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Abbreviations & Common Description

2–digit codes Particular examples of Special Access Codes.
AA Accounting Authority: This is an organisation nominated on a Service Activation
Registration Form to administer the billing and settlement of the communications
charges incurred by an MES.
AA Assured Access: An Inmarsat Product offering
AAIC Accounting Authority Identification Code: A unique code, assigned by the ITU to
identify an Accounting Authority.
AB Air Base
Abandoned Opportunity not continued due to budget cut, customer not wanting to purchase
any solution, or Inmarsat deciding that it is not in our interested (from a business,
commercial or strategic point of view), dead opportunities or unresponsive
ABE Alternative Billing Entity (or Authority): The aircraft owner or other entity which is
responsible for paying bills accrued by the AES. GES Operators may, at their
discretion, send bills direct to the ABE for payment.

ABS Asia Broadcasting Satellites :

Access Approval The document issued by Inmarsat to the AES Integrator, Certificate setting out the
Terms & Conditions under which a defined AES Installation may be used in the
Inmarsat Network
Account An Account is a business entity with which Inmarsat has an ongoing relationship. An
account may be a Consumer or a Channel Partner.
In accounting terms, "Account" is also used to mean a logical entity for aggregating
and allocating charges to be met by a single paying entity - this may be a Customer,
or a sub-division of a Customer.
Accountable Those who are ultimately accountable for the correct and thorough completion of
the deliverable or task, and the one to whom Responsible is accountable. In other
words, an Accountable must sign off (Approve) on work that Responsible provides.
There must be only one Accountable specified for each task or deliverable.

ACK Acknowledgement
ACM Adaptive Code Modulation
ACSE Access Control & Signalling Equipment
Action An action is a defined issue type within the MPS (Master Production Board) related
to EPIC. It represents a discrete or self-contained activity that must be
accomplished by an individual.
ACU Antenna Controller Unit
ACV Annual contract value
AdC Address Code (Inmarsat D/D+ only); replaces IMN
Administrative User An Administrative User is an individual who works for a Consumer and who
administers Inmarsat Commercial Services that are used by the Consumer.

AEHF Advanced EHF [satellites]

AES Aircraft Earth Station

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Abbreviations & Common Description
AES Identifier A 24-bit binary number assigned to each AES, which is needed for signalling
purposes within the Inmarsat Aero system. The number is unique to a particular
AES installation on a particular airframe
AES Installation A specific electrical and mechanical configuration of equipment installed on an
aircraft, designated by the AES Integrator, intended to function as an AES

AES Installer The person or entity responsible for carrying out the installation of an AES. The AES
Installer may also be the AES Integrator.
AES Integrator The holder of the Inmarsat Access Approval Certificate for the particular type of
AES installation
AES Licensee The person or entity who holds the licence to operate the AES, issued or recognised
by the State under whose authority the aircraft is operating
AFCEA Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association
Agent An Agent is an entity (Person or Organisation) that sells on behalf of Inmarsat. The
Consumer is an Inmarsat Customer (is contracted to, and billed by Inmarsat).
- The Agent is paid a commission for the sale (By Inmarsat)
- The service revenue does not pass through the Agent's books (Sell 'with' model).
- The term Dealer is used synonymously with Agent.

AlphaSat AlphaSat is the largest European telecommunications satellite ever built, with a
total mass of more than 6.6 tonnes at launch. It supplements Inmarsat’s existing I-4
series, providing coverage over Europe, the Middle East and Africa from its in-orbit
location at 25 degrees East. Our US$350 million investment in AlphaSat brings new
capabilities to the Inmarsat fleet in terms of performance and resource availability,
including 50 per cent more accessible L-band spectrum and nearly 20 per cent more
mobile communication channels.

AMISOM African Union Mission in Somalia

Answerback Telex equipment reply to "Who Are You" (WRU)
AOR Atlantic Ocean Region: GX Ka-band coverage for the Atlantic Ocean Region.

AOR-E Atlantic Ocean Region – East

AOR-W Atlantic Ocean Region – West
APC Adaptive Predictive Coding (Voice Coding Algorithm) or Aeronautical Passenger
API Application Programming Interface: A set of routines, protocols, and tools for
building software applications. The API specifies how software components should
interact and are used when programming graphical user interface (GUI)
APID Additional PID (Inmarsat D/D+)
ARC Arctic and Antarctic
ARGUS Autonomous Real-Time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance
ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated
ARPU Average revenue per user
ASSIST Assured SATCOM Services in Single Theatre
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Abbreviations & Common Description
ATE Automatic Test Equipment or Authorised Telecommunications Entity
AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System
BAMS Broad Area Maritime Surveillance (drone)
BBSN Boeing Broadband Satcom Network
BC Billing Centre
BC-ESAS Billing Centre Electronic Service Activation System
BD Business Development
BFT Blue Force Tracking
BGAN Broadband Global Area Network: A global satellite internet network with
telephony using portable terminals. The terminals are normally used to connect a
laptop computer to broadband Internet in remote locations, although as long as
line-of-sight to the satellite exists, the terminal can be used anywhere.The BGAN
service followed on from GAN and is one most well recognized service by land users
of Inmarsat. You will regularly hear people refer to the BGAN when they discuss the
i4 network. BGAN offers a shared-channel IP packet-switched service of up to 492
kbit/s (uplink and downlink speeds may differ and depend on terminal model) and a
streaming-IP service from 32 up to X-Stream data rate (services depend on terminal
model). X-Stream delivers the fastest, on demand streaming data rates from a
minimum of 384 kbit/s up to around 450 kbit/s (service depend on location of user
and terminal model). Most terminals also offer circuit-switched Mobile ISDN
services at 64 kbit/s and even low speed (4.8 kbit/s) voice etc. services.

BGP Border Gateway Protocol: A standardized exterior gateway routing protocol which
controls how routers exchange routing and reach-ability information between
autonomous systems on the Internet.
Billing Group Represents a grouping of like Remote Sites operated by the same Operator and
billed through a single aggregated invoice.
BLOS Beyond Line of Sight
bn billion
BoD Board of Directors
Bootcamps Aimed at training and updating the partners on a certain subjects such as GX, L-
band to help them be up to date with anything new
BP Billing Profile: This is the customer number related to what they get billed

BPR Business Performance Review – monthly meeting where G2 review the previous
month's activities and discuss issues.
bps Bit per second
BSA Bilateral Security Agreement
BSR Billing Service Requests
BTP Billing Transformation Programme
BU Business Unit

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Abbreviations & Common Description
BUC Block Up-Converter: A block upconverter (BUC) is used in the transmission (uplink)
of satellite signals. It converts a band of frequencies from a lower frequency to a
higher frequency.
BUP Business Unit President
BYOD Bring your own device
C/No Carrier over noise density ratio: Carrier-to-noise-density ratio or C/No (or C/kT)
means the ratio of carrier or signal power to white-noise spectral density. Its unit is
C3I Command, control, communications and intelligence
CAA Civil Aviation Authority: The national civil aviation authority of the State under
whose authority the aircraft is operating
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate: average year-on-year growth rate of an
investment over a number of years.
CAP Certified Application Provider
CAP Combat Air Patrol
CASE A Case is a Stand Alone request in JIRA that is related to a Customer or Partners

