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© 2008 Journal of Peace Research,

vol. 45, no. 3, 2008, pp. 345–363

Sage Publications (Los Angeles, London, New Delhi
and Singapore) http://jpr.sagepub.com
DOI 10.1177/0022343308088815

Third-Party Intervention and the Civil

War Process*
Department of Political Science, University of New Mexico

Department of Political Science, University of North Texas

Department of Political Science, Pennsylvania State University

What effect do third parties have on the evolution of civil wars? The authors argue that interven-
tion by third parties is central to the civil war process, a process that is characterized by the dur-
ation of hostilities and the type of outcome. The authors examine empirically the effect of third-party
intervention into civil wars during the period 1816–1997, using the event history framework of
competing risks. From the perspective of competing risks, as a civil war endures, it is at risk of experi-
encing a transition to one of three civil war outcomes in our sample: military victory by the gov-
ernment, military victory by the opposition group, and negotiated settlement. The competing risks
approach provides considerably better leverage on the dynamic qualities of civil wars and, in par-
ticular, the influence of interventions by third parties. The analysis suggests that third-party inter-
ventions can be decisive in the evolution of civil wars and that third-party interventions have a
different effect on the duration than different civil war outcomes. The results show that third-party
intervention decreases the time until the supported group achieves military victory. Furthermore,
third-party interventions, on both the government and opposition sides, increase the time until a
negotiated settlement.

* Dylan Balch-Lindsay, our co-author and friend, passed are grateful to Janet Box-Steffensmeier, Mark J. C.
away in an automobile accident in the fall of 2002. To Crescenzi, David Cunningham, Charles Boehmer, Suzanna
those who knew him, Dylan was a shy, gentle young man De Boef, Jeffrey Dixon, Errol Henderson, Brad Jones,
with an incredible knack for econometrics and fixing any- David Mason, Curtis Meek, Neil Mitchell, Mark
thing mechanical. Dylan left us at the very moment he was Peceny, Brandon Prins, Patrick Regan, Dan Reiter, Karen
about to embark on his dissertation project, and we miss Remmer, Christina Schatzman, William Stanley, Chris
him greatly. While the following article has changed in Zorn, and three anonymous referees for comments and
form since Dylan last saw it during summer 2002, we encouragement. All statistical analysis was conducted using
remain faithful to Dylan’s interest in the dynamic qualities Stata 9.2 (Stata Crop, 2005). The figures were produced
of conflict processes and his passion for event history model- using R 2.3.1 (R Development Core Team, 2006). The data
ing. This article originally was conceived in late 1998, in used in this article, along with a web appendix containing
preparation for the annual meetings of the American coding decisions and additional results, are available at
Political Science Association, 2–5 September 1999, and the http://www.prio.no/jpr/datasets. Correspondence should
International Studies Association, 14–18 March 2000. We be directed to kjoyce@psu.edu.
346 jour nal of P E A C E R E S E A RC H volume 45 / number 3 / may 2008

Introduction examine civil war outcomes, but the duration

of the civil war is not integral to the competi-
What effect do third parties have on the evo-
tion between outcome types; rather, duration
lution of civil wars? This question is central
is a post hoc predictor of civil war outcome.
to an ongoing debate among policymakers
In this article, we argue that, in order to
regarding whether, and by what means, third
bring the scholarly study of civil wars in line
parties can influence the course of these con-
with the aforementioned theoretical foci and
flicts. This debate often turns to how policy
issues of contemporary policy, it is necessary to
advocates view the influence of third-party
employ an approach that explicitly incorp-
interventions on two properties of civil war:
orates the competition between civil war out-
(1) duration and (2) outcome. Some policy
comes. To do so, we begin with the assumption
advocates argue that third parties are bound
that these two dimensions of civil war – dur-
by moral imperative to intervene in civil wars
ation and outcome – are observable manifes-
to stop the bloodshed. Furthermore, these
tations of the civil war process and are causally
advocates argue that a rapid cessation of hos-
interdependent. Throughout this process, the
tilities, as well as a negotiated settlement, can
probability of different types of outcomes is a
be fostered through third-party involvement
function of various political, economic, and
(Holbrooke, 1998). Conversely, other policy
social factors. This approach to studying civil
advocates argue that third parties should
wars can be facilitated empirically from the
refrain from intervening in civil wars, because
perspective of ‘competing risks’ in the event
such interventions are likely to be costly to the
history literature (Box-Steffensmeier & Jones,
intervener and lengthen civil wars. From this
2004). We believe that a competing risks
latter perspective, there is little hope that third
approach to civil wars not only furnishes
parties will achieve a lasting peace through a
insights into the influence of third parties, but
negotiated settlement, because settlements
also provides an example of an econometric
preclude the decisive outcomes necessary for
technique that meshes well with longstanding
long-term stability in the post-civil war state
theoretical claims about civil war.
(Luttwak, 1999).
In the following section, we review the lit-
The theoretical literature on civil wars bears
erature as it bears on the termination of con-
on this policy debate. In particular, this litera-
flicts and civil wars, before discussing the role
ture underscores the dynamic qualities of civil
of third parties in the civil war process. Next,
wars, such that various conflict outcomes
we introduce the framework of competing
compete with one another (Rosenau, 1964;
risks and then turn to formulating a set of
Pillar, 1983), a competition that can be strongly
hypotheses about the influence of interven-
influenced by third-party involvement. Despite
tions by third parties, as well as the effects of
these longstanding theoretical foundations,
several factors identified in the current litera-
recent research fails to address this dynamism,
ture as relevant to the civil war process.
with studies frequently examining the duration
Thereafter, we discuss our research design and
and outcome of civil wars separately. For ex-
carry out our empirical analysis. We close the
ample, Balch-Lindsay & Enterline (2000),
article with a discussion of the implications of
Collier, Hoeffler & Söderbom (2004), Elbadawi
our analysis.
& Sambanis (2000), Fearon (2004), and
Regan (2002) each examine the causes of civil
war duration, but do not incorporate civil war Conflicts as Processes
outcome into their studies of duration. Scholars often conceptualize interstate con-
Conversely, Mason & Fett (1996), Mason, flicts as processes, rather than discrete events.
Weingarten & Fett (1999), and Walter (2002) Early research on conflict termination
D ylan Balch-Lindsay et al. T H I R D -P A RT Y I N T E RV E N T I O N 347

