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W~ Alf~iM 1Jt~

B&&k fJ- 112

w~ A,~ Ymc.~r
.Sp&MA&lrA fJ. 120

w~ Air~ y fHAlf

y ~()!rb&&k st()ff fJ- 136

e •
boYe: .\1eg De~1uri ( 11 ).
Beck: Haley (I I). and Each year, the upcoming juniors and seniors have a chance
He1d1 chmied (II ) wait
to become a student mentor. Chelsey Wilkerson (12) said she
for then group of students
<.luring Freshman RU',h. became a mentor to help students. When lan Taylor (11) was
asked if he thought the Mentor Program helped freshman ad just
to high school, he replied, "For sure. It helps keep them focused
and on task."
Jessica Denton (11) thought grades have improved because of
the Mentor Program. "Students have more one on one time."
For some people, Bison Time is long enough .. .for others it's
not. Hillarey Graves (11) said that 30 minutes is long enough to do
homework or study for a test. Lauren Higdon (9) does some of her
A bo Ye: speake r from the
homework during Bison Time. Justin Slack (10) enjoys Bison Time
\takmg Hi ~;oh S hool Count because it gives him an opportunity to finish his assignments.
presentatiOn talks to the
freshmen. Sophomores through Seniors have an opportunity to earn free
time from once a week to all week. Seth Autry (12) has had free
time all year. During free time, he sits with Nathan Brown (1 1) and
talks. To have free time all week, students must have all A's and B's
on their three week progress report.
"The Mentor Program started because freshmen students are
the ones that need the most help and have the most needs; it
provides a transition into high school, " said Mrs. Cantrell. Over the
last year, the number of super freshman have decreased. Mrs.
Cantrell is very happy about that. "I think Bison Time has helped the
students both academically and socially."

Above: Br. <.I) Miller (9 )

and .\1att P ickens (9) talk to
Coach Hula during
Freshman R U'-.h.

Right: T anner Harri'> (II)

getting his work done and
Becky Doehring (I 0) taking
a break from her work.

Far R1ght: Mentors. Jordan

Oa\ 1d-.on (I I ) and C andace
Jo nes ( 12) et up for the
club presentation at
Freshman Rush.

Left: Mr. Wheeler help~ Gage Smith (I 0) \\ ith
his work.
Above: Kassie Jones (I 0) works on her
homework during Bison Time.
Right: 1entor, ~1oll} Lock:hart t 12) explatn~
how to do something to Terri Feith (I I).

Row 1. Kendall Canole, Rachel Brown, Ashley Logan, Kaitlyn Nevills, Sarah Trow
Row 2: Kelsey Turner, Sandie Somers, Joni Shoemaker Kassy Mankey, Jordan Davidson, Chelsey Wilkerson , Brittany
Glasscock, Jessica Denton, Heidi Schmied Kayla Green Becky Haley, Brittany Siperko, Ashley Browers, Meg DeMuri
Row 3. Molly Lockhart, Tori Viets. Linasay Brown, Candace Jones. Amber King, Steven Gann, Allyson Counts

By: undte Somers 5

Brandon Jackson (12) work a
Woods Supermark . He likes
being around people, but he

Ar •••
doesn t like working on holidays
or on the weekends. His dream
job is to be the head over a large
company involving international
relations. His biggest challenge
is long hours and the time
crunch to get homework done.

Ronni Kurtz (11) works at Pizza Hut. He

likes everything about his job, but he
doesn't like anything about his job. His
dream job is to be a Youth Pastor.
Ronni's only challenge is his
time and his

at McDonalds. Landon Crowder (12) works at Woods
with people at Supermarket. He likes catching
work, but she the food. tier lifters, but he doesn't enjoy sales.
dream job would be to become an His dream job would be to teach
Her challenge with working is in a high school setting. He
she doesn't have time for herself. up for his lack of sleep in
Spanish II.

Alexandria Evans (12)

works at Hardees. She
likes the people she
works with, but she
doesn't like grease
messy from the food. Her
would biggest challenge with
have a job work and school is
millionaire. trying to get more
the most ch4tre~ hours and still having
part about her time for school.
that it is tiring.
6 By: Chellaney Loges
Above: Larry Below: Ellen
B, custodian, Had k,
checking in
on the office the

Below: The lunch

ladies preparing

Right: Amanda
scans lunch
cards as
students go
through the
By: Sandie Somers
WE •••

Number of Cans Collected in Stu-Co/ FBLA

Canned Food Drive: 2,638 Cans

Money Raised for Jesse Frazier Fundraiser:

Over $1,200.00

Number of Students at Buffalo High School

represented by this council: Approx. 600

Student Council also sponsored a blood

drive and blanket drive during the school

Left: Senior Class President, Kayla Green and Student

Body President, Steven Gann showing off their new
rides at Relay For Life.

Row 1: Jordan Davidson (Student Body

Secretary) Caleb Bora (Student Body Vice
President) Steven Gann (Student Body
President) Amber King (Student Body
Historian) Mr. Scott Hardwicke (Student
Council Sponsor)
Row 2: Kayla Green, Sarah Trow, Heidi
Schmied, Becky Haley, Kaila Todd
Row 3: Ryan Bierer, Blake Boatwright,
Corey Atteberry, Michelle McClendon
Row 4: Kyle Gawlowski, Candace Jones,
Lindsay Dill, Sara DeMarr, Hayley
Chapman, Lindsay Brown
Row 5: Ryan Brown, Dylan Stacy, Wayne
Eagleburger, Meg DeMuri, Molly
Lockhart, Michael Crawford

Above: Michael Crawford (10) decides to put his
painting skills to work preparing for the first day of

Above: Becky Haley (11) and Jordan Davidson

(11) look excited as they get to work preparing
to usher in the new school year

Above: Over the summer the students made sure

they stuck together during this team building game.

Above: Kyle Gawlowski (12) sporting his new

look while he is relaxing in Mr. Hardwicke's

STUDENT Above. Megan Darnell (10). Candace Jones (12). Sarah

Trow {11). and Kyle Gawlowski {1 2) wait outside in the
cold for the Veteran's Day Parade to begin.

By: Kassy Mankey

e Are ...

Abova: Michalla McC.Iandon

( 1 0) pla!J!: tha xulophona for
tha band during tha Drum
Row 1 : Ryan Crouch. Rgb,wca Morrison. ~hglbga McDown. lgvi
Nimmo. John Ruth. Joanng Ray. Dillon ~tidham. Ambgr Tgnorio Balow: Dillon ~tidham (9)
Row 2: Algxandria Align, [lgcia Algman. Kgndall Canolg, Bllcky pla!J!: tho ba!:a drum for band.
~harp. Amanda ~ndmann
Row 3: Julig Moygr, Mgagan long. ~amantha T uckgr, Jgssica
~hogmakgr, Chgllangy loggs, Brittany Canolg, Rachgl Hagan. Paigg
Row 4: Kigrra Payng, William ~chgwgman. Michgllg McCigndon.
Frank Clark. T rgnton Wisg, Jgricah Hicks, lindsay Brown. lgvi
Figugria. AJig Abglg
Row 5: Haylgy Chapman. Kgaton Payng, Karly Wilson. Kaylgg
~trickland. Duang Attgberry. Travis Harmon. Corgy Attgbgrry.
Wayng [aglgburggr, Clay Hgrshbgrggr

Balow: Parcu!:!:ioni!:t Ruan Crouch ( 12). ~hPibPa Me Down ( 1 0). John Ruth ( 11 ). and
lavi Nimmo ( 11) run through tha !:how on tho C.linition Day. Ryan i!: playing tha
Quad!: and ~halbaa. John, and lavi ara plaiJing tha !:nan> drum.

Bi!:on Pridg
Thig year the Buffalo Bigon Pride Band marl!hed to the mugil! of
John Williamg. The ghow inl!luded the themeg form !!tar Warg,
Indiana Joneg-Raiderg of the lod Ark. f.T .. and Juraggil! Park. Ra<!hel
Hagan (10) gaid. "The mugil! we play thig year ig kind of eagy. Tying
it together ig the hard part."
The band pradi<!ed every Tuegday and Thurgday from 7:30a.m.
through the end of firgt hour. and Wednegdayg from 8:30a.m.
through the end of fird hour. The band algo performed during half
time at every home vargity football game. Karly Wilgon ( 1 0) gaid, "I AbovQ: Karly Wilson
( 10) plays thQ
prefer marl!hing geagon bel!auge it'g hard but it'g worth it."
~usaphonQ .
The band algo had geven eventg thig year. ln<!luding four paradeg
(Homel!oming Parade, Veteran'g Day Parade. Buffalo Chrigtmag
Parade, and the Bolivar C.hridmag Parade). Mizzou Band Day. and BQiow: Travis Harmon
two l!Ompetitiong. The bigged l!ompetition the band goeg to ig ( 12) plays thQBaritonQ.
Valhalla. in whil!h the band pla<!ed fourth. Their other l!Ompetition wag
Reedg !!pring Marl!hing Fedival. At Reedg !!pring the band pla<!ed
fird in prelimg and algo rel!eived Outdanding Drumline. Outgtanding
C.Oiorguard. and Outdanding Hornline. In finalg the band rel!eived
third pla<!e. Drum M<Uor Be<!ky !!harp ( 12) gaid "We've made huge
improvementg and it'g a lot of fun."

Conegrf Band
The Buffalo Bigon Pride Band alwayg hag a
l!Onl!ert band geagon. and thig year they played
many tuneg. Thig geagon the band de<!ided to
treat the elementary dudentg to a l!Onl!ert. They
BQiow: ThQ band pla!JQd for thQ
darted with the long lane gtudentg, and then QIQmQntary studQnts at Mallory.
held two l!Onl!ertg at the elementary. Drum
M<Uorette Be<!ky !!harp ( 12) gaid. "C.Onl!ert
geagon giveg ug a l!hanl!e to ghowl!age our
mugical abilitieg ag individualg and ag a group."
Along with l!Onl!ert band. there ig algoa pep
band. Pep band performed at go me of the home
vargity bagketball gameg. Algo, the winter guard
and winter drum line performed at the
bagketball gameg.
Performanl!eg algo indude the All-!!tate
large fngemble in Camdenton and AII-Didril!t
!!olo/fngemble l!Ompetition in lebanon.
Sand B) : he IIane) Loge~ L
Ron 1: Kendall Canole. Sarah Ames, Destan) Ortner. Rachel Bronn. Rachel Turner. Autumn Guidry, l\lichael
Dye. Ian Taylor. T~·ler Maddux. Travis Harmon. Rachell\litchell. Jessica Shoemaker. Kassy ~lankey. Clay
Hcrshbe ·!.!er Tanner Harris
Ron 2: .Jessica Denton . .Julie Moyer. Meagan Burns. Samantha Rehder. Derick Harris. Cole Davies. Dylan
~alley. Ha~ley Chapman. Molly Lockhart. McKenzie Adam. Kelsey Turner. Rachel Hagan. Kaylee Strickland,
Michael Crm\ford. E\'an Wommack:
~leagan Long. Casey EHritt. Brittany Sipcrko. Brooklyn Crawford. Calie Cline. Frank Clark, Grant
ry·stal Higd Becky Sharp. Becca l\lasst:y, Sarah Spradling, .Joni Shoemaker. Dakota Davidson. Adam
. J?_illon
~- -~~ lusic 'lub Members - (bolded)
- H -....-J!III

RO\\ 1: Kendall Canole, Rachel Brov.n, Becky Sharp, Kelsey Turner, Tyler Maddux
Row 2: Meagan Burns, Meagan Long, Joni Shocwmaker. Michael Crawford
Ro" 3: Molly Lockhtu1, Frank Clark, Grant Glor, Atlam Rehder, Dillon Stitlham

Left: Dynamics-
Moll) lockhart ( 12).
J 0111 Shoemaker ( 12 ),
anti Rachel Brown
( 12)

l\leagan Long
( 11) Meagan
Burns (I 0),
Kentlall Canolc
(II). Kcbey
Turner ( 12),
Beck.) harp
( 12), and Grant
Glor (II) at the

B): Ra~.:hel Bnmn

AhO\e; Kayla Green (12) and
Ka) lob 1organ (I 0) with
their 1-,t place trophy after Row 1: Brittany Glasscock, Kayla Green, Brooke Hubert,
thetr Spam h Dance Jessica Velasco. Sarah Trow
Competttion. Row 2: John Ruth, Jeff Cruse, William Schwegman,
Rebecca Morrison, Joni Shoemaker, Brittany Siperko
Row 3: Allyson Counts, Meagan Long. Ryan Rushing.
Tyler Compton, Landon Crowder
Row 4: Kyle Ernster, Dylan Stacy. Cody Jackson, Ian
England, Dan Gallion
Right: ~1ichael Cra\\ ford
( 10) and All)'>On Count
Abme: Ka) loh
( 12) do the ~terengue.
Morgan 1 I 0) and
Kayla Green ( 12)
show Michael
Crawford ( 10).
lly on Count
( 12). Brittan)
Sipcrko (II l, and
'I ) ler Compton ( 12)
some dance moves.

