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Breastfeeding Rates and Programs in Europe:

A Survey of 11 National Breastfeeding Committees
and Representatives

Melissa A. Theurich, yRiccardo Davanzo, zMarianne Busck-Rasmussen,
N. Marta Dı́az-Gómez, jjChristine Brennan, ôElisabeth Kylberg, #Anne Bærug,

Laura McHugh, yyCornelia Weikert, yyKlaus Abraham, and Berthold Koletzko

See ‘‘Promoting and Protecting Breast-feeding: The Impor- What Is Known

tance of Good Quality Data’’ by Fewtrell on page 296.
 Breastfeeding promotion initiatives exist in Europe
ABSTRACT but are not harmonized nor integrated into national
systems in all countries.
Introduction: Among the world’s regions, the WHO European Region has  Methods for breastfeeding data collection differ
the lowest rates of exclusive breastfeeding at the age of 6 months with markedly.
approximately 25%. Low rates and early cessation of breastfeeding have  Some European countries lack a National Breastfeed-
important adverse health consequences for women, infants, and young ing Committee or a National Coordinator.
children. Protecting, promoting, and supporting breastfeeding are a public  More collaboration between European countries
health priority. is needed.
Objectives: National breastfeeding data and monitoring systems among
selected European countries and the WHO European Region are compared. What Is New
Mechanisms for the support, protection, and promotion of breastfeeding are
reviewed and successes and challenges in implementation of national  Substantial gaps exist between the need for breast-
programs are presented. feeding promotion and effective action.
Methods: National representatives of national breastfeeding committees  World Health Organization reports that few countries
and initiatives in 11 European countries, including Belgium, Croatia, within the World Health Organization European
Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Region adopted all provisions of the International
Sweden, and Switzerland, participated in a standardized survey. Results Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes.
are evaluated and compared in a narrative review.
Results: Variation exists in Europe on breastfeeding rates; methodology for
data collection; and mechanisms for support, protection, and promotion of
breastfeeding. Directly after birth, between 56% and 98% of infants in all
countries were reported to receive any human milk, and at 6 months 38% to
71% and 13% to 39% of infants to be breastfed or exclusively breastfed,
respectively. National plans addressing breastfeeding promotion, protection,
and support exist in 6 of the 11 countries.
Conclusions: National governments should commit to evidence-based
A mong all regions globally, the World Health Organization
(WHO) European Region has the lowest exclusive breast-
feeding (EBF) rates at 6 months of age with <25% of infants (1).
This review evaluates methods of systematic data collection,
breastfeeding monitoring and promotion activities, including financial national monitoring of breastfeeding rates as well as mechanisms
and political support, to improve breastfeeding rates in the Europe. for support, protection, and promotion of breastfeeding from 11
Renewed efforts for collaboration between countries in Europe, including selected European countries and the WHO European Region.
a sustainable platform for information exchange, are needed. Successes and challenges to progress in breastfeeding rates and a
Key Words: breastfeeding, country comparison, national breastfeeding comparison of methods and mechanisms for breastfeeding support,
programs, public health protection, and promotion in the WHO European Region are
(JPGN 2019;68: 400–407)

Received October 6, 2018; accepted November 17, 2018.

From the LMU - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Divsion of Health Service Executive, Ennis, Ireland, and the yyGerman Federal
Metabolic and Nutritional Medicine, Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital, Institute for Risk Assessment, Department of Food Safety, Berlin, Germany.
Munich, Germany, the yDepartment of Mother and Child Health, ASM- Address correspondence and reprint requests to Berthold Koletzko, MD, PhD,
Matera and Task Force on Breastfeeding, MOH, Rome, Italy, the zDanish Dres.h.c, LMU-Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Dr. von Hauner
Committee for Health Education, Copenhagen, Denmark, the §Instituto de Children’s Hospital, University of Munich Medical Center, Campus Innen-
Tecnologı́as Biomédicas (ITB) and Centro de Investigaciones Biomédicas stadt Lindwurmstr. 4, D-80337 Muenchen, Germany
de Canarias (CIBICAN), Universidad de La Laguna, Spain, the (e-mail: office.koletzko@med.lmu.de).
jjBreastfeeding Promotion Foundation, Bern, Switzerland, the ôSchool of Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations
Health and Education, University of Skövde, Skövde, Sweden, the #Nor- appear in the printed text, and links to the digital files are provided in the
wegian National Advisory Unit on Breastfeeding, Oslo, Norway, the HTML text of this article on the journal’s Web site (www.jpgn.org).