Catalogue Opportunities ‘Catalogue’ opportunities are those that can be fulfilled via Sales Operations using
the existing processes for standard products, services and installations using
Inmarsat’s standard terms and conditions.
Catalogue Product an existing product
C-band Radio Frequencies in the range 4 to 7 GHz
CBM Component Business Model: a frame work created by IBM for all the key steps
CBSP Commercial Broadband Satellite Program
CCITT Comité Consultatif Internationale Telegraphique et Telephonique. An advisory
committee to the International.
CDM Customer Data Model
CDR Call Data Record: A data record produced by a telephone exchange or other
telecommunications equipment that contains attributes that are specific to a single
instance of a phone call or other communication transaction that was handled by
that facility or device.
CENTRIXS Combined Enterprise Regional Information Exchange System
CEO Group Chief Executive
CES Coast Earth Station: A term formerly used in a maritime context for a land–based
receiving and transmitting station which routes calls between Inmarsat MESs and
shore–based subscribers. Now obsolete and replaced by LES.

CF Central Functions
CFO Chief Financial Officer
Channel The international collection of Inmarsat DP’s is often referred to as the ‘channel’
and is our only route to market for our L-Band services.

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Abbreviations & Common Description
Channel Partner A Channel Partner is an entity (Person or Organisation) that works with Inmarsat in
selling its products and services. Channel Partners fall into three categories Service
Providers, Distribution Partners and Dealers (Agents).
Also See Account

CIR Committed Information Rate: The Committed minimum IP Data Rate (speed) for a
GX service package. Separate CIR will be defined for upload and download.

CM Commercial Maritime:
CM Core Module: An iDirect CX751 modem for integration into Category 1 GX
terminals. The Core Module is unique to Inmarsat catalogue products and only
supports iDirect Velocity.
CNT Credit Note Tool
Codec Coder/Decoder (for FEC and APC) digital voice coding and decoding unit
Commercial Service A Commercial Service is a set of products and/or services that are provided by one
organisation for the benefits of another organisation - products refer to tangible
physical goods of any description and services refer to non-physical activities, such
as the provision of labour or a digital asset.
The term Commercial Service is used to distinguish between this type of Service
and a Network Service. The terms 'service' and 'services' are often used to refer to
either a Network Service or a Commercial Service, though the context will usually
make it clear which is being referred to.

compandor Compressor/expander
Complex Opportunity Complex opportunities are those that require bespoke solutions and/or complex
installations and should sit with the SE Team for design and delivery.

Complex Package See Complex Solution

Complex Solution Is a solution that Inmarsat have all the bits of already and requires them to be put
it together
COMSATCOM Commercial satellite communications
Concepting the tasks of putting together a proposition either by ourselves or in support of a
channel partner involves pricing, solution design, legal terms etc.

Conferences Where we participate with a booth and have a speaking slot on a subject relevant
to the conference topic.
Consulted Those whose opinions are sought; and with whom there is two-way
Consumer The Consumer is the final buying organisation that derives benefit from the
Inmarsat services or products – i.e. the entity which consumes the service or
product. Its contractual relationship may be with Inmarsat or with a Channel
Partner. This excludes Inmarsat Solutions or any legacy company owned by
Inmarsat (e.g., Globe, Ship Equip, TC comms, etc.).
Consumer Roles An individual who works for a Consumer and who has a role that means he / she
interacts with Inmarsat. Consumer Roles include End Users, Decision Makers and
Administrative Users.

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Abbreviations & Common Description
Contract Awarded See Won
COO Chief Operations Officer
COOM Chief Operations Officer Maritime
Core Please refer to Network Service.
CoSec Group Company Secretary
COTM Come on the move
COTP Come on the pause
CPP Channel Partner Process
CPU Central Processing Unit:
CRC Cyclical Redundancy Check: A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is an error-detecting
code commonly used in digital networks and storage devices to detect accidental
changes to raw data.
CRM Customer Relationship Management
CS&O Customer Services and Operations
CSI Commercial Service Introduction:
CSP Combined Service Pool: a bespoke rate plan consisting of subsidised rates across
multiple Inmarsat services in exchange for a committed spend.

CSS Combat Support System

CSS Customer Service System
CSS Cascading Style Sheets: used in website to describe the presentation of the web
pages (templates) that can be reused. When changed it automatically update all
pages using it.
CTA Commissioning Test Agent (Inmarsat Aero)
CTO Chief Technology Officer
CTS Communication and Transmission Systems Program
Custom Requirement Is a Solution that Inmarsat have never done but we have the expertise and
knowledge on how to do it
Customer The Customer is the organisation with which Inmarsat has the contractual
relationship, for the Commercial Services that it provides.
Customer Contract A Customer Contract is a commercial agreement for a Customer to receive a
defined Commercial Service from Inmarsat. Please note that the definition of a
Customer includes Service Providers and Distribution Partner.

dB Decibels
DC Direct Current
DCE Data Circuit Terminating Equipment
DCGS Distributed Common Ground System
DCN Data Communications Network
DCN Data Core Network:
DDI Direct dial-in (digits) (part of Inmarsat Aero IMN)
Dealer See Agent

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Abbreviations & Common Description
Decision Maker A Decision Maker is an individual who works for a Consumer and who makes the
decision if Inmarsat Commercial Services will be purchased and/or how they will be
deployed within the Consumer organisation.
Delivered The opportunity is fully deployed and closed. Upfront payments are fully
recognised. Can be confident that airtime is expected for the contract period.

Demand A 'Demand' request for work of any type or nature. A Demand must be for a known
and defined 'Product'
Demo A practical demonstration of Inmarsat capabilities and solutions. The
demonstration is performed under Inmarsat’s control by Inmarsat staff. Equipment
is not left with the customer.
Developing a proposition See Concepting

DGBO Director Group Billing Operations

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol: A standardized networking protocol used on
Internet Protocol (IP) networks for dynamically distributing network configuration
parameters, such as IP addresses for interfaces and services.

DHSD Duplex High Speed Data

DID Destination Identifying Number
Direct Customer A Direct Customer is an organisation that derives benefit from an Inmarsat
Commercial Service (i.e. it is a Consumer) and which has a direct contractual
relationship with Inmarsat (i.e. it is a Customer)
Distribution Partner A Distribution Partner is an entity (Person or Organisation) that has a direct
relationship with Inmarsat and that re-sells Inmarsat's Commercial Services stand-
alone and without modification (though it may sell its own Commercial Services
alongside Inmarsat's).
The Consumer contracts with the Distribution Partner, is billed by the Distribution
Partner, and the revenue goes to the Distribution Partner's book (Sell through).
To become a DP a company must deliver significant revenues to Inmarsat and also
demonstrate that they can support and prompt the Inmarsat brand.