Row 1: Jessica r, Megan Dia Estep, Kaylee Casey Everitt, Turner, "~,,~~.,,u
Case. Kylee Garrett, Shelby Cartwright Kaila Strickland, Brittany Vest, Stacey Powers, Morgan Crowder
Row 2: Jericah Hicks, Carl Weaver, Katie Gronniger, Megan Mayfield. Brooklyn Crawford, Keri Feith, Autumn
Guidry, Cheyenna CarL Katie Minear, McKenzie Adam. Morgan Melton. Kortnie Bechman. Billy Velasco
Row 3: Elizabeth Meyer, Nick Storm, Alex Valencia, AJ Hale, Jordan Henderson, Blahe Boatwright Michael
Crawford. Kaylob Morgan, Rachel !-lagan, Chellaney Loges, Brittany Nelson, Shelbea McDown, Lauren Viets,
Crystal 1-lidgon, Levi figueria By: Calie Cline
c c
french Club is all about
learning a new culture and
having fun while doing it! In
french Club you will learn
about how the french live,
what their culture is like and
what they eat. You will Above: French student-. arc learning how
to make Crepes.
celebrate french Week and
learn how to make foods !
This year the french
students learned how to
make Crepes! Crepes are like Above : French qudent Sara
a thin pancake, and they are Ames (9) is making her very
own Crepe.
delicious! They also went
outside and made maple syrup
snowballs! Which by the way,
were very yummy!
hove: French II students. Veronica
Bent! (10). Kaila Todd (I 0) .md shle}
Logan (I I) are learning the ways the
French make food.

We Are ...

Row 1: Molly Lockhart !President), Calie Cline !Vice President), Rachel Brown
!Secretary), Ashley Logan !Treasurer), Kaitlyn Nevills !Historian)
Row 2: Paige Hall, Sarah Ames, Amanda Dafler, Kaila Todd, Rachel Petersen
Row 3: Becky Sharp, Chelsey Wilkerson, Becky Haley, Heidi Schmied, Amber Perry
Row 4: Meg DeMuri, Pearl Cooley, Jerilyn Wilson, Levi Nimmo, Colton Dutton,
Jenna King, Anna Duckering, Amber King

8y: Ashley Loifan

WeAre... M
Kay Ia Green (I 2) and arah Collins (1 2)
enjoying lunch away with Model U .

Row 1: Mr. Hardwicke. Ily<,on Count.. arah Collins.
Kayla Green. Lora Dill
Row 2: te\·en Gann. Caleb Boro, dam Rehder. Travis
Harmon. Michael Crawford, Thomas Matthews

. Counts ( 1?)
(Ad>lsor) A .. • - ·Mr. Hard ·
• •vuchael C Wicke
and teven G rawford (I 0)
for the camera~nn ( 12) are all smile.

1: Bryttani Haefner, Meg DeMurri, Thoma Matthew , and Je ica Denton

2: Heidi chmied. Beck} Haley, Shelby Cartwright, Kaila trickland, Kendall Canole
Row 3: Meagan Long, Josh Burchell, Jordan Davidson, Brittany Gla . cock, Dylan Stacy

20 ;/ By: Calle Cline

Row 1: Steven Gann

A (President). Rachel Brown

(Vice President), Amber King
(Treasurer), Kelsey Turner
T (Historian), Calie Cline
Row 2: Kayla Green, Sarah
H Trow, Kaitlynn Nevills,
Brittany Glasscock
Row 3: Kasandra Mankey,
Sandie Somers, Becky Haley,
Heidi Schmied, Hayley
c Chapman
Row 4: Joni Shoemaker,
Lindsay Brown, Jordan
L Davidson, Molly Lockhart
Row 5: Michael Crawford,

u Jenna King, Andy Hoover, Meg

DeMuri, Dylan Stacy

8 -

Row 1: Becky Sharp

(Presldent), Rachel
Brown (Vlce Presldent)
Calle Cllne (Secretary)
Row 2: Kerulall Canole,
Paige Hall, Ms. Ann
Stockton, Mr. Oanlel
McCorlterulale, Kaylu
Row 3: JeriGah Hlclts,
Rachel Hagan, Kelsey
Turner, Molly Lockhart,
Meg OeMuri L
- Bm!ky ru-tarp (Pro!:idont} By: Kasandra Mankey
I •

Ro\~ 1: Kebtc as ion ~Trca urer), A~hlc)
Browers ( ecretary)
RO\~ 2: Lora Dill, Mtchcat l 'I OITC) , Erin • no\\ ,
Abby Perez, A~hley Wingo
RO\\ 3: Robb:y Green, Jc c Boone, hris Sallee,
Jcs~tca hoatc. Shane Teague

, . \

/ • .,
Ro\\1: K)lcr Franco (Pn: tdc
P.M .
DAvtd Elkinton (Treasurer)
R O\\ 2: Thomas C ok, Richard Damore. Mike
Whipple. Cara Ander~on. Mandi Jennings. Brian
Wi e ,
Ro\~ 3: , ttk T rmond. Kyle Rtchardson,
ustm Hurd. Ja C'> ~1cCorkcndale. Jcril)n
ilson. Wanda Dixon · ..
Row 4: Jeffrey Ku tlh. athan Howe, Rob
Hohen e. Cod:yl Jackson. Josh Miller. Jamie
Perso Tanner Harris
R O\\ Cod) Ro ier . K.. II il)er. Ben Murph)'.
Carl • oodwang. Joey c olcs
Jordan Leer , am Dill.

• t t

Row I: Ashley Brower-. (Sec:reti> ). Thomas Matthews
(Vice President)
Row 2: \llc agan Bums. Rachel Petersen
Row 3: Melanic Altcnr d ryst Busb:y '. Brooke Hubert
Row .l: Jericah Hick..,, Kay lob Mo;·gan· ;tyla Green. '
\!Is Yande\eer. /
ot Picturefl : Mrs. BG rle

B~ A'>hley Browers
I nunts (President), · Todd (Secretary).
W&JI\a11uvn Nevills, Shelby Cartwright, Elizabeth Davis,

a Green, Jericah Hichs,

Dafle~ So n
Kayli Jenhins, SammY. · ar, Kortnie n, Lin say DilL Felicia
England, Lexi Patten, er e es f" ue · Lexi Banhs, Morgan Melton

' •
I ' Haefner, Alie Abele, Colton utton, Sara on , Candace Jones, Molly Lochhart,
Kaylob Morgan, Pe Cooley, Rachel Hagan, Brittany Nel

I •
·uany Siperho, Justin Wingo

'.• '

d, Ka lee Strickland,
Kendall Canale, Rachel Brown, Brittany G Kaila · kland
Row 2: Jenna King, Jericah Hicks, Calie Cline, Joseph Ga , Kayla Green,
Bryttani Haefner, Jordan Davidson , Meg DeMuri , Coach Sell. --~---~•,·---'.
Row 3: Amber King, Meag g, Molly Lockhart, Allyson Counts, Kelsey
Turner, Thomas Matthews, Dyla Stacy, Coach B si .

• 23

WeAre ••• Row 1: Zach Spears (Parliamentarian), Steven
Gann (Vice President), Allyson Counts -·~...
(President), Katie Gronniger (Secretary),
Amber King (Treasurer)
Row 2: Kasandra Mankey, Sandie Somers,
Aundrea Jones, Rebecca Case
Row 3: Katie Minear, Joni Shoemaker,
Alexandria Evans, Brandilynn Whitlock, Kayla --...""'~....
Row 4: Jordan Simmons, Andrew Behrle,
Molly Lockhart, Victoria Viets, Jenna King,
Carl Weaver, Kaylob Morgan

District Results (St4te Quallfiers) Below: Zach Spears {11 )

1st place Job Interview- If you were to convince someone to
join FBLA what would you tell them?
Steven Gann
"I would tell them it will help
1st place lntro to Business-
them in the future and it will
Brandi Whitlock
look good on a college
1st place Management Information Systems-
Allyson Counts, Steven Gann, Jordan Simmons transcript, and show
1st place Parliamentary Procedures- knowledge of business."
Allyson Counts, Zach Spears, Steven Gann, Amber King, Brandi Whitlock
2nd place Business Law-
Tori Viets

Other Top District Results

3rd place Cyber Security and Network Concepts-
Jordan Simmons
3rd place Introduction to Parliamentary Procedures-
Katie Gronniger
4th place Electronic Career Portfolio- was
Amber King Parliamentarian for the
4th place Network Design- 2009-2010 school year.
Rebecca Case, Katie Minear, Jenna King
5th place E-Business Web site-
Amber King, Karlin Green, Alex Evans
5th place Business Law- Right: Karlin Oreen{11) r------:T"-.....,
Kassy Mankey What is FBLA to you?
5th place Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure- "f8LA helps you in your
Jenna King future careers you're going
5th place Business Presentation- to be in by teaching you how
Kassy Mankey, Tori Viets, Joni Shewmaker to act and dress and what to
do. You get to be with your

friends and do group projects
that combine all your ....._.-..,
different personalities."

F t r Basi ss Lea rs of A eriea
Row 1: Rachel Turner, Meagan Burns,
Kristin Miller, Melanie Altenreid
Row 2: Jericah Hicks, Thomas Matthews,
frank Clark, Ms. Vandeveer

Left: Thomas Matthews ( 12)

What has Speech and Debate done for
you? "Oave me confidence and made
me Into th man I am today,"

Right: Meagan &urns (1 0)

What inspired you to join Speech and Debate?
"I love to act and my best friend was doing lt."

Left: Kristin Miller( 10)

What is the best thing about Speech and Debate?
"Meeting new people and the overnight
trips we get to take."

Right: Jerlcah Hicks ( 11)

How do you think Speech and Debate will help
you in the future?
"I th nk It will help me be more open and

peech and ebate

Who's your favorite artist?
"Eyvind Eale"
- Sara Spoering (1 2)

What is the purpose of art club?

What goals do you "Hangout and work on art"
want to accomplish? - Paro (Adviser)
"Open art store
and sell stuff and
write books"
- Ryan Crouch (12)

What kind of proiects have

you done?
"Carnival, going to start
painting a wall at school and
might repaint another wall."
-Brittany Canole (12)

Row 1- Ryan C.rouch. Brittany C.Onolg (Prgsident). ~ra ~pogring ARTeLUB

Row 2- Algxandria Evans. Jerilyn Wilson. Amber Mincks . Becky ~harp. Mandi Jennings
Row~ c.hris Kgese. Ambgr King. Jgnna King. lan England. Jamie Atkisson

\\'hat 's the purpo c of vr ?

" tud nt ho ar intere ted in
being teacher learn more about
that profe ~ion. FT al o help
tudcnt me t oth r \\ ho want
to b ome teacher . "
- 1r . Ho tctlcr ( d i er)
Row 1- Thomas Matthews (President)
Row 2- Kelsey Turner, Rachel Brown
Row 3- Kendall Canole, Meegan Long, teacher a chance t e \ hat it
Michael Crawford, Josh Burchell, Kaylee Strickland like. Thoma 1atthew ( 12)

What projects have you

" We bought items to fill up
stockings to send for
soldiers. We had to send
them early so that they
would make it by Christmas."
-Becky Sharp(l2)

What's the purpose of National Honor Society?

"To recognize those students of Buffalo High
School who maintain a high level of success with
a 3.5 or above GPA, show leadership by being in
school and community activities and volunteering,
and build high character into everyday life."
- M s. chneider ( d\ iser)

Row 1: !!tgVfm Gann (Tma!:urgr). Kayla Grggn (Hi!:torian). Kgl!:gy Cargy (!!gcmtary). Ally!:on Count!: (Vicg Pm!:idgnt).
Bgcky !!harp (Prg!:idgnt)
Row 2: !!ara !!pogring. Brittany Canolg, Kgndall Canolg. !!arah Trow. Kaitlyn Ngvill!:. Rachgl Brown. Amanda Daflgr,
Bgcky HaJgy, Hgidi !!chmigd, Brittany Gla!:!:cock. Jordan David!:on. Katig Pinklgy
Row 3: Mikg Whipplg. Nathan Brown. Ambgr T gnorio. C.hgl!:gy Wilkgr!:on. !!andig !!omgr!:. Tori Vigf!:. Joni !!hogmakgr,
Paigg Hall. Comy Attgbgrry. Duang Attgbgrry. Rgbgcca Morri!:on
Row 4: Kgl!:gy T urngr. !!gth Autry. Kylg Gawlow!:ki. T ylgr Compton. Andmw Bghrlg, Molly lockhart. Mgagan long.
Ambgr King. Mgg DgMuri. Dylan !!tacy. Jogy NgwboiQ!:. Grant Glor
By: !!helly Dugan
Right: Thoma!: Matthf!ws ( 12}
and Mi('hagl Crawford ( 11}
('On('gnfrating on whi('h ('hf!!~!:
piQ('Q fo ffiOVQ.

