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of ECE, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering-New Delhi

Rishabh Khanna (35711502815); Karan Gurnani (40511502815); Sukesh Kumar Bharti (60311502815)


Project Summary:
Abstract: Proposal describes the design of air quality monitoring system that can
continuously monitor PPM in air in real time, tell the quality of air and log data to a remote
Power consumption: Successful system must have low power consumption.
Robustness: The system will need to be resistant to the elements through encapsulation in a
rugged casing that will ensure the system is resistant to shattering, water and vandals.

Data input-output: At the location of sensor, the Gas sensors will measure the
concentration of Gas at that point. MCU over there will process the voltage output and return
a string containing the information about the concentration of different gases. In the initial
phase of our project, we will send this data to displayed on character LCD and by using the
most useful feature of ESP8266 Wi-Fi module i.e. Short Message services (SMS) at regular
interval. Server will store this data.

Sampling: Samples must be representative and the sampling ideally should not disturb the
last sample. High sampling rate results in high consumption of power while low sampling
rate can result in missing of event of interest.

Working module: Work divided into two important phases

Phase 1:
1. Development of sensors monitoring unit and the display unit in laboratory. Following
features of sensors used to be taken into account:
1. High sensitivity to the applied gas or environment parameter.
2. Stable and long life.
3. Dimension: Dimension must be small to keep the size of unit under control (gas sensor:
diameter~16 mm, height~ 10 mm)

Features of software we are using:

1.Arduino IDE
The Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) is a cross-platform application
(for Windows, macOS, Linux) that is written in the programming language Java. It is used to
write and upload programs to Arduino compatible boards, but also, with the help of 3rd party
cores, other vendor development boards. The source code for the IDE is released under
the GNU General Public License, version 2. The Arduino IDE supports the
languages C and C++ using special rules of code structuring. The Arduino IDE supplies
a software library from the Wiring project, which provides many common input and output
procedures. User-written code only requires two basic functions, for starting the sketch and the
main program loop, that are compiled and linked with a program stub main() into an
executable cyclic executive program with the GNU toolchain, also included with the IDE
distribution. The Arduino IDE employs the program avrdude to convert the executable code
into a text file in hexadecimal encoding that is loaded into the Arduino board by a loader
program in the board's firmware.

To Program Arduino Uno we need IDE. Arduino IDE contains a text editor for writing code, a
message area, a text console, a toolbar with buttons for common functions and a series of
menus. It connects to the Arduino and Genuino hardware to upload programs and communicate
with them.

For this project we need two libraries.

SoftwareSerial and LiquidCrystal.

 SoftwareSerial Information

 LiquidCrystal

According to its developers, "ThingSpeak is an open-source Internet of Things (IoT)
application and API to store and retrieve data from things using the HTTP protocol over the
Internet or via a Local Area Network. ThingSpeak enables the creation of sensor logging
applications, location tracking applications, and a social network of things with status updates".
ThingSpeak was originally launched by ioBridge in 2010 as a service in support of IoT
ThingSpeak has integrated support from the numerical computing
software MATLAB from MathWorks, allowing ThingSpeak users to analyse and visualize
uploaded data using MATLAB without requiring the purchase of a MATLAB license from
ThingSpeak has a close relationship with MathWorks, Inc. In fact, all of the ThingSpeak
documentation is incorporated into the MathWorks' MATLAB documentation site and even
enabling registered MathWorks user accounts as valid login credentials on the ThingSpeak
website. The terms of service and privacy policy of ThingSpeak.com are between the agreeing
user and MathWorks, Inc.
ThingSpeak has been the subject of articles in specialized "Maker" websites
like Instructables, Code project, and Channel 9.

Circuit Diagram:
As the device is powered, the Arduino board loads the required libraries, flashes some initial
messages on the LCD screen and start sensing data from the MQ-135 sensor. The sensor can
be calibrated so that its analog output voltage is proportional to the concentration of polluting
gases in PPM. The analog voltage sensed at the pin A0 of the Arduino is converted to a digital
value by using the in-built ADC channel of the Arduino. The Arduino board has 10-bit ADC
channels, so the digitized value ranges from 0 to 1023. The digitized value can be assumed
proportional to the concentration of gases in PPM. The read value is first displayed on LCD
screen and passed to the ESP8266 module wrapped in proper string through virtual serial
function. The Wi-Fi module is configured to connect with the ThingSpeak IOT platform.
ThingSpeak is an IOT analytics platform service that allows to aggregate, visualize and analyse
live data streams in the cloud. ThingSpeak provides instant visualizations of data posted by the
IOT devices to ThingSpeak server.
Importance of the proposed project in the context of current status:

. India lagging far behind in gas monitoring technologies. Municipalities and Govt.
authorities not working as par as expectation, making people aware might pressurized them to

. Providing such a device at affordable prices so that factories, municipals, researchers etc can
easily have access to certain data of their interest.

. "The UK Government's chief scientist now says climate change is a far worse danger than
international terrorism" (BBC News, 10 Jan 04)

. Environmental phenomena are a major scientific and societal concern:




. Information technology, communications and sensing are enabling technologies

. Due to current technological changes, there will be a watershed phenomenon in

–Ability to monitor

–Price point


–Data processing

Future Prospects:

Gas sensing and Monitoring device may be available in the market at affordable prices so that
factories, municipals, researchers etc can easily have access to certain data’s of their interest.

Can be developed for monitoring of Landfill Gas Monitoring with a very little advancement.

Can be developed for volcanic prediction using gas chemistry in a safer way by modifying
the design and robustness of device.

Wireless sensor networks can be used to measure and monitor the water levels within all
ground wells in the landfill site and monitor leachate accumulation and removal. A wireless
device and submersible pressure transmitter monitor the leachate level.

Using wireless sensor networks within the agricultural industry is increasingly common.
Gravity fed water systems can be monitored using pressure transmitters to monitor water tank
levels, pumps can be controlled using wireless I/O devices, and water use can be measured
and wirelessly transmitted back to a central control centre for billing.
Progress in the project: (for March-19)

1. Software for programs to code has been studied.

2. Working Principle of Project has been studied.

3. Circuit Diagram of Project to make trying to understanding the basic concept of Project.

4. Trying to set-up the component of our project.

5. For check working of programs code have been uploaded to Arduino Uno and observe the
workings sensors and desired output.

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