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Focus Group Transcription Commented [1]: Key Findings

- rivals because they are indistinguishable, people feel

like one has to be better than the other.
Kiana: I’m Kiana and lemonade - had a hard time distinguishing
Kaylin: I’m Kaylin, I’m 20 and I’m gonna say sweet tea. - a lot of people grew up drinking Coke. Some said if
they had grown up with it, that could make a difference.
Kel: I’m Kelly, I’m 21, and I’m gonna say sweet tea.
Drink they grew up with made an impact now.
Sky: I’m Skylar, I’m 19 and sweet tea. - thought of as Pepsi as "off brand" but contradictorily
Zach: I’m Zach, I’m 21 and I’d probably say like powerade. said that they like off brand and are okay with off brand
- like when things are personal and relatable
Kyle: I’m Kyle I’m 21 and water. - like straight to the point ads.
Kaylin: He’s healthy, y’all.
Steven: Zach you said powerade, can you elaborate which flavor powerade or just in general?
Zach: uh, blue
Kaylin: Oh yeah, have you ever mixed blue powerade and sprite? It smacks.
Kiana: That’s my favorite.
That sounds good.
Steven: We’re gonna start with a quick little show of hands activity just to see where everyone is
at with some random general questions. There’s no hidden message behind it, just wanted to
ask. So who lives in San Marcos? Everybody, okay. Who works and goes to school? If you have
a preference and there was an option, one or the other, TV shows or movies?
Ally: movies
Tom: TV shows
Kiana: TV shows
Kaylin: TV shows
Kel: TV shows
Sky: TV shows
Zach: TV shows, yeah
Kyle: TV shows
Steven: Okay, cool. Sweet or sour? I want to see hands. Sweet? Okay, I’m gonna assume the
other hands are sour? Okay, good. Coffee or tea? First coffee. Okay so the rest is tea. Alright.
Okay, so I’m going to kind of pick randomly, so don’t feel personalized if I ask you to elaborate.
It’s purely by chance, purely by surveying different minds and seeing what they think about
some of these questions. So I will start with Ms. Kaylin. Think about the last time you purchased
a soda. Did you think through your decision to get a specific one or was your decision made
whenever you were seeking to go get it.
Kaylin: I usually don’t buy soda. It’s usually probably when I’m at the dining hall or something or
at a party and that’s all they have.
Steven: So when you’re in the dining hall, is it because you already know it’s there?
Kaylin: Yeah
Steven: Okay great. So Skylar you said sweet tea, is that based off of just what you grew up
with, is that new?
Sky: yeah, growing up with it.
Steven: How long as far as you can remember? When was the first memory that you can
remember sweet tea.
Sky: Probably when I was in middle school.
Steven: So Zach, when you think Coca-Cola, what comes to mind?
Zach: sweet I guess
Steven: Thomas, what do you think of when you think of Pepsi?
Tom: I think of Coke honestly, I would rather have Coke.
Steven: Alright, Ms. Ally, is there a specific memory that you can tie to with any beverage?
Anything significant?
Ally: My grandparents would always have a fridge full of sodas so they would always have
sodas in there for the grandkids and I remember getting Cokes. I grew up drinking Coke.
Steven: What were the flavors? Can you remember?
Ally: Just regular but as my aunts and uncles got older, they’d like worry about sugar so they
switched to the Coke Zero and sugar free.
Steven: Ms. Kianana, what comes to mind when you think Dr. Pepper?
Kiana: Disgusting. I hate brown soda.
Steven: You hate brown soda. Why is that? Just based on the flavor?
Kiana: I never grew up with brown, my mom never bought brown sodas like ever in the
household so like when I tried it outside, I was like I don’t like this.
Steven: Who’s had in their households growing up like with their family, who’s had brown or
clear soda in their fridge?
All raise hands
Kiana: I had Sprite.
Steven: That’s kind of regularly stocked?