Why did youjoin Chgss club?
"ljoinf!d C.hggg ('lub hf!('am:Q of
Bgrky !!harp.11
-Kf!ndall Canol€! ( 11 }

Who taught you to play chgss?

"My 3rd gradg fgachf!r. Mrs. Harmon ...
-Thoma!: Matthf!w!: ( 12}

By: Sarah Turner

What was your
inspirtaion for you
haristyle today?
Molly Lockhart (12) said
- " I like the way they
dressed in the 80's."
What do you like most
about the 80's era?
Steven Gann (12) said-
"The music."

mber King wrote

a poem about
Peace & Love Day
"Love i like a
slice of pizza. The
chee e it melts.

pepperoni is so
Brittany anole
'oaid her fa orite
hippy is Janice
Spirit Week
Monday- 80' Hair Day
Tue day- Di co Day
Wedne day- Rock tar
Thur day- Peace &
Love Day
Friday- School Color

By: Calio Clino


enior Queen Candidate.

Amber Tenorio

Junior Attendant.
Meg DeMuri
20 0 8 Homecoming Dance

bo\ · A gwup of student at the dance join in on the

train, a... well a try to keep up \\ ith the rc~t. pread b): shlc) Bnmcr
rtwork b): \mbcr King

enator Delbert Scott

Veteran's Day is about honoring the men and

women \vho haYe served and died in the military
branche. to keep freedom in this country. If it
wasn't for the men and \\"Omen of this country.
we wouldn't have the freedom we have today.
Even though they didn't ha\ e to fight for us. they
did and we should honor and respect them by
letting them know that we appreciate them for
what they did for us. By honoring the veterans. it
lets them knO\ that we do care and thank them
for the courage. strength and bravery it took them
to go to a different country and leave their family
behind to fight for us. our freedom and our righh.

Left: While the

Veterans wait for
the assembly they
have a mce, hot
breakfa. t to. tart
the da) out.

cned in the ·s avy
for ab ut II or 12 years.

S n·cd tn the 1 a\;

for 3 year and i ... still

Right: Ka) Ia Green

( 12). giving her
speech on 9/11

l .cft Dayle Nelson

encd in the US
,\ml) for 2 year....

arah Turner

Row 1: Blake Boatwright and Tyler Wise
Ro 2: Paydn Davis, Jordan Henderson,
and Seth Weig

Ang1e Fletcher. Jordan

Kara Sayer
Henderson. and Paydn Davis Above: Jay Jones, Katie Pinkley,
Chad Payne, Kail Sayer, Caitlin
Guidry, Ashley Hicks, S Collins,
and Seth Bradley

Graves (9)
looking for
a target.


Left: Jordan Jones (12)
Simmons (11) and Corey
gets a running Atteberry
start. (12)

42 By: Calie Cline


The Prom Fashion show

was a fun night to
remember. Many of the
girls from Buffalo High
School got to wear
beautiful dresses and be a
model for one night. The
fashion show was put on to
show the girls what style of
dresses were in for prom.
This event raised over
$300 to go towards making
rom 2009 a hit.

,\Hyson Counts ( 12). Kaitl) n 'e\ db (II). Silrah 'I row (II). Natalie Jenkin-, ( II). ~laggie ~loore (II ).
Candace Jones ( 12). Sara Jones (II). Kay lil Green ( 12). Jcssll..<l Denton (II ). Kassic Hit<:h<:oek ( I I). Feli<:ta
V.. Ill banks (I I ). Ashley logan (II). Cheyenne England (II). KtetTa Payne (II). and l\1cgan Finster (II )

By: Sarah Turner 43

Right: Victor lark.
( 12) on the phone
••• arguing with
Thig ygar Buffalo High prgggntgd Thg ~ducation Of Angglg s hmeo,~e on the
ot er me.
by Matthgw Carlin on Novgmbgr 7th and 8th. It congigtgd of
two angglg, a cabbig (trangportation from hgavgn to garth). a
man dgciding on whgthgr or not to go through with hig
wgdding. a crazy gx-wifg, an undgrdanding pagtor. an gldgrly
woman. a young child who hglpg makg up thg mang mind. a
bggt frignd who ig algo thg bggt man. and two angglg who hglp
thg angglg in training havg a guccgggful miggion.
In Thg ~ducation Of Angglg, Oavg, playgd by Victor Clark
( 12). callg to hgavgn for gomg hglp on dgciding to go through Below: Landon Crowder
with thg wgdding or not. Aftgr talking to hig gx-wifg, Kayla ( 12) making a point to
Meagan 8 urns (I 0).
Gmgn ( 12) hg darfg to ggt confuggd on whgthgr or not hg
ghould ggt marrigd. Hig gx-wifg tgndg to makg him go crazy
bgcaugg ghg ig vgry dominating and thinkg Oavg ghould lidgn to
hgr. Algo, thg woman hg intgndg to marry hag a 5 ygar old gon.
and Oavg ngvgr had any intgmgt in childmn bgfom thig.
Thgn in comgg Jgnna. Mgagan Burng ( 1 0). and Nick. Landon
Crowdgr ( 12). who am thg angglg in training. Thgy am ggnt to
hglp Davg with hig problgmg, but thgy'm not gxactly gum what
thgy'm hgJping him with. Oncg thgy am on thgir own thgy find
out that Davg can only ggg Jgnna. and thig makgg Nick upggt. !!o
whilg trying to hglp. Nick ggtg angry and lgavgg; whilg out hg ig
mgt by an gldgrly woman who can ggg him. !!hg talkg to him
and hglpg him mcovgr from hig anggr. Hg gogg back and now
Davg can ggg him. which ig good bgcaugg Nick thinkg hg can
Below: Brooke Hubert (II). explains
hglp. to Landon rowder ( 12), and Meagan
Finally thg timg ig upon thgm and Davg mud go. but not Burn~ ( 10), on what they are supposed
to do while on earth helping with a
bgforg Algx, Andmw !!tguhmgr (child actor). comgg in and thgy problem.
havg a Iittig talk. Davg comgg to hig ggnggg and hg gogg through
with thg wgdding. At thg gnd wg find out that Algx'g dad hag
bggn dgad. and hg agkg thg angglg to givg him a mgggagg, but
Jgnna hag no idga who it ig, go ghg gogg aftgr him. In thg gnd
wg find that Nick ig thg fathgr and that ig why hg wag thgm.
Right: Victor lark (12),
explains the situation to
Andrew te uhmer, the
child actor. wh ile Br ke
Hubert (II) get-.
emotional. Meagan
Bums (I 0) watches and
tries to help and Landon
ro\\der ( 12) -.tops
Ka Ia Green ( 12) from
Page b) : A hlcy Bro"'c"

• For thg ~pring Play. Buffalo High prgsgntgd C!!l: Ngvgrland
• on March 31 and April 2 . Thg charactgrs wgm: Pgfgr
Pantaloon. ligutgnant Tinkgr, ligutgnant Murk. Thg lost Boys:
Fox. !!kunk. and Bgar. thg librarian: Bmnda Brooks. thg widow.
thg library kid. thg Widow•s Kid. Thg Nativgs: C.higf, lily.
Nativgs 1 . 2. and 3. Thg Piratgs: Captain ~harp. Pink-[ygd Jog,
and Grimlgy,Thg lab rats. Pgnglopg Moppins. Doom. and thg
In C!!l: Ngvgrland Pgtgr Pantaloon. playgd by Victor Clark
( 12). has found out his shadow has bggn killgd. ligutgnant
Tinkgr, playgd by Morgan C.rowdgr and ligutgnant Murk am on
bove: Victor Clark ( 12), thg casg. Thgy go to a small town library whgm thgir first
calls for the Lost Boys to suspgct is found. Hgad librarian. Bmnda Brooks. playgd by
come forth.
Kayla Gmgn ( 12). has bggn ggtfing rid of thg fairytalg storigs
and putting in mom gducational books. Ngxf thgy comg to
Ngvgrland whgm thgy•vg got captain !!harp and his band of
piratgs in a lingup with Bmnda. From thgm Bmnda and Pgtgr
havg bggn takgn by thg nativgs and am going to bg gatgn.
Tinkgr makgs a discovgry and thinks thgir ngxf suspgct is thg
tick-tock crocodilg, shg thgn sgnds Murk to chgck it out and shg
gogs and trigs to find what Captain ~harp was aftgr, bgfom
thgy took him in for thg lingup. !!o Murk finds that thg
crocodilg had nothing to do with thg murdgr. Tinkgr finds that
thg map lgd to a woman that !!harp was going to go on a blind
Above: Brian Wi e ( 12}, questions
datg with, and that ~harp has ligd to thg lady so shg usgs hgr to
Rebecca Admire (9), ab ut her find information on if hg killgd thg shadow or not. In thg gnd it
husband, the crocodile. turns out !!harp actually wrotg a romancQ novgl and that a md
hgron is what killgd Pgtgr•s shadow.
Right: Mercede Figueria (9), answer the phone at
uarters as her job of the Operator.
Above: L gan

Brown ( 12) and
Wanda Di ·on
*Adam Rehd er
(12) harca
laugh 'A ith Mr. .

Prom King and

Queen, dam
Rehder ( 12) and
Kayla Green ( 12),
dance their special
low dance.

Left: Mr . . Kirby and Allyson Counts

( 12) arc gcttin their groove on!

R1ght: <ohley Hick'> ( 12) and

Sarah Collins ( 12) taking the time
for a slow dance.
Left: Meg DeMuri
Belo'": ictor Clark ( 12)
(I I), Dylan tac} (I I),
move~ to his own beat.
Tanner Ham-. (II),
and Cheyanne Pierce
(I 0) are pretty in pink:.

Right: Laughter and fun

filled the dance noor

bove: mber King ( 12) with

date, Mik.e Faulk.ner, lapping
out to the "Cha Cha tide" Right: arah ollins ( 12
and Kelsie Cashion ( 12
pau e to nash a smile.
ARE • • •
left: ~eniors-Kelsay T urnar.
Amber King. and Molly

Molly lockhart
( 12) ~ay~ thg bgd
part of thg ~Qa~on
timg with frignd~
and racing Hgidi to
thg pool!"

Above: Varsity-Row 4: Heidi !!chmied. Coach

C.. !!mith. Aundrea Jones
Row 3: Coach C.. Wolhoy. Amber King. Kelsey
Turner. Jenna King. Meg OeMuri. Coach J.
Turner Row 2: Molly lockhart Row 1: Brittany
Glasscock. Becky Haley. Cheyanne Pierce

Abovo laft: Haidi

sat tho vollayball.
Abovo Right: Britta
Choyanno Piorco ( 1

Varsity Games
WiUIII-111111. Conway ~kyline Willard Tourn Pleasant Hope Central
Win Win 2-6 Win Win
DEDICA loft: Junior Varsity
Froshman-Row 4 :
C.ry!:tal Higdon.
lindsay Dill, ~ara
DoMarr Row 3 Akia
. C.Oach J.

Aundma Jongs
( 11 ) says that
t g hardgsf part
f t g sgason was
running circuits
at practicg.

Abovo: JV playors coming togothor as a foam. Above: Courtney

~toneman {9}
sets the ball. By: Kasandra Mankoy

Buffalo T ourn !!toC!kton Osage Rogersville CatholiC! Marshfield

5-3 Loss Win Loss Win Win
What's a favorite quote about
Pmn is just weakness leaving the
Katie Pinkley ( 11)
We are ...
"Loud and proud lady bison."
. R c 1 1 T 1 ·ner (1 0)
Descnbe your team.
ight as in like family.''
Kayla Green (12)
Whats unique about the team?
'When we chee1, \Ve ~heer
Above: Ka} Ia Green ( 12) is going for an out.
from our hearts."
Josey Dill (9)

Right: Coach
Kirby in action.

Right: Josey Dill (9)

is giving a hand

Above: Kylee Garrett (I 0) is

hu-.tling for the ball while
Kara Sayer (I 0) is there to
back her up.

Halfwa} Skyline Pleasant Hope Logan-Roger~ ville Buffalo Tournament Stockton Bolivar Lebanon Mar~hfield
15-5 (L) 8-6 (W} 11 -0 (L) 12-0 (L) Record 0-4 20- 10 (L) 11 -0 (L) I0-0 (L) 18-0 (L)

--Describe your team in one word:
Had w J
--Whats unique about the team?
"PPr~onalities mo Lu f niLt;Jy."
--How did your team prepare for the sea on?
e pJCty U L 0 Ulffe ei t SUI ll le Jeague , UIJ team
camp, and had off- ea on throug the sutn r ''
-Coach Kirby
~- ..
I •
-, - - . ........... Above nght: Rebecca
Morri~on (I I) ready to
catch the ball for an out at

Left: Team huddle~

together for a talk..

Above: Katie Pinkley ( II ) pitching.