DIVN Defence Intelligence VSAT Network

DMP Document Management Process: The DMP outlines the rules surrounding our
naming convention and using the document management register to generate
document filenames etc.
DMR Document Management Register: The DMR is a tool created to generate document
filenames in accordance with our naming convention which is outlined in the
document management process.
DMS Document Management System: The DMS is a space in Confluence where we
house the process for using our document management register to adhere to the
document management process.

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Abbreviations & Common Description
DNS Domain Name Server: This is the Internet's equivalent of a phone book. They
maintain a directory of domain names and translate them to Internet Protocol (IP)
addresses. This is necessary because, although domain names are easy for people
to remember, computers or machines, access websites based on IP addresses.

DP See Distribution Partner

DSCS Defence Satellite Communications System
DSG DSG is the name of the company that does the Sales enablement training for G2

DSTS-G DISN Satellite Transmission Services-Global

DTCS Distributed Tactical Communication System
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
DTMF Dual Tone Multi-Frequency
Duplex Also known as Full–duplex transmission) a communications service, telephony or
telegraphy, which is capable of simultaneous two–way transmission

DVB-S2 Digital Video Broadcasting Second Generation:

DWTS Defence-Wide Transmission System
E2E End to End
ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States
Edge Please refer to Network Service.
EGC Enhanced Group Call
EHF Extremely High Frequency; radio frequencies at 30-300 GHz
EIRP Equivalent Isotopically Radiated Power
EMARSS Enhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System
End terminal A physical device (telephone, fax, terminal, telex terminal or computer) connected
to an MES
End terminal identifier (Maritime-M/B/Mini-M/GAN/Fleet only). A unique number assigned by a PSA to
identify an end terminal connected to an MES, or a service accessible on an MES.

End User An End User is an individual who works for a Consumer and who interacts with
Inmarsat as a user of Inmarsat's Commercial Services.
Also known as End-Users, once all contracts are negotiated and delivery
commences, the installation of hardware is usually at a location tenanted by the
end-customer (or aboard vessels owned by the end-customer) etc.
Engagement Demonstrating/educating on our capabilities in an environment which we control

Epic An EPIC is a defined issue type within the MPS. It represents the top level request
from the customer. See "Issue Types" Confluence page for further details. All
comments made in the card will be sent to all Watchers and People listed on the
card. The Epic is issued an MPS number that the Sales Team will use to track the

EPIRB Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon

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Abbreviations & Common Description
EPLRS Enhanced position Location Reporting System
ERS Electronic Registration System (Inmarsat E)
ESAS Electronic Service Activation System
EuropaSat In May 2009, Inmarsat was awarded a 2×15 MHz portion of the S band by the
European Commission. The two blocks of spectrum are to be used to provide a pan-
European MSS services. Allocated frequencies are 1.98 to 2.01 GHz for Earth to
space communications, and from 2.17 to 2.2 GHz for space to Earth
communications. EuropaSat is the names of the first S-band satellite Inmarsat has
ordered from Thales. Inmarsat is investing approximately US$450m in the entire
EUTM European Union Training Mission
EVP CD EVP Corporate Development
Exhibitions and See Conferences
FAB-T Family of Advanced Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminals
Factory A 'Factory' describes a common set of processes used by a group of people to
produce a predetermined output.
FAP Fair Access Policy: A bandwidth cap that limits the transfer of a specified amount
of data over a period of time. Internet service providers commonly apply a cap
when a channel intended to be shared by many users becomes overloaded, or may
be overloaded, by a few users.

FAQs Frequently Asked Questions: A list of questions and answers relating to a particular
subject, especially one giving basic information for users of a website.

Fault A Fault is a failure of a component of the Inmarsat network or customer equipment

to operate as expected. This may be an actual technical fault or a traffic overload.

FB FleetBroadband - See FBB

FBB Fleet Broad Band / FleetBroadband - A maritime service based on BGAN
technology, offering similar services and using the same infrastructure as BGAN. A
range of Fleet Broadband user terminals are available, designed for fitting on ships.
Provides a dependable, seamless voice and broadband data coverage across the
world's oceans. Go to http://www.inmarsat.com/service-
collection/fleetbroadband/ for more information.

FBCB2 Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below

FCC Federal Communications Commission
FCS Full carrier suppression
FEC Forward Error Correction

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Abbreviations & Common Description
Fleet Fleet - actually a family of networks that includes the Inmarsat-Fleet77, Inmarsat-
Fleet55 and Inmarsat-Fleet33 members (The numbers 77, 55 and 33 come from the
diameter of the antenna in centimetres). Much like GAN, it provides a selection of
low speed services like voice at 4.8 kbit/s, fax/data at 2.4 kbit/s, medium speed
services like fax/data at 9.6 kbit/s, ISDN like services at 64 kbit/s and shared-
channel IP packet-switched data services at 64 kbit/s (called Mobile Packet Data
Service MPDS). However, not all these services are available with all members of
the family. The latest service to be supported is Mobile ISDN at 128 kbit/s on
Inmarsat-Fleet77 terminals.

FleetNET Inmarsat C EGC service for broadcasting messages to groups of ships

FM Frequency Modulation
FMV Full-motion video
FPDS Federal Procurement Database System
FRLP Forward and Return Link Pair
FSCA Future Satellite Communications Acquisition
FSS Fixed Satellite Services – This term is used when referring to satellite services that
are provided to a fixed location. Typically these services rely on large dishes (1.8 -
3.8m) and significant infrastructure such as generators and operate in Ku and C-
Full–duplex transmission See Duplex

FVP Finance Vice President (BU / CSD business partners)

FWD Link Forward Link: The connection transferring data from the terrestrial network over
Satellite to the remote terminal (remote user download)
FY Fiscal year; unless specified, U.S. fiscal year ending 30 September
G2 Global Government
G4G Going for Growth : an Inmarsat programme that has multiple objectives including,
making things faster, increase collaboration to name a few
GAN Global Area Network – The GAN service was the first Inmarsat global product and
provided voice and ISDN services across the globe. You will still hear people refer to
the GAN network when discussing older services especially as they are migrated
across to the I-4 network. The GAN network provides a selection of low speed
services like voice at 4.8 kbit/s, fax & data at 2.4 kbit/s, ISDN like services at 64
kbit/s and shared-channel IP packet-switched data services at 64 kbit/s). GAN is
also known as "M4".

Gateway Graphical user Interface (GUI) for GX

GB Gigabyte
Gbps Gigabit per second
GBS Global Broadcast System
GC Group General Counsel
GCO Global Customer Operations
GCS Global customer services
GCS Global Communication Systems

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Abbreviations & Common Description
GEO Geostationary orbit
GES Ground Earth Station (Inmarsat Aero alternative to LES)
GF Gold Franc: special nominal accounting currency used for billing
GFC Group Financial Controller
GHz Gigahertz (109 Hz)
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System – An international system that uses
terrestrial and satellite technology and ship-board radio systems. It enables the
rapid, automated alerting of shore-based communication and rescue authorities –
in addition to ships in the immediate vicinity – in the event of distress or an
emergency situation at sea. Inmarsat provides the space segment necessary for
instant and reliable distress and safety satellite communications. To support this
Inmarsat offers three satellite communications systems designed to provide most
of the GMDSS medium and long-range functions: Inmarsat B, Inmarsat C and
Inmarsat Fleet 77.