Most agree with: Yeah
Steven: Alright, I think it’s time for the fun part, I think. I think question time is over. I’m gonna
take that blank face of confidence over there, that it’s time for the fun part. Okay, can you help
me distribute the cups. We’re gonna pass you the same cup. This is cup A. Everything is safe, I
promise. So again, kind of the same thing. I’m gonna go ahead and ask a question. Everyone
go ahead and take a sip. Go ahead and get acclimated to what it is. If you think you know what
it is, try to keep quiet for now. The cat will be out of the bag sooner or later. On a scale of 1-10,
I’m gonna kind of go ahead and ask. Let’s just go around the room. 1-10. We’ll do
counterclockwise this time. How is just the overall taste? 7:05
Kyle: 4
Sky: 4
Zach: I’d give it like a 6
Kelly: I was gonna say 7
Kaylin: I was gonna say 7 too
Kiana: 1
Tom: I’d say 4 or 5
Ally: 6
Steven: Okay, perfect. Kianana, I’ll go ahead and ask you, what would be the best word to
describe what you just tasted?
Kiana: Nothing, like it’s really no taste, no satisfaction.
Steven: Really? It has no taste? Okay. How did it feel? Was it not pleasant?
Kiana: Not pleasant.
Steven: Thomas, would you get this for yourself if you were out and about.
Tom: I don’t think so, I’d pick something else. Commented [2]: he said coke was his fav but said
Steven: Okay, cool. Kyle what do you think that was? he'd pick something else
Kyle: Pepsi Commented [3]: he got it wrong
Lexi: Give us one word that describes what you tasted.
Sky: Like the name of it or no?
Lexi: No.
Steven: Like your overall thought of what it was. One word.
Kyle: sweet
Zach: syrupy
Sky: I was gonna say sweet too.
Kel: sweet
Kaylin: it’s like, it’s not sharp. It doesn’t hit like McDonald’s Sprite does, ya know? Chatter Yeah,
flat. There we go.
Tom: Yeah I would go with flat as well.
Ally: generic. Commented [4]: suprising
Kaylin: I was gonna say y’all gave me that off brand shit.
Steven: Thank y’all for y’all’s patience and kindness doing this whole thing as we’re figuring it
Lexi: We can move on to B.
Steven: Hand me cup As, we’ll take care of those.

Cup B is passed out and everyone takes a drink

Steven: Ally would you buy this particular brand if you were out and about somewhere?
Ally: if it was like the only thing available?
Stevn: okay, so you would drink it?
Ally: yeah
Steven: Zach so what would be the word that you would use to best describe what you tasted
Zach: i thought it was good
Stevn: it was good cool. Kelly, on a scale of 1-10
Kelly: 5
Steven :Skyler go ahead and try to label what you just tasted
Skyler: pepsi
Steven: Kiana was this any better than the last
Kiana: yeah Commented [5]: from a non brown soda drinker, she
Steven: rate it on a scale of 1-10 likes the taste of pepsi over coke.
Kiana: 3
Steven: alight kaylyn would you buy this if were to be outside
Kaylinlynn: id probably buy something else
Kaylinlynn: because i feel like this taste like pepsi as well and i prefered the last one better.
What if they're like switching it up on us Commented [6]: was unsure
skyler: i know laughter
steven: alright so umm Thomas what do you think it is
Thomas: i think it is pepsi or like an off brand
Ally: pepsi
Kyke: id say that Rc
Zach: i was going to say RC
Skyler: pepsi Commented [7]: 50/50 being able to guess
Steven: so lets go like on a scale of 1-10 just kind of blankly just so we are all known to the
stand of everyone
Steven: alright cool and then lastly for this section share a word that best describes this so we
will go back to you what's the word that best describes what you just tasted
Kyle: i guess a little sour
Skyler: i'm going to say bitter
___: vanilla
___: flatter than the last
___: bland
___: acceptable
____: sweet
Steven: well if you're done with cup b go ahead and pass her down:

*cups moving*
Steven: how many of yall feel like yall can tell right off the bat
Chatter: of yes, all of them
Steven; has it been pretty ambiguous up until this specific one?
All: yeah, i think so, yeah just like smell you can tell
Steven: so skyler you think its root beer
Skyler: yeah
Steven: So on a scale of 1-10 lets just go around the room
Steven: so umm you picked 7 that is a little bit higher than the rest so do you like root beer?