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JPGN  Volume 68, Number 3, March 2019 Breastfeeding Rates and Programs in Europe

METHODS http://links.lww.com/MPG/B535) or by documentation from health-

In October 2015, the 12th European Nutrition Conference care professionals. Systematic monitoring of national breastfeeding
hosted by the Federation of European Nutrition Societies, a non- rates and duration of breastfeeding is carried out annually in Croatia,
profit federation consisting of 26 European nutrition societies, was Denmark, Norway, Sweden, biennially in the Netherlands, and every
held in Berlin, Germany. At the conference, a meeting aiming to 10 years in Switzerland. Ireland has systematic monitoring of breast-
promote collaboration among European national breastfeeding feeding rates from birth to 3 months of age annually. In Italy,
committees (NBCs) was held. A survey was conducted via stan- systematic monitoring is performed in some regions, whereas national
dardized questionnaires (Supplemental Digital Content, http:// surveys are conducted every 4 to 5 years. Belgium has only had
links.lww.com/MPG/B535) sent to NBC or country representatives irregular surveys undertaken over the past 20 years. In Spain there is no
via email. Eleven European countries took part in the survey, established monitoring program, but every 3 to 4 years the National
namely: Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Ireland, the Health Survey includes a few questions about breastfeeding that
Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. Results are provide information. In Germany, only irregular retrospective national
evaluated and compared with data from the WHO European Region. surveys have been carried out and no prospective national monitoring
Part of the results with a special focus on Germany was published in system for breastfeeding has been established (3). Published breast-
a report of the German National Breastfeeding committee (2). feeding rates were available for all countries, except Belgium.
According to survey data collected directly after birth and
RESULTS national reports, between 56% and 97% of infants in all countries
receive any human milk (Fig. 1) (4–6). At 6 months of age, Norway
Breastfeeding Monitoring Systems and (71%), Sweden (61%), and Germany (57%) reported the highest rates
Breastfeeding Rates of any breastfeeding. Despite high breastfeeding initiation rates at
In all countries, national breastfeeding data were collected by birth in all countries, EBF rates were reported to gradually decline
self-administered questionnaires (Supplemental Digital Content, over time, resulting in rather low EBF rates at 6 months of age, which

FIGURE 1. Reported percent of any breastfeeding infants by country and age.

Declaration of funding source: B.K. is a member of the Nutrition Commission of Programming Initiative Project NutriPROGRAM, and the EU Interreg
the German Association of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, the Program Focus in CD (CE111). Additional support was provided by Federal
National Nursing Commission, the Scientific Advisory Board of the Young Ministry of Education and Research (No. 01 GI 0825), German Research
Family Network, and President-Elect of the International Society for Foundation (KO912/10-1), and McHealth Innovation Initiative of the LMU-
Research on Human Milk and Lactation and therefore tends to be biased Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich. LMU and its employee B.K.
towards breastfeeding. The work of the authors is supported in part by the have received support for scientific and educational projects form healthcare
European Commission’s funding in the Early Nutrition (FP7-289346), and nutrition enterprises, mainly in context of publicly funded research
DYNAHEALTH (H2020-633595) and LIFECYCLE (H2020-SC1-2016- projects supported by the European Commission, the European Research
RTD) projects through the European Research Council (Advanced Grant Council and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
META-GROWTH, ERC-2012 AdG 322605), the Erasmus Plus Programs The authors report no conflicts of interest.
Early Nutrition eAcademy Southeast Asia (573651-EPP-1-2016-1-EN- Copyright # 2019 by European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology,
EPPKA2-CBHE-P) and Capacity Building to Improve Early Nutrition and Hepatology, and Nutrition and North American Society for Pediatric
Health in South Africa-598488-EPP-1-2018-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, the Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition
EU Interreg Programme Focus in CD-CE111, the European Joint DOI: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000002234

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FIGURE 2. Reported percent of exclusively breastfed infants from birth to 6 months of life by country.