GMSC Gateway mobile switching centre

GMT Greenwich Mean Time (see also UTC)
GMTI Ground Motion Target Indicator
GNOC Global Network Operations Center
GPC Global Partner conferences – organised by Central Function teams
GPID Group PID (Inmarsat D/D+)
GPS Global Positioning System: A space-based satellite navigation system that provides
location and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the
Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites.

GQoS Group Quality of Service:

GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation: A tunneling protocol developed by Cisco Systems
that can encapsulate a wide variety of network layer protocols inside virtual point-
to-point links over an Internet Protocol inter-network.

Ground segment The Inmarsat terrestrial communications networks

GRRIP Global Rapid Response Intelligence Package
GSB Global Service Beam:
GSP Group Service Plan: A virtual bandwidth allocation measured in Mega-symbols per
second (Msps) spanning one or more Global Service Beams (GSB)s on GX.

GSPS Global Satellite Phone Service: Offered over Inmarsat handheld satellite terminals,
we offer two variants to this hardware, Isatphone pro and Isatphone pro 2. They
provide clear crisp voice, SMS and tracking services on a global scale.

GSS Government Subscription Service

GTACS Global Tactical Advanced Communication Systems

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Abbreviations & Common Description
GUI Graphical User Interface: Visual interface on a computer screen to the Inmarsat
Gateway Reseller Portal
GX see GX - I-5
GX - I-5 Global Xpress –i5 – The fifth generation of Inmarsat Satellites and is referred to as
the I-5 constellation by the engineering community and Global Xpress by the
commercial teams. GX is Inmarsat's first non L-Band constellation and operates in
the Ka-Band spectrum.
HCX High Capacity Cross Strap:
HD High definition (video)
HOIR Head of Investor Relations
HRBP HR Business Partner
HSD High Speed Data
HSO Head of Sales Operations
HTS High Throughput Satelittes:
Hz Hertz – Cycles per second
I-3 Inmarsat-3; This term is used to identify the third generation of Inmarsat Satellites.
The I-3’s are approaching ‘end of life,’ which is scheduled for 2018, and as such
many of the services are being migrated to newer Inmarsat satellites. Service than
run over the I3’s include the Maritime Safety, Classic Aero and GAN (Global Area
I-4 Inmarsat-4; This term is used to identify the fourth generation of Inmarsat
Satellites. The I-4’s are the main L-Band constellation, support the majority of our
services and account for the most revenue generation.

I-6 Inmarsat-6; In January 2015 Inmarsat announced and committed to the launching
the sixth generation of satellites in 2020. The I-6 network will be a L-Band network
and will replace the I-4 network as it approaches end-of-life.

IAP Inmarsat Authorisation Policy (“IAP”) Standards and guidelines for authorisation
levels latest version located at

IBIS Inmarsat business intelligence system : IBIS is the user interface to data at Inmarsat
It allows users to access to revenue information; traffic data and Sim level detailed

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation: A UN specialized agency, created in 1944

upon the signing of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago
ICAO 24 bit A unique combination of 24 bits, assigned to the aircraft by Aircraft Address the
relevant civil aviation authority of the State of registry
ICS Inmarsat Customer Services
ID Identification Digit(s)
IDIQ Indefinite delivery-indefinite quantity (contract)

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Abbreviations & Common Description
IDP IsatData Pro is a product that provides for the control and monitoring of remote
unattended devices which also includes tracking. The IDP is a cost effective short
machine to machine message service that is mainly used for telemetry and tracking
IED Improvised explosive device
IFTS ISAF Force Tracking System
IMN Inmarsat Mobile Number
IMO International Maritime Organisation: A specialised agency of the United Nations
which is responsible for measures to improve the safety and security of
international shipping and to prevent marine pollution.
Implementation Level The level of implementation of an AES, which defines its level of compliance with
the system specifications
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity: An internationally standardized unique
number to identify a mobile subscriber. The IMSI consists of a Mobile Country Code
(MCC), a Mobile Network Code (MNC) and a Mobile Station Identification Number
Incident See Fault
InDirect Customer An Indirect Customer is an organisation with which Inmarsat has a contractual
relationship (i.e. it is a Customer) but which does not derive benefit from the
Inmarsat Commercial Services (i.e. it is not a Consumer).

Information Rate The information rate includes the link layer header overhead and CRC.
Informed Those who are kept up-to-date on progress, often only on completion of the task or
deliverable; and with whom there is just one-way communication.

Inmarsat International Mobile (formerly Maritime) Satellite Organisation

Inmarsat Aero Inmarsat Aeronautical System
Inmarsat AES The AES number to be used for public correspondence, i.e. ground-to-number air
Inmarsat Gateway The Inmarsat Gateway Portals are a collection of web user interfaces which enable
VARs/SPs/Operators/End Users and Inmarsat to access and manage their services.
Role Based Access Control (RBAC) is used to assign different access privileges.

INOC a 24×7 Network Operations Center

INSD Inmarsat Network Service Device
IOR Indian Ocean Region: GX Ka-band coverage for the Indian Ocean Region.
IP Internet Protocol: is the method or protocol by which data is sent from one
computer/ device to another on the Internet
IP DATA RATE IP Data Rate: refers to “user data.” It does not include DVB-S2 or TDMA overhead.
However, it does include VLAN and link encryption headers, which are considered
user data.
IPDS Inmarsat Packet Data System
ISAF International Security Assistance Force
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network

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Abbreviations & Common Description
ISEP Inmarsat Service Enablement Platform: A collection of systems and sub-systems
that allow Inmarsat and its partners to activate, provision, fulfill, bill, support,
monitor, change and terminate services and manage partner accounts.

ISL Interstation Signalling Link: automatically transmits Service Activation information

from the Network Co-ordination Station to all Inmarsat C LESs

ISN Inmarsat Serial Number

ISOL Inmarsat Solutions
ISP Inmarsat Service Provider
ISPIC Inmarsat Service Provider Identification Code
ISR Intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance
Issue An issue is a defined issue type within the MPS in JIRA. It represents a A topic or
problem for debate or discussion that requires an agreed resolution. The Issue may
have actions attached to resolve the issue. These are created under the Team

ITU International Telecommunications Union

JALN Joint Aerial Layer Network
JBC-P Joint Battle Command-Platform
JCA Joint Communications Architecture
JDISS Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System
JIRA Tool used by the SE team to track, manage requests into the team and provide
feedback and measure KPI
JROC Joint Requirements Oversight Council
JSIPS Joint Services Imagery Processing System
JSTARS Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System
JTRS Joint Tactical Radio System
JWICS Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System
Ka-band Ka band covers the frequencies of 26.5–40 GHz. In satellite communications, the Ka
band allows higher bandwidth communication. It is used in the Inmarsat I-5 system.

kbit/s Kilobits per second

kbps See kbit/s
kHz Kilohertz
Kick-Off Committee See KOC

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Abbreviations & Common Description
KOC Kick-Off Committee: The Kick-Off Committee is made up of a
Bid/Contract/Project/Delivery Manager (usually the same resource who plays a
different role depending on the Factory/MPS Production Line), Technical Leads and
Commercial Manager (these are the decision makers). Also in attendance are either
a Direct or Indirect Sales Lead (who are non-decision makers, but are present for
additional information and context purposes). The KOC gather at the beginning of
any new project/job that comes through the MPS/Factory - they're responsible for
the initial walk-through of project requirements to ascertain the
activities/deliverables expected of their teams to deliver this project on-time.