differentiated between the types, or ‘modes’, continued conflict’ (Mason & Fett, 1996:
of conflict termination (Carroll, 1969; Holsti, 548). The first half of the authors’ formal
1966; Phillipson, 1916). Other scholars model is balanced by each party’s expected
developed predictive models of war termin- utility for a negotiated settlement.
ation based on the attributes of conflicts, such Subsequently, Mason, Weingarten & Fett
as casualties (Klingberg, 1966). World War II (1999) assess the effects of factors similar to
stimulated several reflections on the dynamic those included in Mason & Fett (1996) on
process of victory and defeat in conflicts. For three civil war outcomes: government mili-
example, Calahan (1944) argues that the tary victory, rebel military victory, and nego-
loser dictates the terms of the peace, a theme tiated settlement. The authors find that
reasserted by Coser (1961). In a controversial interventions by third parties reduce the
assessment, Kesckemeti (1958) suggests that probability of a negotiated settlement; yet, as
the manner in which a conflict concludes is a civil war endures, third-party intervention
nearly predetermined. Other research resorts increases the probability of such a settlement.
to formal methods to model the process by Walter (2002) examines whether the costs of
which conflicts terminate, through rational the civil war, the balance of power between
decisionmaking (Porsholt, 1966; Wright, the disputants, the domestic political institu-
1965). This decision-theoretic approach is tions of the civil war state, ethnicity issues, the
further developed in recent approaches to stakes, mediation, and credible commitments
studying conflict, with Wittman (1979), for influence the probability of negotiations,
example, proposing that war endings are the signed peace bargains, and the success of
culmination of a process between war partici- peace settlements. Walter’s empirical analysis
pants who are constantly updating their of civil wars during the post-WWII period
expectations regarding the eventual outcome indicates that outside security guarantees and
of a conflict. Similarly, Pillar (1983: 345) power-sharing pacts are significantly related
argues that ‘the decision to negotiate is thus to peaceful civil war settlements.
not so much a choice of a discrete alternative Finally, DeRouen & Sobek (2004) formu-
but rather the selection of one moment along late and test empirically a model of the
an anticipated continuum of time in which dynamics of civil war duration and outcome
the military situation constantly changes’. grounded in the capacity of the civil war state.
These formal approaches provided a fruit- The authors examine four outcomes: govern-
ful foundation for the subsequent study of ment victory, rebel victory, truce, and treaty.
civil wars. For instance, Mason & Fett (1996: DeRouen & Sobek find that state capacity, in
548) rely on Wittman (1979) to argue that the the form of an effective state bureaucracy,
choice by civil war combatants of whether to reduces the odds that anti-government rebel
seek an end to a civil war through a negotiated groups will achieve victory. The authors con-
settlement or continue fighting ‘is a function clude that ‘duration decreases the probability
of the difference in each party’s expectations of a government victory and increases the
concerning the eventual outcome of the con- probability of treaty’ (2004: 315). This con-
flict if a negotiated settlement is not reached clusion generally supports Zartman’s (1985,
immediately’. Each combatant’s expected 1993) notion of a hurting stalemate, in which
utility for continuing a conflict is a function a government that is unable to defeat a rebel
of its subjective estimate of the probabilities group rapidly is less likely to do so successfully
for victory and defeat and their attendant as time passes. The authors also find that the
utility for these two outcomes. In turn, this longer a civil war endures, the greater the costs
expected utility calculation is conditioned by to the government for prosecuting it further,
the ‘rate at which [a] party absorbs costs of and the more likely the government will seek
348 jour nal of P E A C E R E S E A RC H volume 45 / number 3 / may 2008

to settle a conflict through peaceful means. the intensity of a civil war is high and more
However, DeRouen & Sobek (2004) model is likely to intervene when a humanitarian crisis
decidedly state-centric, thereby excluding is imminent. Despite some disagreement,
involvement by third parties independent of a central thrust of this first agenda is that
United Nations’ sponsored interventions. third parties are frequent interveners in civil
wars and these interventions are more often
Third Parties and the Civil War Process than not grounded in self-interested motives,
Despite a traditional emphasis on national- motives that are central to the evolution of
level causes and consequences of civil wars, intrastate conflicts.
recognition of the international dimensions The second agenda focuses on the effect
of these conflicts is longstanding. For of third parties on the outcome of civil wars.
example, Modelski (1964) asserts that inter- For example, Zartman (1993) concludes that
nal conflicts are part and parcel of the inter- civil war belligerents rely on third parties, not
national system, an argument reiterated in only for resources and sanctuary, but also for
Deutsch (1964). Rosenau (1964) theorizes leverage, both on the battlefield and at the
that the type and evolution of a civil war negotiating table, a condition that he refers
influences third-party intervention, and he to as ‘triangulation’. In his empirical analysis
argues that the goals of third parties condition of civil wars in the post-WWII period, Regan
the way in which civil wars end. Drawing (1996, 2000) finds that third parties are more
explicitly or implicitly on this early work, likely to be successful in their interventions in
current research on the role of third parties civil wars when they resort to a strategy mixing
divides into three roughly defined research economic and military policies. Carment &
agendas: (1) the causes of third-party inter- James (1998: 591) report that, while ‘more
vention in civil wars, (2) the effect of third- intensive initial interventions are more likely
party intervention on civil war outcomes, and to result in cooperative outcomes’, non-
(3) the effect of third-party intervention on conflictual outcomes are also a function of the
the duration of civil wars. rebel group’s salience for the conflict and its
The first research agenda explores the con- military capability. Mason, Weingarten & Fett
ditions that lead third parties to join ongoing (1999) find that third-party interventions
civil wars. For example, Suhrke & Noble make a negotiated settlement less likely, unless
(1977) rely on case studies to demonstrate this intervention occurs once a civil war
that third parties often intervene in ethnic becomes protracted, at which point the likeli-
civil wars for reasons entirely exogenous to hood of a negotiated settlement increases,
the wars themselves, and, thus, civil wars are a finding that is bolstered by Walter’s (2002)
often fought against a backdrop of multiple analysis of third-party guarantees.
levels of interest, allegiance, and involvement The third research agenda focuses on the
by third parties. Holl (1993) argues that third effect of third-party intervention on the dur-
parties are more likely to enter civil wars as ation of civil wars. Several studies of civil war
these conflicts approach termination, thereby outcomes develop theoretical arguments
introducing the complicating factors associ- linking the outcomes of these conflicts to their
ated with multiple preferences and coalition duration. Generally, the arguments advanced
formation, and, ultimately, when and how in these studies tie civil war duration to the
civil wars end. Finally, Regan’s (2000) analy- costs of fighting, whereby long wars increase
sis of third-party involvement in civil wars the costs to the combatants and, in turn,
during the post-WWII period suggests that increase the likelihood that a civil war will
third parties are less likely to intervene when end in a specific way. Indicative of these
D ylan Balch-Lindsay et al. T H I R D -P A RT Y I N T E RV E N T I O N 349

