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ABSTRACT Image processing basically includes the

The objective of Image enhancement is to following three steps.
process an image so that result is more suitable  Importing the image with optical
than original image for specific application. Digital scanner or by digital photography.
image enhancement techniques provide a lots of  Analyzing and manipulating the image
choices for improving the visual quality of images. which includes data compression and image
Appropriate choice of such techniques is greatly enhancement and spotting patterns that are not to
influenced by the imaging modality, task at hand human eyes like satellite photographs.
and viewing conditions. Image segmentation is the  Output is the last stage in which result
technique of dividing or partitioning an image into can be altered image or report that is based on
parts, called segments. It is mostly useful for image analysis.
applications like image compression or object The purpose of image processing is
recognition, because for these types of  Visualization - Observe the objects that
applications, it is inefficient to process the whole are not visible.
image. So, image segmentation is used to segment  Image sharpening and restoration - To
the parts from image for further processing. There create a better image.
exist several image segmentation techniques,  Image retrieval - Seek for the image of
which partition the image into several parts based interest.
on certain image features like pixel intensity value,  Measurement of pattern – Measures
color, texture, etc. These all techniques are various objects in an image.
categorized based on the segmentation method  Image Recognition – Distinguish the
used. objects in an image.
Image processing is a method to convert an Image Enhancement:
image into digital form and perform some The aim of image enhancement is to improve

operations on it, in order to get an enhanced image the interpretability or perception of information in

or to extract some useful information from it. It is a images for human viewers, or to provide `better'

type of signal dispensation in which input is image, input for other automated image processing

like video frame or photograph and output may be techniques.

image or characteristics associated with that image.

Image enhancement techniques can be divided different with respect to the same
into two broad categories: characteristics. When applied to a stack of images,
typical in medical imaging, the resulting contours
1.Spatial domain methods, which operate
after image segmentation can be used to create 3D
directly on pixels
reconstructions with the help of interpolation
algorithms like Marching cubes.
2.Frequency domain methods, which operate on
the Fourier transform of an image. II TECHNIQUES

Unfortunately, there is no general theory for Original

determining what is `good' image enhancement The image which we will be loading from the

when it comes to human perception. However, data set is called the original image.After applying

when image enhancement techniques are used as any filter available in the project, again we can

pre-processing tools for other image processing come back to the original image.

techniques, then quantitative measures can Negate

determine which techniques are most appropriate. In photography, a negative is an image, usually
on a strip or sheet of transparent plastic film, in
Image Segmentation: Image segmentation is the which the lightest areas of the photographed
process of partitioning a digital image into multiple subject appear darkest and the darkest areas appear
segments (sets of pixels, also known as super-pixels). lightest.
The goal of segmentation is to simplify and/or change
the representation of an image into something that is
more meaningful and easier to analyze. Image
segmentation is typically used to locate objects
and boundaries (lines, curves, etc.) in images. More
precisely, image segmentation is the process of
assigning a label to every pixel in an image such that
pixels with the same label share certain characteristics.
Figure:Negate Image
The result of image segmentation is a set of Grey scale
segments that collectively cover the entire image, Grayscale is a range of monochromatic shades
or a set of contours extracted from the image from black to white. Therefore, a grayscale image
(see edge detection). Each of the pixels in a region contains only shades of gray and no color. While
are similar with respect to some characteristic or digital images can be saved as grayscale (or black
computed property, such as color, intensity, and white) images, even color images
or texture. Adjacent regions are significantly contain grayscale information.
Contrast streching
Most satellites and airborne sensor were
designed to accommodate a wide range of
illumination conditions, from poorly lit arctic
regions to high reflectance desert regions. Because
of this, the pixel values in the majority of digital
scenes occupy a relatively small portion of the
possible range of image values. If the pixel values
Figure:Grey Scale
are displayed in their original form, only a small
Rotate range of gray values will be used, resulting in a
The rotation operator performs a geometric
low contrast display on which similar features
transform which maps the position of a picture
night is indistinguishable.
element in an input image onto a position in an
A contrast stretch enhancement expands the
output image by rotating it through a user-specified
range of pixel values so that they are displayed
angle about an origin . In most implementations,
over a fuller range of gray values.
output locations which are outside the boundary of
Generally, image display and recording devices
the image are ignore.
typically operate over a range of 256 gray levels
Level slicing (the maximum number represent in 8-bit computer
Level slicing is an enhancement technique
encoding). In the case of 8-bit single image, is to
whereby the Digital Numbers (DN) distributed
expand the narrow range of brightness values
along the x-axis of an image histogram is divided
typically present in an output image over a wider
into a series of analyst-specified intervals of
range of gray value. The result is an output image
“slices”. All of DNs falling within a given interval
that is designed to accentuate the contrast between
in the input image are then display a single image
features of interest to the image analyst.
as DN output.

Figure:Contrast Stretching
Figure:Level Slicing

Analyzing images using image threshold

techniques. Image threshold is a simple, yet
effective, way of partitioning an image into a
foreground and background. This image analysis
technique is a type of image segmentation that
isolates objects by converting
grayscale images into binary images.