KPI Key Performance Indicator

Ku-band Ku band is primarily used for satellite communications, most notably for fixed and
broadcast services and operates from 12-18GHz. This range is most commonly
related to the world of VSAT.

L2C Lead to Cash - all the steps/ Process that occur between a lead coming in to
payment being received
L2O Lead to Order - all the steps/ process that occur between a lead coming in to an
order that has been won
L-band L band, covers the 1 to 2 GHz range of the radio spectrum. Inmarsat terminals use
frequencies between 1525 and 1646.5 MHz. The L-Band services are characterised
by small antennas and an ability to operate in arduous weather conditions.

Lead Any new interest in an Inmarsat products/ solution and desire to use an Inmarsat
products (resulting in getting contact details and need/problem)

LEO Low earth orbit

LES Land Earth Station
LES-ESAS Land Earth Station Electronic Service Activation System
LESO Land Earth Station Operator
LID Land Identification Digit
LNA Low Noise Amplifiers: A Low-noise amplifier (LNA) is an electronic amplifier that
amplifies a very low-power signal without significantly degrading its signal-to-noise
ratio. Used in the recieve signal chain of a satellite terminal.

LNB Low Noise Block downconverter: A low-noise block downconverter (LNB) is the
receiving device mounted on satellite dishes used for satellite TV reception, which
collects the radio waves from the dish.
Loan A situation where we loan kit to a customer under a formal agreement.
Lost Opportunity Lost to a competitor due to feature gap, price, technical solution,
contract terms etc.
LRBP Long Range Business Plan
m million

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M2M Machine-to-Machine: terminal and service used a lot within the Enterprise domain
such as the oil and gas industry. M2M allows for the real-time monitoring and
control of remote unattended equipment and machines including surveillance.

Master Production Board See MPS

MB Megabyte
MBITR Multiband Inter/Intra Team Radio
Mbps megabit per second
MES Mobile Earth Station. The generic name used in both maritime and land–based
contexts for the device used to communicate via an Inmarsat satellite.

MHz Megahertz
MID Maritime Identification Digits
MILSATCOM Military satellite communications
MIMO Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (protocol)
MIR Maximum Information Rate: This is the maximum rate (speed) that the terminal
can either forward or return information
MMP Meet-Me Point: Independent facility where telecom operators can connect their
networks to each other and to their corporate customers and exchange data; Also
known as Carrier Hotels or Tele Houses. See also Point of Presence (PoP).

MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identifier: Numbering system (series of nine digits) which
are sent in digital form over a radio frequency channel in order to uniquely identify
ship stations, ship earth stations, coast stations, coast earth stations, and group
calls. The MMSI numbers are allocated by the national Radio Administration.

MoD Ministry of Defence

MODCOD MODulation CODing: A combination of modulation and coding rate.
Modem MOdulator-DEModulator. A device used to transmit digital data along PSTN lines,
by converting (modulating) to analogue form at the sending end, and re–converting
(demodulating) to digital form at the receiving end

MOF Ministry of Finance

MOTC Ministry of Transportation and Communications
MOU Memorandum of understanding: is a legal document that describes an agreement
between two or more parties
MP Marketable Package: These are Subscription Service packages sold to the VAR by
Inmarsat Global. MPs define the technical and contractual elements of the
subscription service package and are the items available within the VAR’s
purchasing Product Catalogue within the Inmarsat Gateway Reseller Portal.

MPDS Mobile Packet Data System

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Abbreviations & Common Description
MPLS Multi Protocol Label Switching: Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a type of
data-carrying technique for high-performance telecommunications networks that
directs data from one network node to the next based on short path labels rather
than long network addresses, avoiding complex lookups in a routing table.

MPS Master Production system - is the Jira ticket reference used to track Epics (larges
pieces of work) by the SE team> It is the operating model within G2 enhancing the
efficiency, quality and integrity of customer focused deliverables. AKA Master
Production Board
MRAP Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (vehicle)
MRC Monthly Recurring Charge: A cost for service or equipment usage that is
continuously charged on a monthly basis.
MRCC Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre
MR-RTIP Multi-platform Radar Technology Insertion Program
MSC U.S. Military Sealift Command
MSDS Maritime Safety Data Services
MSRP Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price. The manufacturer’s suggested retail price
(MSRP) is the amount of money the producer of a product recommends the
product be sold for in retail stores. The MSRP is not necessarily the price retailers
use or the price consumers pay
MSS Mobile Satellite Services - This term is used when referencing any satellite service
that is provided while a terminal is moving. This could be at sea, on land or in the
air. Inmarsat's ability to support MSS service is one of our core strengths.

MTS Movement Tracking System

MTSU Multi terminal single user
NAT Network Address Translation: A methodology of modifying network address
information in Internet Protocol (IP) datagram packet headers while they are in
transit across a traffic routing device for the purpose of re-mapping one IP address
space into another.
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NBA Nominated Barring Authority
NBA-ESAS Nominated Barring Authority Electronic Service Activation System
NCO Non-commissioned officer
NCS Network Co-ordination Station or Network Control Station
Network Service A Network Service is a function provided by configuration of the Inmarsat network
(and associated partner networks and equipment, and customer equipment) &
operations to provide satellite communications and connectivity to Inmarsat

The term Network Service is used to distinguish between this type of Service and a
Commercial Service. The terms 'service' and 'services' are often used to refer to
either a Network Service or a Commercial Service, though the context will usually
make it clear which is being referred to.

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NIMS Nera Information Message System
NIPRNET Nonsecure Internet Protocol Router Network
NMS Network Management System:
NOC Networks Operations Centre
Non-Tenanted VAR A VAR which utilises its own billing platform for retail billing.
NSD Network Service Device: An Inmarsat branded appliance that provides an interface
to the remote End User network for subscription services over the GX networks.

Nurture Parked opportunities due to lack of customer budget or deals which requiring
nurturing by the Business Development team (for example) as no near-term
opportunity (no chance of closing in within 12 months.)
OBC Oman Broadband Company
Ocean region The coverage area of an Inmarsat satellite within which an MES may send and
receive messages
OEF Operation Enduring Freedom
OID Originating Identification Number, used with DID
Operator The term adopted to refer to the customer who operates the GX Remote Site(s) be
it a vessel, aircraft, deployed operating base or other site type. An Operator is a
customer of a VAR or SP with one or more subscription services and terminals.
Operators manage End User service allowances and access policies.

opportunity next step on lead Any pre-qualified lead, where the customer is in a position to buy
our product/service
Order An Order is an official, and contractually binding, request by a Customer for the
initiation or modification of supply of an Inmarsat Commercial Service.