studies is reliance on post hoc knowledge of finance its civil war effort. In turn, the reduced
civil war duration to inform statistical models necessity to exact resources from the popula-
intended to predict civil war outcomes. tion, as well as the potential for an increase in
Alternatively, several studies examine the the degree of security enabled by third-party
effect of third parties on civil war duration resources, allows a government to shore up
itself, without explicitly incorporating the political support, while at the same time reduc-
manner in which civil wars end. For example, ing the ability of an opposition group to gain
Collier, Hoeffler & Söderbom (2004) con- a foothold on popular allegiance. Additionally,
clude that civil war states that are ethnically third-party intervention on behalf of a govern-
fractionalized are likely to experience longer ment enables the latter to alter the probability
civil wars, yet the authors do not consider the of various civil war outcomes occurring, as the
role of third parties. Balch-Lindsay & availability of greater military, political, and
Enterline (2000) explore the effect of simul- economic capability increases a government’s
taneous interventions on the government odds of winning militarily, provides it with
and opposition sides in a civil war and con- greater leverage over the terms of negotiation,
clude that these interventions result in longer and reduces its odds of losing militarily.
civil wars, a finding corroborated in Elbadawi Similarly, third-party interventions on the
& Sambanis (2000) and Regan (2002). Third side of an opposition group influence the
parties, therefore, are central to the civil war behavior of the opposition group. Third-party
process. Even decisions by third parties not to intervention facilitates the ability of the oppos-
intervene overtly in a civil war has meaning- ition to impose costs on a government. An
ful consequences for the manner in which opposition group supported by a third-party
civil wars evolve. is more likely to challenge the government
Clearly, a central theme in the aforemen- with a capable military threat, thereby increas-
tioned literatures is that third parties are central ing the cost to the government of confronting
to the civil war process. We study this issue the opposition, as well as increasing the oppos-
further in the remainder of this section by ition group’s chances of achieving victory.
assuming that third-party intervention in civil Third-party support for the opposition
wars manifests itself in three ways: (1) third- enables the latter to demonstrate to the
party intervention on behalf of the govern- civil war state’s populace that it presents a
ment of the civil war state; (2) third-party credible threat to the government. By provid-
intervention on behalf of the opposition group ing resources to the opposition, third-party
challenging the government; and (3) simul- support increases the capacity of the opposi-
taneous third-party interventions on behalf of tion to disrupt a government’s provision of
both the government and opposition sides. security, goods, and services to its citizens.
Indeed, third-party support may enable the
Third-Party Support for Government or opposition to bid for popular support by pro-
Opposition Third-party intervention on the viding a rival source of goods and services and,
side of the government alters a government’s in turn, challenging the government’s monop-
decision calculus – specifically, the cost and oly over the ‘hearts and minds’ of its citizens.
benefits to the government for pursuing In general, third-party support increases the
specific policy choices (e.g. continued likelihood that a combatant will more rapidly
fighting) – and, in turn, the probability of spe- win the conflict militarily.
cific outcomes occurring. The presence of
third-party support enables the government to H1: Third-party support increases the likeli-
reduce the rent it extracts from its populace to hood of a military victory by the supported
350 jour nal of P E A C E R E S E A RC H volume 45 / number 3 / may 2008

group, while decreasing the likelihood evenly distributed, third-party intervention,

