is connected to the speedometer gear by a speedometer cable.
There is a centrifugal force type of speedometer and an electromagnetic type. Most vehicles have the electromag-
netic type. As shown in the illustration, when the electromagnetic meter is driven externally, through the speedom-
eter cable, rotational force is produced by the induction plate, stopping at a position where it is in balance with the
hairspring force and indicating the speed at that point. Because
the rotation force is proportional to the rotation speed of the
magnet (the vehicle speed), a needle mounted on the same axis
as the induction plate indicates the speed at that point. The odom-
eter is driven by a worm gear mounted on the magnet axis, and
each time the axis turns a certain number of times, the lowest
digit turns once, with the digits turning in sequential order to
indicate the cumulative number of kilometers or miles traveled.
Another way of doing this is to put a rotation sensor on the
sprocket cover and convert the rotation of the engine sprocket
to speed, with the speedometer needle indicating the speed.

2. Tachometer
The tachometer indicates how fast the engine is turning. Based on the operating principle, tachometers can be
grouped into mechanical types and electrical types.
1) Mechanical tachometers
The construction is the same as the speedometer, but the meter
face shows only the rotation speed of the engine. Also, this
meter is driven not by the front wheel, but, as shown in the
illustration, it is driven directly by the engine.
2) Electrical tachometers
This consists of a meter that indicates the speed at which the
engine is rotating, a transistor that changes the signals from
the igniter unit into direct current in response to the speed,
and a printed circuit board that incorporates an electronic cir-
cuit composed of diodes, all housed in a single electrical cable.

3. Oil pressure lamp
The oil pressure lamp indicates the hydraulic pressure of
the engine oil. The pilot lamp type is used in most motor-
The pilot lamp type, as shown in the illustration, consists of
a pilot lamp and an oil pressure switch. This method indi-
cates whether or not the oil pressure has reached the rated
value, by lighting the pilot lamp or causing the lamp to go
If the oil pressure is lower than the rated value, spring force
is applied to the diaphragm, closing the contact point and
causing the pilot lamp to light. When the oil pressure reaches
the rated value, the diaphragm is pressed back to its original
position and the contact point opens, so the pilot lamp goes

4. Oil warning lamp

The oil warning lamp, as shown in the illustration, is de-
signed to light if the CCIS oil used for 2-cycle engine lubri-
cation is consumed and the level in the oil tank drops below
the specified level, so that the float of the level switch also
drops and the contact point closes.

5. Light-emitting diodes
Some of the semiconductors used as diodes light efficiently when
current flows to them. This type of diode is called a light-emit-
ting diode, or LED.
The general construction of the light-emitting diode is as shown
at the right. A square LED chip measuring around 0.3 × 0.3
mm, made of a semiconductor material, is sealed into a resin-
ous lens. As current flows through the electrode, this chip emits
Light-emitting diodes concert electrical energy directly into light
energy, so they are efficient. They also offer low current con-
sumption, high reliability, and a high-speed response.

6. Fuel meter (gas gauge)
The fuel meter indicates the amount of fuel in the gas tank. There are mechanical types and electrical types. We
will look at the electrical type here. The electrical fuel meter combines various types of sender units (transmitters
and sensors) with receiver units (reception units and gauges). The following types are available:
÷ Resistance-type sender unit and bimetal receiver unit
÷ Resistance-type sender unit and coil-type receiver unit
We will look here at the meter which combines a resistance-type sender unit (fuel level gauge) and coil-type
receiver unit (fuel meter). This is currently one of the most popular types.

The sender unit and receiver unit are connected in series. When the fuel tank is full, the float rises to the uppermost
limit, so the sliding element moves in the direction of least resistance, increasing the amount of current flowing to
the circuit. The magnet is displaced by the magnetism generated in the coil, and the needle points to the F position.
As the fuel decreases, the float gradually drops, and the sliding element moves towards the direction of greater
resistance, reducing the amount of current flowing to the circuit. The magnet is displaced by the magnetism
generated in the coil, and the needle moves toward the E position.

7. Water temperature meter

Like the fuel meter, this is configured of a receiver unit that
uses a needle to indicate a status, and a sender unit that detects
the water temperature and sends a signal to the receiver unit.
One type combines a thermistor-type sender unit and a bimetal
receiver unit, while the electrical type combines a thermistor-
type sender unit with a coil-type receiver unit.

8. Neutral lamp and gear position indicator
The neutral lamp indicates the neutral position. A gear switch
is used to send current from the battery to wiring connected to
the ground, and this causes the neutral lamp to light.

9. Speed warning lamp

The speed warning lamp lights to alert the rider if the vehicle speed reaches 80 km/h. It is configured of a speed
sensor (oscillator circuit) located inside the speedometer, a speed warning relay and a pilot lamp.

