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When comparing the effectiveness of these three approaches to grammar

teaching, findings support that Focus-on-Form has considerable advantages over

the other two, because it helps to improve the language acquisition process,
fosters better retention of forms and promotes more precise use of the language
(Doughty & Williams, 1998; Norris and Ortega; 2000; 2001; Ellis, 2002). Yet, in
many language classrooms around the world, a Focus on forms approach
predominates; making second language instruction primarily traditional because
teachers give explicit grammar instruction, encourage memorization of grammar
formulas and/or translate them into the learner’s native language (Hinkel and
Fotos, 2002; Kırkgöz, 2008).

About young learners

Continuous investigation is done in

the attempt to find effective ways to
teach grammar to children in the
language classroom. Some experts
advocate for one of the three
approaches mentioned above, others
would follow a more eclectic way.

Generally speaking, there is the

idea that learning grammar rules
surpasses children’s cognitive

nevertheless, there is conclusive evidence that grammar “indeed holds an

important position in children’s foreign language learning, since it is intimately
related to meaning and use of the language and closely associated with
vocabulary” Cameron (2001).

This evidence has led to an eclectic approach called the “Noticing and
Consciousness-raising” theory, Schmidt (1990; 1993). According to this theory,
learners are persuaded to become aware of specific grammar features of the
language, in order to be able to draw conclusions from what they see and, later
on, they are led by the instructor to systematize their understanding of language
according to the conclusions they have drawn.
It seems difficult, at first, to begin
shifting to a new way to teach grammar
all of a sudden, when the greatest part
of books follow a grammatical
sequence; however, we should
definitively take the challenge to begin
transitioning from Focus on forms

The Challenge

The beginning stages of language are

(or should be) mostly focused on
acquiring vocabulary, using or
memorizing chunks of language and/or
collocations, leaving

grammar out of the picture, at least for a while. Once students have accumulated
a “stack” of phrases, chunks and basic vocabulary, it is time to introduce some
grammar (Cameron, 2001). It is recommended to take the following guidelines
when teaching grammar to children:
1. Teaching Grammar to Young Learners Child-Friendly Grammar Anissa
2. 2. the grammar itself… Different meaning of Grammar Development of
Internal Grammar Principles for Learning-centered Grammar Teaching 1.
The need for grammar 2. Potential conflict between meaning and grammar 3.
Importance of attention in the learning process 4. Learning grammar as the
development of internal grammar 5. The role of explicit teaching of grammar
3. 3. Grammar and Children About grammar and young learners: • Grammar is
necessary to express precise meaning in discourse; • Grammar ties closely
into vocabulary in learning and using the foreign language; • Grammar
learning can evolve from the learning of chunks of language; • Talking about
something meaningful with the child can be useful way to introduce new
grammar; • Grammar can be taught without technical labels.
4. 4. The language development of typical English speaking child • 6 weeks
cooing • 6 months babbling • 8 months intonation patterns • 12-15 months
single words • 18 months two-word utterances, simple negatives, simple
questions • 21 months three-word utterances • 2 years inflections (word
endings) • 3 years adult-type negatives adult-type questions • 3.5 years adult-
type inflections • 10 years adult type grammar
5. 5. Teaching Child – Friendly Grammar There are typically three ways of
teaching grammar namely: 1. Noticing such as listen and notice, presentation
of new language with puppets. 2. Structuring such as questionnaires, survey
and quizzes, information gap activities, helping hands, drills and chants. 3.
Proceduralizing such as polar animal description re-visited, and dictogloss.
6. 6. 7 Techniques of teaching grammar in child-friendly grammar to young
learners 1. Presenting the grammatical structure in a child's context with
humor 2. Practicing the grammatical structure 3. Drawing and writing on the
board 4. Story telling 5. Songs and chants 6. Rhymes and poems 7. Total
Physical Response
7. 7. Mary had a Little Lamb… Mary had a little lamb…little lamb …little lamb…
Mary had a little lamb its fleece was white as snow, And everywhere that
Mary went, Mary went, Mary went… And everywhere that Mary went the
lamb was sure to go It followed her to school one day, school one day, school
one day It followed her to school one day that was against the rule It made
the children laugh and play, laugh and play, laugh and play.. It made the
children laugh and play to see the lamb at school “Why does the lamb love
Mary so?” Mary so…Mary so… “Why does the lamb love Mary so?” the eager
children cry, “Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know” lamb you know, lamb you
know… Mary loves the lamb, you know…the teacher did reply..
8. 8. NOW vs YESTERDAY NOW • Mary is going to school • The lamb is
following • It is against the role • The teacher is turning out YESTERDAY •
Mary went to school • Followed her to school • It was against the role • The
teacher turned it out
9. 9. Thanks for your attention…

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