is consistent with low rate (25%) of EBF in the WHO European Although Italy has started implementation of the national
region. At 1 to 2 months of age, between 48% (Italy) and 74% of breastfeeding plan since the late 1990s, it reported the lowest EBF
infants (Switzerland (5)) are exclusively breastfed (Fig. 2). At 3 to rates of all countries. In Germany, the national network ‘‘A Healthy
4 months of age, between 42% and 68% of infants are EBF. At 6 Start into Life,’’ funded by the federal government, provides recom-
months, 13% (Denmark) to 39% (Netherlands) of infants are EBF. mendations on infant feeding including breastfeeding promotion and
support, and offers courses on breastfeeding for health care profes-
sionals (7). In Norway, white papers on public health and nutrition
National Breastfeeding Committees include breastfeeding policies and the federal action plan on nutrition
NBCs or national coordinators exist in all countries except in includes quantitative goals on EBF and any breastfeeding (8).
Spain and the Netherlands. In Spain, the Breastfeeding Committee of Some countries surveyed reported national recommendations
the Spanish Pediatric Association together with other institutions, such for EBF until 6 months of age, in accordance with current WHO
as the National Committee of the UNICEF Baby-friendly Hospital recommendations (9), whereas others reported national recommen-
Initiative (BFHI) and the ‘‘National Strategy for Sexual and Repro- dations for EBF up to 4 to 6 months in alignment with recommen-
ductive Health’’ of the Spanish Health Ministry provide recommen- dations from the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology,
dations to promote and support breastfeeding. In the Netherlands, The Hepatology, and Nutrition and the European Food Safety Authority
Dutch Nutrition Centre Foundation promotes and supports breastfeed- (10,11). National recommendations to begin complementary feed-
ing, with funding from the Ministry of Public Health, Welfare, and ing along with continued breastfeeding from 4 months of age at the
Sport. In Denmark, there is a national coordinator. Ireland established earliest exist for example in Belgium (12), Croatia (13), Denmark
a National Breastfeeding Implementation Group in 2016 to oversee the (14), Germany (15), Sweden (16), and Switzerland (17). National
implementation of its 5-year action plan. In Italy, an NBC was active recommendations for EBF for 6 months, with introduction of
from 2009 until 2012, later replaced by an unfunded Task Force on complementary foods and continued breastfeeding from 6 months
Breastfeeding of the Ministry of Health. In Norway, the Norwegian of age exist in Ireland (18), Italy (19), and Norway (20).
National Advisory Unit on Breastfeeding was appointed in 2005 to
implement the national breastfeeding policy. Funding for NBCs is Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative
provided either in part or fully by national governments.
The BFHI is a global initiative by WHO and UNICEF to
support breastfeeding in health facilities. A recent global systematic
Mechanisms for the Support, Protection, and review reported an association between the number of BFHI criteria
Promotion of Breastfeeding followed and the likelihood of early breastfeeding initiation, EBF at
hospital discharge, overall EBF duration, and any breastfeeding
National plans for breastfeeding promotion, protection, and (21). Approximately 36% of births in the WHO European Region
support exist in 7 of the 11 countries surveyed: Belgium, Croatia, occur in BFHI-certified facilities (22); yet there are large differ-
Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Italy, and Norway. In all 11 countries, ences in implementation between countries, with one third of
with the exception of Sweden, breastfeeding promotion activities such countries in the WHO European region having no BFHI-certified
as development of guidelines, establishment of baby-friendly facilities, facilities (22). Of all countries surveyed, Croatia and the
trainings for healthcare professionals, and interorganizational network- Netherlands had the highest percentage of facilities certified
ing were conducted in recent years. Additional measures to target (>93%) and EBF rates at birth were 93% and 80%, respectively.
socially vulnerable groups are available in 5 of the 11 countries. By comparison, Ireland (47%), Belgium (26%), Germany (10%),

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JPGN  Volume 68, Number 3, March 2019 Breastfeeding Rates and Programs in Europe

