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[We see deep within the Lego mountain Vitruvius is guarding something when he senses someone


Vitruvius: He’s coming. Cover your butt.

Guard: Cover the what?

[Lord Business bursts in killing the guards and does an evil laugh]

Lord Business: Vitruvius!

Vitruvius: Lord Business.

Lord Business: You’ve hidden the Kragle well, old man. [turning to his army of Lego robots] Robots,
destroy him!

Robots: Yes, Lord Business.

Vitruvius: Your robots are no match for a Master Builder, for I see everything! [he sends out four
Lego falcons and they get immediately destroyed by Lord Business, Vitruvius covers his eyes] My

[after knocking down Vitruvius Lord Business goes over to the Kragle]

Lord Business: The Kragle, the most powerful super weapon is mine. [he opens the Kragle] Ah! The
Kragle! [he does an evil laugh again] Now my evil power will be unlimited! Can you feel me?!

Robot: I can feel you.

[his robots start carrying the Kragle away]

Lord Business: Wooh! Nothing’s gonna stop me now!

Vitruvius: Wait! There is a prophecy.

Lord Business: Oh, now there’s a prophecy. [he turns to Vitruvius]

Vitruvius: About the Piece of Resistance.

Lord Business: Oh, yes, the supposed missing Piece of Resistance that can somehow magically
disarm the Kragle. Gimme a break!

[Vitruvius rises and turns to face Lord Business, suddenly his eyes shine brightly]

Vitruvius: One day a talented lass or fellow, a Special one with face of yellow, will make the Piece of
Resistance found from its hiding refuge underground. And with a noble army at the helm, this Master
Builder will thwart the Kragle and save the realm, and be the greatest, most interesting, most
important person of all times. All this is true, because it rhymes.
Lord Business: Oh, well. That was a great inspiring legend that you made up. [suddenly he kicks
Vitruvius with his giant robot leg off the edge of the cliff] The Special one? What a bunch of hippy
dippy baloney.

[open the lego movie]

[8 and a half years later; Emmet Brickowoski waking up in his apartment and turns off his alarm, he
gets out bed yaws and stretches and walks through to his living room]

Emmet Brickowoski: Good morning, apartment! Good morning, doorway! Good morning, wall.
Good morning, ceiling. Good morning, floor! Ready to start the day! [he grabs a book from a shelf]
Ah, here it is. [reading from the manual] The instructions to fit in, have everybody like you, and
always be happy! Step one; breath. [Emmet inhales and exhales deeply] Okay, got that one down.
Step two; greet today’s smile and say…

[we see all the Lego citizens opening their window and yelling]

Lego Citizens: Good morning, city!

[ the citizens all say good morning city]

Citizen: Good morning, city!

One Citizen: Top of the Morning to you, City!

[back to Emmet continuing with the instructions from the manual]

Emmet Brickowoski: Step three; exercise. Jumping Jacks him ’em! [he start jumping on the spot]
One. Two. Three. I am so pumped up! [looking at the manual again] Step four; shower. [Emmet gets
in the shower and starts washing himself] And always be sure to keep the soap out of your eyaaahh!
[he screams as the soap gets into his eyes] [next we see Emmet standing in front of the bathroom
mirror shaving] Shave your face, brush your teeth. Comb your hair. [he laughs to himself as he
brushes his hair] Wear clothes. [we see Emmet walking out of his apartment naked until he realizes]
Woop! Almost forgot that one! [he turns back into his apartment and we see him quickly trying on
different outfits] No. No. Uh-uh. No. Got that wrong. [he finally wears his construction uniform]
And that’s it, check. Step nine; eat a complete breakfast with all the special people in your live. [we
see him sitting in his living room eating his breakfast alone, he turns to his plant] Hey, planty! What
do you want to do this morning? Watch TV? Me too! [he turns on the TV showing President
Business giving a presentation]

President Business: Hi, I’m President Business, president of the Octan Corporation and the World.
Let’s all take extra care to follow the instructions… [whispers into microphone] …or you’ll be put to
sleep. [shouting] And don’t forget Taco Tuesday’s coming next week! That’s the day every rule
following citizen gets a free taco and my love! Have a great day, everybody!

Emmet Brickowoski: You have a great day too, President Business. Man, he’s such a cool guy. I
always wanna hear more of…wait! Did he say put to sleep?! [suddenly Emmet gets distracted by the
TV showing a promo of a sitcom]

TV Presenter: Tonight on “Where are my Pants?”

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