As shown in the illustration, there is a shield plate (made of aluminum) that moves in and out between the coils L1
and L 2 in the speed sensor in conjunction with the needle of the speedometer (at 80 km/h or less, the shield plate
moves out from between the coils, and when the speed exceeds 80 km/h, it moves between the coils). A signal is
sent from the speed sensor, and is boosted by the speed warning relay, causing the pilot lamp to light and go out.
÷ If the shield plate is not between the coils (80 km/h or less), the current in the circuit travels from the battery →B
→R3 →R2 →P →L1 →Tr1. Because the oscillation conditions are not satisfied (because there is interference from
the magnetic lines of force of L1 and L2), however, Tr1 is not activated.
÷ When the shield plate moves between the coils (more than 80 km/h), there is no longer any interference from the
magnetic lines of force, so Tr1 goes on. Current flows from the battery →B →R3 →R2 →P →L1 →Tr 1c →Tr 1e
→G. When current flows in this sequence, the negative electricity split by the resistors R2 and R3 is applied to
Tr2b, turning on Tr2.
÷ When Tr2 goes on, Tr3 and Tr4 go on, and the current flows from the battery to the pilot lamp (speed warning
lamp) to BrR and then to Tr4 and to G, and the pilot lamp lights.

[4] Switches (handlebar switches)
Switches used for special applications have been described as they came up. This section looks at switches that we
call “handlebar switches”.
As shown in the illustration, the right handlebar has an emergency engine stop switch, a starter switch, and a
lighting switch, while the left handlebar has a dimmer switch, a turn signal switch, and a horn switch. Circuits are
also turned on and off on this side.

1. Turn signal switch

Recently, most motorcycles are using a type of switch that is pressed to cancel it. The knob on the switch lever is
pressed to turn off a signal that is blinking.
÷ The switch has a small post that allows it to be moved to the left or right.
÷ To cancel the signal, the knob is pressed. This causes the small post to press against a surface forming a delta
incline, to set the switch in the center position.

IV. Inspection and Servicing

[1] Inspecting and servicing the starting system

Basically, starter motor systems and starter generator systems are inspected the same way. Here, we will look at
how the starter motor system is inspected.

1. Precautions when disassembling and assembling

When removing the brush holder in a starter motor system, first pull up on the brush. After the brush holder has
been reassembled, do not forget to pull the brush down again. A large volume of current flows from the battery to
the starter motor, so check wiring connections and positions very carefully.

2. Inspecting the starter relay

1) Inspecting the coil
Using a pocket tester, measure the resistance value of the
coil. It should be within the rated value.

2) Inspecting the points

After they have been used for a long time, points have a ten-
dency to become damaged and no longer conduct electricity.
Apply 12 V to the coil side (you should hear a click at this
point) and use a pocket tester to check for conductivity. If
there is normal conductivity, there is no problem with the

3. Inspecting the starter motor

1) Inspecting the carbon brush
Inspect the carbon brush for gaps, wear, or roughness on con-
tact surfaces.
If the carbon brush has worn down so that the length has
reached the boundary limit, or if the contact surface is not in
tight contact with the commutator, replace the brush.
If the brush spring is corroded or has worn away, replace it. If
the brush is sticking inside the brush holder and has come
unseated from the commutator, it should be repaired or ad-

2) Inspecting the commutator
Inspect the front of the commutator for uneven wear or burning, and if any problems are found, use sandpaper
or a similar tool to repair them.

÷ Measuring the outer diameter of the commutator

Measure the outer diameter of the commutator with cali-
pers, and if it has worn to the usage boundary limit, re-
place the armature.

÷ Inspecting the mica depth

Measure the depth of the mica (grooves), and if it is less
than 0.3, undercut the grooves. The appropriate level of
undercutting is between 0.5 and 0.8 mm.

3) Inspecting the armature coil

÷ Inspecting for conductivity between segments
Using a pocket tester, set the test probe in contact with the
commutator as shown in the illustration, and measure to
see if there is conductivity between the segments. If there
is conductivity, the segment is normal. If not, the armature
coil has been cut into or there is a disconnection.

÷ Inspecting between the segments and shaft

Using a pocket tester, measure for conductivity between
the commutator and the armature core, and between the
shafts. There should be no conductivity. If there is, there is
a short-circuit.

4. Inspecting the interlock devices
1) Inspecting the neutral switch
Set the gear change lever in the “Neutral” position and see if the Neutral lamp lights when the ignition switch is
turned on.

2) Inspecting the side stand switch

Using a pocket tester, check for conductivity between the
terminals. With the switch pressed, connect the test probe.
There should be conductivity in one direction but not the
reverse direction.