SKyler: yeah i grew up with like root beer floats that the spoda that my grandparents had in their
fridge we'd like sneak rootbeer.
Steven: what about coke or orange soda floats?
Skyer: no
Steven: so uh lets see mrs kaylynn would you buy this?
Kaylinlynn: yes if it was a rootbeer float but if not then no Commented [8]: all decided they wouldn't like coke
Steven: that is totally understandable. Zach, would you? floats
Zach: no i don't really like root beer
Steven: and kelly would you
Kelly: no
Steven: i'll go around the room and ask what is a distinct word that describes what you just
Kaylinlynn: sweet
Thomas: fizzy
Steven: if you were to try to describe this flavor what word
___: root beer tastes like toothpaste to me
Steven: is there a specific flavor of toothpaste?
___: no
*all agree*
Its dentistry, if you're breathing in and taking a sip
*All agree*
Kelly: sweet
Skyler: flavorful
Zach: medicine
Kyle: sweet

*new cup*
Steven: don't give away if you do know what it is, starting with skyler would you order or buy this
for yourself if you were out to lunch
Skyler: no
Steven: kyle would you?
Kyle: yeah
Steven Kiana would you
Kiana: no
kaylynn : no
steven : thomas?
Thomas: yeah i would probably buy it
steven : what if um coke was available
Thomas: this would definitely be the alternative to coke Commented [9]: would rather have coke than DP
Steven: and what if pepsi were available
Thomas: then i would go with this Commented [10]: said he would choose DP over
Lexi: kyle you said you would buy it? Pepsi
Kyle: mhmm
Lexi: why
Kyle: it is just better than the other ones
Lexi: do you like it with your meal or would you drink it alone
Kyle: i would drink it alone
Lexi: who said no?why
Ally: i just don't like it
Lexi: why?
Ally: i don't like the flavor, it is too sweet
Steven: how is the carbonation?
___: kind of flat
Steven: sio uh i will go around and ask kind of like what is one word again that describes what
you just drank
___: not good
Thomas: umm i mean it's like cola that all i can think it has that cola taste
Kiana: it tastes like cherry
Steven: like a cherry flavor soda or a cherry coke
Kiana: like coke yeah
Kaylinlynn: not as sweet
Steven: than like all the other ones
__: not as sweet as the last one
Kelly: bland
Skyler: bitter
Zach: delicious
Kyle: sweet
Steven: So Zach, would you know what this is then?
Zach: Oh, yeah.
Steven: ok. Cool. cool
On a scale from 1-10, I’ll go reverse this time, how would you rate this?
Respondents: 7,9,3,5,3,2,7,1
Steven: Alright that pretty much concludes all the tasting portion of it so you survived. Thank
you so much
Next I think we’re going to watch a few short ad campaigns
Caroline: Do you want to reveal the brands?
Steven: I think we all pretty much have the jist of what we all had.
Well… what was the last one we just had?
Respondents: Dr. Pepper!
Steven: Was that right?
Caroline: Yes.
Zach: So what was A and B?
Kyle: A and B was the only one that tripped me.
Zach: I don’t think there was coke at all. Commented [11]: couldn't distinguish
Steven: What was A and B?
Caroline: A was Coke and B was Pepsi.
Respondents: Ohhhhh.
I heard that Pepsi when it’s not cold or it’s flat tastes just like Coke. Commented [12]: myths
Steven: Who would have thought before coming here that they would have been able to
Tom:Oh I thought I would definitely be able to. I think a lot of it has to do with how it is Commented [13]: thought he could distinguish
presented. Soda tastes a lot better when it’s cold, when it’s not flat, out of a glass. Not when it’s
in a cup, flat and warm
Steven: How would you have presented it?
Tom: Personally I like to drink it out of a can. Cold condensating,Can. Or at like a restaurant in a Commented [14]: how it's presented make a
glass. It’s much better with ice. When it’s not flat. difference
Steven: Would that have made any sort of decision for you?