Figure:Low Pass Filter

High-Pass Filtering

A high-pass filter can be used to make an

image appear sharper. These filters emphasize
fine details in the image – exactly the opposite of
the low-pass filter. High-pass filtering works in
exactly the same way as low-pass filtering; it just
uses a different convolution kernel. In the
example below, notice the minus signs for the
adjacent pixels. If there is no change in intensity,
nothing happens. But if one pixel is brighter than
its immediate neighbors, it gets boosted.
Low-Pass Filtering

A low pass filter is the basis for most smoothing

methods. An image is smoothed by decreasing the
disparity between pixel values by averaging nearby
pixels (see Smoothing an Image for more
information).Using a low pass filter tends to retain the
low frequency information within an image while
reducing the high frequency information.

Figure:High Pass Filter

High-Boost Filtering Image histograms are present on many modern
digital cameras.Photographers can use them as an
High-boost filter can be used to enhance high
aid to show the distribution of tones captured, and
frequencycomponent while still keeping the low
whether image detail has been lost to blown out
frequency components.High boost filter is
highlights or blacked out shadows.
composed by an all pass filter and a edge
detectionfilter (laplacian filter). Thus, it
emphasizes edges and results in
imagesharpener.The high-boost filter is a simple
sharpening operator in signal and image
processing.It is used for amplifying high
frequency components of signalsand images. The
amplification is achieved via a procedure which
subtracts a smoothed version of the media data
from the original one.

Histogram Equalization

Histogram equalization is a common technique

for enhancing the appearance of images. Suppose
we have an image which is predominantly dark.
Then its histogram would be skewed towards the
lower end of the grey scale and all the image detail
is compressed into the dark end of the histogram. If
we could `stretch out' the grey levels at the dark
end to produce a more uniformly distributed
Figure:High Boost Filter histogram then the image would become much

Histogram is graphical representation of the

tonal distribution in a digital image. It plots the
number of pixels for each tonal value. By looking
at the histogram for a specific image a viewer will
be able to judge the entire tonal distribution at a
Figure:Histogram Equalizing
The user can load the images to be
processed and can add the special effects and many
other features to the existing application.
Brightness is a measure of intensity after the
File Module:In this module the files can be
image has been acquired with a digital camera or
created, opened and loaded. A file can be selected
digitized by an analog-to-digital converter. The
to process the image and apply various filters. The
specimen brightness level can be adjusted with the
file format should be an image.
Brightness Level slider or its accompanying blue
Device Module: Using any capture device, an
arrow buttons, in a manner analogous to that
image is input to system to be recognized. The
described above for the contrast controls. Moving
devices can be Digital Camera, Smart Phone,
the brightness slider to the left of center position
CCTV, etc..
decreases image brightness and shifts the
histogram to lower input pixel brightness values. In
contrast, translating the brightness slider to the
For the image enhancement and image
right increases image brightness and shifts the
segmentation techniques,we have to implement
histogram levels to higher input pixel brightness
folloing steps.
 To read and write image file we have to
import the File class [import java.io.File;]. This
class represents file and directory path names in
 To handle errors we use the IOException
class [ import java.io.IOException; ]
 To hold the image we create the

Figure:Brightness BufferedImage object for that we use

BufferedImage class [
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; ]. This
III MODULES object is used to store an image in RAM.
User Module: User module can enhance an  To perform the image read write
image using various types of effects which include operation we will import the ImageIO class [
contrast stretching, thresholding , low pass import javax.imageio.ImageIO;]. This class has
filtering, high pass filtering, high boost filtering, static methods to read and write an image.
histogram equalizer and also increase or decrease
the brightness.
processing applications. It has been shown in this paper

V Conclusion that the image enhancements have been successfully

used for improving the quality of poor images by using
Our project successfully implemented various
the various linear and non-linear techniques. The
techniques in image enhancement and image
review has shown that the most of existing techniques
segmentation to enhance the quality of image such
are based upon the transform domain methods, which
as histogram equalization, thresholding, low pass may introduce the colour artifacts. Also some methods
filter , high pass filter and so on. The evaluation of may introduce Gaussian noise.
the effectiveness of the image is done very In near future we will use a modified image
effectively. Our project has proved that the enhancement model to enhance the shortcomings of the
proposed method is better than other contrast earlier work. No implementation is considered in this
enhancement methods. work in near future we will use suitable tool for

The image enhancements techniques have become experimental purpose.

important pre-processing tool for digital vision

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E.Sravan Kumar, is currently Pursuing
B.Tech in CSE from Narayana Engineering
College, Nellore.

D.Revathi, is currently Pursuing B.Tech in

CSE from Narayana Engineering College,
M.Tech,(Ph.D.),Professor&H.O.D,Department of
CSE, Narayana Engineering College, Nellore.

P.Suma Prathyusha, is currently Pursuing K.Pavan Kumar, is currently Pursuing

B.Tech in CSE from Narayana Engineering B.Tech in CSE from Narayana Engineering

College, Nellore. College, Nellore.

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