Row I: Lcxi Patten, Brittany Vest, Raiona Gant

Row2: Becky Doehring, Rachel Turner, Sarah mcs, Josey DilL Katie Pinkley,
S.tmantha Rehder, K) Icc Garrett. Kay Ia Green
Rov.3: Coach Bauer, Alivia Felin, shley Hicks, Becca Mao.,scy. Rebecca Morrison.
Kayla Spearo.,, Chycnna CarL Kara Sayer, Coach Kirby

Spread by: Shelly Dugan

El Dorado Springs Willard Holll'tcr Warsaw Pleasant Hope Reeds pring Brano.,on Osage Reed-, pring
Tournmcnt 15-4 (L) 14-4(L) 11 -0 (L) Tournment 16- 1 (L) 17-1 (L) 14-4(L) Drstnch 14- 1 (L)
Record 0-3 Record 0-3
Q- If you were to ....~..;:r••
one word what w u ..____...,·------ lr.i..'t~
A- "Tight, beca
friends." (Kaylee
Q-How is this
A- "It's smaller, there a
we help each other out mo
agan, 0)
Below Ryan Clarke
(11} running hard.

Above Jordan
Simmons (ll} staying
strong in his race

Right Rob Hohensee~!~~~~~ii~~~~~~~!

{12) running a good
race at Buffalo's
Home Meet

He hod a personal
record of 17:21 this
year and medoled in
Above: Donnie Wise (9}
six meets.
focusing on his race.
Above: A.J. Hale (9)
running a strong race.

Row 1: Jordan Davidson. Row 2: Tray Spears, A.J. Hale, Michael Crawford, Tyler
Compton, Tyler Maddux, Donnie Wise. Row 3: Evan Graves, Rob Hohensee, Jordan
Simmons, Ryan Clarke.

Left: Tyler Compton (12)

running in first place at the
Buffalo Home meet.

Tyler won 8 out of 10 races

this year with a personal
record of 15:38 for a Sk race.

Tyler won the district race Above: Michael Crawford (10)

which allowed him to go to finsihes strongly as Coach
state, where is also recieved Shoup cheers him on
the first place medal and
was titled Class Two State

State Qualifiers
The Boys Team qualified for
State this year by placing
second in districts. The top
five runners were: Tyler
Compton, Rob Hohensee,
Paydn Davis, Ryan Clarke,
and Tyler Maddux.

JCA.Mitnt VrurJU"tq .ahewiMq
&Ff 1"Jt~ilf .&"flAM"f.&.

08-09 Cheer ea ers

This year has gone by fast for the 08.09
cheerleaders, but it's been a memorable one.
Varsity competed in Columbia this year at the
Junior Varsi

Above: The team comes up with

a strategy during time out.

Row 1 : Ia Brown
Row 2: Veronica Bentz
Row 3 Emily Wilson, Lauren Higdon, Megan
Above: Kayla Brown (9) blocks Mayfield
a member of the other team. Row 4: Coach Thacker, Coach DeRossett
Row 5: Lindsay Dill, Crystal Higdon, Sara DeMarr
What do you like most
about basketball?
"Being with friends and
when we win."
Kayla Brown (9)

What is the worst part about

Veronica Bentz 0)

Is there anything you do as

a team to get ready before a Right: The JV
game? team hud I s
"We stretch and pray." during a time out.
Meg DeMuri (11)

Right: The
Lady Bison
play tough
Left: Heidi
Schmied (11)
and Cheyanne
Pierce (1 0}
warm up
before the
.___ _ _ __, game.

Above: The girls getting ready for the game.

Commit d 0
-Coach DeRossett Below· Jordan Davidson (11)
waits for the free throw shot.

Varsity Record: 4-19

Junior Varsity Reeord: 1·14
B) andic Somer 6~
g ArQ ...

\c· T;.ler ~1addux (9) is matched up\\ ith a

athohc \HCstler.

Right: Coach Hula and Coach Rogers \\atching one of

the \HCstlers at the Thundenng Herd Tournament.

BclO\\: Dona\'on Kramer (9) wrestling a Glenda!


Republic Bolivar JV Bolivar Versailles Warrensburg Warsaw o. .agc Park view Ccntrai-H i llcrcst-
Var/JV Tournament Tournament Var/JV JV Tournament Tournament JV Var/JV Vcrsailles Var/JV


Row I : Amber Tenorio, Clint Horne, PJ Feith, Dillon Stidham, Austin Conrad.
hristopher Vanover, arah Fulton
Row 2: Joanne Ray, Dustin Walton, Michael Vanover, Wilson Massey.
Zachary ourtois. Evan Wommack., Derick Harris, hris alice. Karly Wilson
Row 3: oach Hurd, Donavan Kramer, tephan Billings. Willie ble,
William chwcgman. Vince MartelL Christopher Pickens. Tyler Maddux
Row 4: Coach Rogers. Andy Hoover. Ryan Rushing, Ian Ta} lor, aron
tadler, Tanner Harri , Chris Minear. had Payne, hane Teague. Coach Hula
bO\e: Andy Hoover during a match up
with a Pari-.. view wre~tler.

The following wre tier won over twenty matche : Chad

Payne. 27-9; hane Teague, 21-9; aron tadler. 22- 11:
Tanner Harris, 22- 10; and Donavan Kramer. 21 - 1~.
COC 11-Conference Award : Stephan Billings Tyler
Maddux. Ian Taylor. Tanner Harris.
Honorable Mention : Dona\ an Kramer. . hane Teague.
Chris Minear, Willie ble, William chwegman. Chad
Payne, Derick Harri'>. and Aaron tadler.
Most Fall : had Payne-19
Mo t Take Downs: Ian Taylor-33
Most E cape : Ian Ta} lor-29
Mo t Reversals: Tanner Harris- 17
Quicke t Pin: Dona\ an Kramer- seconds
Most Improved: Ian Ta)' lor-Record 16-15
Bi on Award: hane Teague
1st Annual MVW (Mo t Valuable Wre tier ) Award :
Zack ourtois

e\ada 1\a JV
Glendale e' ada JV Republic co Lebanon Marshfield/WaN\\\ Thundering Herd
Tournament Tournament Tournament Tournament Yar/J Tournament ar/J Tournament

B) : hcllaneyLogc~ 67
Most Like to be at School After Dark

Coach Brown and Mr . Kirby

Most Overwhelmed Best Car

. Dryer and C ach Roweton

Lmda Abercrombie
tacevJ A n d rews

Jamt Baue~·
Gail Behrle
Jon Behrle

Luke Brosius
cott Brown
Ryan Campbell
La ura c opeland
Jeremy Cro.ss

Deena. DeM un.

EneD e Rossett
Gayle D.
Debby Drv tssmore
• er. Pnnctpal
P ats. )' D urnngton

hirley Ford
\.1arty Gauthier
Susan Gtlles
Abb ·pte
Leslie G ey Gilmore

Ellen Haddock
Terry Halleran
cott Hard
. ·
Ttsha Heard
Mary Hitch·mgs

ancy Hodges
J iII Hostetler
Ed Hula

Bonnie Lappin
usan Martin
Dan McCorkendale

ancy Packard

Lori Para
Cody Phillips
Da\ id Roger..,
m} chne1der
Todd ell

Cathy houp
Carmen mith
Joyce mith
Bret Stanford

sst. up
arm en Vande\ eer
Tom Wheeler
r}stal Wolhoy

1.try Hitchings
Cathy Hula
Larry Clme Paul<~ Jenkin..,
Tere..,a Coltrin Lar.l Kurtz
Judy Da\ idson .\eltci.l Lauderbaugh
ue Doehring Reggie l\1cElroy
Larry Dowell [l11abeth Ozbun
ot Pictured: Dan Dryer Br<ld Roweton
Jan Alford Patsy Durrington Cay ergent
Jaime Bills Diane Frantt Barbara he\\ mak.er
Larry Bobrukiewict lmda Fratier Jennifer 1mon
Amanda BO\\ den Su..,.m Gilbpie ngiC mnh
Gina Buxton Ju..,tm Glor Tyler e tal
LI'>a Cantrell Joy Grabeel Anna Viet
B~: \ ictoria \ icts T'

Kaila Todd, Lauren Viets, Lexi Patten, Caleb Potthoff,

Tyler Wise, and Nick Timmerwilke

~.1r,1h Turner
,un Abele
Wllltam Abele
1ckenzie Adam
Rebecca dmire
Darnck Iff
arah Ames
TranqUtlit) tkisson

Dantel Audet
Lexi Banks
Kortnie Beckman
R)an Bterer
tephan Billings
Jacob Blair
Ka)la Brown

Cry~ta Bu~b}
Jenmfer Butler
Ch)enna Carl
Ha) le} Chapman
o\nthony Clark
Shahco Clark
Chns Clarke

Austm Conrad
Brooklyn Crawford
Ashle) Dallas
Cole Da\tes
ustm Da\is
ara Demarr
Robert Dicken

Josey Dill
Lindsa} Dtll
Anna Duckenng
Mtchael Dye
Wa) ne Eagle burger
Melissa Ellifritz
Diamond Estep

Alivia Felin
Levi Figueria
Mercedes Figueria
Megan Flores
Chri topher Ford
Zach Franer

• •
Raiona Gant
Alex Gerleman
Kendra Giboney
Evan Graves
Rohcrt Green
Darrell Gruher
Autumn Guidry

Kn-.tan Guidry
Tyler Gunnerson
Robby Gustin
J Hale
Jes-.ycca Hamrick
,____... Cody Harris
Derick Harris

Kaden Ha<,hagen
Ke\in Hayes
Kassandra Hedrick
Amanda Hendtel
Cry'>tal Higdon
Lauren Higdon
Clint Home

Eric Hov.·e
Zakkary James
Lynique Jaramillo
Kegan Jones
Bryson Kampe
Ta) lor Kimbrell
Matthev.- Kincaid

Chad King
Adam Klot7
Dona\ an Kramer
Eugene Lafm e
Ra) Lee..,eherg
Colhy Lemons
Brad Lewi-.

Marcus Livingston
Amher Logan
Jorden Lohwas. er
Tom LO\\C
T) ler laddu.x
\ mce Martell
Becca Mas-.e)

WJI~on '\la~~C)
Troy 1\1athe\\ ~
T) ler
Lynda Me lexander
utumn 1cGinni~
Cod) \1cGuire
1organ Melton

Brad) Mtller
Hale) '\hiler
Jo '\1tller
k) ler 1\1tll'>
Cia} ton Montgomcr)
Li-,a 1oore
Damelle Morris

Kend}l Mullins
James ewboles
Paul O\ak
K)le Ortega
De:-.tan) Ortner
helby Owens
Matt Pickens

~1ica) IaPicken-,
ustin Pickney
Cathleen Pollock
Kaleb Pope
amantha Pm.ten
Briana Powell
Jo-,hua Price

amantha Rehder
D)lan Rtce
Chri.,topher Rodrigue/
Matthev, Rolltn'>
'Wtlltam axton
\lextss chnetder wo;,:,•r-A

Jesstca hoemaker
Lace) hocmaker


hmt; Stoneman
Courtney toneman
Christian tonerock
Lul-..e tromberg
~ o Ka; Ia ummer'

Anthon; Swanigan
Brandon \\anigan
Darrin Thomp-.on
Khaydijah Tirey
A-.hely Todd
ubbrina Tolliver

amantha Tucl-..er
Bill Tummonc.,
Brenda Underwood
Billy Vela-.co
Chad Waide
Emma Werner
Jesse Will-..erson

shlcy Williams
Trc Williams
Tyler \\ttl harm.
Jessica Wilson
Coltin Winl-..lcr
Donnie Wise
Preston W rsc

Trenton Wise
mber Wolfe
Rober1 Wolfe
E\'an Wommack
Katie Yang

he We "Hang Out"We...
Hannah \rnctt athan Hoffman Watch movies at someone's house - 15%
Michael A\en Mathe\\ Hood Go out for dinner- 3%
Autumn Baldv,:in Jo,hua ha; Go to the movies- 4%
Reason We Co e to School
Chri\tOpher Figueroa Mace) mith To see friends or significant- 38%
Eat at a friend's house - 3%
Au-.tm Goulet Tray • pear" Academics - 19%
Dnve around/cruise - 11%

s Shop- 12%
Play video games - 13%
After- School Activities- 10%
Have to- 33%

u Tot BHS Athletics to Watch

Play active games - 21%
Go to something like bowling or mini golf - 9%
Other- 9%

R Football- 52%
Baseball/Softball - 11%
Basketball - 18% Favorite Midnight Snack
Where "tour Mo ev Goes
Gasoline - 18%

'I Volleyball - 5%
Golf- none
Chocolate - 18%
Ice Cream - 28%
Entertainment - 27%
Clothes - 32%
Bills- 11%
E Track- 1%
Cross Country - 1%
Fruits- 13%
Leftovers- 11% Gifts- 4%

y Cheerleading - 8%
Wrestling - 4%
Milk and Cookies- 18%
Chrps- 12%
School Supplies/necessities - 8%