3) Inspecting the side stand diode

Using a pocket tester, measure for conductivity between the
terminals. There should be conductivity between ① and ②,
and between ② and ③, in one direction but not the reverse
There should be no conductivity between ① and ③, in either

4) Inspecting the side stand relay

Use the following procedure to inspect the side stand relay.
÷ Using a pocket tester, measure for conductivity between ①
and ②. If there is conductivity, it should be judged as a break-
÷ Next, apply a 12 V voltage on the coil side (③ and ④) (you
should hear a click at this point), and, using a pocket tester,
measure for conductivity between ① and ②. There should
be conductivity, between these points.

[2] Inspecting and servicing the ignition system
1. Simple inspection guidelines
Ultimately, the devices in the ignition system are designed to send a spark to the spark plugs. Also, because the
spark plugs are consumable items, they need to be replaced more frequently than other parts. With that in mind, to
conduct a simple inspection of the ignition devices, first see if a spark is sent to the spark plugs, and if not, check
to see if the spark plug is the problem, or if the problem is somewhere else.

1) Inspecting the spark plug for firing

Remove the spark plug, and after attaching the plug cap, set
it on the cylinder head (to ground it).
Turn on the ignition switch and turn the crankshaft using ei-
ther the kick motor or cell motor, and see if a spark is pro-
duced. If no good spark is produced, go to the next step of the
inspection and see if the problem is in the sparkplug.

2) Judging the spark plug

Disconnect the plug cap from the high-tension cord, and po-
sition the cord so that there is a gap of about 6 mm between
the cylinder head or the cylinder and the core of the high-
tension cord. Turn the crankshaft as described at 1).
If sparks are continuously produced over a space of 6 mm or
more, the spark plug is defective. If there is no spark, the
spark jumps less than 5 mm, or there are occasionally miss-
ing sparks, the problem is in the ignition device. In this case,
inspect the various parts of the ignition device to find the
cause of the problem.

2. Inspecting the spark plugs

1) Inspecting for burning
Inspect the spark plug for burning. If it is light brown in color and feels dry, there is no problem, but it should be
repaired or replaced if it fits any of the following descriptions.

a) Dark black, with dry carbon adhering to it

If the substance adhering to the spark plug is shaped like fine needles, and can be easily removed, it is an
accumulation of carbon produced when the fuel-air mixture burns. The spark plug performance can be re-
stored by using a plug cleaner to remove the carbon. Soot produced because of carbon adhering to the plugs
can indicate that the fuel-air mixture is too rich, or that oil is welling up into the cylinders, so these elements
should be inspected.
If soot is found even though these other elements are normal, the heat range of the spark plugs may not be
appropriate for the conditions under which the bike is being ridden. In this case, the spark plugs should be
replaced with plugs of a lower heat range.

b) If the spark plugs are black and wet
The plugs may be wet because the choke is being used excessively, so that too much fuel-air mixture is being
taken in, and the mixture is too rich. The mixture may also be too rich because the air cleaner is clogged, or
because the heat range of the spark plugs is too high.

c) The insulator is pure white, and has partially burned, along with the electrodes
If this happens, the electrodes are too hot, which can be caused by a problem in the cooling system, a fuel-air
mixture that is too lean, or other problems. If no such problems are found, the heat range of the spark plugs
may not be appropriate for the conditions under which the bike is being ridden. In the future, spark plugs with
a higher heat range should be used.

2) Inspecting the spark gap

Using a spark plug gap gauge, measure the dimension be-
tween the center electrode and the grounding electrode. If it
does not meet the rated value, adjust it.
If the electrodes have worn down noticeably, they should be

3. Inspecting the ignition coil

To judge whether the ignition coil is good or not, use an
Electrotester to measure the gap between the three needles.
Sparks must be produced over a gap of at least 8 mm, and for at
least 10 minutes continuously.
Before testing for spark performance, check to make sure the
terminals on the plug cap ends of the high-tension cord are se-
curely connected, and check for burning, corrosion, and other
problems. Also check to make sure the ignition coil is securely
Another way to conduct the simple inspection is to use a pocket
tester and measure the resistance values of the coils on the pri-
mary and secondary sides, and make sure they are within the rated values.

4. Inspecting the high-tension cord
The rubber of the outer sheath used as an insulator can deteriorate over use, resulting in poor insulation, so inspect
the surface of the rubber for cracks, and if any are found, replace the cord. Also, watch for any scratches or other

5. Inspecting the primary peak voltage of the ignition coil

When checking the primary peak voltage of the ignition coil:
Install new spark plugs in all of the spark plug caps, and then
bring them in contact with the vehicle body or the engine and
ground them.
Attach a peak voltage adaptor to a multi-circuit tester, and make
the following connections.
Press the starter button and crank the engine for two or three
seconds. Then measure the primary peak voltage.
If the voltage is below the rated value, inspect the battery, spark
plugs, spark plug caps, ignition coil, signal generator, and FI

6. Inspecting the CDI unit

Using a pocket tester, check for conductivity between the vari-
ous terminals, and check the resistance values. Take the mea-
surements as indicated on the inspection chart, but remember
that the inspection chart is different for each model. If a tester
with a large electrical capacitance is used, please be aware that
it could damage the unit, so be very careful.

