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o^jfr *f° ~g\° 13^-33004/99 REGD. NO.D.L.^004/99

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(Lhe (Basette of <3ndia 3^iTSfRW

WTH—"?3n3^3—^T-"*§^ (i)
PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i)


*T. 198] ^ f^wfr, «sJ^W(de||<, 3TteT 26, 2 0 0 7 / ^ i n i r 6S 1929


%*? i s?Vsstf f¥^fm^ m^T 11"i

[m. U 2000/mSJT ( ^ i p - 3TR)/19/35J
3t. "^f. ^Tf«R, iH^FT <4!dl<mcl cT«n T # T ^ r a
^ f ^ # , 26 3T^eI, 2007 XTR[ -fen?#-; 1976 ^ i p fWT; ,^RcT ^ HW^ ^ 3#RfCT
. Wm •m.m.fa 445(3T) cfRRS 21 s p l 1981 ^ IR1
w.^r/fr. 311(3T).—*F^(k wsm, ^ r srfferfwi,
1989 (1989 ^T 24) qfft mj 198 ^ Tm ifecT *IRT 60 ^ Trarfw feq; 1713; ^ 3TR rTcq^n^ ^ F I PtHRriRsid atf«T
~m-mi (2) ^ iafe (?5) srcr 3?^ "sntwff ^T TR^T ^ict ^RT ^ SRT wr«R t%ir TTC; : -
• p;, w t o % (^Tf%cr w^r) ^TMFT Twr, 1976 <ST site (1) ^l^T.ft 320, TTRRsT 16 3^3, 1983,
^T#H ^ ^ %TT PtHPdR§cf tWT ^RT# t , 3 ? ^ :—
(2) m^T.H, 352, WRte 30 3 ? ^ , 1983,
1. (1) T'T fWff ^T Tft^RT ^TFT ^TRcfH ^ 1 (^TfelcT (3 ) Tlt^LH/ 514( 3T), eTRni 27 ^T, 1983,
cn^T.) W^R^i (Tmt«H) TWT, 2007 I I
(4) 'm^T.H. 476(3T), ?TRte 28 ^T, 1984,
(2) ^ rrsm $ mtfm ¥ t cfKte ^it i^pr # t i (5) W.^T.H. 245,"cTRte23 "Rf, 1992,
2, *IR#? ^T ( ^ I % f WFT) ^ i s n w f w r , 1976,, 3' (6) « , f t . f t 83, ciRfe 17 "tRWt, 1996,
JW? 4,31 ^ t%T HHPclRsIc! W wn^TT, 3 ? ^ :—
(7) ^I.^T.H. 101, e!RR3 23Tf|, 1998
"4,31 IJWT eFTFt'sr^ mViMl mwz.-'mfmi (8) m^T»H. 47, "cTRRt 13 1R3RT, 1999,
T&m TR Tfl^t Tttera £RT TTI^t ^ t W ^ ^ft ^Tcft t eft
(9) ^T,^"R. 213(3r),"cTRR§ 18 ^ , 1999,
^ R TTRS?: cW era TTIst ^ -SR^H raf 3fgirfeT ^ f f ^rfT
^ ? era 3$ ~m TRt^ra" 3 *rs ft^ w f ft?r WRIT % (10) m^T.H. 283, cFRte26 3fteT, 1999,
' (11) m^T.H. 581(3T),."eTRte 3 W$i> 2000,
^ f ^ f t TfTft oft Tjrst t ^ 8 ^ IRT feyl ^ F T TR *!R (.12) « f t 708(3T), "rTRRS 6 %f^, 2000,
/ # ' ^ t Weft 3?fc J$ TTTft ^T ^ T #fi" '^W: M P T - ^
(13) ^TT.^I.H. 852(3f), 1RRI 8 '?FPR, 2000,
*ft W f i eft ^?FT TTRS; W TTFft ^ 3R*?FT ^ t M cR7
s^qfef ^ f f ^ % * H cI3i ^ 3 ^ - # 3 ^ "qFTcTS W\ (14) m^T.ft 893(3?), mtm 24 ^ ^ , 2000,

2222 GI/2007 (1)

cate, the station master shall not give permission i
(15) m m f t 913(3?),>n#® 12 f ^ R , 2000,
start the train until he has received a Guard-Loco
(16) ^RT.fH. 394(3?), TfRte 31 TT|, 2002, Pilot Joint Check Report that the train is fit to pro-
. (17) m^r.fT, 842(3T),Wfe27f^W:, 2002, -, ceed and has the prescribed brake power.".
\F. No. 2000/Safety (A&R)/19/35]
(18) m^T.ft. 221(3?), crnte 19 srfe; 2006,
V..N. MATHUR, Member Traffic sadex-officio Secy.
(19) m ^ T . t \ 476(3?)", cTKftsT 11 STTOT, 2 006, sfk
Foot Note: The principal rules of 1976 were publishedvwfe
(20) ^?.-5FI.T%. .477(3?), mt^T 11 Wm, 2006 I numberG.SJl.445(E),datedthe21stMy, 1981
MINISTRY OFRAILWAYS and subsequently amended vide number :
. (RAILWAY BOARD) (1) G.S.R. 320, dated the 16th April, 1983,
NOTIFICATION (2) G.S.R. 352, dated the 30th April, 1983,
New Delhi, the 26th April, 2007 (3) G.S.R. 514(E), dated the 27th June, 1983,
G.S.R. 311(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred (4) G.S.R. 476(E), dated the 28th June, 1984,
by Clause (g) of Sub-section (2) of Section 60, read with (5) .G.S.R. 245, dated the 23rd May, 1992,
section. 1.98 of the Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989),!the
Central Government hereby makes the following rules (6) G.S.R. 83, dated the 17thFebruary, 1996,
further to amend the Indian Railways (Open Lines) General (7) G.S.R. 101,datedthe23rdMay, 1998,
Rules, 1976, namely:— (8) G.S.R. 47, datedthel3thFebruafy, 1999,
1. (1) These rules may be called the hidianRailways (9) G.S.R. 213 (E), dated the 18thMarch, 1999,
(Open Lines) General (Amendment) Rules, 2007.
(10) G.S.R. 283(E), dated the 26th April, 1999,
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their
publication in the Official Gazette. (11) G.S.R. 581 (E), dated the 3rdjuly, 2000,

2. In the Indian Railways (Open Lines) GeneralRules, (12) G.S.R. 708(E), dated the 6th September, 2000,
1976 for rule 4.31, the following shall be substituted (13) G.S.R. 852(E), dated the 8th November, 2000,
namely:— (14) G.S.R.893(E),datedthe24thNovember,2000,
"4.31, Examination of trains before starting.— (15) G.S.R. 913(E), datedthe 12thDecember, 2000,
When a train is examined by a Train Examiner at a
station, the' Station Master shall not give permission (15). G.S.R.394(E),datedthe31stMay,2002,
to start the train until he has received a report from (17) G.S.R. 842(E), dated the 27th December, 2002,
such examiner to the effect that the train is fit to (18) G.S.lR.. 221(E), dated the 19th April, 2006,
/ proceed and has the prescribed brake power. In case
/ a train is not examined by the train examiner at a (19) G.S.R. 476(E) dated the 11th August 2006, and
/ station and it is without a valid brake power certifi- (20) G.S.R. 477(E) dated the 11th August 2006.

Printed by the Manager, Govt, of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.

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