B)· S•.mdie Somer" c'3

licia Ieman
lexandria lien
Jay pplebeJTy
hant rnold
\11Tic tk1sson
Jamie Atkis~on

Josh ustm
Gregor Bennett
Yeroni a Bent!
Blake Boatwright
Jacque Br ck
arl Bun h

William Bunch
Meagan Burns
Dale Butler
hantelle ar )
helby Cartwright
Rebecca ase

K)le Chapman
Edv,ard lark
hav.n Cobb
Julia Combs
Zachary ourtois
helby ox

M1chacl ra ford
Morgan rowder
Megan Darnell
Dakota DaYidson
Elizabeth Daw..
Paydn Da\is

Cory Dobbs
Becky Doehring
DaiTian irck. on
Kale Ern. ter

Jeffrey Fletch r
Conme Fraley
Wesley French
arah Fulton
Dan Gallion
Michael Gallo

helb) Gardner
Kylee Garrett
Adam Good\\.in
Erica Go d\\.tn

Jordan Henderson
lay Hershberger
Jericah Hicks
Cheyenne Hitchco k

Jared Hogue
Kevin Hunter
Tina Hunter
Ke\ tn Jenkins
Landon Jenkins
Chantel Jones

Matthev.. Keese
Jenna Kmg
Mikie Lamkey
ustin Lankford
Mark Larue

Jack. Lawson
Terr) Lmd-.a)
Chellane) Loges
D)lan Lo\e
Jes<,ica Malone
lcnn Martm

Alexander Ma..,'>e)
1e an Ma) field
Mtchelle M clendon
helbea McdO\\n
Zach Mere) nold-,
Elitabeth '\.1eyer

Katie Mmear
Chn..,tine 1oore
Dustm 1oor'
Katie 1organ
Ka) lob Morgan
Matthew toriarty
Jasmine Mowery
Jul ie Moyer
D)lan aile)
Bnttany eben
A nth n e\\. h les

Jodi Page
icholas Pari. h
lexi'> Patten
Keaton Payne
Kenneth Peak.
Jess Pellegrim

J..tmie Per~ons
Rachel Peter en
heynne Pierce
aleb Potthoff
lacey Powers
De\ in Riley

Mark. Roberts
A-,hley Rochefort
Amanda andmann
Kara Sayer
hristophcr , chmidt
Justin Simmons

poe ring
mhcr purlock
lex teele

ichota... Timmcrwilt...e
Kalla Todd
Wilham Truex
Rachel Turner
Dalton Under\\.ood
Leonel Valencia

a 0
hri -.topher ano\ er
Kyle arga..,
Bntt.wy Ye...t
Lauren Yteh
Anthony Wagner
arl Weaver

Brandilynn Whillock
Karltanne Wibon
Jason Wingo
T ler w i...c
Jennifer~ iseman
Brittany nght

ot Pictured· Dylan Zollo

Chmtopher Hale Ju..,tm Lumely

Jo. hua Hall Jacob Reynold-.
Johnathan Hood Megan teele
Cry..,tal lllig Logan tcwart
Kassic Jones nthony Woods
Morgan Lankford ara Wright

Yearbook Survey Statistic

What We Do Wen We "Hang 0 t": Fa~orite BHS Athletics to watch:
W atch movies at someone's house-26% Football-42%
Go out to dinner-4% Ba, eball/ oftball- 1S%
Go to the movies-2% Bas ketball- IS %
Eat at a fri ends house-4~ Voll yball- 10%
Drive around/cruise-16% Fa~orite Midnight Snack: Golf-2%
hop-11 % Chocolatc-18 % Track.-4%
Pia) video games-2% Ice Cream-33 % ro'>'>- ountry-4o/c
Play active game -11 % Fruits- 14% Chccrlcading-6%
Go to som thing like bo ling or mini golf-2% Leftover - I 0% Wrc'itling-2%
Other-22% Milk and Cookies-2 1%
C hips-4o/c

ere Our Money oes: Reasons Why We Co To Sc ool:

Gasoline-27% To sec my fri nds or ignificant other-sse(
Entertainment-27% cademics- 14
Clothes-40% fter-sch ol activ itie. -SG'c
Bills-4 (' Have to-26%
Gifts- l o/c
chool Supplies/Necessities- I%



Spread By:
lie belc
urtis AliT
Cara Anderson
Audra rnett
Dustin Bennett
Brian Boone

Lindsay Brown
athan Brown
Kendall Canole
hane Carey
ilver Care)
Khrystal Carnllo

Holl) Case
hane Chastme
R)an Clarl-.e
JerT) Cobb
Da\ rtf Coleman
K)le Cusic!.;

Amanda Daner
Bryn Dallas
Richard Damore
Jordan Da\ rdson
Meg Demun
Jessica Denton

Cody Devers
Adam Dill
Tiffany Doehring
hell) Dugan
Colton Dutton
athan Eaglcburgcr

R) an Elliott
Cheyenne England
Kyle Ern..,tcr
Terri Feith

r\kia Gatton
Brittany Gla~scock
Grant Glor

Becky Haley
Paige Hall
Ryan Hallemeier
Tanner Harris
Kel~ey Harwood
Garrett Hinds

Ka..,sandra Hitchcock
Andy Hoover
Rhwnna Horton
Josh Hostetler
Brooke Hubert
Cody Hurd

atalie Jenkins
Enn Johnson
\undrca Jones

Ronni Kurtl.
Derek Lankford
Ashley Logan
Meag<m Long
Ryan '\1allonee
Hay Icc Manar~

Brittany Maybury
Hay ley Mccarty
Jame'> l\r1ccorkendalc
hclby '\1cdanicl
D.tntcl 1cy er
ate 1iller

Chri~ 1mear
R 'hecca \1orn-.on
~ mhcr et Ian-.
Kaitl)n e\tlb

Robert Orange
~a\ anna Patterson
Kterra Payne
Amber Perry
Jm,hua Petersen
Chri-.topher Pid..en-.

Katte Pmldey
Ph\ It eta Poelma
• Ryan Pope
Zach Potthoff
Joh.mne-. Pretsch
Chrbtina Rauh

Lindsay Roam
lien Robm~on
R\an Ru..,hmg
• John Ruth
Hetdt chmied
William c·h \\<·eoman

Jordan, tmmons k
Brittany Stpcr o
Kay Ia pears
Zachary Spears
lcxan der Praoue
Dy tan Stacy

aron Stadler
Ian Taylor
. hayla Thomas
John Thon_lp~on
Joey Tonmtno
Mtcheall Torrey

--.. 010
1),1r,1h Trow
'\.1tchacl Vanmcr
• icholas Vaughan
Jcsstca Velasco
cba..,tian Vencill
Weston \\all ace

eth Weig
Robert Wel'>h
Mtchael Whtpplc
f·elicw Willbanks
Emily Wilson

Justin Wingo

What'~ your favorite midnight ~nack?

1. Ice Cream - 34%
2. Milk and Cookies - 21%
3. Chocolate - 15%

Why do you come to ~chool?

1. To see my friends or significant other - 42%
2. Have to - 26%
3. Academics - 22%


Logan Brown Rachel Brown Ryan Brown Josh Burchell Brittany Canole

ot Pictured:
Tim Frye

enior Mug pread by:

Allyson ounts

Senior urve
Top BHS Athletics to Watch Favorite Midnight Snack
Football - 36% Ice Cream - 25%
Ba ketball - 14 % Milk and Cookie - 24%
Volleyball- 12% Chocolate- 14~
Cheerleading - 9% Fruit- 14%
Ba eball/ oftball - 9% Chip - 12%
W re tling - 6% Leftover - 11%
Track- 6%
Cro Country- 5% Reason We Come to School
Golf- 3% See friend or ignificant other - 46%
Have to- 22%
When We "Hang Out" We... Academic - 1 %
Dri e around/crui e - 30% After-School Activitie - 14%
Watch movie at omeone' hou e - 16%
Play video game - 13% Where Your Money Goes
Play active game - 10% Ga oline - 60%
Go out to dinner- 7% Entertainment - 1 %
Go out to the movie - 7% Bill - 13%
Eat at a friend hou e- 7% Clothe - %
Shop- 6% School upplie /nece itie - 1%
Go to omething like bowling or mini golf- 4%

Showing Their Pride!!!

Brandy Skinner Landon Crowder

Mo t Outgoing
Ally on Count Duane Atteberry

W6 • • •

Best Eyes
Gann Atteberry

Kayla Ally on
Green Count

Scott Knox Calie Cline

Best Friend

Brandon Jack on Joni Shoemaker

Tyler Compton Kayla Green

b : ictoria iet'>
We Are ...
We are graduates of
2009. It is our turn to shine.
Preparing for this big event is And of course there•s
huge. Chris Hamel knows other things you will also
from experience, .. I started miss from this place as well.
preparing my freshman year Amber Mincks mentions that,
by passing my classes. In my .. I will miss Ms. Para the
senior year I took dual credit most. She is the best teacher
classes to prepare myself for ever. I will also miss all my
college. Graduation just friends! .. For the upcoming
comes quick... Many people seniors, Brian Wise gives
have big dreams they want to advice, .. Live it up, goes by
accomplish. Kayli Jenkins fast, study hard, don•t do
states .. Go to college at Paul anything stupid and be good
Mitchell in Bolivar, own a leaders/ role models ...
salon, get married and settle Seniors! We will miss you
down, and move to another deeply! Good luck and fulfill
state or country ... When your dreams!
you•re in high school, you
make lots of memories! .. All
the fun I have had out at Vo-
Tech, .. will be one big
memory Carl Noodwang will
never forget.

10-+ By: hclly Dugan


Graduates of 2009·
How does it feel to finally be a senior?
"Purdy dang good! " -Kayli Jenkins

How do you feel about finally leaving high school?

"I 'm excited to move on to bigger
and better things! " -Molly Lockhart

What are your plans now that you've

finished high school?
"Life is like a box of chocolates, you
never know what you're gonna get."
-John Wise

Valedictorian ·

Kyle Gawlow ki
Rachel Brown

Salutatorian: Kel ey Turner

Row 1: an dace Jones, Becky harp,

mber King, lly'>On Counts,
Kayla reen, and Kelsey arey
Row 2: Duane tteben·y, Kyle Gawlowski.
Andrew Behrle, eth utry, Kelsey Turner,
and Rachel Brown


•• •• •
A Time to Honor the Students

cth Autry ( 12), andace Jones ( 12), and Kyle Gawlowski ( 12)
receive an award from Mr. Wheeler and given out by Ms. chneider.

•• •• ••
Atkisson, Blair, Jacob : 65, Burns, Meagan :
A Tranquility : 80
Atteberry, Corey :
70, 71,80
Boatwright, Blake :
14, 15, 22, 25,
28, 39, 44, 53,
Abele, Alie : 12, 10, 12, 38, 39, 10, 42, 65, 70, 84
23,60, 90 41 ' 50' 51 ' 64' 73, 84 Busby, Crysta : 22,
Abele, Sam : 80 73, 94, 101' 107, Boone, Brian :51, 23, 80
Abele, William : 132 90 Butler, Dale : 84
51, 71,80 Atteberry, Duane : Boone, Jesse : 22, Butler, Jennifer :
Abercrombie, 12, 27, 38, 39, 94 80
Linda: 76
Adam, Mckenzie :
14, 16, 18, 53,
50, 51' 64, 94,
Audet, Daniel : 80
Boro, Caleb : 10,
20, 35, 40, 57,
94, 107, 133
Campbell, Ryan :
80 Austin, Josh : 16, Bradley, Seth : 42,
Admire, Rebecca : 84 94, 105 76
45,80 Autry, Seth : 17, Brock, Jacque : Canale, Brittany:
Aleman, Elicia : 27, 94, 105, 110, 41,60,84 26, 27, 89, 94,
12, 84 11 1 Brosius, Luke : 23, 101
Alff, Curtis : 90 76 Canale, Kendall:
Alff, Darrick : 16,
B Browers, Ashley :
2, 5, 22, 28, 44,
5, 12, 14, 15, 20,
21' 23, 27, 29,
Allen, Alexandria : Banks, Lexi : 23, 94, 136 39, 53, 72, 88,
12,84 80 Brown, Kayla : 39, 90
Altenreid, Melanie Bauer, Jami : 55, 62,80 Carey, Kelsey : 24,
: 22, 25, 94 76 Brown, Lindsay : 27, 94,110
Alverson, Steven : Beckman, Kortnie : 5, 10, 12,21, 90 Carey, Shane : 24,
94 18,23,34, 80 Brown, Logan : 46, 90
Ames, Sarah : 14, Behrle, Andrew: 73,89, 94 Carey, Shantelle :
55,68, 80 24, 27, 39, 40, Brown, Nathan : 24, 84
Anderson, Cara : 41 ' 57' 64, 94, 16,27, 90 Carey, Silver : 16,
22,90 105,110 Brown, Rachel : 2, 24,90
Andrews, Stacey: Behrle, Gail : 22, 5, 14, 15, 21' 23, Carl, Chyenna :
60, 73, 76 76 94, 107, 110, 18,55,80
Appleberry, Jay : Behrle, Jon : 74, 136 Carrillo, Khrystal :
51,84 76 Brown, Ryan : 10, 90
Arnett, Audra : 90 Bennett, Dustin : 64, 94, 135 Carrillo, Kyle : 68,
Arnold, Shante : 90 Brown, Scott: 74, 94
84 Bennett, Greg : 84 76 Cartwright, Shelby
Arthaud, Gary : Bentz, Veronica : Bunch, Carl : 84 : 18, 20, 23, 28,
105 62, 84 Bunch, William : 84
Atkisson, Airric : Bierer, Ryan : 10, 16,84 Case, Holly : 90
84 16,73,80 Burchell, Josh : Case, Rebecca :
Atkisson, Jamie : Billings, Stephan : 20,29,94 18,24,84
26,84 67,80 Cashion, Kelsie :
22,31,47, 94

