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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Reem Topic or Theme: Multiply Three Factors

Class: 3 Date & Duration: 28 February 2019

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on:

Classroom management

I will ring the bill three times and the students will freeze and put their hand on their head.

Lesson Focus

Multiply three factors

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to: Students can take apart numbers and multiply using three factors.

Links to Prior Learning

The students know how to do an array for multiply two factors.

21st Century Skills

Critical thinking: The students will draw an array to solve the problems.

Key vocabulary


Three factors


Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

The students will not draw the array The teacher will practice how to draw the array with
properly. the students before they do their activities.

Resources/equipment needed




Cards of array

Multiplication of three factors equations


Words problem cards

Exit ticket

Resources Introduction
& Time
The teacher will display an example of a multiplication equation and the
underneath of the multiplication equation there is an array that shows how to
find out the answer by drawing an array.
Then the teacher will show the students a multiplication equation of 2 factors.
Board The teacher will pick one student to draw an array for the multiplication
Resources Main activities
& Time

The teacher will display a multiple three factors example for the students. She
will explain the example step by step and show them how they multiply using
three factors, and she will ask the whole class to participate with her to count
the circles to find the answer for that example.

Differentiation activities (Support)

Emergent level:

To do this activity the students need cards of the array and multiplication three factors
equations. The students have to count the circles of arrays and how many groups of arrays to
find the matching equation that matches the array with the suitable equations. Finally, the
students will count the array to find out the answer and write it behind the card. For example,
the student counts the circles and he/she found 3 circles vertically and 2 circles horizontal into
two groups of that array, so that means the suitable multiplication equation is (3× 2) ×2 and
count the circles to find out the answer and write it behind the card.

Can you justify your matching?

Develop level:

To do this activity the student need cards of multiple three factors equations and cubes. In pairs,
the students will take one equation of the multiple three factors and work together to use the
cubes to make the array for that equation and count how many cubes they had. Finally, the
student will write the answer behind the card.

Why did you group your array like that?

Can you justify your array?

Master level:

To do this activity the students need cards of words problems. The students have to read the
word problem and understand it to identify the multiplication three factors equations. Then they
going write the equation and solve the problem by multiply two numbers together in the bracket
and then multiply the number they got with the third number. Or they can use the array way to
find out the answer. Finally, the students will flip the paper to write the answer.

& Time

Exit ticket
The teacher will recap the lesson by
asking the students what did you learned
The teacher will explain to the students
what they have to do. T: you can use two
ways to solve these equations, the first
way is drawing an array to find out the
answer, or you can multiply the two
numbers in the bracket first then multiply
it with the third number. Then the teacher
will distribute the papers for the students
and give them 5 minutes to do it. After the
students finish the paper the teacher will
collect the papers.
Homework The students will do page 511.
Assessment Oral questioning: The teacher will ask the students some question in their centers.
Strategies: Exit ticket: The teacher will collect the papers from the students and check them.
☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment

☐ Quiz ☐ Student ☐ Written work ☐ Verbal feedback

presentation and feedback


The lesson was about multiple 3 factors and the strand for this lesson is multiplication and
Division. The lesson was for grade 3 and the lesson was in the classroom at their tables. In this
lesson, I tried to teach the students how to multiply 3 factors by using array strategy. At the
begging of the lesson, the students activated their prior knowledge and remember how they use
an array to multiply two numbers. To relate the prior knowledge of the students with this lesson
is by making an array for multiple 3 factors the same what they did with 2 factors. Next, they
learned how to multiply three numbers by using an array. I have to explain the word “array “for
the students and shows them how it works on the multiplication equation. The students will
understand how to multiply 3 factors by using the array. The students were trying to participate
and try to understand the skill of this lesson. Then, I distribute and explain the activities for each
different level. I have to model the activity step by step and shows them how exactly work. The
students were listening to my explanation, after that, they start to do their activities. I have to
make sure that I prepare an activity on the board to let the students get busy while I’m
explaining the activities for the other groups. I realized there are some students have a problem
with making the array for multiplication equations, so they aren’t able to make an array for
multiple 3 factors. Finally, the students take five minutes to do the excite ticket to solve 6-
problem. Most of the students were not able to multiply three factors and take a lot of time
because they don’t know how to make the array properly. To make my assessment better I could
put three questions on the board and give them 1 minute then ask the students to hold up their
board and shows me their answer. To engage the students, I did hands-on activities for each
level. For example, I let the students make the array by using cubes and circles. If I reteach this
lesson in the future I will practice with the students how to make the array for multiplication
equations by using the students as an array. But to make sure the students are engaging with me
while I’m modelling and practice what I modelled is by giving the students a task to do and
follow my step to practice altogether. The implication of this lesson is to know how to multiply
3 factors without use array by multiply the two numbers in the bracket and then multiply it with
the third number.

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