OSPF Open Shortest Path First: A network protocol used by routers to find the shortest
path from one router to another in a local area network (LAN). As long as a network
is IP-based, the OSPF algorithm will calculate the most efficient way for data to be
transmitted. If there are several routers on a network, OSPF builds a table (or
topography) of the router connections. When data is sent from one location to
another, the OSPF algorithm compares the available options and chooses the most
efficient way for the data to be sent. This limits unnecessary delays in data
transmission and prevents infinite loops.

OTA Over The Air:

OTT Over The Top: These are the services that you can pay extra for to receive
PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange
PAMS Pricing agreement management system: Pricing system to allow discounts

Partner Can mean either an account or channel partner as above, or can mean company
from which Inmarsat is a customer (i.e. we buy in products or service to
complement our own and sell on)

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Abbreviations & Common Description
PAT Port Address Translation: An extension to network address translation (NAT) that
permits multiple devices on a local area network (LAN) to be mapped to a single
public IP address. The goal of PAT is to conserve IP addresses. Also referred to as
PBX Private Branch Exchange
PID Personal Identity; (Inmarsat D/D+) Pager Identity
PMO Project Management Office
PMP Proposal Management Plan: The PMP is a PowerPoint side-deck template designed
to assist in displaying the important information about a bid/offer to send up the
approval hierarchy to keep them informed of what's in the pipeline and coming-up
for approval in the near future.

PO Purchase Order
POP Point of Presence - A POP is a centralised location whereby all the
telecommunication services of Inmarsat are presented to the Global
telecommunications carriers. A POP is where all the routing of IP traffic, ISDN, Voice
and SMS services are transferred and interconnected between all inter-connected
partners and carriers of traffic.
POR Pacific Ocean Region: GX Ka-band coverage for the Pacific Ocean Region.
ppt Normally a short form for Microsoft PowerPoint
PQQ Pre-Qualification Questionnaire
Price The Price is the value that an organisation attaches to a Commercial Service. When
a Customer Contract is signed, The Customer commits to pay to Inmarsat the
agreed price for the Commercial Service defined in the Customer Contract. When a
Supplier Contract is signed, Inmarsat commits to pay the Supplier the agreed price
for the Commercial Service defined in the Supplier Contract.

Primary Channel For a single–channel MES, the only channel through which the MES can
communicate. For a multi–channel MES, the first numbered channel
Priority The Priority of an issue represents the contextual importance of the task or issue. In
general, higher prioirtiy issues and tasks should be tackled before lower prioirty
Priority Level The priority level of a node determines the order in which the bandwidth is
allocated. The nodes are grouped by priority level and allocation is done in order by
Problem A Problem is an issue with Inmarsat's Commercial Service as reported by an End
User. This can be the result of an actual technical fault, a billing complaint or a miss-
interpretation of the Commercial Service's functions.
Product A 'Product' is a defined output from the factory of a given type; DEMO, TRIAL,
CONCEPT, BID are all examples of individual products.
Product Manager A Product Manager is someone who is responsible for the overall success of a
Product Offer. The Product Manager works with a Project Manager during the
development of a Product Offer and remains responsible for managing the Product
Offer through its entire lifecycle, from blueprint though to retirement.

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Abbreviations & Common Description
Product Offer A Product Offer consists of:
1) The technical, equipment and services that are delivered to the customer
2) The commercial and pricing model for these services
3) The SLAs for these services and
4) the way in which these services will be fulfilled and ongoing service delivered
(e.g. directly by Inmarsat, via a Channel Partner), for each process (fulfilment,
billing, service assurance, Customer Services.

Production Line A 'Production Line' is a process for producing similar or related types of Product.
The output from each production line is a 'Product'. A list of production lines versus
products can be found here
Project A Project is a temporary engagement during which deliverables are created and
milestones are achieved. Projects consist of a set of discreet actions required to
achieve the final agreed-upon goal of an organisation.

Project A Project Manager is someone who is responsible for the delivery of a Project. A
Manager/Management Project Manager coordinates the various elements needed to complete a project,
from managing risks and issues to resourcing, gathering requirements and
producing the specified deliverables.
Proof of concept Validate that a certain technology concept is able to operate on Inmarsat Satellite
network and meeting the requirements initially identified for a specific
PSE Pre-Sales Engineering
PSPDN Packet Switched Public Data Network
PSTN Public-Switched Telephone Network
PTT Push-to-talk
PVT Performance Verification Test
QAM Quadrature Amplified Modulation. A method of combining two amplitude-
modulated (AM) signals into a single channel, thereby doubling the effective
QoS Quality of Service: is the overall performance of a telephony or computer network,
particularly the performance seen by the users of the network.

QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift-Keying. A form of Phase Shift Keying in which two bits are
modulated at once, selecting one of four possible carrier phase shifts

QRN Quotation (quote) Reference Number

Qualification Qualifying opportunity to identify budget and requirements.
Qualified opportunity An opportunity that conforms to a set of (as yet undefined) qualification rules.

R&D Research and Development

RACI Process term that signifies Responsible, Accoutable, Consulted, Informed

RAN Radio Access Network

RASCI Process term that signifies Responsible, Accoutable, Supported, Consulted,

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RBAC Role Based Access Control: Model of users/roles/permissions to control and decide
whether a user has access to a resource.
RCC Rescue Co-ordination Centre
Remote Site A physical Operator site, e.g., Vessel, where one or more GX Terminals may be
hosted. A unique Remote Site must be created for each Terminal activated for an
Resource A Resource is a limited asset consumed by the provision of a service.
The term 'Resource' has a specific meaning when applied to the network. The term
Network Resource should be used when the distinction is important.

Responsible Those who do the work to achieve the task. There is typically one role with a
participation type of Responsible, although others can be delegated to assist in the
work required.
RF Radio Frequency
RFI Request for Information
RFP Request for Proposal
RFT Request for tender
RIP Routing Information Protocol: A widely-used protocol for managing router
information within a self-contained network such as a corporate local area network
(LAN) or an interconnected group of such LANs.
RISK A Risk is a card in JIRA that reflects a negative occurrence with a probabilistic
nature. These will form part of a Rick Management Plan and will be evaluated
under a Risk Framework. Risks are created under the Team Projects.