Chapman, Hayley Cook, Thomas : Darnell, Megan : Dixon, Wanda:
:10, 14, 16, 21, 22, 95 10, 11' 38, 84 22, 38, 46, 73,
39,53, 78,80 Cooley, Pearl : 23, Davidson, Dakota : 95
Chapman, Kyle: 31, 73,89, 95 51,84 Dobbs, Cory : 84
16,84 Cooper, Tayla : 95 Davidson, Jordan : Doehring, Becky :
Chastain, Anthony Copeland, Laura : 4, 5, 10, 11' 20, 4, 16,55,84
:70,94 76 21' 23, 27, 40, Doehring, Tiffany :
Chastine, Shane : Counts, Allyson : 59,63,88, 90 16,17,90
90 2, 5, 18, 20, 23, Davies, Cole : 14, Dryer, Debby : 105
Choate, Jessica : 24, 27' 43, 46, 51,57,80 Duckering, Anna :
22,28, 94 60, 95, 100, 101' Davis, Austin : 16, 73,80
Clark, Anthony : 11 0' 132' 136 49, 51' 57, 65, Dugan, Shelly : 2,
80 Courtois, Angel : 80 23, 90, 136
Clark, Edward : 84 95 Davis, Elizabeth : Durrington, Patsy :
Clark, Frank : 12, Courtois, Zachary : 23,39,84 76
14, 15, 25, 72, 67,84 Davis, Paydn : 70 Dutton, Colton :
94 Cox, Shelby : 84 Decatur, Ryan : 95 23,60,68, 90
Clark, Shalico : 80 Crawford, Demarr, Sara : 39, Dye, Michael : 14,
Clark, Wade: 44, Brooklyn : 14, 41,53,62, 80 65, 71,80
45,47, 72,94 18,38,80 Demuri, Deena :
Clarke, Chris : 51,
Crawford, Michael
:10,11, 14, 15,
Demuri, Meg : 4,
Clarke, Ryan : 58, 18, 20, 21, 28, 5, 10, 20, 21' 23, Eagleburger,
59,68,90 29,59, 79,84 27, 34, 40, 47, Nathan : 16, 70,
Cline, Calie : 2, 14, Cross, Jeremy : 52,63,88, 90 71,90
21' 23, 72, 94, 71, 75,76 Denton, Jessica : Eagleburger,
101,107, 136 Crouch, Ryan : 12, 5, 14, 20, 43, 73, Wayne: 10, 12,
Cobb, Jerry : 90 26, 95, 101, 133 90 16,57,80
Cobb, Shawn : 84 Crowder, Landon : Derossett, Eric : Eirckson, Darrian :
Coffee, Ryan : 94, 6, 18, 44, 72, 95, 62, 63, 76 84
134 100 Devers, Cody: 90 Elkinton, David :
Coleman, David : Crowder, Morgan : Dicken, Robert : 22, 95
90 18,44,45,84 80 Ellifritz, Melissa :
Collins, Nikki : 94 Cusick, Kyle : 90 Dill, Adam : 22, 42, 80
Collins, Sarah : 20, 49, 65,88, 90 Elliott, Ryan : 90
42,46,47, 95 f) Dill, Josey : 54, 55,
Cheyenne : 23,
Combs, Julia : 39,
84 Dafler, Amanda : Dill, Lindsay : 10, 38,43,88,90
Compton, Tyler : 23,27,90,105 23, 39, 53, 62, England, lan : 18,
18, 27, 39, 48, Dallas, Ashley : 80 26, 72,95,133
59, 68, 95, 101, 28,80 Dill, Lora : 20, 22, Ernster, Kale : 84
107, 111 Dallas, Bryn : 90 28, 95 Ernster, Kyle : 18,
Conrad, Austin : Damore, Richard : Dissmore, Gayle : 42,90
16,51,67,80 22, 90 28, 76
11 3
Estep, Diamond : Gallo, Joseph : 23, Gray, Josh : 95, Hale, AJ : 40, 59,
18,45, 80 70, 95, 107 105 65, 81
Evans, Alexandria Gallo, Michael : 84 Green, Karlin : 91 Haley, Becky : 4,
: 6, 24, 26, 28, Gann, Steven : 5, Green, Kayla : 5, 5, 10, 11, 20, 21,
95, 105, 107 10, 20, 21, 24, 10, 18, 20, 21 , 23, 27, 52, 88,
Everitt, Casey : 14, 27, 38, 95, 101, 22, 23, 24, 27, 91
18, 23, 56, 68, 132 31, 37, 39, 41, Hall, Paige : 12,
84 Gant, Raiona : 35, 43, 44, 46, 48, 21,27, 91
39,55,81 54, 55, 95, 101, Hallemeier, Ryan :
Garay, Meghan : 110, 132 51,91
90 Green, Robby : 30, Halleran, Terry :
Feith, Keri : 18, 84 Gardner, Shelby : 38, 70,71,91 76
Feith, PJ : 67, 80 85 Green, Robert : Hamel,
Feith, Terri : 90 Garrett, Kylee : 16, 22, 81 Christopher : 50,
Felin, Alivia : 55, 18, 54,55, 85 Gregory, Jessica : 51 , 70, 89, 95,
80 Gatton, Akia: 16, 95 134
Figueria, Levi : 12, 91 Griffin, Kyle : 95 Hamilton, Brad :
18, 80 Gauthier, Marty : Grinter, Justin : 91 96
Figueria, 7, 76 Gronniger, Katie : Hamrick, Jessycca
Mercedes : 23, Gawlowski, Kyle : 16,18,24,85 : 81
45, 80 10, 11, 27, 40, Grossenbacher, Hardwicke, Scott :
Finster, Megan : 41, 64, 95, 107, Leslie : 75, 76 10, 20, 74, 75,
43, 90 11 0, 111 Gruber, Darrell : 76, 107
Fletcher, Jeff : 16, Gerleman, Alex : 16, 81 Harmon, Travis:
68,84 65, 71,81 Guidry, Autumn : 12, 13, 14, 20,
Flores, Megan : Giboney, Kendra : 14, 18, 81 50,51, 96,107
18,60, 80 28, 81 Guidry, Caitlin : Harris, Cody : 81
Ford, Christopher : Gillispae, Susan : 42, 95, 134, 135 Harris, Derick : 14,
80 76 Guidry, Kristan : 48,67,81
Ford, Shirley : 76 Gilmore, Abbey : 81 Harris, Tanner :
Fraley, Connie : 84 35, 75, 76, 136 Gunnerson, Tyler : 14, 22, 47, 51 ,
Franco, Kyler : 22, Glasscock, 16,57,65,81 67, 91
50,51, 95
Franer, Zach : 71,
French, Wesley :
Brittany : 5, 18,
20, 21, 23, 27,
39, 40, 42, 52,
Glor, Grant : 14,
Gustin, Robby: 81

Haddock, Ellen : 7,
Hart, Thomas : 85
Harwood, Kelsey :
88, 91
Harwood, Kyle : 96
Hashagen, Kaden
Fulton, Sarah : 23, 15,27,39,91 76 : 81
84 Goodwin, Adam : Haefner, Bryttani : Hayes, Kevin : 16,
85 20,23,63,85 71,81
~ Goodwin, Erica :
Hagan, Rachel:
12, 14, 18, 21,
Heard, Latisha : 76
Gallion, Dan : 18, Graves, Evan : 42, 23, 39, 56, 68, Kassandra : 81
65, 84 81 85
Hender on, Horton, Rhianna : Johnson, Lara : 77 Kuhn, Jeffrey : 22
Jordan : 41, 42, 91 Jones, Aundrea : Kurtz, Ronni : 6,
48,64, 70,85 Hostetler, Jill : 74, 24,52,63,91 31,91
Hendzel, Amanda 77 Jones, Candace :
: 81
Hostetler, Josh :
4, 5, 10, 11' 23,
34, 38, 39, 42,
Esteban : 50, 51, Howe, Eric : 24, 81 43, 60, 96, 110, Lafave, Eugene :
96, 105 Howe, Nathan : 111' 133 81
Hershberger, Clay 22,24, 96 Jones, Chantel : Lamkey, Mikie : 85
: 14, 38, 85 Hubert, Brooke : 85 Lankford, Austin :
Hicks, Ashley : 42, 18,22,44, 91 Jones, Jay : 42, 16, 40, 48, 65,
46, 54, 55, 96, Hula, Ed : 4, 66, 96, 100 70, 71,85
100 67, 74, 77 Jones, Kegan : 81 Lankford, Derek :
Hicks, Jericah : 12, Hunter, Kevin : 85 Jones, Sara : 23, 16, 70, 91
18, 21' 22, 23, Hunter, Tina : 85 43, 91 Lappin, Bonnie :
25,85 Hurd, Cody: 91 77
Higdon, Crystal :
14, 18, 53, 62,
Hurd, Dustin : 22,
I< Larue, Mark : 16,
81 Kampe, Bryson : Lawless, Brittany :
Higdon, Lauren :
16,62, 81
J 51,81
Keese, Chris: 26,
Lawson, Jack : 79,
Hinds, Garrett : 16, Jackson, Brandon 91 85
91 : 6, 16, 17, 89, Keese, Matt: 85 Leer, Jordan : 16,
Hitchcock, 96,101, 107 Kimbrell, Taylor : 22, 96, 107
Cheyenne : 23, Jackson, Cody : 81 Leeseberg, Ray :
60, 85 18, 22, 39, 42, Kincaid, Matthew : 81
Hitchcock, 68,96 81 Lemons, Colby :
Kassandra: 43, James, Zakkary : King, Amber : 5, 81
91 81 10, 21' 23, 24, Lewis, Brad : 71,
Hitchings, Mary : Jaramillo, Dominic 26, 27, 29, 47, 81
76 :96 52, 96,110 Lilley, Jordan : 105
Hodges, Nancy : Jaramillo, Lynique King, Chad : 81 Lindsay, Terry : 85
77 : 81 King, Jenna : 21, Lingle, Brittney :
Hogue, Jared : 24, Jenkins, Kayli : 23, 23, 24, 26, 29, 96, 105
85 34, 60, 73, 89, 38,39, 52,85 Livingston, Marcus
Hohensee, Rob : 96, 111 Kirby, Keri :54, : 16, 81
22, 41' 58, 59, Jenkins, Kevin : 85 55, 72, 74, 77 Lockhart, Molly : 5,
64, 68, 69, 89, Jenkins, Landon : Klotz, Adam : 81 10, 14, 15, 21'
96, 100 16,85 Knox, Scott : 96, 23, 24, 27, 38,
Hoover, Andy : 21, Jenkins, Natalie : 101 41' 52, 72, 96,
23,67,91 23,43,60, 91 Kramer, Donavan : 132
Horne, Clint : 16, Jennings, Mandi : 51,66,67,81 Logan, Amber :
67, 81 22,26,96 Krattley, Jerimiah : 23, 81
Johnson, Erin : 91 91
Logan, Ashley : 2, Mathews, Troy : Miller, Brady : 4, Morrison, Rebecca
5, 23, 35, 43, 60, 16 16, 57, 82 : 18, 27, 55, 92
91' 136 Matthews, Heather Miller, Haley : 12, Mowery, Jasmine :
Loges, Chellaney : :96 35, 60, 82 24, 86
2, 12, 18, 85, Matthews, Thomas Miller, Jo : 82 Moyer, Julie : 12,
136 : 20, 22, 23, 25, Miller, Josh : 22, 14, 86
Lohwasser, Jorden 29, 96 97 Mullins, Kendyl :
: 81 Matthews, Tyler : Miller, Kami : 77 82
Long, Meagan : 49 Miller, Kristin : 25, Murphy, Ben : 22,
15, 18, 20, 21' Maybury, Brittany : 85 97
23,27, 72,91 91 Miller, Nate : 91
Love, Dylan: 28, Mayfield, Megan :

