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Rizkhy Destatama
Email: r.desta@outlook.com
Jurusan Sastra Inggris Fakultas Sastra
Universitas Negeri Malang Jl. Semarang No. 5 Malang

Abstract: This study aimed at describing whether or not there is a correlation

between students’ habit of watching English movie and their achievement in listening
class. This study used correlational research design. It is a quantitative research
design. The result of this present study shows that there is a positive correlation
between watching English movie habit and the listening achievement of freshmen
student. The calculated value of correlation coefficient is 0.614, which can be
interpreted in strong positive correlation.

Key Words: Watching English movies, listening skill

The most widely used language in research, business, politics and other areas
of life in our contemporary world is English. English cannot be separated from many
aspects of the world today. According to Crystal (2003), approximately one in four
of the world’s population is now capable of communicating to a useful level in
English. Furthermore, English is recognized as the most significant foreign language
in Indonesia since the 1980s and this has witnessed a tremendous growth since the
early 1990s (Alwasilah in Mappiasse & Sihes 2014).
Learning the second language is not an easy task, it needs power and a proper
way to study. Many students are having difficulties improving their listening skill
because they rarely hear people speaking English in natural conversation in their
surroundings. The audio-visual media, such as English movie, used in language
learning are valuable as one the comprehensible input because it provides various
context and background information of the language (Krashen, 1989:9 in Hanifah,
2014). In addition to that Krashen explained watching English moviesthat is done
frequently gave a certain habitual activity that is linked to the cognitive learning that
is derived from behaviorist psychology (Hanifah, 2014).
Some research shows that interest plays a very important role in learning and
academic achievement. As cited in Harackiewicz and Hulleman (2010) articles, they
give some examples from previous studies such as, Ainley, Hidi, & Berndorff, 2002;
Hidi, 1990; Hidi & Renninger, 2006 studies that demonstrate both situational and
individual interest encourage students’ attention, recall, task persistence, and effort.
Therefore, if students have interest, they will enjoy and learn it happily. According to
Dorr (1986), television may influence children’s ideas, information, feelings, beliefs,
attitudes, and behaviors and some television programs exist to inform, educate or
persuade children.
Duhigg (2012) in his book ‘The Power of Habit” explains as the habit is
forming, there are three parts that are important to analyze are a cue, routine, and
reward, these three steps are called “Habit Loop”. Habit is so powerful since it
happens automatically and forms a craving if one missed the steps, for example, a
student might automatically watching TV series when he/she is bored with his/her
college task. By watching English movies frequently, students lengthen the exposure
of English. It is in line with Coady (1993), “It was assumed that good language
habits, and exposure to the language itself, would eventually lead to an increased
vocabulary” (Schmitt, 2000: 15).
The explanation above indicated that there is a possible positive correlation
between students habit of watching English movies and their listening achievement. I
design this correlational study to investigate the correlation between students’
watching English movies habit (Film and Television) and their listening achievement
at Universitas Negeri Malang.


This study uses the correlational research design. There are two variables in
this research. The first one is the Students’ habit of watching English Movie, and the
second one is the performance score of the students during basic listening class. The
Students’ habit of watching English movies is defined as the variable x, while the
performance score of the students during basic listening class is defined as variable y.
The population of the present study was the freshmen of an English student in
Universitas Negeri Malang. The reason for choosing the freshmen students of English
department of Universitas Negeri Malang as the target is that the freshmen were
already developed their likes in English. Moreover, the Basic Listening class were in
their second semester and all of the already passed the Intensive Course program in
their last semester. Passing Intensive Course shows that all of the students have
overall the same background knowledge in English which made the more reliable
Collecting data used two kinds of instruments. The first one is questionnaire.
Habit is complex variable to measure, therefore, many theories are needed to make a
good questionnaire. Some of the questions above are made to obtain habit by
measuring the students’ level of their automatic, willingness, the routine of watching
a movie based on cue. The cue is premier schedules, free time, tired of college tasks,
and the place that makes them want to watch the movie. Some are for gathering the
frequency, consistency, and length of the student’s activity. The rest of statement is
used to obtain the student's view or perspective and what they acquired by doing
watching drama activities. These perspectives were needed to know the level of their
liking towards the drama watching the activity. The questionnaire consisted of 20
items, all of them were closed question using Likert-scale model. The final score of
the questionnaire was the score of the first variable that is called x and it is obtainable
by summing using this formula
x = point Q1 + point Q2 + point Q3 + point Q4 +… + point Q12
Where: x = the value for the X variable.
The second instrument is scoring sheet. The score sheet for whole semester
basic listening class was used to get the other variable. This data comprised of five
different score sheet. This data obtained directly from the lecturers of the basic
listening class. This data contains all scores of the performance of the students
through the semester. There were 6 scores each student that can be compared to the
first variable, but I chose the last one which is the final scores. This final score was
good enough because these scores cover all the scores. As a result, these final scores
were used as the data of this research.
This research is a correlational research which aims to find a relationship
between two variables. The students’ watching drama habit is the variable x and the
students’ achievement in listening is variable y. After both scores were obtained the
normality, linearity, homogeneity was tested using SPSS. The null and alternative
hypothesis has to be established before analyzing the data. Since this is a correlation
research, the criteria must be set first. This research subject is 85 that give a Critical
Values for Pearson's Correlation Coefficient of 0.2133 at 5% significance level. The
null hypothesis in this research refer to the correlation index between students’
watching English drama habit and their listening achievement below .2133 (>5%)
positive or negative. Consequently, the null hypothesis is rejected if the correlation
index between students’ watching English drama habit and their listening skill is
above .2133 (<5%) positive or negative.