of a military victory by the unsupported because this equilibrium signals an increased
group. degree of conflict ‘ripeness’ in terms of the
combatants’ willingness to pursue a negoti-
We anticipate that third-party intervention
ated conclusion to a civil war.
on the government or opposition side will have
a differential effect on the likelihood of a nego- H3: Balanced third-party intervention in-
tiated settlement occurring at any point in creases the likelihood of a negotiated
time. This expectation is grounded in the settlement, while decreasing the likeli-
assumption that the government is stronger hood of military victory by either com-
than the opposition when a civil war com- batant.
mences (Mason & Fett, 1996; Mason, An alternative line of reasoning suggests
Weingarten & Fett, 1999). Given this initial that third parties are central to the issue of
condition, a third-party intervention on the when and how civil wars are likely to end,
side of the opposition might generate rough because third parties are strategic and self-
equality between the government and the interested actors (Balch-Lindsay & Enterline,
opposition, thereby setting the conditions for 2000). Civil wars provide windows of oppor-
a costly equilibrium between the disputants, tunity for third parties to pursue their national
a condition similar to Zartman’s (1985, 1993) security interests, interests that are not neces-
oft-cited notion of a ‘hurting stalemate’. Under sarily benevolent, such that a rapid termin-
these conditions, as Licklider (1993a: 16) ation of a civil war is necessarily preferred.
argues, ‘a negotiated solution may be more Conversely, third parties are often interested,
likely if weapons are given to the weaker side, for example, in exploiting the natural resources
as that will create a balance which may lead to of the civil war state, or weakening a potential
a hurting stalemate’. In other words, a govern- rival state by supporting continued civil war.
ment is more likely to press for a negotiated Even under conditions wherein third parties
settlement rather than risk the consequences have a genuine interest in terminating a civil
associated with a military defeat. war rapidly, the presence of balanced third-
H2: Third-party support for the government party interventions increases the number of
decreases the likelihood of a negotiated actors that must come to agreement for a nego-
settlement, while third-party support tiated outcome to occur – a collective action
for the opposition increases the likeli- problem that makes resolution of a civil war
hood of a negotiated settlement. more difficult (Holl, 1993; Wagner, 1993).
Ultimately, this reasoning leads to the expect-
Balanced Intervention The effect of bal- ation that a civil war characterized by balanced
anced third-party interventions on the civil distribution of third parties across civil war
war process is anchored to two lines of rea- combatants increases the odds of a stalemate,
soning. The first line of reasoning suggests thereby reducing the likelihood of military
that the continued high cost of fighting a victory or a negotiated settlement.
civil war, as well as the low probability of H4: A balanced intervention decreases the
winning, increases the attractiveness to the likelihood of government military victory,
combatants of ending a civil war in a negoti- opposition military victory, and negoti-
ated settlement, much like Zartman’s hurting ated settlement occurring.
stalemate. Following the logic of the hurting
stalemate, negotiated settlements should Civil Wars as Competing Risks
occur more rapidly under conditions of bal- A fruitful framework from which to consider
anced (Balch-Lindsay & Enterline, 2000), or the influence of third parties on the civil war
D ylan Balch-Lindsay et al. T H I R D -P A RT Y I N T E RV E N T I O N 351

process is through the competing risks Additional Influences

approach (Box-Steffensmeier & Jones, 2004).
This approach has two characteristics that Separatist Issues There are two general
make it particularly useful for studying civil arguments in the literature regarding the
wars. First, each civil war outcome is treated effect of separatist issues on the outcome and
as part of the set of possible alternative duration of civil war. The first argument is
outcomes available to the combatants during that separatist civil wars should be more amen-
the course of a civil war. This set of possible able to negotiated settlement, because separ-
outcomes forms the set of risks that are, in a atist claims by definition do not require the
sense, competing to be the first outcome that government to relinquish power over the
is observed in the historical record. entire territory encompassed by the civil war
The second attractive property of the com- state; rather, separatist groups demand the
peting risks approach is its treatment of time. creation of a new state partitioned from the
Rather than treating civil war outcomes as civil war state (Mason & Fett, 1996).
discrete phenomena, the competing risks Although partitioning the civil war state is
approach treats each moment in a civil war likely not a government’s most preferred
as having some probability of terminating in outcome, it is likely more preferred than mili-
some type of outcome. Therefore, a civil war tary defeat. Therefore, with their hold on the
does not end until one type of outcome is government, if not the entire geographic
observed, and this outcome creates the entity comprising the civil war state, intact,
observed duration.1 As a result, the compet- a government is more inclined to negotiate a
ing risks approach stands in marked contrast partition with the opposition group, rather
to statistical models presented in the current than pursue a military victory that will be
literature, wherein duration is relied upon to costly to achieve and to maintain, given the
predict the probability of a given type of resoluteness of separatist groups and the
outcome, rather than considering duration as immutability of the religious and ethnic
integral to the observed civil war outcome. attributes that are often central to separatist
Having laid out the theoretical underpin- demands.
nings of our inquiry into the effect of third There are also incentives for a separatist
parties on civil war process, and identified group to prefer a negotiated settlement to mili-
the competing risks framework as the most tary victory. First, unlike the government,
appropriate for exploring this process, we a separatist group prefers, by definition, not to
turn now to discussing the logic underlying control the entire civil war state. In part, this
some additional causal factors.2 preference for a negotiated settlement is
grounded in a preference to control only the
part of the civil war state corresponding to the
1 The competing risks approach is appropriate when the location of a religious or ethnic group.
interest is the time to multiple events of different types. This
approach is distinct from the repeated events approach
Second, similar to the government, the sep-
used to study multiple events of the same type. While states aratist group is likely to realize that any mili-
may experience more than one civil war, we are not aware tary campaign to defeat the government will,
of any statistical technique that combines competing risks
and repeated events. For a repeated events approach to civil in all likelihood, be costly, as the government
wars see Box-Steffensmeier, De Boef & Sweeney (2005). will be resolute in its defense, and the people
2 As Fearon (2004: 386) notes, there is little theoretical

motive underlying the many control variables that are often

occupying the territory not corresponding to
included in studies of civil war duration. The absence of the separatist group will be unlikely to acqui-
theory leads us to include a small set of controls that we esce to a government led by the separatist
consider to be ‘policy manipulable’ (e.g. the emergence of
separatist demands), rather than factors that are relatively political leaders. Certainly, the separatist
immutable (e.g. terrain). group would prefer a military victory over the
352 jour nal of P E A C E R E S E A RC H volume 45 / number 3 / may 2008