Italy (4%), Norway (85%), Spain (4%), and 33 hospitals in 9 weeks. Parental leave in Belgium lasts 16 weeks per parent
Switzerland (percentage unknown) were BFHI certified. We find and can be taken full-time or part-time until the child’s 12th
no association between the proportion of BFHI facilities and birthday (25,27,28).
breastfeeding rates or duration among the European countries In Denmark, there are 52 weeks of paid parental leave. As a
surveyed. general rule, the mother has the right to 4 weeks of leave immedi-
ately before the expected birth and another 14 weeks after birth.
Breastfeeding Support Fathers are entitled to 2 weeks leave during the first 14 weeks after
birth. Following this, mothers and fathers are entitled to 32 paid
Access to breastfeeding support such as trained pediatricians, weeks of paid parental leave. Parents have the right to extend the 32
midwives, International Board-Certified Lactation Consultants, and common weeks and receive reduced parental allowance over a
peer counselors is considered important for supporting breastfeed- longer period of time. One parent can save leave and it before the
ing families. Nevertheless, breastfeeding support was generally child’s ninth birthday (29).
reported not to be widely available or routinely provided. Support In Germany, prenatal and postnatal maternity leave amounts
varied due to geographic distribution of professionals, indirect or to 14 weeks and parental leave is up to 96 weeks which can be used
direct cost-related barriers, and lack of investment by health in 3 periods until the child is 8 years old. Parents are entitled to a
authorities into breastfeeding support and promotion. The overall total of 56 weeks of parental allowance (30).
population, number of live births, and number of International Italy allocates 20 weeks of mandatory maternity leave
Board-Certified Lactation Consultants varies greatly between that can be divided before and after birth, which is compensated
countries (23). at 80% salary (31). Nevertheless, almost all collective agree-
ments require employers to make up for any gap in salary so
National Legislation for Parental Leave workers receive 100% of their average daily salary. Women can
take a minimum of 4 or a maximum of 8 mandatory prenatal
Maternity leave is a period of leave before and after child- maternity leave weeks and a minimum of 12 or maximum of 16
birth when financial support and protections are provided (24). postnatal maternity weeks (31). Six additional months can be
Many European countries have recently redesigned family leave to taken by the mother until the child reaches the age of 12; with
reflect research findings that showed long periods of absence only a 30% salary payment below 8 years and no salary
following birth can have negative effects on careers and reintegra- afterwards (32).
tion of women into the labor market (25). On the contrary, too short In Ireland, there are 26 weeks of paid maternity leave and
periods bear the risk to negatively influence the ability to breastfeed an additional 16 weeks of unpaid maternity leave, which must be
(25,26). The length and level of remuneration of maternity leave are taken together. Paid leave is not in accordance with previous
important determinants of breastfeeding rates since higher wages salary (25). The mother’s partner can take 2 weeks of parental
may result in longer duration of leave and therefore longer duration leave (33).
of breastfeeding (25). Amongst the countries surveyed, there was In the Netherlands, there is 16 weeks of maternity leave,
large variance in the national systems and length of maternity, including 6 weeks of prenatal maternity leave (4 mandatory) and
paternity, and parental leave (Fig. 3). 10 to 12 weeks of postnatal maternity leave. Fathers are paid for
In Belgium, prenatal maternity leave lasts 6 weeks (1 week is 1 leave day on the day of delivery and 2 additional paid days
mandatory) and postnatal maternity leave lasts a minimum of within the first 4 weeks after birth. Both parents are entitled to

FIGURE 3. Maternal and parental leave in 11 European countries.