The description of the data is divided into two main sections. The first section
is the description of the data of variable x, and the second section is the description of
the data of variable y.
The data of variable x obtained by using the questionnaire. The raw data from
the answers then calculated using SPSS for windows in order to get the finding. The
mean or average score is 69.91 and the median or the middle score is 69. The data
appear to be skewed to the right, which is normal. The standard deviation is to
determine how the spread of the data is from the mean, it can be seen that it is 7.629
that is categorized as high. Moreover, the majority of students have a medium degree
of habit because the possible maximum of a score of the questionnaire is 100 and the
possible minimum score is 20.
The data of variable y obtained from score sheet. The mean or average score
is 79.78378 and the median or the middle score is 79.30000. The data appear to be
skewed to the right, which is normal. The standard deviation is to determine how
spread out the data are from the mean, it can be seen that it is 8.376320 that is
categorized as high. Besides that, the value of the range is 37.400 confirmed the
spread of the data. Based on the table above the score of the student spread almost
equally from the mean and most of their score are near the mean and median and few
students lay in low score. It can be concluded that the student’s achievement varies.
The analysis data section consists of normality and linearity testing and
homogeneity testing of both variables.
The test results showed that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov significance value for
variable x was 0.200 and for variable y was 0.200. The Shapiro-Wilk significance
value for variable x was 0.307 (>0.05) and for variable y was 0.888 (>0.05), which
means that the data were distributed normally. In addition, linearity test showed that
the significance value of deviation from linearity was 0.887 (>0.05), which means
that the data is linear. Moreover, the linearity significance value is 0.00 which is
lower than 0.05, it means that the data is linear.
The significance value is 0.119 (>0.05). It indicates that the data has
significant homogeneity. Since the data distribution is normal, linear, and
homogeneous the statistical analysis would use the parametric procedure, which was
Product Moment Correlation.
In the parametric test, the correlation is calculated using Pearson Product
Moment Correlation. The result of calculation is clear that the significance value is
.614. According to Critical Values for Pearson's Correlation Coefficient table, the
correlation coefficient must be above .2133 (0.05). The Sig. (2-tailed) or P value is
.000 which shows that there is a significant correlation between students’ watching
English drama habit and their achievement in listening class and the relationship is a
positive .614, which means that as one variable goes up so will the other one. As a
result, the null hypothesis is rejected.


The collected data from the sample has been calculated. Both of the data is
correlated using Pearson Correlation and resulted in the conclusion that there is a
significant positive correlation between students’ watching English drama habit and
their achievement in listening class. The r = .614 can be considered as strong
correlation, which can be interpreted that the stronger habit of the student, their
listening achievement also tends to higher.
The result of this study is in line with previous studies and theories. Rahman
(2012) conducted a study entitled Correlation between Frequency of Watching
English Movies and Vocabulary mastery of MAN 1 Semarang in the Academic Year
of 1011/2012. In his study, he used 64 subjects and the focus of the study is to
correlate the frequency of watching movies which can be considered as one of the
determinants in habit and the vocabulary mastery. The result of this previous study is
that there is a significant correlation between the variables. Another study was
conducted by Pratama et al (2016) entitled Correlation Between students’ Habit in
Watching English movies and Their Vocabulary Size, their research used ex-post
facto design. The conclusion of that study is that student’s habit in watching English
movies gave a contribution to their vocabulary size.
Both previous study used English vocabulary as the variable not listening
skill. However, vocabulary mastery is the key factor of mastering English. Lars
Stenius (2008) wrote an article published online in The Language Journal in 2008,
titled Vocabulary size and the skills of Listening, Reading and writing. His
participants were 88 EFL learners from lower secondary education in Denmark. He
found that vocabulary size is strongly associated with reading and writing abilities
and moderately associated with listening scores.
The result of the present study could be one of the elaborations of the relevant
existing theory of watching English drama and their English mastery. However, the
present study specifies only on correlation to listening achievement. The result of this
study would contribute to the development of teaching and learning English in
Indonesia, especially related to improving listening skill and integrating English
drama to the Instructional Media.


Based on the data analysis and discussion, I conclude that there is a positive
correlation between students’ watching English drama habit and their achievement in
listening class. That was shown by the coefficient correlation that is .614. Based on
the table of correlation interpretations this number means not only as significant but
also a high or strong correlation between both variables.
This shows that this study in line with many theories and previous studies that
explained higher exposure to English increase the English proficiency. Habits are
routines of behavior and tend to occur subconsciously, which lead a person to get a
higher degree of English exposure. As a result, the nature of human habit also plays a
role in this setting; the higher habit tends to maximize the exposure of the language.
Spending more time to be acquainted with English, would make students familiar
with English.

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