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The 30-30-30 reset

There are no specific instructions for this model yet, but you can always do the
30-30-30 reset as follows:
When router is powered on, press the reset button and hold for 30 seconds. (Use a
paper clip or something sharp)
While holding the reset button pressed, unplug the power of the router and hold the
reset button for 30 seconds
While still holding the reset button down, turn on the power to the unit again and
hold for another 30 seconds.
This process usually works for resetting any router to it's factory setting.

Note: It is worth reading more about how to reset routers with the 30 30 30 reset
and what the risks and
considerations are when resetting your router this way, instead of just rebooting

Default factory settings for Thomson TWG870

If you have performed a reset of your TWG870 device or not changed the defaults,
you should be able to access it with the following settings:

Default Gateway IP: Thomson login instructions

Default password: admin
Default subnet mask:
Default DNS server:
Note: If you are using the default settings you should change them to increase
and prevent unathorized access to your network.

Login To The Thomson TWG-870

To get started configuring the Thomson TWG-870 WiFi settings you need to login to
your router. If you are already
logged in you can skip this step.

To login to the Thomson TWG-870, follow our Thomson TWG-870 Login Guide.

Find the WiFi Settings on the Thomson TWG-870

If you followed our login guide above then you should see this screen.

You begin on the Network Configuration page of the Thomson TWG-870 router. Click
the option at the top of the page
labeled Wireless. Then on the left side of the page, select the Primary Network

Change the WiFi Settings on the Thomson TWG-870

The first setting you need to change on this page is the Network Name (SSID). This
is your internet identification and
should be unique. It doesn't matter what you enter here but we recommend avoiding
personal information. Take a look
at this guide for more on the subject.
A little farther down the page you should see four different security options, WPA,
To learn what the differences are in these options, take a look at this guide. We
recommend the most secure choice
of WPA2-PSK.
Set the WPA/WPA2 Encryption to AES.
The last setting that really needs to be changed is titled the WPA Pre-Shared Key.
This is the internet password and
should be strong. The more random a password looks, the stronger it is. Use a
minimum of 14 to 20 characters.
Try adding some symbols, numbers, and capital letters in the password for even more
strength. More ideas can be found
in this guide.
Click the Apply button and you're finished.
Possible Problems when Changing your WiFi Settings
After making these changes to your router you will almost definitely have to
reconnect any previously connected devices.
This is usually done at the device itself and not at your computer.

Other Thomson TWG-870 Info

Don't forget about our other Thomson TWG-870 info that you might be interested in.

Login to Thomson TWG-870 Router

Change your Thomson TWG-870 IP Address
Download Manuals for Thomson TWG-870
All Thomson TWG-870 Screenshots.

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