7. Inspecting the full-transistor ignition system
1) Inspecting the signal generator
Using a pocket tester, measure the resistance values between
the various leads.

2) Inspecting the igniter

a) Checking the ignition with a pocket tester
÷ Remove the spark plugs from all of the cylinder heads,
and ground the plugs on the cylinder heads.
÷ Disconnect the lead wire coupler of the signal generator
from the ignition lead wire, and turn on the ignition
÷ Set the pocket tester in the target resistance range.
÷ Bring the test probe into contact on the igniter side and
then remove it, and repeat this to see if the spark plugs
are producing sparks.
÷ There will only be one spark, at the instant that ignition
takes place, so watch carefully.

b) Inspecting with a pocket tester

Using a pocket tester, measure the resistance values of the various terminals. Because low voltage is used in
the tester measurement, please be aware that there may be breakdowns which cannot be detected, even though
the results of the check appear to be satisfactory.

[3] Inspecting and servicing the charging system
To determine whether the flywheel magneto and AC generator are in good condition, the charging voltage is
measured and the charging is evaluated. The evaluation is made by measuring the resistance values between the
various terminals of the generating coil, the rectifier, and the regulator.

1) Inspecting the battery leakage current

(this should be done before any other inspections)
Turn off the ignition switch, and, as shown in the illustration,
connect the tester between the - terminal of the battery and
the - lead wire. If the needle oscillates beyond the rated
value, there is a short somewhere in the circuit.
Watching the ammeter, disconnect the couplers and connec-
tors one by one to find the location of the short-circuit.

1. Inspecting the flywheel magneto and AC generator charger

1) Inspecting the charging voltage
If the flywheel magneto uses a voltage regulator, measure the direct-current voltage across the battery terminals
(across the + and - terminals) with the engine turning at 5,000 rpm, and make sure it is within the rated value.
(The dimmer switch should be set to the HI position.)
For the AC generator, measure the direct-current voltage between the + terminal of the starter relay or the +
terminal of the battery and the ground, with the engine turning at 5,000 rpm. The measured value should be
within the rated value. (The dimmer switch should be set to the HI position.)

2) Inspecting the stator coil

Using a pocket tester, measure the resistance values
between the various terminals.
The stator coil is low-voltage and has heavy wiring, so
it very rarely breaks down. Check carefully for discon-
nections at soldered sections and for short-circuits and
other problems.

3) Inspecting the rectifier

For the rectifier, measure for conductivity between the
various terminals, using a pocket tester. There should
be conductivity for one polarity and not for the other.
If the engine is started with the battery disconnected,
high voltage will be applied, and this may cause ir-
reparable damage, so be very careful.

4) Inspecting the voltage regulator
a) Inspecting using a pocket tester
Check for conductivity between the voltage regulator ter-
minal and the case.
There should be no conductivity. This test should be car-
ried out several times, alternating between the + and -
terminals of the tester.

b) Inspecting using the battery

Because circuits such as internal transistors and Zener diodes cannot be checked using the test described at a)
above, the following test should also be conducted.
Connect a light bulb (3 to 10 W) to the battery, and test based on the guidelines shown in the illustration
below. However, the set values for the voltage cannot be judged here. The light bulb used should have a
voltage which is equivalent to or higher than that of the battery.

5) Inspecting the regulating rectifier

The regulating rectifier combines a rectifier and a regulator
in a single integrated unit.
To inspect it, use a pocket tester and test the conductivity and
resistance values between the various lead wire terminals.

2. Inspecting the alternator

1) Inspecting the rectifier (multi-circuit tester)
Measure the voltages of the diodes of the
various terminals, in the diode range of
the tester. If any of the voltages are out-
side of the rated values, replace the di-
ode with a new one.
(If the voltage is 1.4 V or less when not
connected, replace the tester’s internal

2) Inspecting the IC regulator (type I)
÷ Connect the regulator as shown in the illustration.
÷ The lamp should light brightly when the variable DC power
supply is set to 12 V.
÷ Increase the variable DC power supply gradually from 12
V. The lamp should go out when the voltage is between
14.5 ±0.3 V.
÷ After testing based on the above guidelines, check for con-
ductivity between the (F) and (IG) terminals. There should
be conductivity.

