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Grammar and vocabulary unit 8 PRACTICE 1

Past participles Present perfect: questions

1 Write the past participles. 4 Choose the correct words.
do done Have you ever visited / read a volcano?
1 want ____________ 1 Have you ever fallen / climbed up a mountain?
2 be ____________ 2 Have you ever travelled / seen to a different
3 eat ____________ country?

4 try ____________ 3 Have you ever been / visited on an aeroplane?

5 have ____________ 4 Have you ever fallen / broken your arm?

6 speak ____________ 5 Have you ever driven / slept in a tent?

7 visit ____________ 6 Has a friend ever bought / won a competition?

8 buy ____________ 7 Have you ever met / swum a famous person?

8 Have you ever swum / met in the Atlantic
Present perfect: affirmative and
2 Choose the correct words a, b or c.
5 Complete the sentences with the words in the
Penny a swum in national competitions.
a has b haven’t c have
bitten broken bruised burnt cut sprained
1 Juan and Carmen ________ painted their house.
a have they b hasn’t c have I fell down the stairs and I think I’ve sprained
2 They ________ eaten shark soup. my ankle.
a have never b have ever c has never 1 The sun is very hot. I think my nose is
3 Sean ________ a famous rock star. ______________.

a has met b have met c has never 2 He can’t play football for three months. He’s
______________ his leg.
4 Ivan ________ his homework.
3 Ouch! I’ve ______________ my finger with
a done b has do c hasn’t done
this knife.
5 We ________ been to Ireland.
4 That dog is really aggressive. It’s ______________
a have ever b haven’t c never three people this week.

3 Complete the sentences with the affirmative ( ) 5 Poor Jonas! He’s fallen and ______________ his
or negative () present perfect form of the verbs. knee.

He hasn’t ridden (ride) a horse ()

1 She __________________ (be) to Vietnam. ()
2 We __________________ (meet) Orlando
Bloom. ()

3 I __________________ (buy) a present for my

sister. ()

4 They __________________ (never / fall) off their

bikes. ()
5 You __________________ (read) Lord of the
Rings. ()

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