government that would secure a separate state Civil War Costs Central to much of the
over a negotiated settlement that might result contemporary literature’s treatment of the
in only partially fulfilling the separatist group’s link between costs and the civil war process is
demand for a separate state, but the presence the assumption that such costs are roughly
of a resolute government likely foreshadows a evenly distributed across the combatants.3
costly conflict. Ultimately, there is some basis Although the destruction of government assets
for the argument that a government and its might suggest that an opposition group is
opposition will prefer a negotiated settlement increasing its odds of military victory, the
to other outcomes. A central part of this argu- core of government and opposition power
ment is that the preferences of the combatants (i.e. popular allegiance) is, in part, a function
change over time, such that military victory is of the degree to which a civil war is costly. If
preferred to negotiated settlement initially, this assumption of roughly equitable costs
and later, as a civil war endures, this preference holds, the strategic decisions that are likely to
by the combatants is reversed. flow from this assumption should translate
The logic of the second argument is into an increase in the probability of a nego-
grounded in the assumption that, because tiated settlement occurring at any given point
separatist demands challenge the very basis of in time, a linkage similar to the aforemen-
state sovereignty (i.e. territorial integrity), tioned notion of a hurting stalemate.
governments are extremely reluctant to sur-
render the prerogative to determine policy Bargaining Reputation The theoretical lit-
within the geographic boundaries of their erature suggests that civil war is a bargaining
states. Throughout the history of the inter- process (Pillar, 1983; Wagner, 1993; Licklider,
state system, states rarely condone partition. 1995; Walter, 2002, 2004). The bargaining
Additionally, the preference to maintain ter- process between civil war combatants is
ritorial integrity is, in part, a product of gov- carried out under varying degrees of incom-
ernment fear that allowing one region to gain plete information and uncertainty. Civil war
autonomy establishes precedent for subse- combatants base their expectations, in part,
quent separatist demands. Therefore, sep- on the war-fighting reputations of their
aratist demands are likely to result in a opponents. Several studies demonstrate that
concerted effort by the government to resist such inter-civil war processes are likely at
separatist demands. We expect that consider- work within countries that experience civil
ations of sovereignty and fear of demonstra- war. For example, Licklider (1995) concludes
tion effects increase government motivation that countries in which a civil war ends in a
to continue fighting, if only to forestall victory decisive military victory are less likely to
by the separatist opposition. Moreover, gov- experience subsequent outbreaks of civil war.
ernments will likely thwart efforts for a nego- Walter (2004: 385) concludes that civil war
tiated settlement, as such an agreement would, duration and outcome (i.e. short wars that
by definition, require sovereignty to be com- end in partition) are likely to increase the
promised to some degree, again providing odds that a civil war state will experience
grounds for further demands for autonomy subsequent civil war.
on the government. Under these conditions,
a government’s preference to continue fight-
ing suggests that the government prefers its 3 In part, this assumption flows from the dearth of data on
own military victory to virtually any other costs to rebel and opposition groups for prosecuting civil
war. This is, of course, not particularly sound logic and will
outcome, and the outcome is likely to be likely be rectified by the availability of such data in the
continued fighting and a longer civil war. future.
D ylan Balch-Lindsay et al. T H I R D -P A RT Y I N T E RV E N T I O N 353

We follow this line of reasoning here. Here, we posit that civil war states with rela-
Specifically, we focus our attention on the tively greater economic resources have two
actor for which we have consistent cross-time effects on the civil war process. First, civil war
data on strategic choices during civil war: states with relatively greater economic devel-
the government. We begin by assuming that opment are capable of absorbing the costs of
states develop a single reputation for the prosecuting a civil war, as well as offsetting the
strategic choices they pursue in civil war, even cost of the conflict for loyalist constituents,
if the policymakers controlling a given state’s and, in doing so, blunting the ‘hurting’ com-
government in one civil war are distinct from ponent of the ‘hurting stalemate’. Second,
the policymakers influencing that same state’s civil war states that are relatively more devel-
policy choices in a previous civil war. States oped can bring greater force to bear on the
with reputations for negotiating in civil wars battlefield, thereby increasing the chances of
do not necessarily prefer negotiated settle- military victory or at least forestalling defeat.
ments relative to other outcomes at any point
in time; in fact, we expect that governments Democracy The theoretical reasoning under-
prefer negotiated settlements only when mili- lying the inclusion of democracy in a model
tary defeat by the opposition is imminent. predicting civil war duration is similar to that
However, many factors can handicap a gov- described above with regard to economic devel-
ernment’s ability to achieve an outcome more opment. Specifically, many of the causal argu-
preferable then a negotiated settlement, ments relating democratic institutions in the
thereby contributing to a reputation charac- civil war state with the duration of hostilities are
terized by negotiated settlement as it appears grounded in causal arguments tied to the pre-
in the historical record. In turn, government civil war phase, such that democracy deters
reputation provides a potential opposition fighting or increases the likelihood of a negoti-
group a basis for developing expectations ated settlement. We argue that democratic
about how a state’s current government will states are, relative to non-democratic states,
respond to a challenge by the opposition. acutely aware of the detrimental effect of civil
Given this logic, we anticipate that govern- war breaking out, and they are even more
ments with reputations for negotiating acutely aware of the detrimental negative con-
settlements in civil wars will experience sequences of an opposition victory. For demo-
difficulties winning subsequent civil wars. cratic polities, allowing constituents to achieve
their policy preferences through a resort to
Economic Development Several recent arms, rather than through peaceful negotiation
studies explore the link between economic and compromise, incises the heart of the demo-
development and civil war duration (e.g. cratic process. Additionally, allowing an oppos-
Collier, Hoeffler & Söderbom, 2004; ition group to succeed may set a dangerous
DeRouen & Sobek, 2004; Fearon, 2004; precedent and pollute the democratic process
Walter, 2004). However, the causal logic by presenting resort to arms as a viable alterna-
underlying this relationship between devel- tive mode of policy negotiation, rather than a
opment and civil war duration is not entirely nearly unthinkable alternative. In the light of
evident; indeed, the plausible theoretical this logic, we anticipate that civil war states with
relationship between development and civil a democratic tradition will be relatively better
wars would appear to be in the pre-civil war able to mobilize resources against an opposition
phase, where greater levels of development act group, will fight harder to defeat opposition
as a deterrent to the outbreak of hostilities, groups military, and will be reluctant to nego-
rather than once a civil war is under way. tiate a settlement.
354 jour nal of P E A C E R E S E A RC H volume 45 / number 3 / may 2008