Tom: I mean I would definitely go for like, if there was a warm coke and cold pepsi. I would
rather pick the cold pepsi.
Steven: Would any of y'all drink a warm soda if offered?
Respondents: half the group everyone agrees, if there was no other option. The other half
Tom: I wouldn’t want to drink it.
Steven: What comes to mind when you think of coca-cola?
Kelly: I think of like the old school polar bear commercials.
Steven: Kaylinlen, what comes to mind when you think of Pepsi?
Kaylin : Is pepsi ok?
Like when you’re at a restaurant and you ask for coke and they say is pepsi ok?
Steven: Did you see that commercial with Steve Carell?
Kaylin: no
Steven: Ally, what comes to mind when you think of Dr. Pepper?
Ally:uhhh I don’t really drink Dr. Pepper so I don’t have a memory with it.
Lexi: Who drinks Dr. Pepper? What do you think of it?
Kyle: Texas!
Lexi: Yeah that’s good. It is a texas drink.
Steven: Who does drink Pepsi?
( people raise hands)
Skyler, what do you think of when you think of Pepsi?
Sky: Umm off brand
Steven: What do you think of when you drink Dr. Pepper?
Sky: my dad.
Steven: does he drink it?
Sky: like every morning.
Lexi: My mom drinks it every single morning like morning lunch dinner. Cigarette and dr. pepper.
Like ok. And in the middle of the night.
Steven: Ok I’ll go ahead and ask. I feel like everyone could have a specific memory tied to a
beverage. Can you name what that beverage was and what that experience is?
Zach: ok i guess Pepsi because my friend from childhood. He lived on my street. He always had
pepsi in his fridge. I never really liked it but i also had to drink it because it was hot.
Sky: Mine’s probably still root beer. Just the stories of sneaking them out of my grandparents
fridge and my parents finding out. And like movie nights with my family with like root beer and
Kelly: I like root beer because of my grandparents and my friends and what she said. They
would call it soda water because they were farm people. I would go in there and they would
never have anything I like. They would either have root beer or cream soda. So i would always
have a root beer. I think it’s their fault I don’t like it.
Steven: How many of yall drink soda for the caffeine?
Kelly: Sometime if you get a really bad headache, I get like a little mini coke. It helps with
caffeine headaches.
Tom: I feel like the caffeine in soda doesn’t really have an effect on me. I drink soda for the
taste. The flavor.
Steven: Ok We’ll pick up now on the specific memories.
Kaylin:Ok mines with coke. And my nana used to be obsessed with coke. She even had like
coke decorations in her house.
Kiana: Mine would be lemonade because it’s so refreshing. And like during the summer time I
would go out and play have a lemonade.
Steven: Do you like any carbonated drinks?
Kiana: Just like sprite and ginger ale
Steven: When was the first time you had something that was more soft drinky?
Kiana: I mean that was like.. I grew up with Sprite that was always there. The other cokes I had
to go out of my house to get.
Steven: Yeah we had Sprite. Coke was always gone (in my house)
Tom: Mine is with Mountain Dew. I remember when I was a kid and there was a conspiracy
theory that it made you pee smell.
(everyone laughs)
Steven: Who else heard that?
(only the boys raise their hands)
Steven: so it was the guys who knew? None of yall knew?
Girls: no
Steven: SO i feel like everyone had a grandparents fridge
Kell: don’t be jealous it was like heb sodas.
Steven: ok off brand if that were an option? Like Dr. Pibb

Mr. pibb is actually good.

Kiana: “Like i’ve seen a tweet that Dr.Pibb is way better than Dr.Pepper”
Steven: “hmm okay”
Skylar: “I mean i work at Chipotle and they sell all coke products and we don’t even have
dr.pepper we have Mr. Pibb and like nobody ever complains”
Steven: “nobody ever complains?”
Skylar: “Yeah i’ll be like is Mr.pibb okay? And they will be like oh okay!”
Steven: “Versus like the coke and pepsi”
Skylar: “yeah like they would be pissed”
Steven: “what about ya’ll?”
Skylar: “Heb stuff is fine”
Thomas: “yeah heb brand stuff is acceptable”
Kiana: “is RC cola like heb brand?”