Miller, Roy : 97
51 , 70,85 16, 18, 28, 62, Mills, Skyler: 16,
Lowe, Tom : 24, 85 82 Nalley, Dylan : 14,
81 McAlexander, Mincks, Amber : 86
Lynda: 82 26, 97,105 Neilans, Amber :
M McCarty, Hayley :
Minear, Chris: 51,
67, 92
Nelsen, Brittany :
Maddux, Tyler : McClendon, Minear, Katie : 18, 16,18,23,86
14, 15, 48, 59, Michelle : 12, 85 23,24, 85 Nevills, Kaitlyn : 5,
66,67, 68,81 McClurg, Justin : Minear, Sammy: 21 ' 23, 27, 35,
Mallonee, Ryan : 16, 38, 57, 96, 23, 34, 47, 60, 43,60,92
91 135 73, 89, 97, 107, Newboles,
Malone, Jessica : McCorkendale, 133 Anthony: 86
85 Dan: 73, 77 Mitchell, Rachel : Newboles, James :
Manary, Haylee : McCorkendale, 14,97 16, 82
91 James : 21, 22, Montgomery, Newboles, Joey :
Mankey, Kassy : 2, 91 Clayton: 82 22, 27, 97
5, 21' 24, 73, 96, McDaniel, Shelby : Moore, Christine : Nimmo, Cory : 92
132, 136 91 85 Nimmo, Levi : 12,
Martell, Donald : McDown, Shelbea Moore, Dustin : 85 38, 39, 92
96 : 12, 16, 18, 85 Moore, Landon : Noodwang, Carl :
Martell, Vince : 67, McGinnis, Autumn 97 22, 97
81 :82 Moore, Lisa : 82 Novak, Paul : 16,
Martin, Glenn : 85 McGuire, Cody : Morales, Ashton : 82
Martin, Susan : 16 51,70 28,97
Alexander: 85
McReynolds, Zach:
Morgan, Katie : 85
Morgan, Kaylob :
Massey, Becca : Melton, Morgan : 18, 22, 23, 24, Orange, Robert :
14, 16, 55, 78, 16, 18, 23, 68, 28,44,85 92
81 82 Moriarty, Matt : 16, Ortega, Kyle : 51,
Massey, Wilson : Meyer, Daniel : 91 86 82
67,82 Meyer, Elizabeth : Morris, Danielle : Ortner, Destany :
18,85 82 14, 82

Owen , Shelby : Pickney, Austin : Rehde r, Samantha Schmied, Heidi : 4,
24, 82 51 , 65, 82 : 14, 38, 55, 68, 5, 10, 20, 21 ' 23,
Pierce, Cheynne : 82 27, 40, 41 , 52,
p 40, 47, 52, 63,
Rice, Dylan : 16,
51 , 71 , 82
63, 88, 92
Schneider, Alexiss
Packard, Nancy : Pinkley, Katie : 27, Richardson , Kyle : : 82
77 42, 48, 55, 92 22, 70, 97 Schneider, Amy :
Page, Jodi :86 Poelma, Phylicia : Riley, Devin : 86 77, 111
Parish , Nick: 86 92 Roam , Lindsay : 6, Schwegman,
Paro, Lori : 72, 7 4, Pollock, Cathleen : 16, 92 Wil liam : 12, 18,
77, 111 82 Roberts, Mark : 86 24, 51 ' 67, 68,
Patten , Lexi : 16, Pope, Kaleb : 51 , Robinson , Al len : 92
23, 55, 79, 86 82 92 Sell, Todd : 23, 68,
Patterson , Pope, Ryan : 51 , Rochefort, Ashley : 75, 77
Savanna : 92 68, 69, 92 86 Sharp, Becky : 12,
Payne, Chad : 42, Posten , Samantha Rodrig uez, 14, 15, 21 , 26,
67, 97 :28, 82 Christopher : 82 27, 72 , 97, 110
Payne, Keaton : Posten , Tabitha : Rogers, David : Shoemaker,
12, 16, 86 97 66, 67, 75, 77 Jessica : 12, 14,
Payne, Kierra : 6, Potthoff, Caleb : Rollins, Matthew : 18, 60, 82
12' 16' 43' 47' 86 82 Shoemaker, Joni :
92 Potthoff, Zach : 92 Rosier, Cody : 22, 5, 14, 15, 18, 21 '
Peak, Kenny : 28, Powell , Briana : 50, 51 , 97 24, 27, 89, 97,
86 24, 82 Roweton , Brad: 101
Pellegrim , Jesse : Powers, Stacey : 24 Shoemaker, Lacey
79, 86 18, 24, 86 Rushing, Ryan : : 16, 49, 53, 82
Perez, Abby : 22, Pretsch , Johannes 18, 39, 49, 51 ' Shoemaker, Lanie
97 : 16, 92 67, 92 : 97
Perry, Amber : 92 Price, Joshua : 82 Ruth , John : 12, Shoup, Cathy : 59,
Persons, Jamie : 18, 92 68, 77
22, 86
Petersen , Joshua :
R ~
Simmons, Jordan :
24, 42, 58, 59,
92 Rankin , Cody : 97 65, 88, 92
Petersen , Rachel : Rauh, Christina : Sallee, Chris : 22, Simmons, Justin :
22, 86 92 57, 67, 97 49, 68, 86
Phillips, Cody : 77 Rauh , Jason : 16, Sandmann, Sims, Alex : 79, 86
Pickens, 71 , 82 Amanda: 86 Sims, Connor : 16,
Christopher: 67, Ray, Joanne : 12, Saxton, William : 82
92 67, 97, 104, 105 82 Sims, Teresa : 82
Pickens, Matt : 4, Rehder, Adam : Sayer, Kail : 22, Siperko, Brittany :
65, 82 14, 15, 20, 38, 31 ,42, 97 5, 14, 18, 23, 60,
Pickens, Micayla : 39, 46, 50, 51 ' Sayer, Kara : 42, 92
82 68, 97, 105, 111 54, 55, 86 Sisneros, Jose :
Schmidt, Tyler : 86 86
11 7
Skinner, Brandy : Stanford, Bret : 72, Tenorio, Amber : Turner, Jon : 77
97, 100 75, 77 12, 27, 34, 67, Turner, Kelsey : 5,
Slack, Justin : 16, Steele, Alex : 86 98, 105 14, 15, 21' 23,
86 Sterling, Bobby : Tharp, Leslie : 68, 27, 38, 52, 73,
Smith, Carman : 83 98, 107, 134 98, 100, 105,
75, 77 Stidham, Dillon : Thomas, Shayla : 107, 110
Smith, Elizabeth : 12' 14, 15' 38' 92 Turner, Rachel :
82 67, 71,72,83 Thompson, Darrin 14, 18, 25, 55,
Smith, Gage : 5, Stockton, Ann : 21, :83 68, 86
86 77 Thompson, John : Turner, Sarah : 2,
Smith, Joyce : 77, Stoneman, Christy 92 28, 98, 136

107 :53,83 Thurmond, Nick:
Somers, Sandie : Stoneman, 22, 98
2, 5, 21, 23, 24, Courtney : 53, Timmerwilke, Nick
27, 41' 73, 97, 83 :79,86 Underwood,
133, 136 Stonerock, Tirey, Khaydijah : Brenda: 83
Sorrell, Heather : Christian : 83 83 Underwood,
82 Strickland, Kaila : Tirey, Nathaniel : Dalton: 86
Sparks, Trey : 58,
Spears, Kayla : 16,
48,55, 92
18,20, 23,86
Strickland, Kaylee
: 12, 14, 18, 21,
23, 56, 72, 86
Todd, Ashely : 60,
Todd, Kaila : 10,
Valencia, Alex :
Spears, Zachary : Stromberg, Luke : 23, 60, 79, 86 18, 86
24,92 16,83 Tolliver, Subbrina : Vandeveer,
Spier, Joseph : 86 Sullivan, Joshua : 83 Carmen : 22, 25,
Spoering, Grant : 98 Tomlinson, Mabel : 75, 77, 107
86 Summers, Kayla : 77 Vanover,
Spoering, Sara : 16,83 Torimino, Joey : Christopher : 67,
26,27, 73,98 Swanigan, 92 87
Spradling, Daniel : Anthony: 51, 57, Torrey, Micheall : Vanover, Michael :
86 83 22,28, 92 67, 93
Spradling, Sarah : Swanigan, Trow, Sarah : 5, Vargas, Kyle: 87
14, 98, 107 Brandon : 57, 83 10,11,18,21, Vaughan, Nicholas
Sprague, 23, 27, 35, 43, :93
Alexander : 92
Spurlock, Amber : T 60,88,93
Truex, Joshua : 83
Vaughn, Ashley :
86 Taylor, lan : 14, Truex, William : 86 Velasco, Billy: 18,
Stacy, Dylan : 10, 16,51,67,88, Truster, Chandler : 78, 83
18, 20, 21, 23, 92 50, 51, 70, 72, Velasco, Jessica :
27, 40, 47, 49, Teague, Shane : 98 18,93
50,51, 88,92 22, 50, 51, 67, Tucker, Samantha Vencill, Sebastian
Stadler, Aaron : 98 : 12, 83 :93
51, 67, 68,92 Tummons, Bill : Vest, Brittany : 18,
Stadler, Elisha : 82 16,83 55,87

Vestal, en : 98 Williams, Ashley : Wolhoy, Crystal :
Viets, Lauren : 16, 78, 83 77
18,38, 79,87 Williams, Jacob : Wommack, Evan :
Viets, Tori : 2, 5, 98 14,16,51,67,
24,27,98,136 Williams, Tre : 51, 68,83

Wagner, Anthony :
57, 65,78,83
Williams, Tyler : 83
Wilson, Emily : 16,
62, 93
Wright, Brittany :

87 Wilson, Jerilyn :
Waide, Chad : 16, 22, 26, 31, 38, Yang, Katie : 83
Wallace, Weston :
24, 51, 64, 65,
68, 93
Wilson, Jessica:
Wilson, Kandi : 2,
Zotto, Dylan : 16
Walton, Dustin : 98
57,67,93 Wilson, Karly : 12,
Warford, Corey : 13,67,87
98 Wimberly, Annie :
Weaver, Carl : 18, 31,41, 98,100
24,87 Wingo, Ashley :
Webb, Nicole : 24, 22,28, 31,98
98 Wingo, Jason : 16
Weig, Seth : 24, Wingo, Justin : 23,
42, 70,72,93 68,93
Welsh, Robert : Winkler, Coltin :
24,93 16,57,83
Werner, Emma : Wise, Brian : 22,
24, 83 45,98,105
Wheeler, Tom : 5, Wise, Donnie : 16,
30, 72, 75, 77, 58, 59, 71, 78,
104, 107, 111 83
Whillock, Wise, John : 41,
Brandilynn : 24, 64,98, 100,133
28, 87 Wise, Preston : 16,
Whipple, Mike : 83
16,22,27, 93 Wise, Trenton : 83
Wilkerson, Wise, Tyler : 38,
Chelsey : 5, 27, 42, 65, 70, 71,
28, 98, 107 79, 87
Wilkerson, Jesse : Wiseman, Jennifer
78,83 :30,87
Willbanks, Felicia : Wolfe, Amber : 83
23,42,43, 93 Wolfe, Robert : 83

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Buffalo, MO 65622
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Buffalo~ MO 65622
Brian Ainley


TEL (417) 345-1000

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Larry Mankey
Propane Manager

MFA Oil Company

P.O. Box 417
Buffalo, MO 65622

(417) 345-2250


David L. Kramer, O.D.
Rex A. Newcomb, O.D. The Lord is my rock, and my
Scott M. Burks, O.D.
fortress, and my deliverer.
112 West Commercial Street
P.O. Box 80
II Samuel 22:2
Buffalo, MO 65622 PO Box 175
Telephone: (417) 345-2901
Kathy Manke)
117 N. Cedar
Fax: (417) 345-2904 uffalo, MO 65622 ( 417)-345-4444


(417) 345-5543
FAX <417) 345-5544


P.O. Box 648 U 65 & 32 Hwy P.O. Box 528
Buffalo, MO 65622 tn Wood · BUP'P'A.LO, MO 65622

Pam Louderbaugh SHERYL FERREll

Dalla County lerk

P.O. Box 436

Buffalo, MO 65622 P.O. Box 529
417-345-2632 • FAX 417-345-5321 BUFFALO, MO 65622
417-345-7836 - FAX 417-345-4997
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1006 Sou th Ash
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(417) 345-2793
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P.O. Box 1141
Buffalo, MO 65622

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& Owner Finance
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30 01 Agoura Road, Bldg. I,
Agoura Hill , A 91301-2054
I 5 4-0200

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Buffalo, MO: 417-345-2121

Fair Grove, MO: 417-759-2525
Urbana, MO: 417-993-4622

414 Dallas • Buffalo, MO 65622

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1104 Blaine Hours: 9:00 am - 5:3 0 pm

PO Box 934 Business: 417-345-5270
Buffalo, MO 65622 Fax: 417-345-4147

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't 1 " n a
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Office (417) 345-6111 • Fax (417) 345-6113