RMA Return merchandise authorisation

RMP Retail Marketable Package: A subscription service package available for sale to
SPs/Operators within the VAR’s Sales Catalogue within the the Inmarsat Gateway
Reseller Portal.
ROM Rough order of magnitude (price usually)
RP Request for proposal
RSP Reseller Portal: The Reseller Portal provides capability for Inmarsat and VARs to
manage other VARs, Service Providers, Operators, Sites, Products and
RTN Link Return Link: Data path from the remote terminal over the Satellite to the terrestrial
network (remote user upload)
RVT Remote Video Terminal
SAC Special Access Code. A destination address code used when sending a call to or
from an MES to access a special service provided by an LES.
SAC Service Area Code: A specifically defined geographical area for which GX service is
SafetyNET Broadcast system for maritime safety information using Inmarsat C EGC
SALES Sales: Sales are the only suppliers of "inputs" in to the MPS, specifically it will be the
Account Manager or "Hunter" of a particular opportunity or incumbent contract.

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SAP SAP SE is a German multinational software corporation that makes enterprise
software to manage business operations and customer relation, in Inmarsat it is
used for managing customer orders
SARF Service Activation Registration Form
SAS Satellite Access Station - The SAS’s provide for the satellite termination from the
remote terminals into the global switched telephone and IP network.

SATCOM Satellite communications

Satcom Clubs Small intimate events held at the British Embassies in different countries aimed at
end users – government bodies within those countries. UKTI helps us target the
correct attendees.
SB SwiftBroadband is complete aero focused broadband IP and voice service utilized
within the aviation industry and integrates both cockpit, avionics and passenger
communications. The Aero service offering is dependent on the terminal type and
service required. SwiftBroadband offers 'always-on' data at up to 432kbps per
channel. It can also provide IP streaming at various rates up to a full channel. Go to
http://www.inmarsat.com/service-collection/swiftbroadband/ for more

S-Band S band is part of the microwave band of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is defined
by an IEEE standard for radio waves with frequencies that range from 2 to 4 GHz.

SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
SCAP Shared corporate allowance plan.
SCC Satellite Control Centre
Schedule Activities. A discrete scheduled component of work performed during the course of a project.
A schedule activity normally has an estimated duration, an estimated cost, and
estimated resource requirements. Schedule activities are connected to other
schedule activities or schedule milestones with logical relationships, and are
decomposed from work packages.

Schedule Activity's are only used by Service Delivery/Project Management.

SCOT Satellite Communications Onboard Terminal

SCPC Single channel per carrier
SDM System Definition Manual
SDR Special Drawing Right: special nominal accounting currency used for billing

SE Solutions Engineer
SE Team see SET
Secondary Channel On a MES, all channels other than the Primary Channel

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Abbreviations & Common Description
SEP Service Enablement Platform: A collection of systems and sub-systems that allow
Inmarsat and its partners to activate, provision, fulfil, bill, support, monitor, change
and terminate services and manage partner accounts. See also Inmarsat Gateway.

Service Activation The process by which an MES is registered into an Inmarsat system
Service Provider A Service Provider is an entity (Person or Organisation) that re-sells Inmarsat's
Commercial Services incorporated into their own offerings or otherwise re-sold.
The Consumer contracts with the Service Provider, is billed by the Service Provider,
and the revenue goes to the Service Provider's book (Sell through).

Service Sale See Catalogue Product

SES Ship Earth Station: now obsolete and replaced by MES
SEST SES Telegraphy (TDMA) Channel
SESTB SES Technical Bulletin
SET Sales enablement Team
SF Single Frequency (2600Hz tone)
SFDC Salesforce.com (Sales Force dot com)
SIGINT Signals intelligence
SIM (or SIM card) Subscriber Identity Module: a “smart card” encoded with PID, IMN and service-
related information for the customer
Simplex A communications service, telephony or telegraphy, which is capable of
transmission in one direction only
SINCGARS Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System
SIPOC Process term that signifies Supplier; Input; Process (activities); Outputs; Customer

SIPRNET Secret Internet Protocol Router Network

SIS Subscriber Information Service: A system which collects network and service
statistics and information and supplies this information to the Assurance section of
the Inmarsat Gateway Reseller Portal.
SITA Societé Internationale de Telecommunication Aeronautique
SITE Site: A site is where your terminal is, you can only have 1 terminal per site.

SLA Service Level Agreement: A part of a service contract where a service is formally
defined. In practice, the term SLA is sometimes used to refer to the contracted
delivery time (of the service or performance).
SLE Selling Legal Entity: The SLE is the company from which invoices for use of services
that have been purchased from them will be generated.
SM Service Mark
SMART-T Secure Mobile Antijam Reliable Tactical Terminal
SME Subject matter expert
SNAC Single Network Access Code – an international dialling code used by some PTT
authorities to allow calls to a MES without the need to know the Ocean Region.
Normally +870.
SNAP SIPRNet NIPRNet Access Point

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SNG satellite news gathering
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio: A measurement that describes how much noise is detected
in the modem receiver, in relation to the required noise level.
SOF Special operations forces
SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea
Solution Please refer to Network Service.
Solutionising Working with customers to understand their needs/ problems and help them
define a set of requirement, using different tools such as prototyping to facilitate
SP Service Provider: Someone who buys products and services from a wholesalers (DP
or VAR) and sells them on. (E.g. there are Inmarsat SPs who buy products and
services from ISOL and non-Inmarsat SPs who buy products and services off one of
our distribution providers). Many SP’s are the only route into a certain country or
specialist market such as Aero.

space segment The path between LES-Satellite-LES with no landline component

SPR Special Pricing Request
SQEP Suitably Qualified and Experienced Person
SQW Name of an external company that is used to provide support in opportunities

SSN SIM card Serial Number

SSO Single Sign On : This framework allows users to login and authenticate once when
accessing a specific secure resource, e.g., webpage; document; training video. Once
authenticated, if the user has been assigned the specific role and scope to access
the selected resource, then that user will be allowed to continue the browsing
SSPC Subscriber Service Plan Component: An iDirect TSP consists of multiple SSPCs,
where each component is a specific instance of an SSPP within the ISEP RMP. Each
SSPC within the TSP has an associated start and end date and time as defined when
the RMP was provisioned and activated. Each SSPC has a Forward and Return CIR
and MIR and therefore creates its own individual demand within the iDirect
bandwidth allocation hierarchy. This bandwidth will be met by one or more Parent
GSPs, as defined within the SSPC

SSPP Subscriber Service Plan Profile: Defined by Inmarsat to create catalogue items
which can be activated as Subscriber Service Plan Components (SSPC)s within RMPs
by the VAR. SSPPs are defined by their CIR and MIR, the SVN they deliver/take
traffic into/from and the modem technical parameters. For the initial release of
Inmarsat Gateway, QoS parameters are set when the SSPP is created, but in future
releases there will be greater flexibility around when the parameters can be set.

STORY A Story is an card in JIRA that will take between 1-3 weeks to complete and can be
often broken down into smaller actions to complete the Story. Stories are created
under the Team Project.