Inspecting the IC regulator (type II)

÷ Measure the voltage of the diode between the B and F ter-
minals, using the diode range of the tester.
+ F – - B: 0.5 ~ 0.6 V
- F – + B: 1.4 ~ 1.5 V

3) Inspecting the stator

Using a pocket tester, measure the resistance values between
the various leader lines, and make sure the values are within
the rated values. Also check for conductivity between the core
and the coil. If there is conductivity, the stator is normal.

4) Inspecting the rotor

÷ Using a pocket tester, measure the resistance values be-
tween the slip rings, and make sure the values are within
the rated values.
÷ Check for conductivity between the slip ring and the core.
There should be no conductivity.
÷ Measure the outer diameter of the slip ring, and make sure
it is within the usage boundary limit.
÷ Check the surface of the slip ring for uneven wear and burn-

5) Inspecting the brush

Using calipers, measure the length of the brush extending
beyond the brush holder, and make sure it is within the usage
boundary limit.

[4] Inspecting and servicing the battery
1. Inspecting a stored battery
1) If the battery has been charged and fluid replenished
If the battery has already undergone initial charging (the first charging of a new battery, when electrolytic fluid
is added), the state of charge can decrease because of self-discharging while the battery is stored, and the level
of the electrolytic fluid can drop because of vaporization. The battery should be periodically recharged and
electrolytic fluid replenished.
The battery will self-discharge faster if the temperature of the electrolytic fluid is high, so make sure the battery
is stored in a cool, dark location where it is not exposed to direct sunlight, and where the temperature does not

2) Ready-to-use battery with no fluid

A ready-to-use battery comes already charged, and uses pole plates. If the pole plates come in contact with air
while the battery is stored, chemical changes can take place, and the ready-to-use effect deteriorates. While the
battery is in storage, check the fluid port plug to make sure it is firmly attached, and make sure the seals are not
peeling off from ventilation holes.

2. Inspecting a battery in use

1) Inspecting the level of electrolytic fluid
While the battery is in use, it is constantly being charged and
discharged. Eventually, the water in the electrolytic fluid di-
minishes because of electrolysis and vaporization, and the
fluid level drops.
The level of the electrolytic fluid should be inspected peri-
odically, and if it has dropped, purified or distilled water
should be added to bring the level up to the specified amount.
If the level of electrolytic fluid drops noticeably in a short
period of time, check the charging system.

2) Inspecting the specific gravity of the electrolytic fluid

The specific gravity of the electrolytic fluid in the battery drops
in proportion to the volume of discharging, so measuring the
specific gravity lets you know how much discharging has oc-
Generally, to measure the specific gravity of the battery, an
intake specific gravity gauge is used.
To read the specific gravity gauge correctly, hold the dial face
of the gauge at eye level, as shown in the illustration, and read
the value.
Specific gravity Judgment What to do
1.250 ~ 1.280 Good
1.220 ~ 1.250 Slightly undercharged Should be charged
Less than 1.220 Poor (too low) Definitely charge or replace
(Specific gravity converted to 20°C)
3) Inspecting the battery breather hose
Check the battery breather hose to make sure it is not clogged,
pinched, bent, or damaged.
Also, make sure the exit of the hose is facing in the direction
of the drive chain.
When attaching the hose, make sure it is positioned correctly.

4) Other inspections
÷ Sometimes the exterior of the battery becomes dirty be-
cause the fluid port plug is loose or fluid has been scat-
tered over the surface when the battery is charged. The
battery must be kept clean and dry.
÷ Synthetic resin battery cases are highly oil-resistant, but if
gasoline gets on the case, it can cause it to crack. Be care-
ful to keep the case free of gasoline and other harmful sub-
÷ Check the terminals and leads to make sure there is no
corrosion. If they are corroded, pour warm water over them
and scrub them with a brush.
÷ Check to make sure the leads are not loose. If they are, check the contact surfaces, clean them, and tighten the
leads. If the battery is not secured in place, the harsh vibration it is subjected to while the bike is in motion can
shorten the service life of the battery. Terminals also tend to come loose, so make sure they are firmly at-
tached and tightened.

3. Breakdowns and causes

It is very rare for a normal battery to suddenly break down while in use. Most breakdowns are caused by careless
daily handling or poor servicing. Generally, the following can be considered as possible causes if the battery
breaks down:
÷ Overcharging ÷ Insufficient electrolytic fluid
÷ Charging with excessive current ÷ Leaving the battery in a discharged state
÷ Insufficient charging ÷ Faulty installation
Overcharging and charging with excessive current can cause the fluid temperature to rise and can cause the water
in the electrolytic fluid to be consumed at a faster rate. This results in the electrolytic fluid being more highly
concentrated, and can speed up damage to the separator and pole plates.

4. Charging the battery
There are a number of ways to charge the battery. Here, we will look at constant-current charging, which is the
most commonly used method, and quick charging.

