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Clay Blackwood

ADEPT 4.0 Lesson Reflection

In my lesson on the sixth of March, I taught a lesson to a 7th grade woodwind class. By the end

of the lesson, students were expected to demonstrate how to count and play basic rhythms in 6/8 time.

Overall, I thought the lesson went smoothly, but nevertheless there are aspects in my instruction in

which I could improve.

First of all, I felt prepared beforehand to teach the lesson. I had rehearsed it and examined much

of the content to make sure the lesson would go without any kinks. My cooperating teachers assisted

me greatly in gathering materials and making sure that I was ready to teach. The one thing that I would

change about the pacing of the lesson was the ending. I kind of wrapped everything up hastily and just

gave them the exit slip. I feel as if I could have done something a bit more engaging and meaningful to

finish it up. Although the worksheet at the end allowed me to measure how much the students actually

understood, it was not a memorable way to bring the lesson to a close.

As far as the classroom environment goes, the students were attentive and answered any

questions asked of them. This may have been a bit unrealistic for a normal school day, because they

knew about the observation taking place and were instructed to be on their best behavior. However, in

my experience thus far, I have come to understand that the atmosphere in your classroom is one of, if

not the most, important factors in teaching. The environment had already been established before I got

to this school so I cannot take full credit for how well the students behaved. However, students in other

classes have not been so delightful. In my experience thus far, I have learned that I need to be a bit

more stern with students, especially in middle school. I can sometimes be a bit passive in dealing with

behavior or disruption, but I'm learning quickly that this cannot be the case.

In the area of instruction, I said everything that needed to say, and the students understood what
I was attempting to teach them, but I felt that it was not very fun or motivating for them. I was a tad bit

nervous for this observation, and that may have had something to do with this, but overall I need to let

more of my personality spill over into my instruction. I sometimes feel like a robot on the podium,

especially when I'm teaching middle schoolers. I only say what I need to say and nothing more. I know

that this can be boring for the students and as I get more comfortable being in front of them everyday,

hopefully this aspect will improve.

In closing, the lesson went well in general. I felt as if the presentation of the material could

have been a bit more engaging. This would require me getting out of my comfort zone and letting more

of my personality show when I am up on the podium. Also, I need to be a bit more stern than I have

been when dealing with students, especially in the middle school. Despite the flaws in the lesson that I

wish I could improve and based on the results of the worksheet I gave them at the end, the students

understood the concepts I presented to them. I am confident that if they ever come across this time

signature in the future that they will not be lost in how to play the rhythms in front of them.

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