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The word “tsunami” comes from the Japanese language meaning Great Waves (Tsu:
port and Nami: wave). Adapan agreed definition many people is a tsunami is a natural
disaster caused by rising sea waves to the mainland at high speeds due to the earthquake
centered under the sea. The quake could have been caused by soil erosion, the plates were
shifting, volcanic eruptions and who experienced meteor that crashed in the ocean. This
usually happens when the tsunami earthquakes exceeding magnitude 7 on the Richter scale.
Tsunami is quite dangerous, especially for those who live in Area beach. With great power, he
will sweep everything in its path.

When talking about the tsunami, then we would have to start from the cause, namely
the earthquake in the ocean. Tsunami always preceded a powerful movement that we
commonly call the earthquake. Although it is known that there are various types of this
earthquake, but 90% of the tsunami caused by the movement of the plates in the earth that
happened to be located in areas of the oceans. It should be also mentioned, the history of
tsunamis ever recorded due to the eruption of Krakatoa.

An earthquake in the bowels of the earth will result in the emergence of pressure to
the vertical direction so that the bottom of the sea will rise and fall in a short time span. This
will then lead to an imbalance in the ocean water which is then pushed into a large wave that
moves reached the mainland.

With great power there in the water waves, naturally if the buildings on the mainland
can be washed away easily. The tsunami waves propagate at speeds unimaginable. He could
reach 500 to 1000 kilometers per hour at sea. And when it reaches the shore, the speed is
reduced to 50 to 30 kilometers per hour. Although reduced rapidly, but the pace was able to
cause severe damage to humans.

If we look at the tsunami, of course we understand that there is no human

intervention in it. Thus, we do not have control to prevent these causes. However, the
preparation and maximum vigilance, we can minimize the impact of the tsunami itself. A
good example has been shown in Japan. Although prone to tsunamis, but the awareness of
people able to reduce the number of victims of the disaster.

Floods are natural disasters that frequently occur in many cities in different scales where the
water with an excessive number are on the normally dry land. According KBBI or Indonesian
dictionary, the definition of flooding was juicy and too heavy, sometimes overflowing. It can
happen because the amount of water in lakes, rivers, or other water catchment area that
exceeds the normal capacity due to the accumulation of rainwater or compression so that it

When floods occur, a lot of people lose their properties. It even causes casualties. Therefore,
it is good to know the cause of flooding in order to take appropriate steps to prevent floods.
The first cause is deforestation wild. Illegal logging makes forests into barren one of the
causes of flooding. This is because the roots of the tree has a function to absorb water.
Therefore, if many trees are lost it will easily flood. The second cause is littering. This one
cause of the flood is already familiar. Garbage dumped randomly that is disposed of in rivers
or other waterways can clog the water flow so that it can overflow and cause flooding.

The third cause is settlement on the banks of rivers or streams. Settlements are established on
the riverbanks of the river that results susceptible to silting. Siltation is happening in the river
because of the habit of throwing garbage into the river as well as the state of the ground on
either side of the building can be just collapsed and then close the river side. So that the river
becomes narrower and prone to flooding. The fourth cause is lowland. The regions are
located in lowland areas may cause flooding. It is because of flood water flowing from the
upland to lowland so it can be at risk of flooding. The fifth cause is high rainfall. This cause
of the flood is caused due to weather factors. If there is an area that has high rainfall and
occurs protracted for a long time, it has a greater risk for flooding especially if it is located in
the lowland.
Solar Eclipse
A solar eclipse occurs during the day. Process beginning
with theMoon covered the Sun so brightly
lit circumstances gradually becamedark. Solar eclipses occur
because of sunlight during the day eclipsed by the moon. As
a result, for a few moments the Sun covered and notvisible
from Earth. When the position of the solar eclipse, the Sun,
moon, and Earth are on one line. As a result of the Moon‘s
shadow will hit the Earth. Because the Moon is smaller
than the Sun then just someplace of the Earth’s
surface exposed to the shadow of the moon. Orjust some of
the places that experience a solar eclipse.

Eclipse of the Sun was divided into three types: total

solar eclipses,partial solar eclipse, Solar Eclipse and ring.
Total solar eclipse: the occurrence of a total solar eclipse took
placeonly at the Earth’s surface exposed to
the core shadow (umbra) of the month. Because the Moon is
smaller compared to the Earth. Then the total solar
eclipse can not last long. Total solar eclipses usually only
lasts about 7 minutes. Total solar eclipses always starts and
ends by the partial solar eclipse.

Partial solar eclipse: the occurrence of partial solar

eclipse when the Moon’s surface close a portion of the
surface of the Sun.
Solar Eclipse ring: the occurrence of a solar
eclipse ring when the Moon is at the farthest point and the
nearest point on the Earth is from the Sun.
Volcanic Eruption

Volcanic eruption is a natural phenomenon that occurs due to deposition of

magma in the earth and flushed out by gas that has strong power. Volcanic
eruption is one of a very powerful disasters. Almost all of the volcanic activity
relate to the zone of active seismicity because it is directly connected with the
plate boundary of the earth.

The volcanic eruption begins with the activity at plate boundary of the earth that
sustains a significant change in pressure and temperature. So, it can make the
rock material around it melted which we usually called as incandescent liquid or
magma. Magma formed through exreme hot temperature in the earth bowels. At
a relative depth, a very high temperature can make the entire material in the
earth bowels melted.

When these materials melted, it produces gas that will mixed with with the
magma. Magma that will be released by volcanic eruption formed at a depth of
approximately 60 to 160 KM below the earth’s surface. Then the magma that
contains gas will be under the pressure of solid rocks that are around the crater.
This pressure causes the magma erupted and move out towards the earth’s

The magma and the gas burst at the same time and create a hole which is called
the main hole. Most of the magma and other volcanic materials spurted through
this main hole. After the bursts stopped, the crater that resembles a bowl usually
formed at the top of the volcano. Meanwhile, the main hole is in the bottom of the

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