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24 weeks of unpaid parental leave until the child is 8 years and offering discounts to hospitals. In Germany, rules are
old (34). established that govern support of educational activities by
In Norway, mothers are required to take 3 weeks of prenatal infant formula companies. The Italian national breastfeeding
maternity leave and 6 weeks of postnatal maternity leave at 100% task force and the German pediatric nutrition committee (45)
salary. Fathers can take 2 weeks unpaid time after birth. Cumulative both suggested that current prohibition of public advertisements
parental leave for both parents (including maternity leave) is for infant formulae should be extended also to follow-
49 weeks with 100% salary or 59 weeks with 80% salary. Of this on formulae.
time, a maximum of 10 weeks is allocated for fathers. In addition,
both parents are entitled to 12 months of unpaid parental leave Success and Challenges in Implementation of
per child (35).
Spain allocates 6 weeks of mandatory leave following birth
National Programs
with 16 weeks of paid maternity leave (36). Fathers can take European countries are progressing in implementation of
4 weeks paid parental leave, plus 2 days per child in the event national programs in different thematic areas. Table 1 gives an
of a multiple birth or adoption (37). overview of key accomplishments.
In Switzerland, maternity protection starts from the day of Obtaining sufficient funding to support national and regional
birth and there are 14 weeks of paid (80%) maternity leave and breastfeeding activities is a key challenge. For instance, in Sweden,
2 additional weeks of unpaid maternity leave and there is no the NBC reports funding constraints and in Italy, the NBC has no
paternity leave (38,39). budget due to regionalization of health care, leading to significant
In Sweden, there is a minimum of 2 weeks pre- or postnatal disparities among different regions in the allocation of resources for
maternity leave. Fathers are entitled to 10 paid days off after birth. breastfeeding promotion. In Germany and Denmark, there is no
Total parental leave is 68 weeks (480 days) paid at 80% salary with federal funding available for the BFHI.
additional parental leave paid at a flat rate (personal communica-
tion, Kylberg, E., 25 April, 2018).
Workplace Support of Breastfeeding Recommendations
At national levels, activities to improve current breastfeeding
Balancing work and breastfeeding continues to be a major rates should be carried out which may include adoption of the
challenge (40). Approximately 60% of women stop breastfeeding International Code of marketing, improved maternity and parental
earlier than they would like; 1 key obstacle is pumping milk (41). leave policies, laws that protect the right to breastfeed in public
Longer maternity leave and other measures to support breastfeeding spaces, upscaling training for skilled lactation support personnel at
in the workplace, such as flexibility in work schedule, could help facility and community levels, and increasing the number of BFHI-
women achieve their breastfeeding goals (42). Amongst European certified facilities. Basic knowledge on breastfeeding management
countries surveyed, legally secured breastfeeding breaks during should be provided during preservice training and integrated into
work or school were reported for at least 1 year after birth in all curricula of healthcare professionals, and into continuing medical
countries except Denmark. education (42).
In order to improve breastfeeding rates, national govern-
Human Milk Banking ments should recommit to evidence-based breastfeeding promo-
tion activities through financial support and political commitment.
According to the European Milk Bank Association, there are More concerted and collaborative efforts are required at regional
currently 203 active human milk bank (HMB) in Europe (43); levels, such as those outlined in the Blueprint for Action (46).
however, the number varies greatly by country. Italy has the most Renewed efforts for harmonized European collaboration for the
HMB (n ¼ 37) amongst all countries surveyed, followed by Sweden improvement of breastfeeding rates and regular information
(n ¼ 27), Germany (n ¼ 17), Spain (n ¼ 13), Norway (n ¼ 12), exchange are needed.
Switzerland (n ¼ 7), Belgium (n ¼ 4), and Denmark (n ¼ 2), with
Croatia and the Netherlands having only 1 HMB (43). Limitations
Regulation of Infant Formula Marketing European NBCs reported data on breastfeeding rates from
different national reports and surveys. We observed a lack of
Many European countries maintain a permissive position on standardized methods for breastfeeding assessments amongst coun-
marketing of breast milk substitutes. Only 13 of 47 countries in the tries. Seemingly large differences are at least partially due to
WHO European region report full implementation, monitoring and differences in methodology and surveys are not representative in
compliance with the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk all countries. For instance, in the Netherlands, national breastfeed-
Substitutes (the International Code) (44). Amongst countries sur- ing surveys use voluntary participation, which may bias national
veyed here, all countries have adopted few provisions into law data toward groups with higher incomes or social status. Further-
which means that ‘‘countries have enacted legislation or adopted more, there are questions of validity of national reports from certain
regulations, directives, decrees or other legally binding measures countries and reports published exclusively in local languages
covering few of the provisions of the Code or subsequent WHA complicates cross-checking their validity. Moreover, definitions
resolutions (44).’’ These exclusions may impede progress in for exclusive, full, and partial breastfeeding are not harmonized
comprehensively regulating inappropriate marketing of breast across Europe, making comparisons challenging. For instance, no
milk substitutes which have the potential to adversely affect standardized definitions are established in Croatia. In Denmark,
breastfeeding (44). breastfeeding rates are based on the country’s definition for fully
The Netherlands reported an absence of a concerted focus breastfeeding, which is defined as not more than 1 infant formula
on compliance to the International Code. In Sweden, there are feeding per week; a definition that varies from those used in
regulations for financing education for healthcare professionals other countries.