Ally: “RC is good though”
Steven: “How many of yall would drink an RC?”
Zach: “I’d drink it”
Steven: “alright well i’ll go ahead and ask what do ya’ll think of soda?”
Kyle: “umm, fizzy”
Zach: “Um i dont drink soda because it’s unhealthy for you”
Skyler: “I like soda”
Kelly: “yeah i get really annoyed, not you, *points to zach* like whenever I knew it was going to
be about soda people were going to be like “oh i never drink soda.” Like it doesn’t matter if you
drink soda or not because alcohol is equally just as bad for you. Like if you like soda every once
and a while it’s not that big of a deal. I drink coke every once and a while if i’m not feeling water.
People have a negotive connotation on people who drink soda.”
Steven: “cool”
Ally: “Yeah I like soda, I don’t think its bad to drink every once and a while. Like I drink it
sometimes too”
Steven: “Cool, whats your general thought of it?”
Ally: “I usually honeslty don’t drink it enough, like an every day type of thing.”
Steven: “Okay, what’s your general thought of soda?”
Kiana: “its cool. Its strong. Like when it hits you, you feel it like in your nose.”
Lexi: “Mcdonalds sprite”
Steven: “okay, very good. Mcdonalds sprite, is that a specific?”
Kiana: “I mean yeah”
Steven: “but your go to is still lemonade”
Kiana: “Oh yesss, I love lemonade”
Steven: “What about you?”
Thomas: “I mean personally nothings better than coming home and grabbing a nice cold coke
out of the fridge and just like opening it up and drinking it. I think its a very satisfying
Steven: “cool”
Thomas: “I definetly always do the whole drink take a sip and go “ahhh”.”
*groups laughs*
Ally: “Um for me it’s kind of like a special occasion kind of thing and I don’t like paying for it so I
guess thats why I drink water a lot cause I dont want to pay for soda. But if im feeling a little
fancy then i’ll drink soda. Like my parents always have soda in the fridge at home so i’ll drink it
when im there, so it kind of reminds me of home. And if i’m like i’ll splurdge today like at a
resturaunt then yeah.”
Steven: “okay well what are yall’s thoughts on diet soda? Who’s had a diet soda? Has everyone
tried a diet soda?”
Everyone: “yeah”
Zach: “It’s bogus. My mom drinks it and she swears it works.”
Lexi: “raise your hand if you’d reach for a diet soda instead. Like do you watch your weight or
anything like that? Or would you rather just have full sugared soda?”
Thomas: “That doesn’t come to mind when i’m getting a soda”
Kelly: “yeah I do like diet”
Lexi: “Do you do it for the taste or because it’s diet?”
Kelly: “All my mom drinks is like diet coke or coke zero, but she got those like tall skinny can
cokes like icey cherry and I actually think it’s good.”
Kiana: “icey cherry, I’ve never heard of that, that sounds good.”
Skylar: “I don’t like the taste of the artifical sweetner they use in the diet\”
Steven: “strong show of hands, who would drink a diet soda.”
Kaylin: “does that count as like coke zero?”
Steven: “yeah.”
Kelly: “I really like coke zero.”
Steven: “Everyone else is like eh, no? Is that based of just the general taste of it or is it kind of
how she mentioned...”
Thomas: “the taste is offf but also it can be like im sure if i had diet cokes in my house when I
was growing up im sure I would probably drink diet coke. So maybe its just like i didnt really
drink it anyways so thats why i dont like it, but i dont know its just not satisfying.”
Steven: “So like back then, if you grew up with it, you’d probably drink it.”
Thomas: “Well yeah i mean especially if thats all I had.”
Steven: “good, gotcha, cool.”

Steven: “I think we’ve poked yall’s brains about soda enough, um I think it’s time for the viewing
section. We are just going to play a few ads and then just kind of ask you a couple of questions
based on that. They are really short though, they are just a minute and a half, so let’s just pull
that up.”
Lexi: “Okay so the first one is a share a coke ad so this is all about coke.”
(Share a coke ad plays)
Steven: “okay so um, does anyone recall this ad?”