1) Constant-current charging
In constant-current charging, the battery is charged using a consistent volume of current throughout the whole
procedure. As the charging proceeds, the voltage at the battery terminals rises, so in order to charge at a constant
volume of current, the charging voltage must be gradually increased.
This method is preferable when there is a sufficient period of time to charge the battery.

b) Charging procedure and precautions

÷ Check the level of the electrolytic fluid, and if it has dropped, add purified water or distilled water.
÷ Connect the charger to the battery correctly.
÷ If charging more than one battery, either connect them in series, or set the level of charging to match the
battery with the smallest capacitance.

÷ The charging current should be about 10% of the battery capacity.

÷ The charging time is calculated using the formula below. In this case, the amount of discharging is judged
based on the specific gravity of the electrolytic fluid.

Amount of discharging (Ah)

Charging time (h) = ———————————— × (1.2 ~ 1.5)
Charging current (A)

÷ While the battery is charging, make sure the temperature of the fluid does not exceed 45°C. If the tempera-
ture rises above that level, it could shorten the service life of the battery, or cause deformation of the battery
÷ The voltage and specific gravity gradually increase, and when they reach the maximum values, and have
stayed at that level for at least one hour, so that a large volume of gas is being produced, the charging is
÷ Hydrogen and oxygen are produced while the battery is being charged, so make sure the location is well

2) Quick charging
This is a method of charging a battery which has been dis-
charged, using a large volume of current (several times to ten
times the normal amount used for supplementary charging)
to replace most of the discharged current in a short period of
time. It is used in emergency situations, such as when the
engine cannot be started because too much of the battery cur-
rent has been discharged, and is called a “quick charge” be-
cause it can be done rapidly.
a) Precautions concerning charging
÷ The maximum current used for quick charging should be the numerical value of the battery capacity (Ah)
of the battery being charged, plus the ampere value (A).
÷ Be careful not to let the temperature of the electrolytic fluid exceed 55°C.
÷ Hydrogen and oxygen are produced while the battery is being charged. Be especially careful of fire, and
make sure the location is well ventilated.

5. Precautions concerning maintenance-free batteries

1) Precautions concerning handling of the battery
÷ The battery is completely ready for use, so do not remove
the aluminum seal from the inlet port until just before us-
ing the battery.
÷ Never use any fluid other than the special electrolytic fluid
designed for that purpose.
÷ When adding electrolytic fluid, always use the rated vol-
ume of fluid (only the amount that the electrolytic fluid
container will hold).
÷ Once the electrolytic fluid has been installed, never remove
the sealing caps.

2) Precautions when adding battery fluid

÷ Check to make sure bubbles are appearing at all six locations, and leave the battery in that state for at least 20
÷ When all of the fluid has been added, tap the bottom of the container so that all of the fluid is emptied, and
gently remove the empty container.
÷ Fit the cover/sealing caps firmly over the opening.

3) Guidelines and precautions for supplementary charging
÷ If the battery has discharged, carry out supplementary
charging at the rated current and voltage.
÷ Never remove the sealing caps when doing supplementary
÷ Supplementary charging should be done with the battery
disconnected from the rest of the system (the lead wires
removed from the battery terminals).
÷ Normally, quick charging should be avoided, and standard charging should be used.
÷ To judge whether the supplementary charging is effective, let the battery stand for 30 minutes after the
charging has been completed, and then measure the voltage at the battery terminals.

Judgment standards Judgment

12.8 [V] or more Good

Less than 12.0 ~ 12.8 [V] Insufficient charging → Charge again

Less than 12.0 [V] Cannot be used → Replace battery

[5] Inspecting and servicing illumination devices
When inspecting the illumination devices, check the exterior and the wiring of each device before checking whether
it lights correctly. If there are any problems, correct them.
When checking the exterior, make sure the lamp is correctly installed, and that lenses are not scratched or discol-
ored. Make sure no water has gotten into the devices.
When inspecting the wiring, check the following items:
÷ Are there any fuses that have blown? (in many cases, if the fuse is bent, cracked, or crooked, it can no longer be
÷ Is there any rust at connecting sections?
÷ Are there any places that are in contact with hot parts (near the engine exhaust pipe, etc.)?
÷ Has vibration of the bike caused wiring to come off, or is the sheath damaged on any of the wiring?
÷ Does wiring have enough slack so that it is not being pulled too tightly?
In particular, if any of the fuses have blown, make sure there are no short-circuits in the wiring, and then replace
the fuse with one of the rated size.

2. Inspection
1) Bulbs
Check to see if bulbs have burned out, and if they are the rated size. If they are less than the rated value, the lamp
will light brightly, but tends to fuse easily. Conversely, if the are higher than the rated value, the lamp will be
unable to fully illuminate.