Research Design and 0 otherwise. Balanced intervention is

coded 1 when there is at least one third-party
We use the Correlates of War (COW) Intra-
intervention supporting both the govern-
State War Data (Sarkees, 2000) to identify a
ment and the opposition and 0 otherwise.6
sample of 213 civil wars for the period
The three third-party intervention variables
1816–1997.4 To code civil war outcome (i.e.
are time-varying covariates, while the rest of
government military victory, opposition mili-
our explanatory variables are time-invariant
tary victory, and negotiated settlement), we
rely on the COW data, the sources reported in
Small & Singer (1982), and the case discus-
Separatist Issues We rely on the sources
sions and summary data reported in Clodfelter
identified in Small & Singer (1982),
(2002), Pillar (1983), Licklider (1995), Mason &
Bercovitch & Jackson (1997), and Clodfelter
Fett (1996), and Hartzell, Hoddie & Rothchild
(2002), in addition to various historical
(2001). Our sample contains 109 government
monographs, to create a dichotomous vari-
military victories, 45 opposition military vic-
able, separatist, that is coded 1 when the goal
tories, 40 negotiated settlements, and 19 cen-
of an opposition group in a civil war is
sored cases in which a civil war either remained
separatist and 0 otherwise.7
ongoing at the termination point of our
sample (31 December 1997), or in which a
War Costs We create a variable, war costs,
decisive outcome did not occur. Our unit of
by dividing the total number of battle deaths
analysis is the civil-war-day. There are 249,462
sustained by all state participants at the end
civil-war-days in our analysis that are aggre-
of the civil war, as reported in Sarkees
gated into 924 spells.
(2000), by the prewar total population of
Independent Variables the civil war state from the COW National
Material Capability Data (Singer, Bremer &
Third Parties We use the COW Intra-State Stuckey, 1972). This normalization produces
War Participants Data (Sarkees, 2000) to iden- a per capita indicator of civil war costs.
tify third-party interventions.5 Intervention When third parties participated in the civil
for government is coded 1 when there is at war we added their prewar total population
least one intervention supporting the gov- to the prewar total population of the civil
ernment and 0 otherwise. Intervention for war state.
opposition is coded 1 when there is at least
one intervention supporting the opposition Government Reputation We rely on our
classification of civil war outcomes to gener-
ate a variable, government reputation, by divid-
4 Civil wars are those ‘wars fought against the regime of a ing the prior frequency of negotiated
state member. An intra-state war is classified as a civil war settlements agreed to by a civil war state by the
if (a) military action was involved, (b) the central govern-
ment at the time was actively involved, (c) effective resist- prior total frequency of civil war outcomes
ance (as measured by the ratio of fatalities of the weaker to (i.e. negotiated, military victory, and military
the stronger forces) occurred on both sides, and (d) at least
1,000 battle deaths resulted during the civil war’ (Sarkees,
2000: 129).
5 The COW definition of intervention rests solely on the
6 Of the 213 civil wars, 29 (14%) had interventions in
overt military contributions of third parties. Specifically,
Small & Singer (1982: 219) state that, in order for third- support of the government, 18 (9%) had interventions in
party involvement to be considered an intervention, ‘direct support of the opposition, and 6 (3%) had interventions
military participation of such a magnitude that either 1,000 on both the side of the government and opposition.
7 Of the 213 civil wars, 67 (32%) had an opposition group
troops are committed to the combat zone or, if the force is
smaller or the size unknown, 100 deaths are sustained’. with separatist goals.
D ylan Balch-Lindsay et al. T H I R D -P A RT Y I N T E RV E N T I O N 355

defeat) experienced by the civil war state. accommodating multiple outcomes.9 In the
Government reputation ranges from 0 to 1.8 competing risks framework each observation
(i.e. a civil-war-day) is at risk of experiencing
Economic Development We use the COW a transition to three different civil war out-
National Material Capability Data (Singer, comes: (1) military victory by the govern-
Bremer & Stuckey, 1972) to create a measure ment, (2) military victory by the opposition,
of economic development, calculated as the and (3) negotiated settlement. In this way,
natural log of the sum of energy consump- we can allow covariates to have different
tion and iron/steel production. We create a effects across the competing risks.
pre-civil war level of economic development We specify three separate models, one for
by lagging this variable one year prior to the each potential outcome, where failures due
civil war. to the other two risks are treated as randomly
censored. For example, we estimate a model
Regime Type We use the Polity IV Data where the outcome is military victory by the
(Marshall & Jaggers, 2002) to create a government and treat failures due to military
dichotomous variable, democracy, that is victory by the opposition and negotiated set-
coded 1 if the civil war state’s polity score in tlement as randomly censored. This model
the year prior to the civil war was greater than makes the assumption that the risks are con-
5 and 0 otherwise. ditionally independent; that is, if an obser-
vation fails due to one risk, it could have
Competing Risks Model experienced one of the other outcomes, had
Because a civil war can end in different ways, the civil war lasted long enough. For
a covariate can potentially have a different example, failure due to military victory by
effect on the time to different civil war out- the government is independent of failure due
comes. For example, a covariate may have a to military victory by the opposition and
negative effect on the hazard (i.e. the risk of negotiated settlement. Thus, there is a poten-
a civil war ending at a particular point in tial failure time associated with each of the
time given that the civil war has survived up civil war outcomes.10 However, once a civil
to that point in time) of one risk and a posi- war ends, it exits the sample and is no longer
tive effect on another. In order to account for the at risk of experiencing any of the other civil
different effects a covariate can have on the war outcomes, that is, we only observe the
time to different civil war outcomes, it is neces- occurrence of the first outcome.
sary to use a statistical model that can We estimate three separate Cox propor-
account for the duration of a civil war and tional hazards models. We prefer the Cox
the various ways a civil war can end. Toward model to the parametric alternatives because
that end we estimate a ‘competing risks’ it makes no assumptions about the distribu-
event history model that treats time as a tional form of the baseline hazard rate
function of some underlying risk of an event (Box-Steffensmeier & Jones, 2004). We test
occurring at each time point, as well as
9 An introduction to competing risk event history
models can be found in Box-Steffensmeier & Jones
(2004: 166–181).
10 If the outcomes, conditional on the covariates, are not
8 For cases in which civil war states did not experience a
independent, then the assumption that we can treat
prior civil war, we recoded this variable with a value of 0, the other outcomes as randomly censored is violated.
thereby capturing the fact that the opposition in these con- In this case, a dependent risks model is appropriate
flicts had no historical basis to expect the government to (Han & Hausman, 1990; Hill, Axinn & Thornton, 1993;
negotiate. Gordon, 2002).
356 jour nal of P E A C E R E S E A RC H volume 45 / number 3 / may 2008