Skylar: “I remember like the beginning, I dont know if they shortened it but i dont remember the
Steven: “Like different formatting?”
Skylar: “yeahh.”
Lexi: “Do ya’ll remember just in general the share a coke.”
Group: “OH yeah.”
Steven: “So we’ll start with you, what did you think about it?”
Ally: “It’s very silly to me so it was a wild trip from start to finish.”
Steven: “So silly like that could never happen or..”
Ally: “yeah it’s just funny how they try to make a huge story out of like a minute and thirty
seconds, i’m just like okay.”
Steven: “What did you think?”
Thomas: “I thought it was corny, predictable, uh and i just thought it was ridiculous how
everyone seems so happy just drinking a coke, so ecstatic.”
Kiana: “yeah the same, I mean it was like cutsie, but it was like she got a mans and then after
there was like a party..I mean i do like when I see my name on stuff so thats like cool.”
Steven: “Have you found a coke with your name on it?”
Kiana: “oh no, I actually got one personally made, my parents did, I didnt go out..”
Steven: “Your parent’s got it for you?”
Kiana: “Yeah it was cute”
Steven: “what did you think abou tit kaylin?”
Kaylin: “I thought it was far fetched, like nobody is going to be partying outside a convienent
store...but i did think it was really cute. But my name is never on anything so..”
Steven: “Okay so would you buy a soda regardless type, color or taste, like if it had your name
on it would you buy it?”
Kaylin: “I think so because my name is never on anything..”
Steven: “Like specific spelling?”
Kaylin: “yeah yeah”
Steven: “Cool”
Kelly: “I think it just like builds a warmth around it and like the reputation of it so even if it’s not
realistic it just kind of makes coke seem like its a happy brand.”
Skylar: “I agree, I really liked it. I thought it was cute, I’d watch it again.”
Steven: “Is there a certain spot that you can kind of recall where you’re like aw.”
Skylar: “I just liked when they had a hundred coke things with all their names on it, I just think
thats like funny. Like it was cheesy but cute.”
Steven: “Okay, gotcha, what about you?”
Zach: “yeah I’m a sucker for that kind of stuff. Like when that guy had that coke with his name
on it, I was sold, I’m gonna go buy a coke after this.”
Kyle: “Uhh I thought it was corny, but i think its pretty good because of the love story appeals to
a lot of people like my mom or something.”
Steven: “So that’s it for that ad, we will go ahead and move on to the next one.” r

(Kendall Jenner Pepsi Ad plays)
TV: "We are the lions! We are the chosen! etc. etc."

47:00: *can opens in commercial*
Steven: We'll start with Kelly this way, then that way.
Lexi: Do any of y'all remember this ad?
Scattered: I remember it was controversial. Never seen it.
Thomas: I knew there was an issue, but I never saw it.
Steven: What are your thoughts just watching it?
Kelly: I've never liked that commercial, I hate anything like, Kardashian. And also, it just makes something
as serious as all that stuff with rebelling and just all that kind of controversy I think it makes light of it and it
was really bad idea to be honest.
Steven to Skyler: What did you think?
Skyler: I was confused. Like what is the point and then it's about Pepsi? I do like the Kardashians and
she's actually my favorite one.
Steven: Kendall's your favorite?
Skyler: Yes.
Steven to Zach: What did you think of it?
Zach: I thought it was random and had really nothing to do with drinking Pepsi, you know like Coke they
had the commercial things about being outside with your friends, and cooking and whatnot and drinking
coke, and that's understandable, but political issues like that, I think it's really dumb to have a part in like
drinking soda. I don't think that was uh.. wise.
Steven to Kyle: Gotcha. What'd you think?
Kyle: It was very confusing. They used the Jenner. Kendall. Which is good. (giggles in room) But I agree
like don't I feel like public people and brands shouldn't pick. Or like. I just don't think they should get
involved in political issues because one side's going to drink it and the other side might not. So.
Steven: So uh, that's pretty much saying, did you mean celebrities like Kendall shouldn't be... or
Kyle: I mean they can do whatever they want, Kendall might not even be one sided, but people are going
to think that, and she might lose a fan base on one side.
