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I’m Miss Bakker

I would like to introduce myself because I
have been given the amazing opportunity of
joining Mrs. Burns in 5th grade at Shettler
Elementary as a student teacher! I have already
loved getting to know your child over the past
week, and I am excited to see them grow
throughout the next few months.
I am a (super) senior at Grand Valley State
University, and I am studying Elementary
Education and Integrated Science. I spent the fall
semester teacher assisting in a 2nd grade
classroom, and I am very excited about moving
up a few grades! My goal is to be an upper
elementary or middle school teacher. Part of
obtaining my teaching certification this year will
require observations from my professors, and
teaching alongside Mrs. Burns. I am going to learn
so much from her and from your 5th grader!

A Few of My Favorite Things…

Hobby: Camping and spending time outside
Book: Love by Matt de la Peña
Movie: Elf
Drink: Coffee
Food: Chocolate ice cream
Color: Teal
Pastime: Summer camp
Subject: Science
Vacation Spot: Florida

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