2) Testing ignition circuits for conductivity

Using a test lamp is a convenient way to test ignition circuits for conductivity. This can also be used to test the
circuits of other electrical devices, so we recommend having test lamps with various voltages on hand.
If a breakdown other than a disconnected bulb is suspected in a wire or a device, use the test lamp and test
sequentially, starting from the terminal closest to the battery. In other words, ground one of the test lamp wires
on an appropriate location on the vehicle body, and attach the other to the terminal. Check to see if the test lamp
lights normally.

3) Inspecting the brake lamp switch
To see if the brake lamp switch is functioning properly, connect the test probe of a pocket tester to a lead wire or
a terminal, as shown in the illustration, and operate the brake lever. Test to see if the switch goes on and off in
response to the brake lever operation.
Also, to test the timing at which the rear brake lamp lights, turn the body of the switch and see if the lamp lights
at the position where the brake begins to take effect.

4) Inspecting the turn signal lamps

Inspect to see if the turn signal switch operates properly, and if the turn signal lamps function correctly when the
switch is operated. If the lamps do not flash the rated number of times, check the following items as possible
causes, and correct any problems that are found.
÷ Faulty contact at connecting sections between the battery and the lamp
÷ The bulb being used is not of the appropriate value.
÷ Defective turn signal relay
If a capacitor-type turn signal relay is being used, a sustained sound may be heard for a second when the ignition
switch is turned on. This does not indicate a problem.
In many cases, problems with the turn signals are caused by incorrect use or handling. Particular attention
should be paid to the following points.
÷ Always use a bulb of the rated capacitance.
÷ Be careful of the polarity of the turn signal relay. If the positive and negative sides are reversed, it can cause
÷ Make sure the turn signal relay and the lamps are grounded securely. With capacitor-type lamps, in particular,
incomplete grounding can cause the contact points to burn.

[6] Inspecting and servicing the horn
If there is a problem with the volume or sound quality of the horn, turn the adjustment screw and adjust it. If that
does not correct the problem, check to see if the battery charge is too low when the switch is operated, if there is
water in the horn, or if the trumpet is cracked.
If the horn does not sound at all, the fuse may have blown or may not be in tight contact, the wiring cord may have
been disconnected, or the horn may not be inserted tightly enough in the socket. Check the operation of the switch
and the horn, and test for conductivity between the terminals.

[7] Inspecting and servicing the meters and gauges

1. General inspection and servicing
The meters and gauges used on motorcycles are configured of a number of units, and are connected either electri-
cally, by wiring cords and cables, or mechanically. As a result, vibration can cause connections to loosen, or can
cause parts to come in contact with other parts when they shouldn’t, and these can cause breakdowns. Pay particu-
lar attention to these areas, and if any problems are found, correct them. Careful attention can prevent breakdowns
before they happen.
In many cases, people tend to pay careful attention to the size of wiring when devices such as starting devices and
charging devices are involved, which generally use large amounts of current. They make sure the proper wiring is
used and that connections are securely tightened. With smaller wiring, however, people tend to be less careful,
using wiring that is not heavy enough, or failing to tighten ter-
minal connections securely. Errors such as these can prevent
the rated current from flowing to the circuits, so that the meters
and gauges read incorrectly or do not function properly.
Also, crimp terminals are used in many instances, and these
require a special tool to attach the wiring tightly onto terminals.
In this case, if the cords are not crimped tightly onto the termi-
nals, rust will appear in those areas, and faulty contact will re-
sult. These areas require special attention.

2. Precautions
1) Connectors
÷ When connecting connectors, press them until they click
into place.
÷ Inspect connectors to make sure they are not rusty or dirty,
and the covers are not torn.

2) Couplers
÷ If the coupler has a lock, release the lock before connect-
ing the connector. When connecting the coupler, press it
all the way in, until the lock is activated.
÷ When disconnecting couplers, hold the coupler itself. Do
not pull on the lead wire.
÷ Inspect the coupler to make sure no terminals are missing
or bent.
÷ Check to make sure there is no rust or dirt on the termi-

3) Clamps
÷ Clamp the wire harness at the positions indicated on the
“Wire Harness Assembly Diagram”.
÷ Make sure the clamps are molded around the harness and
hold it securely in place.
÷ When securing the wire harness with clamps, make sure it
is not drooping or sagging.
÷ Do not substitute pins or needles for band-type clamps.

4) Fuses
÷ If a fuse has blown, always identify the cause of the prob-
lem and correct it before replacing the fuse.
÷ Do not use fuses of different capacities.
÷ Do not substitute pins or needles for fuses.

5) Semiconductor parts
÷ Do not drop units that have semiconductor parts in them,
such as the FI control unit or the regulating rectifier.
÷ When inspecting these parts, follow instructions carefully.
Inspecting parts incorrectly can damage them.

