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F: You schnooks will now be targeting the wealthiest one percent of Americans, we´re talking

about whales here, moving fucking dicks and with this script which is now your new harpoon
im gonna teach each and everyone of you to be captain fucking Ahab, get it?

CH: Captain who?

Captain Ahab. The fucking book the book motherfucker from the book

Listen me! We´re a new company with a new name, a company that our clients can believe in,
a company that our client can trust, a firm whose roots are so deeply embedded into wall
street that our very founders sailed over on the Mayflower and chisel the name Stratton
Oakmont right into play fucking rock, you got it?

What we are gonna do is this, first we pitch him Disney iITMT ibm blue chip stocks exclusively ,
company these people know , once we suck in them in/ we unload the dog shit ,the Pink
sheets, the penny stocks, where we made the money, fifty percentcommission baby.

Now the key to making money in a situation like this is to position yourself now before the
settlement because by the time we read about it in the Wall Street journal it is already too late

And you wai wait and whoever speaks first, losses

C: sorry I appreciate the call, I really I have to give this some thought and theaa talk with my
wife about it, Can I call you back?

They don’t know, right?, they got to think about, they got to talk to the fucking wives or the
fucking tooth fairy The point is. It doesn’t matter whatthefuck they say. The only real objection
they have is they don’t trust you guys. And why they should trust you. I mean look at you
you´re bunch of fucking sleazy salesman, right?

So what did you say

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