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The surface area of the wing is slightly reduced, resulting in a reduced ability to generate lift.

effective aspect ratio is reduced, helping to increase wing tip vortices. Also, it is harder to recover
from a stall with a swept wing aircraft, as the rear of the wing tends to stall first. This produces a
greater nose up pitch on stalling, which is far harder to recover from than with a straight-winged

reduced drag

1. swept back wings are contributes to more lateral stability, 2. swept back wings produce less
lift, so in turbulent weather they are less susceptible to abrupt changes, 3. They are designed
with low thickness and high fineness ratio, hence less form drag, 4. genarally they are tapered,
so less induced drag, 5. Capable of flying at high mach no. as actual relative wind speed is at an
angle to the wing leading surface and therefore the wind component perpendicular to the wing
leading edge is less, and hence the wing senses less speed than actual. so they can fly to high
mach no.'s. if a straight wing is changed into a swept back wing similar parameters of
area,aspect ratio, taper,section and washout, the CL is reduced. this is due to premature
flowseparation from the upper surface at the wing tips. suppose sweep angle of 45 degree CL
reduced 30%

Dihedral is the angle that the wing diverges from horizontal. Most planes have a positive
dihedral, meaning the wings angle up slightly. This gives the plane stability in flight. Acrobatic
and fighter planes tend to have a negative dihedral (wings droop) which allows them to
manoeuver quickly.

Dihedral is the angle between the mounted position of the wings and the horizontal axis. A
dihedral allows better in flight stability. Dihedral is used to increase the inherent stability of an
aircraft. An aircraft with a higher angle of dihedral is more inherently stable. This also
reducesother performance characteristics of the wing such as roll rate and lifting capability, so
aircraft designers walk a fine line between stability and maneuverability.

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