6) Battery
÷ MF (maintenance-free) batteries do not need to be inspected
for the volume of electrolytic fluid, and do not need to
have water added.
÷ With ordinary charging, no hydrogen gas is produced, but
if supplemental charging is done, hydrogen gas may be
produced at times. Make sure to keep the battery away from
sources of fire when charging it.
÷ The charging unit for MF batteries is different from that
used to charge ordinary open-type batteries. Do not use an
open-type battery in place of an MF battery.

7) Connecting the battery

÷ If the battery terminals are being disconnected in order to
disassemble and service the battery, always disconnect the
negative - terminal first.
÷ When connecting the terminals to the battery, connect the
positive + terminal first.
÷ If the battery terminals are corroded, remove the battery,
wash the terminals with lukewarm water, and scrub them
with a wire brush.
÷ When the terminals have been connected, apply a light
coating of grease to them.
÷ Place the cover over the positive + terminal.

8) Using a pocket tester

÷ Be careful not to reverse the + and - probes, as this can
cause internal burning of the tester.
÷ If the voltage or current value is not known, begin measur-
ing from the high range.
÷ Before measuring resistance, and if the resistance range
has been changed, carry out the “ZERO” adjustment be-
fore measuring the resistance.
÷ Measuring the resistance range while voltage is being ap-
plied can cause internal burning of the tester. Make sure
no voltage is being applied before measuring the resistance.
÷ After using the tester, return the switch to the OFF posi-
tion. If the tester does not have an OFF position, set it to
the highest AC voltage range.

2. Inspections
1) Inspecting the speedometer and tachometer
÷ If the needle is oscillating abnormally, check to see if the driven gear or drive gear is worn, if the nut connect-
ing the speedometer cable is securely tightened, if the speedometer cable is defective, or if the cable is
sharply kinked or bent anywhere.
÷ If the needle does not move at all, check to see if the driven gear or drive gear is worn or damaged, or if the
speedometer cable is disconnected or any of the gauges or meters have broken down.
÷ If the error indicated for the speedometer exceeds the rated value, or is less than the rated value, check to see
if the tires are worn, if the tire air pressure is correct, if the tires are the wrong size, or if the internal adjust-
ment of the gauge has been poorly done.

2) Inspecting the oil pressure lamp

If the lamp is an indicator-type lamp, it should light when
the ignition switch is turned on and go out after the en-
gine starts. If there is a problem, check the following items.
÷ If the lamp does not light when the ignition switch is
turned on, the indicator lamp may have burned out, the
fuse may have blown, there may be faulty contact, a
wire may be disconnected, or the oil pressure switch
may be malfunctioning. Check all of these.
÷ If the lamp does not go out after the engine starts, check
to see if the hydraulic pressure is above the rated value,
if the oil pressure switch is malfunctioning, or if the
wiring cord is poorly insulated.

3) Inspecting the oil warning lamp

The oil warning lamp should light when the ignition switch
is set to the “C” position, and should go out when the
ignition switch is set to the “OFF” or “ON” position. The
lamp should also light if the level of oil in the oil tank
drops below the rated value. If there is a problem, check
to see if the check lamp is burned out, the wiring cord is
disconnected or poorly insulated, or the oil pressure switch
is malfunctioning.
÷ Inspecting the oil level switch
Check to see if there is conductivity between the termi-
nals when the float of the oil level switch has dropped.

Float has dropped There is conductivity

Float has risen There is no conductivity

4) Inspecting the fuel meter (gas gauge)
÷ If the needle does not move when the ignition switch is
turned on, check to see if a fuse has burned out, there is
faulty contact, the sender unit (fuel gauge) is not properly
grounded, a wiring cord is disconnected, or the receiver
unit (fuel meter) is defective.
÷ If the needle moves but does not indicate the proper fuel
level, check the resistance and insulation of the wiring cord,
and see if the receiver unit or sender unit is defective.

5) Inspecting the water temperature meter

÷ Either connect the rated resistance value, or use a good
temperature gauge to check the position of the needle in
the meter.
÷ If the power supply is not turned on, the needle should
return to the “C” point side.

÷ The water temperature gauge should be inspected using a

pocket tester to test the resistance with the gauge warmed
with oil, and at the rated temperature.

6) Inspecting the Neutral lamp and gear shift switch
If the Neutral lamp does not light, remove the gear shift switch
and check to see if the lamp lights when the terminal is
grounded to the body with the appropriate lead wire. If it
doesn’t, check the bulb and switch, or look for a disconnected
wire in the harness.

[8] Inspecting and servicing the various switches

Check the various switches for conductivity, using a pocket tester
and following the wiring diagram.
Check for external damage and for damaged lead wires as well.

Prepared by


Motorcycle Service Department

Sep, 2000
Part No. 99520-01101-01E
Printed in Japan


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