for violations of the proportional hazards demonstrate the advantage of the competing
assumption (Box-Steffensmeier, Reiter & risks approach, namely, that the effect varies
Zorn, 2003) in each of our three Cox models across the three civil war outcomes. Figure 1
and correct for non-proportionality by inter- presents the estimated baseline survivor
acting the offending covariates with the function for each civil war outcome when
natural log of time. there is an intervention on the side of the
government.11 This figure demonstrates that
a third-party intervention on the side of the
government has a different effect on the
The results of our Cox models of the dur- expected probability of a civil war surviving
ation to the three civil war outcomes are past a given point in time for each civil war
reported in Table I. Our first hypothesis outcome. Importantly, these differing effects
anticipates that third-party support will would not be evident had we estimated a
increase the likelihood of the supported Cox model where we pooled the three civil
group achieving military victory, while war outcomes.
decreasing the likelihood of the unsupported Turning to the results corresponding to
group achieving military victory. The posi- intervention for opposition, the statistically
tive and statistically significant coefficient for significant coefficient for the Government
intervention for government in the Govern- Military Victory model indicates that third-
ment Military Victory model indicates that party support for the opposition decreases
third-party intervention on behalf of the the risk that a civil war will end in a govern-
government of the civil war state increases ment military victory. The positively signed
the risk that the civil war will end in a gov- and statistically significant coefficient for
ernment military victory and, therefore, this variable in the Opposition Military
decreases the time until such a victory will Victory model suggests that third-party
occur. The interaction between this variable support increases the risk that a civil war will
and the natural log of time is negatively end in an opposition military victory and,
signed and statistically significant, indicating thus, decreases the time until such a victory
that, as a civil war persists, the benefit of will occur. Finally, the positively signed and
third-party support for the government statistically significant coefficient in the
decreases the risk of a civil war ending in a Negotiated Settlement model suggests that
government military victory. intervention on behalf of the opposition
The coefficient for intervention for gov- increases the risk of a civil war concluding
ernment in the Opposition Military Victory more rapidly in negotiated settlement,
model is not statistically significant and is lending support to our second hypothesis,
positive and statistically significant in the though the risk is smaller than military
Negotiated Settlement model, suggesting victory by the opposition (see Figure 2). We
that interventions on behalf of the govern- suspect that this final relationship is the result
ment have no statistically significant effect of third-party intervention making an oppos-
on the time until an opposition military ition group a more credible and potentially
victory and decrease the time until a negoti-
ated settlement. Interestingly, civil wars have
a higher risk of ending in a negotiated settle-
11 For each figure, the estimated survivor function was cal-
ment than a government military victory
culated based on the mean values for continuous variables,
when a third-party intervenes on the side of modal values for discrete variables, and one for the inter-
the government. The results for this variable vention variable of interest.
D ylan Balch-Lindsay et al. T H I R D -P A RT Y I N T E RV E N T I O N 357

Table I. Cox Competing Risks Model of Civil War Duration & Outcome, 1816–1997

Government military Opposition military Negotiated

victory victory settlement

Intervention for government 2.49† 1.93 5.67 †

(1.83) (1.63) (3.79)
Intervention for government ⫻ln(time) ⫺0.63* ⫺0.43* ⫺0.75†
(0.27) (0.23) (0.50)
Intervention for opposition ⫺1.64 † 1.74** 1.39**
(1.12) (0.48) (0.56)
Balanced intervention 1.75 † ⫺32.60** ⫺2.63*
(1.34) (1.06) (1.21)
Separatist 0.87 ⫺0.10 8.16**
(1.05) (1.71) (2.93)
Separatist⫻ln(time) ⫺0.22 ⫺0.18 ⫺1.23**
(0.18) (0.26) (0.41)
War costs 108.67 171.25** ⫺211.75†
(204.70) (62.88) (158.26)
War costs ⫻ln(time) ⫺34.67 ⫺33.56** 25.08
(38.05) (11.80) (20.40)
Government reputation ⫺1.30** ⫺0.66 0.16
(0.51) (0.58) (0.62)
Economic development 0.96** 0.93** 0.51 †
(0.15) (0.22) (0.37)
Economic development ⫻ln(time) ⫺0.17** ⫺0.18** ⫺0.08 †
(0.02) (0.04) (0.05)
Democracy 0.33 ⫺0.34 ⫺1.19
(0.33) (0.53) (1.22)
Civil wars 213 213 213
Civil war failures 109 45 40
Time at risk 249,462 249,462 249,462
Spells 924 924 924
Log-likelihood ⫺427.88 ⫺174.45 ⫺132.85
Wald ␹2(12,12,12) 80.54** 3,393.58** 36.16**
Significance (one-tailed): † ⫽.1; * ⫽.05; ** ⫽.01.
Coefficients with robust standard errors in parentheses.

