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Topics discussing passion are often associated with bad deeds.This study is conducted to
provide solutions and solutions that can be usedas a guide to society in controlling the
will of the passionwant something extra. As such, the author is interested in research on
the use of al-Asma 'Al-Husna' reminder as an instrument in against the lusts spoken by
the famous scholars' known as Hujjatul Islam or Imam Al-Ghazali Rahimullah.
In addition, this study was conducted for ensuring the community is clear about the use
of al-Asma 'Al-Husna as instruments in daily zikir in close proximity to Allah SWT on the
side purifying the hearts of the house and the heart is not bound to be with lust.
Furthermore, the researcher stated that the level of desire experienced by the human
beings in achieving good lust and not blameworthy to make society more clear about the
definitions of true passion and not claiming that this passion is just related to bad things
but it also relates to the thing good when not following the desire of the air that is the
driving force The occurrence of a bad lust that causes social phenomena occurs in the
circle teenagers or adults. Overall, this study is a study qualitative using library study
method as a method data collection. At the end of the study, several proposals were
presented to certain parties to improve and provide clear pertinent information religious
knowledge to teens in particular and generally in religious communities Islam.

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