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Full name: Tounsi Elbachir

Group: 1

Comparison contrast between Algerian and American Universities

Nowadays, almost all countries in the world have at least one university in a city. Each
university unlike the others is rated for the public view as good, decent or bad. The country
Algeria which consider third world country has a decent to bad universities due to several
problems like political, financial and situational issues. Some people think that universities in
America share some similarities with Algerian universities. Therefore, a comparison of
universities between third world country Algeria, and a first world country America shows
limited similarities and enormous of differences.

To begin, the universities in Algeria and America share a similarity in obtaining the
environment for students to study. Both contain faculties for each specialty or a major, those
faculties include classes, theaters and libraries where the student sit and study. Also, the two
universities possess the tools and the equipment which the students need in their field of
studying. For example, the branch of Biology they need microscopes, test tubes, beakers, and
Bunsen burners, and for archaeology major the faculty should have a pickaxe, shovels, trowels
and so on.

In addition, both students in Algerian and American universities seek a diploma or a

degree. The university consider a high education which the students in both countries will choose
the university that suit them and the branch of their interest, after they pass certain grades the
students can gets a bachelor degree. Hence, a qualified student with a recognized degree. The
students could also obtain for further studying in order to gets a Master degree. If the students
wish to seek for a higher degree, PhD degree consider the highest one.
Despite the fact that both universities share a poor amount of similarities yet they have a great
number of differences.

For instance, American universities have a well-trained teachers who certainly qualified
and possess a high degree. In contrast, the Algerian universities have less trained and novice
teachers. i.e. lack of knowledge and which did not update. Moreover, the architecture in
American universities is significant. the large faculties with many buildings which they are
designed by experts. The universities have several studying places and multiple libraries. For
instance. The campuses are well built on a modern design that fulfill the needs of living without
a complains of the students. On the other side, Algerian universities are small in the space and
the architecture of the universities is insignificant. the design of buildings is old and lack of
modernity. For Example. the campuses are not fulfilling all the needs to live without struggling
of the students.

Finally, a major difference between Algerian and American universities is the degree which
the students get after passing certain years in studying. In universities of American you need to
pass 4 years to get a bachelor degree, unlike the universities in Algeria, the student needs to
study 3 years according to the Minster of high education that apply the LMD system. Also, the
degree that the student get in an advanced country like America is well recognized by mostly all
nations and it is precious, the students can easily get a job with it. In contrary, a degree in
Algerian university is unrecognized nationally, the students can have a hard time to get a job
after finishing university.

To conclude, Universities in first world country like America, and third world country like
Algeria are obviously different from each other yet they can be similar in some aspects. Students
are the same, they have motivation and goals in life to achieve no matter what University they
study at.

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