long-term opponent for the government and, intervention is positive and statistically sig-
in turn, making negotiated settlement an nificant in the Government Military Victory
attractive outcome for a government. model and negative and statistically signifi-
In the third hypothesis, we anticipated cant in the Negotiated Settlement model,
that interventions of third parties on both suggesting that the presence of a balanced
the government and opposition sides in a distribution of third parties increases the
civil war would decrease the likelihood of the risk of a government military victory and
civil war ending in a military victory and decreases the risk of a negotiated settlement
increase the likelihood of a negotiated settle- (see Figure 3), a finding supporting the rea-
ment. However, the coefficient for balanced soning of our fourth hypothesis, whereby
358 jour nal of P E A C E R E S E A RC H volume 45 / number 3 / may 2008

Figure 1. Intervention for Government

Government military victory
Opposition military victory
Negotiated settlement
Probability of survival


0 2000 4000 6000

Duration in days

Figure 2. Intervention for Opposition

Probability of survival


Government military victory

Opposition military victory
Negotiated settlement

0 2000 4000 6000

Duration in days
D ylan Balch-Lindsay et al. T H I R D -P A RT Y I N T E RV E N T I O N 359

Figure 3. Balanced Intervention


Government military victory

Opposition military victory
Negotiated settlement
Probability of survival

0 2000 4000 6000

Duration in days

roughly distributed third-party support pre- corresponding to separatist in the Negotiated

cludes a negotiated settlement.12 Ultimately, Settlement model suggests support for the
our empirical analysis of balanced third- expectation that civil wars characterized by
party interventions suggests that balanced the presence of separatist issues are likely to
intervention appears to encourage the ‘lock- conclude rapidly through a negotiated settle-
in’ of a civil war and increase the risk of the ment, but, as a civil war persists, the risk of
conflict continuing, a finding that we termination in a negotiated settlement dissi-
attribute to an equality in capability across pates. The performance of this variable in the
the combatants, and an increase in the com- two military victory models suggests that
plexity of the bargaining process, given the the presence of separatist issues has no
additional preferences of the third parties. statistically significant effect on the risk of a
The performance of the remaining covariates government or opposition military victory.
reported in Table I provides further insight Nonetheless, our analysis of separatist issues
into the civil war process. The coefficient is generally in line with our expectations that
separatist civil wars are difficult to win mili-
tarily, but the likelihood of a negotiated
12 Since there are no balanced interventions that resulted settlement occurring at any given point in
in an opposition military victory, the hazard ratio tends
toward infinity, and, thus, we are hesitant about drawing
time is greater than in the absence of sep-
inferences for balanced interventions in this model. aratist issues.
360 jour nal of P E A C E R E S E A RC H volume 45 / number 3 / may 2008

Civil war costs are often argued to increase Finally, while the coefficients corresponding
the likelihood that civil wars will end with a to democracy indicate that democratic states
negotiated settlement. Here, we examine this are more likely to fight shorter civil wars and
relationship in the context of two additional win them than either lose to the opposition
outcomes that are probable in intrastate con- group or negotiate a settlement, these coeffi-
flicts, military victory by the government or cients are not statistically significant.
the opposition. The coefficients for war costs
in our three models suggest that, as the costs
of the civil war increase, the time until an
opposition military victory significantly The competing risks approach provides con-
decreases, while the time until a negotiated siderably better leverage on the frequently
settlement significantly increases. While we cited dynamic qualities civil wars and, in par-
expected that costly civil wars were likely to ticular, the influence of interventions by
increase the attractiveness of negotiated settle- third parties. At the same time, this method
ment to combatants, costly civil wars might of analysis reveals the limits of contemporary
also reflect conditions in which one combat- empirical studies of civil war in sorting and
ant is winning the conflict rapidly by exact- testing the bevy of theoretical claims regard-
ing tremendous cost on an opponent. Given ing when, how, and why intrastate conflicts
that the COW civil war data measures only evolve and end, a criticism that we extend to
the battle-deaths suffered by the state partic- our efforts in this article. For example, our
ipants in a civil war, we are unable to sort out analysis reveals that increases in economic
the conditions that result in negotiated out- development increase the time to all three
comes from those that result in military outcomes. Albeit interesting, these empirical
victory by either side. findings fail to provide much insight into the
The negative and statistically significant different effects of economic development
coefficient for government reputation in the on the time to different civil war outcomes.
Government Military Victory model sug- In part, this inconclusiveness is a function of
gests that states that have a reputation for the quality and richness of our data on civil
negotiating in past civil wars are likely to wars, but it is also likely due to the precision
have to fight longer to win future civil wars, of our theoretical expectations. Thus, while
a finding that underscores the relevance of we argue that a competing risks approach is
long-term conflict behavior and the infor- generally better than alternative methods,
mation this provides to combatants engaged relying upon this method does not rectify
in the civil war process. shortcomings in theory and information per-
The coefficients corresponding to eco- taining to civil wars.
nomic development indicate that, as the eco- The differences in our findings with
nomic development level of the civil war respect to third-party interventions empha-
state increases, the time until a government sizes the importance of distinguishing be-
or opposition military victory or a negotiated tween the time to different civil war outcomes.
settlement decreases, but, as a civil war per- While third-party intervention increases the
sists, the influence of economic development likelihood of the supported group achieving
weakens. Thus, in general, more econom- military victory, third-party intervention on
ically developed states are expected to fight behalf of the government or the opposition
shorter civil wars, and these civil wars have a also increases the likelihood of a negotiated
higher risk of ending in a military victory for settlement. However, third-party interven-
either side than a negotiated settlement. tions on the side of both the government
D ylan Balch-Lindsay et al. T H I R D -P A RT Y I N T E RV E N T I O N 361

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