Steven to Kaylin: Cool. Okay. What'd you think of it?
Kaylin: I understand their intent and trying to appeal to like, that because some people like, social justice
is very like, now. So I understand their intent but Pepsi isn't going to fix everything. It's like "World peace,
here's a Pepsi", I don't know. *Room laughter*
Steven: Did it change your view point of the company as a whole?
Kaylin: I wasn't going to pick Pepsi anyway.
Kiana: Yeah I was lost, like the social justice. I didn't know what they were trying to do. Like she handed a
Pepsi to a police officer and ended something? But I'm not offended like "Ugh I hate the Kardashians
now" but I didn't see the correlation between the two, really.
Steven to Thomas: What did you think?
Thomas: I didn't really understand the message. The coke commercial I got it because it's like, they're
happy, they drink coke, if you wanna be happy, drink coke also. I don't know. I didn't understand the
Steven to Ally: What did you think?
Ally: Well basically what they're all saying. I think Pepsi had the same idea that this brings people
together too, but they just did it in a complete different way, but it turned out very unnecessary. That
entire thing.
Zach: It was too long.
Ally: It was very long! Like they could have made it like the Coke one where it was just a party in the
street, drinking Pepsi together but instead they were like... Let's do this kind of let's drink Pepsi together...
Steven: Let's say for instance if there was just... completely hypothetical if there was an issue that you
really really stand behind, what if your favorite brand were to put a commercial that highlights it whether it
be controversial or not, would that appeal to you or would you say the same thing? What is your thought
on that idea?
Kaylin: If it's put together well and not confusing, then yeah.
Zach: Respectful. Like would we buy more if we saw something like that?
Steven: Yeah.
Zach: I don't know, I think buying stuff, and like what I wear and what I do, like it's not with my issue. I
don't buy it because I see something controversial on tv, I just buy it because I like it.
Steven: Okay, I think that's good as far as thoughts go on that one. We just have one last one...
52:48: Cardi B: Is Pepsi okurrrr??
Steven: Who has seen this ad?
Kyle: Never seen it.
Kaylin: That was funny. Way better than the last one.
Skylar: That was redeeming.
Steven: Who saw the one with Steve Carrell and the Superbowl?
Room: *Quiet*
Skyler: *quietly* I don't watch Tv.
Kaylin: I feel like everybody just watches Netflix now. So it's like commercials, what?
Steven: We'll just go counter clock wise, what did you think? *To Kyle*
Kyle: I don't know. It was a good commercial.
Steven: Why?
Kyle: Celebrities. Comedy. Uh. Yeah. I thought it was way better.
Zach: It was funny, like it made me laugh, it was enjoyable to watch. I don't know if it'll change my mind
how I buy soda but it was still hilarious. Not as bad as the last one.
Skyler: I think it was more comparable to the first coke commercial. Like it's light hearted, has a celebrity,
like I love Cardi B. I thought it was funny and had a good storyline.
Steven to Kelly: What did you think?
Kelly: I think same. I liked it because it didn't get into anybody's issues or lifestyles or anything, it was just
like hey we're the ambassadors for Pepsi, here's a commercial about Pepsi, drink Pepsi, and that's all
that what it was about.
Kaylin: Yeah I thought it was funny. Like I think they did it funny and they did a good job to appeal that
way with Cardi B.
Kiana: Yeah same, because people know Cardi B says okurrr all the time so people can relate and know
what that is, so it was a nice one. I like that one.
Thomas: Yeah I'm sure it's an effective commercial because I'm sure kids are like running around now
saying that all the time now and thinking of Pepsi when they say it.
Ally: I liked it because it was straight to the point. There wasn't really like an unnecessary story. It was just
like funny, drink pepsi.
Steven: Okay, I think that kind of wraps up all the probing we had, so again, thank you so much for your
time, and feedback, we really really appreciate it especially being on a Saturday, so unless my
teammates have anything that would obstruct me to do so... Everything good?
Caroline: I think so, yeah.
Steven: Y'all are free to leave!

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