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Acute angle – an angle whose measure is greater than 0o but less than 90°.
Acute Triangle – a triangle with all angles acute.
Adjacent – In angles, two angles sharing a common side and vertex but no interior points in common.
In sides, two sides sharing a common endpoint.
Alternate exterior angles – a pair of nonadjacent exterior angles that are on opposite sides of a
Alternate interior angles – a pair of nonadjacent interior angles that are on opposite sides of a
Angle – a plane figure formed by two noncollinear rays with a common endpoint called the
Arc – a segment of the circumference of a circle.
Arc measure – the measure of a minor arc is the measure of its central angle.
The measure of a major arc is 360° minus the measure of the minor arc.
Area – the number of square units contained in the interior of a plane figure.
Base angle – In an isosceles triangle, an angle formed by the base and one of its legs. Ina trapezoid,
an angle formed by one of the parallel sides with one of the nonparallel sides with one of the
nonparallel sides.
Bisector – In a segment, a line, segment, ray, plane that intersects the segment at its midpoint. In an
angle, a ray that divides the angle into two congruent adjacent angles.
Central angle of a circle – an angle whose vertex is the center of the circle and the sides are radii.
Chord – a line segment whose endpoints lie on a circle.
Circle – the set of all points in a plane that are at fixed point in the plane. The fixed point is the
center of the circle and the fixed distance is the radius.
Circumference – the distance around a circle.
Collinear points – points lying on the same line.
Compass – an instrument used to draw circles and arcs of circle.
Complementary angles – two angles whose measure have sum 90°.
Coplanar points – points lying in one plane.
Corresponding angles – an interior angle and an exterior angle that are nonadjacent and on
the same side of the transversal.
Degree – a unit in measuring angles
Diagonal – a line segment joining two nonconsecutive vertices of a polygon. Diameter – a chord
that contains the center of a circle
Equiangular triangle – a triangle with all angles congruent. Equilateral triangle – a
triangle whose three sides are congruent
Exterior angle – an angle that forms a linear pair with one of the angles of a polygon.
Geometry – the branch of mathematics that deals with the measurement, properties, and
relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids.
Height – the length of an altitude of a polygon or solid.
Hypotenuse – in a right triangle, the side opposite the right angle.
Interior point of an angle – a point which does not lie on the angle but lies on segment whose
endpoints are on each side of the angle.
Isosceles trapezoid – a trapezoid with congruent legs.
Isosceles – triangle – a triangles with at least two sides congruent. The congruent sides are called legs.
The angles opposite the legs are base angles. The angles formed by two legs is the vertex angle.
The third side is the base.
Leg – in a right triangle, a side opposite an acute angle is a leg. In an isosceles triangle, the two
congruent sides are called legs. In a trapezoid, the nonparallel sides are called legs.
Line – a set of infinitely many points in a straight arrangement and extends indefinitely in
opposite directions.
Line segment – a part of a line that consists of two points, called endpoints, and all the points
between them that lie on the line containing the two points
Linear pair – two adjacent angles whose no common sides are opposite rays.
Major arc - an arc that is longer than a semicircle.
Midpoint – the point that divides a segment into two congruent segments.
Minor arc – an arc that is shorter than a semicircle.
Non collinear points – points that do not lie the same line
Obtuse angle – an angle whose measure is greater than 90° but less than 180o.
Obtuse triangle – a triangle with one obtuse angle.
Parallel lines – coplanar lines that do not intersect.
Parallelogram – a quadrilateral in which the opposite sides are parallel.
Perimeter – the distance around a polygon.
Perpendicular lines – two lines that intersect to form a right angle.
Plane – it is like a flat surface that extends infinitely along its length and width. It has no thickness.
Point – represents an exact location in space. It has no size.
Polygon – a closed plane figure formed by connecting line segments endpoint to endpoint with
each segment intersecting exactly two others. Each line segment is called a side of the
polygon, and each endpoint where the sides meet is called vertex.
Proportion – a statement of equality of two ratios.
Protractor – an instrument used to measure an angle.
Quadrilateral – a four sided polygon
Radius – a line segment that joins the center of a circle to a point on the circle
Ray – a ray PQ is part of line PQ which consists of one point P on the line in the direction where point
Q is.
Rectangle – a parallelogram with all angles congruent
Regular polygon – convex polygon whose sides are all congruent and whose angles are all
Remote interior angle – an angle of a triangle that is not adjacent to an exterior angle.
Rhombus – a parallelogram whose sides are all congruent
Right angle – an angle whose measure is 90°
Right triangle – a triangle with one right angle
Scalene triangle- a triangle with no two sides congruent
Semicircle- an arc whose endpoints are endpoints of a diameter of a circle
Side – in an angle, the sides are the two rays that form the angles. In a polygon,
the sides are the segments that form the polygon.
Similar triangle-triangles whose vertices can be paired such that the corresponding
angles are congruent and the measures of the corresponding sides are
Square- a parallelogram whose sides and angles are all congruent
Supplementary angles – two angles whose measure have the sum 180°
Tangent – a line, a segment, or a ray that intersects a circle at exactly one point
Transversal – a line that intersects two or more coplanar lines at two or more
distinct points
Trapezoid – a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of opposite sides parallel Triangle – the union of
three non collinear points, called vertices of the triangle,
and three line segments, called the sides of the triangle, for which each segment joins a pair
of these points.
Vertex – in an angle, the common endpoint of two rays. In a polyhedron, the point where two or
more edges intersect. In a polygon, the common endpoint of two sides
Vertex angle – In an isosceles triangle, the angle formed by the congruent sides or legs.

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