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JPGN  Volume 68, Number 3, March 2019 Breastfeeding Rates and Programs in Europe

TABLE 1. Most important activities/achievements reported for national breastfeeding promotion and support in the past 5 years (2015)

Country Key national activities and achievements reported over previous 5 years (2015)

Belgium BFHI: ongoing recertification of baby-friendly hospitals and trainings for hospital staff
BFHI: 10-year anniversary
Belgian NBC: 15-year anniversary
World Breastfeeding Week: development of breastfeeding promotion materials
Croatia BFHI: ongoing recertification of baby-friendly hospitals (14/30 recertified)
Breastfeeding promotion in neonatal intensive care units (NICU) since 2013
Expansion of breastfeeding promotion activities in Croatian communities
Denmark In-service training: 600þ nurses, midwives, and health visitors have attended courses in preparation for IBLCE exam over the last
10 years
Establishment of professional breastfeeding networking groups in all regions of Denmark
Development of a national clinical guideline for establishment of breastfeeding
Germany Development of guideline for the storage and handling of breast milk in childcare centers
Establishment of the Government supported National ‘‘Healthy Start—Young Family Network’’ with development of national
recommendations on infant feeding promoting breastfeeding, with effective nationwide dissemination
Development of guidelines for alcohol consumption in breastfeeding mothers
Development of evidence-based guidelines for the management of mastitis
Ireland Breastfeeding in a Healthy Ireland; Health Service Breastfeeding Action Plan
National Breastfeeding Implementation Group
National Infant Feeding Policies for Maternity and Primary Care
Breastfeeding Web site with IBCLC online support for breastfeeding problems
Redevelopment of BFHI Standards

Italy BFHI: ongoing activities

Preservice trainings in breastfeeding for midwives
National breastfeeding survey completed
Various documents prepared by the Italian Task Force on Breastfeeding and uploaded on the MOH Web site to clarify false
contraindications to breastfeeding (breastfeeding longer than 1 year; drugs, contraception, new pregnancy, and contrast media agents)
National Guidelines on HMB
Agreement by the Society of Neonatology for unlimited parental access to NICUs
Position Paper on Breastfeeding Promotion issued by the Italian Pediatric Societies
The Netherlands BFHI: ongoing certifications
Establishment of the Dutch National Breastfeeding Council
Establishment of guidelines for the prevention and treatment of breastfeeding problems
Ongoing political advocacy for breastfeeding
World Breastfeeding Week: breastfeeding activities

Norway BFHI: ongoing recertification of facilities

Baby-friendly Community Health Services, Inc. RCT to assess impact
Development of breastfeeding standards
Establishment of Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Breastfeeding
Spain BFHI: 17 hospitals and 5 health centers are BFHI-certified
Human Milk Bank (HMB): 13 HMB. 3 hospitals working for the creation of HMB
Development of evidence-based clinical practice guideline on breastfeeding from the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and
Two regional government (Basque Country and Valencia) have passed a law that protects breastfeeding in any public space.
Guarantee unlimited access by parents to pediatric and neonatal intensive care units
A leaflet to inform companies and working mothers how to combine breastfeeding and work
World Breastfeeding Week: campaigns to promote breastfeeding in social networks, activities organized by breastfeeding support
Sweden No activities reported (lack of funding)
Switzerland Paid breastfeeding breaks at work
Restrictions in advertisement for infant formula
Increase in the number of breastfed babies and longer breastfeeding duration

BFHI ¼ Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative; IBCLC ¼ International Board-Certified Lactation Consultants; NBC ¼ national breastfeeding committee.

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CONCLUSIONS 13. Kolaček S, Barbarić I, Despot R, et al. Nutrition of healthy infants:

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protection, and promotion of breastfeeding. Multifaceted, effec- November 1, 2018.
tive, and evidence-based efforts are needed to increase national 15. Prell C, Koletzko B. Breastfeeding and complementary feeding. Dtsch
and European breastfeeding rates. Collaboration and sharing Arztebl Int 2016;113:435–44.
information between countries in the WHO European region 16. National Food Agency Sweden. Good Food for Infants Under One Year.
should be improved. Interventions outlined in the Blueprint https://www.livsmedelsverket.se/globalassets/publikationsdatabas/andra-
for Action still represent a valid, much needed reference for sprak/good-food-for-infants-under-one-year-livsmedelsverket.pdf.
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17. Bundesamt für Lebensmittelsicherheit und Veterinärwesen, Schweizer-
breastfeeding a more widespread healthy behavior among Euro- ische Gesellschaft für Ernährung, Schweizerische Gesellschaft für
pean population (46). Pädiatrie. Empfehlungen für die Säuglingsernährung, Freiburg; 2017.
18. Food Safety Authority of Ireland. Best Practice for Infant Feeding in
Acknowledgments: The authors gratefully acknowledge inputs Ireland: From pre-conception through the first year of an infant’s life. A
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