STT Satellite Transportable Terminals

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SUB A Sub – Action or Task is a card in JIRA that you have broken down into further
deliverables as part of meeting that request.
Why not think about using the To Do Feature available on each card.
Supplier Contract A Supplier Contract is a commercial agreement with a Supplier to provide a defined
Commercial Service to Inmarsat.
Suppliers Suppliers interact with Inmarsat to provide products and services. This includes
suppliers of commodity goods (e.g. stationary) and suppliers of satellite and
network equipment and communication and engineering services that are
assembled by Inmarsat or an Inmarsat partner. The term Vendor is sometimes used
synonymously with Supplier.
SVN Synthetic Virtual Network: Within GX, an SVN is used to logically separate groups
of traffic with similar traffic profiles over the shared physical GX network. It is a
concept similar to APN (Access Point Name) as used for BGAN. The rationale for
logical separation of GX traffic is necessary from numerous aspects, including
Network Security; Application of Value Added Services; Metering; Traffic
Engineering; Regulatory Requirements; Performance. Generally, a single Corporate
or Corporate Internet SVN (belonging to an individual VAR/SP/Operator
organisation) is assigned to a single GX Terminal or a particular group of GX
terminals, although this isn’t always the case and Inmarsat’s own Value Added
Services are provided through additional SVNs. A GX Terminal can support up to
eight SVNs at service launch, but this will increase in a future release.

SVT Service Verification Test

SWaP Size, Weight, and Power:
Swift 64 Swift 64: Similar to GAN, providing voice, low rate fax/data, 64kbit/s ISDN, and
MPDS services, for private, business, and commercial aircraft. Swift 64 is often sold
in a multi-channel version, to support several times 64kbit/s.

TADIXS Tactical Data Information Exchange Subsystem

TASK A Task is an Internal request for the BU in JIRA but not related to Customer or
Partner activity.

TBC To be confirmed
TBD To be Defined/Determined
TCP Transmission Control Protocol: The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a core
protocol of the Internet protocol suite. TCP provides reliable, ordered, and error-
checked delivery of a stream of octets between applications running on hosts
communicating over an IP network.
TCS Telecommunication Systems, Inc.
TCV Total contract value
TDM Time Division Multiplex

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TDMA Time Division Multiple Access: Time division multiple access (TDMA) is a channel
access method for shared medium networks. It allows several users to share the
same frequency channel by dividing the signal into different time slots. The users
transmit in rapid succession, one after the other, each using its own time slot.

Technology Refreshes Aimed at partners (with collaboration from manufacturers and other BUs) to keep
all DPs and SPs up do date with all the news form the company. Mainly held in Latin
Tenanted VAR A VAR can be a ‘tenant’ on the ISEP billing system and operate their retail billing
through the ISEP platform.
Terminal An integrated system to be installed as a unit. It comprises a radome (if required),
antenna, radio frequency section, antenna control mechanics and electronics, and
the core module. The terminal is certified for use over GX by Inmarsat.

TGES Test GES (Inmarsat Aero)

TIGR Tactical Ground Reporting System
TIMSI Temporary International Mobile Subscriber Identity
TOS Type of Service: Field in an IP packet header. It defines a mechanism for assigning a
precedence to each IP packet, as well as a mechanism to request specific treatment
such as high throughput, high reliability or low latency etc.

TRA Telecommunications Regulatory Authority

TRB Transaction Review Board: All transactions requiring approval at Tier 1 and above
should be approved through the Transaction Review Board process

TRD Technical Reference Document

Trial The testing of a customer specific solution in an environment which Inmarsat does
not control. The purpose of a trial is to verify the solution against the customers’
requirements. This would usually mean leaving the solution/equipment in the
customers hands for an extended period of time. Usually under some form of
commercial agreement, which can result in a sale.

TT&C Tracking Telemetry and Command

Type–approved An MES which has been manufactured to a design approved by Inmarsat for use
within the applicable system
UAE United Arab Emirates
UAV Unmanned aerial vehicle
UCLASS Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike
UDP User Datagram Protocol: UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is an alternative
communications protocol to Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) used primarily for
establishing low-latency and loss tolerating connections between applications on
the Internet.
UHF Ultra High Frequencies; radio frequencies at 0.3-3 GHz
UKTI United Kingdom trade and investment – gov body who provide assistance to up
companies seeking to do business abroad.
ULA User Level Allowance
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UN United Nations
UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services
UNPD United Nations Procurement Division
UTC Universal Time Co-ordinated (replaces GMT) or Coordinated Universal Time: is a
time scale that couples Greenwich Mean Time, which is based solely on the Earth's
inconsistent rotation rate, with highly accurate atomic time. UTC was devised on
January 1, 1972 and is coordinated in Paris by the International Bureau of Weights
and Measures.
UUV Unmanned underwater vehicle
UX User experience
VAM Value Added Manufacturer / Value Added Manufacturing
VAR Value Added Reseller – A VAR is the term given to GX distribution partners. As GX
operates in Ka band it was decided to differentiate between an L-Band DP and a GX
one as the technology and markets are different. The VAR’s are the only route to
market for GX. A VAR can have business interactions with other VARs, Inmarsat
and/or other Operators.
VAR2VAR Value Added Reseller to Value Added Reseller: This is the relationship between two
VDS-IS Videoscape™ Distribution Suite for Internet Streaming: Integrated system with a
network-based architecture that allows service providers to extend their video-
managed content to their customers' IP-enabled devices such as PCs, tablets, game
consoles, and Wi-Fi-connected mobile phones by using sophisticated service
routing and content distribution intelligence.

VHSD Very High Speed Data

VIP Very important person
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network: VLANs allow for a logical grouping of networked
servers that behave as if connected to the same wire even if they are connected on
different segments of the network. This means that you can have many servers on
the same VLAN without having them on the same rack in close proximity of each
other. This is done with software rather than hardware and it allows for a reduced
cost and higher functionality then a normal network setup.

VNO Virtual Network Operator: A Virtual Network Operator (VNO) is a provider of

management services and a reseller of network services from other
telecommunications suppliers that does not own the telecommunication
VOIP Voice Over IP: Voice over IP (VoIP) is a methodology and group of technologies for
the delivery of voice communications and multimedia sessions over Internet
Protocol (IP) networks
VPEAM Vice President External Affairs and Marketing
VPFO Vice President Financial Operations
VPGP Vice President Group Procurement
VPRA Vice President Regulatory Affairs
VPTT Vice President Tax and Treasury

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Last updated 07/06/2017 Inmarsat Confidential Page 27 of 28
Abbreviations & Common Description
VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal. This term refers to a very small aperture satellite
terminal, an earthbound station used in satellite communications of data, voice and
video signals to many end customers, excluding broadcast. The Inmarsat GX service
is a VSAT service.

WGS Wideband Global Satcom

WiMAX Wireless Microwave Access
WIN-T Warfighter Information Network-Tactical
Won When a PO or other formal contract documents have been received by the
WRU Who Are You?
WUI Web User Interface:
WWSS World Wide Satellite Systems
X.25 Communications protocol used on the public switched telecommunications
networks (PSDN) to transfer digital data.
X-band Radio frequencies at ~8-12.5 GHz, reserved in NATO countries to military usage

Global Government Glossary

Last updated 07/06/2017 Inmarsat Confidential Page 28 of 28

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