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Are you bored of doing the same old boring PowerPoints and reports (those still will remain

a part of
your educational career for the foreseeable future just not here)? Have you always wanted to know
more about cultural topics we don’t usually discuss in class like Maori face tattoos, the cultural history of
falafel in the Middle East, Thailand’s ‘third’ gender, or the symbolism of the lotus flower in Indian art?
…Then, prepare to be have your socks blown clean off!

Over the next 10 weeks, we will learn about the geography, cultures, and histories of different regions of
the world. As we go through each regional unit, you will have some time in class to explore a topic
related to the regions that interest you most. Then, after doing some research on your topic, you will
create a project to showcase your topic and everything you’ve learned about it. At the end of the 10
weeks, you will have put together two amazing, unique, and creative cultural projects!

Since this project is very open-ended and individualized, I expect you to be mindful with your planning,
and to ask questions if you are confused about anything. During the middle of each five-week period, I
will have a checkpoint meeting with you to discuss your idea and plan for the project, and what my
expectations for your (or your group) will be. Don’t worry, I’ll let you know in advance when this meeting
will be! Periodically, I will also put aside some class time for you to work on your projects.

Project frame:

• Southeast Asia Anthropology

Weeks 1-5
• South Asia Project #1

• Oceania & Antarctica Anthropology

Weeks 6-10
• Middle East & North Africa Project #2

Topic guidelines:
- Must be a person/group of people, place, artifact, cultural symbol, practice, or phenomenon
- Must be historically/culturally significant and unique to the region
- You must have your topic proposal submitted by the checkpoint meeting, and you will not be
able to change it after this meeting.
Project components:
1. Project proposal (10pts)
2. Research paper (25pts): 1-2 page paper explaining the five w’s of your topic. The research paper
does not need to have intro/concluding paragraphs, but you do need to use at least two sources,
and attach their citations at the end of your paper.
• Five W’s:
1. What: What is your topic?
2. Who: This one is easy is your topic is a person. If not, who is/are the specific
person/people related to your topic?
3. When: Is there a specific date when your topic first emerged or time period when it
was most relevant? Some topics will be easier to place in time than others, but try to
be as specific with dates as possible.
4. Where: Where are the specific places within the region that your topic is most
relevant? This could include sub-regions, cities, geographic sites, specific streets,
neighborhoods, or even types of meeting spaces (home, church, school, etc.).
5. Why: Why is your topic important to the region?
3. Individual reflection (20pts): 1-2 paragraph reflection on your topic explaining three things:
1. Why did you choose your topic?
2. Why is it important for people to learn about your topic?
3. What was the most interesting/unexpected thing you learned while researching your
4. Topic product (20pts): Some physical or digital product that accurately and respectfully
represents your topic.
- Examples: physical replica, painting/drawing, slide presentation, Google Tour
Presentation, video of you performing/acting something, in-class performance, additional
written work/research/poem/story, etc…

Other important things to keep in mind:

- You can work on your own or with one other person. If you work with another person, you only
need to submit one research paper together. Everyone will individually write a reflection
(component #3).
- Your topic does not have to be about something we discuss in class! Unfortunately, we don’t
have time to cover all the amazing things from the various cultures and other parts of the world
we’ll talk about—so, if there’s a topic you want to do that’s not covered in class, fill out a
proposal for it! I want you be genuinely interested and excited about researching your topic.

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