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Lesson Reflection

1. Was the instructional objective met? How do I know students learned what was

I do believe that my instructional objective was met. I know that the students learned what
analyzing their movie worksheet and seeing that they were able to put real life situations
into reality intended. They recognized that either their movies were not rated to either their
age group or the age group of 12 year old children. The movie analysis worksheet showed
that they majority of the students, besides one, were able to correctly interpret the movie
case and answer the provided questions based on that itself. This is important for students
to be able to do in real life when they are selecting a movie to watch and only have a few
indicators and descriptions of what the movie is truly about and it’s appropriateness.

2. Were the students productively engaged? How do I know?

I believe that the students were productively engaged. I say this for a couple of reasons and
one being that a majority of the students came up to me at the end of class and
acknowledged that they really liked the lesson. They had a greater understanding of
something that they wouldn’t really ever think too much about prior to this lesson. I can
also took a look at the Kahoot! that had two of the questions regarding consumer and
community rights as well as the movie subject. Almost 95% of the students

3. Did I alter my instructional plan as I taught the lesson? Why?

I actually didn’t really alter what I had planned besides moving a little quicker into different
PowerPoint slides and giving the students a shorter amount of time to complete their movie
analysis worksheet. I did this for time purposes as the lesson ran a little bit shorter than
what I had anticipated.

4. What additional assistance, support, and/or resources would have further enhanced this

I ABSOLUTELY would have put some videos or hyperlinked videos onto my slides for a
more genuine experience for the students. I had planned to do this in the first place with
some movie clips and differences between movies that were rated the same and had
different characteristics, but I was not tech-savvy at the time and couldn’t figure out how to
do it. I also would have included some Rated-R movies for the students to analyze; I had not
known that it was okay to do so, but now that I do I believe that it would give great

5. If I had the opportunity to teach the lesson again to the same group of students, would I
do anything differently? What? Why?
Yes, there are a few things that I would do differently if I were to teach this again. I would
have made the slides a little more exciting or had more of them with different main points
inserted, instead of one slide with many. If time allowed I also would have had the groups
stand up and present their findings, explaining why they answered as they did to different
questions and what other movies they believe are similar to their movie and why.

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