Karla A Woods Ins Agcy Inc
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!ius 41/ J4:, /221 P.O.Box710 Hwy 32 & Locust
1336 S Ash, Suite 100 Fax 417 345 7224 Buffalo, MO 65622 Phone: 34lHlSOO
Buffalo. MO 65622-9316
151<6 W. Commercial M ONUMENT Co., LLC
Bu~lo, MO 65622 Office (417) 345-6114
1-800-459-8510 (in Missouri)
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(57g) 26g-1g52 Cell Wayne Holt Blake Gilpm
copelandbobcat@ grnail.corn

(417) 345-7415




kimbrough Iassociates

Su an J. Perotka, D .1 0.
ichelle Eas erly, D.D.S.
Buffalo, Missouri
WATER WELLS Lie. No. 002659-01

Curt Wilson
Res. 417/345-8777 Vernon, Monty & Marlin Viets
Office 417/345-6817
P. 0. Box 1179
Funeral Home 417-345-2233
Buffalo, MO 65622 303 N. Maple St. - Buffalo, MO 65622

aturda) Y uth
Leagues ge~ 16-1
Begin~ Sept. 29-


P.O. BO 20
B FFALO, MI 0 RI 65622
II Molly Lockhart II Duane and Corey
Molly! We are very Thanks for giving us
proud of you! You are so many fun years
such a talented girl watching the two of
who will go far in life. you grow up. We are
so proud of both of
Love You, you.
Mom & Dad
Mom & Dad

II Kayla Green II Steven Gann

Cowgirl Tuff with brains, Congratulations! We are
beauty and charm. Your so proud of you and your
past, present, and future achievements! Keep
success have always and making waves!
will always make us so
proud. Love,
Mom, Dad, Amber &
Our love now Chris
and always,
Mom, Wade, Michael,
Robby, & the whole bad II Allyson Counts
news bunch. II Kasandra Mankey From your first day of
kindergarten to your first day
We love you Kassy! You of senior year, how quickly the
are beautiful inside and out. time has passed. May your
Keep Jesus first in your life future bring you everything you
as you always have. God hope and dream for. Keep
Bless. your focus on God, he will
guide you on all the paths
Love, you have yet to travel.
Mom, Dad, & all the family
We love you very much,
Mom, Dad, & Bubby

II lan Enqland II Ryan Crouch
The last twelve years has God bless Ryan with a
been full of pages of studying healthy life, wisdom to
writing , memorizing, caring , apply his knowledge,
sharing, commitment, and friends that will keep
dedication, leading to him on a righteous
accomplishment. You have
path , strength to earn
been through so much. We
what he receives,
want you to know how very
proud we are of you! peace in his heart, and
laughter with people
Love, who love him. Keep
Mom & dad him an honorable man.
-Your Hair- Love it, Cheyenne

II Caleb Boro I I Sandie Somers

We love you so much. I am so proud of
Congratulations! you!!!!
Always keep God first
in your life and
everything else will
come together.

Mom, Dad, Kayla, &
II John Wise
We are so proud to call you our
IISamantha Minea Son and Brother! Seek the Lord
and He will guide your path
We are so proud of Matthew 6:33
how you have grown Love,
into such a beautiful , Dad, Mom, Tyler, & Taylor
smart, kind, and
confident young lady. Give the world the best you can
We love you! and the best will come back to
you. I'm very proud of you'
Love, Love,
Dad & Rose You will learn fro the defeats as well as the
Granny triumphs on your journey, because from this day
forward there are no limits to what you can
achieve. God Bless You!
II Candace Jones Love,
Grandma and Grandpa Wise
You have a great
future ahead of you . Now that high school 1s
Dream Big. Live Big. over and life's challenges begin.
set your goals high! We are
Love you always, so proud of you!

. IJJ/l(~,,~t~/rt'~l/. ;~3rt: Wif~ a~;s

E!] Christopher S. Hamel I!!] Ryan Coffee
We hope you enjoyed your
High School Years as much as Congratulations
we enjoyed sharing them with on a job well done.
you . Good luck on your bright We are so proud
future ahead. May all your of you .
dreams come true, and know
that we will always be here for
Dad, Mel and all
the family

Mom, Dad and Anthony

I!!] Caitlin Guidry

We are so proud of you. Follow your
dreams and never let anyone get in your

Uncle Eric, Aunt Christi, Autumn , Destany

and Levi

E!] Leslie Dawn Tharp

Congratulations you made it through High
School. We are very proud of you , good luck
on your goals and hope you make a
successful future.

Mom, Rick, Chris, Jessica, Jennifer, Brian ,

and Amber

B): Kassy Mankey
EJ Caitlin Guidry
ay o go. We Congratulations
ve you and are Caitlin!
pr ud of you!

Papa and Mama

om, Troy, Josh, Guidry
ori, Tara, and Lil'

EJ Ryan Brown
We are so proud of the incredible,
young man you have become and know
you will succeed no matter what you do.
We will miss you so much!

Dad, Mom, Lindsay, and Haley

Co gratulations! We
kn you'll continue
to e successful in
rything you do.

Mo and Dad

8) anthc omcr-,
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A.ahf~«< B!ret.UV/f4.
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To Win the DemocratiC nom1nat1on. Obama defeated New York
Clmto"l the forMer f1rst lady and the person considered the
of l'ler party. fhe l'l·ghly charged campa1gn 1ncluded five other
Democrat cand,dates. The Republican field was even b1gger W•th •v"'u''""
com1rg from beh1nd to best e1ght others to w1n his party's nommation


People came to hear Obama speak dunng the campa•gn
Pa!"ty nom.,at1on acceptance soeech was held at l"vesco Stt.~dium, about
two rni es *rom the convention center 1n Denver, to enable rnore than 70,000
peop1e to attend. 0fl elect1on rrght, Obama held a victory rally 1n Grant
Park, attended by 225,000 people.
Washrngton, D.C., was packed wrth I"110!"C' tnan two mill on people
the 1-rrstonc inauguratior> of the natJon s first Afncan-Amencan rva..n....
cold weather and tile need to huddle together, the crowds .....,.......,.,.,..;
Obarna took the oath o~ offtee w. h hiS nand on the Btble used by
Urcolro his f rst <>W•~<>r<nrt-in "'""ornnr"'

election a r8cord 127 million votes were cast wrth about 31 .7

voting early for the first time rn 30 states. However, as n percentage of
turnout was about 61%, versus the record of 67% rn 1960. Long lines
either early or on Nov. 4, were orderly. Lines were also orderly the
day as many people snatched up newspapers cany~ng the results.

Candidates would do a lot of thtngs on the

pcugn trail tn pursUit of votes. Obama got
playing basketball with the Universtty of North
Caroltna's team. Mike Huckabee. a Republican
candidate, played bass tn hiS rock band Capitol
Offense and even took a tum trying to rope a fake
steer at the Fort Worth Stockyards.
Ill no1s Gov. Rod Blagojevlch
faced federal corrupt1on
charges for allegedly try1ng to
se I or trade Barack Obama s
llhno1s senate seat. U.S. Sen.

Investors rang1ng from small chanties to maJOr international
banks appeared to have lost about $50 million in a fraudulent
investment allegedly devised by a former chairman of the
Nasdaq Stock Market. Bernard Madoff, 70, was charged
with securities fraud 1n what might be one of the biggest
A MORE URGENT NEED A fraud cases ever.
Ris1ng oil pnces and continued climate changes made the search for
alternative, renewable sources of energy a more prevalent topic of
diSCUSSion. Solutions lrke Wind farms, using large turbrnes. became
Pho o cred scorn
Amencon sw1mmer Michael Phelps mode history at the Summer
OlympiCS 1n Be111ng, Chma. by becoming the f,rst athlete ever to wrn
e1ght gold medals at one Olymp1cs. Dunng h1s breathtak1ng week m
the pool, seven of Phelps· e1ght vrctones were new world records.

But Phelps was not the only American making h1story at the Beij1ng
Kobe Bryant led the men's basketball team, dubbed
"Redeem Team," to a gold medal and helped v1nd1cate US.
after a poor showmg four years ago. Nastla Llukm won
gymnastiCS all-around and lied the American record for
"""..,""'"t;,...., medals at one Olymp1cs w1th five.
states after salmonella was found
. At least s1x people d1ed and more
1s a product used w1dely in snack
cooktes, nutnt1on bars and tee
butter brands were not affected.

Governments around the world, 1ncludtng the Untted States, conttnued the
mandated sw1tchover from analog telev1s1on broadcasttng to dtgttal In the
U S . an ongtnal February 2009 deadline was pushed back to June when
Congress de med that mtlltons of people weren't ready. The sw tch to d g1tal
was betng done to allow for more vanced servtces like h g TV,
and to free up radto spectrum

Chtna, several babies died and more than 12,000 were hospttalized after drinktng
formula contamtnated with melamtne. Melamtne also was found tn chocolate
other products exported from Chtna to other countries, includtng the Untied
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration began ltmtttng tmports of Chtnese
products unttl they were free of melamtne.

P~oto :red ts om
now be found at the local drugstore. Kits ard
results could be purchased for as little as
$200, and all they required was a swab of
saliva. However, debates raged on the accuracy
of the tests, as well as the ethical concerns.

performance of the late Heath

Ledger as the Joker, Batman The Dark Knight drew rave I'8VIews
and shattered box office records. Earning more than $500 million, The
Dark Knight became one of the most commercially successful Amencan
mov1es ever made.


Israel declared war with Hamas, the Islamic m11itant group that rules Gaza,
1n an effort to stop continued rocket attacks from Gaza into southern Is-
rael. Israeli officials said they were targeting militants 1n its air and ground
assault of Gaza, while Hamas said 1t would continue to defend Its people
aga1nst Israeli aggression. The Israeli offensive lasted 22 days.
Despite playing on what was later found to be a
torn knee ligament and a stress fracture 1n his left
leg Tiger Woods played through the pain and won
h1s th1rd U.S. Open title, defeating Rocco Mediate
in a playoff Afterwards, surgery on the leg forced
Woods to miss the remainder of the season, the
f1rst extended absence of his pro career.


Needing money to print tests, a California calculus
teacher began selling ads on h1s quiZZes, tests and
exams Tom Farber of Rancho Bernardo High School
sold ad space on the bottom of the first page to
parents and businesses Parents and students
enjoyed the ads, but Farber saJd he did not plan on
the method ""'""''"'on1rh/

initially blamed for blowing the eng1nes.

NASA's Phoenix spacecraft became the sixth vehicle to a

successful landing on Mars. Phoemx conducted more than five months
of expenments before losing contact, more than expected, and disccvered the
presence of ice on the red planet.

Despite ratings being down slightly, American Idol was still the most watched
show on TY, averaging more than 27 million VIewers a week. David Cook was
chosen the winner of the 7th season, and changes were made for the show's
8th season when producer Kara DioGuardi was added as a fourth judge.
New York Yankees trtrd basefTtal"
Alex Rodnguez, a 12-tirne All Star
and three-time MVP shocked many
when he cor•irmed published reports
tndtcattng he had used perlorrnarce
enhanc·ng drugs du11ng the 2001-03
seasons. Rodnguez's admtsston came
after news surfaced that had fatted a
confidenttal drug test 1n 2003. Desptte
his apology, Rodriguez's legacy was
tmmedtately debated.

Invest gators satd a Los Angeles

engtneer appeared t o have been
job prior to a crash that ktlled 25
InJUred 130 in September. It was
known whether the engineer was
of the crash, however, Investigators said the
were not applted before the crash.

Slumdog Millionaire, the story of an tnner-c
teen from lndta who strikes tt rich on a popular lV
gameshow, won Best Picture at the Oscars. The
rest of the nominees tncluded Milk, The Reader,
Frost/Nixon and The Cunous Case of Ben}amtn Button.

Jtmmte Johnson became second dnver m

NASCAR h1story to wtn three consecut1ve season
champtonshtps, wtlen he put together a 2008 that
tncluded seven race wins and five runner-up ftnishes.
Goss1p G1rl, the 1V drama based on the senes
of books of the same name, cont1nued to get
strong ratmgs from the teen crowd. There were
even rumors that the show, centered on the
1ves of socialite New York C1ty teens, could
lead to spin-offs.


Former Heisman trophy winner O.J S1mpson
began servmg at least ntne years m pnson for
h1s conv1ct1on m the robbery of sports memo-
rabilia from dealers in a Las Vegas hotel room
m 2007. The tnal garnered fewer headlines
than his 1995 tnal. m which he was acqUitted
of the murders of his ex-wife, N1cole Brown
Simpson, and Ron Goldman
Hurncane Ike devastated Galveston, Texas
hlt Sept 13, and caused damage and wer
outages 1n at least 10 states from Texas to 0
At least 34 people were st1ll m1ss ng at the end
Janaury. Also 1n the wake of the storm
U.S. expenenced grave gasoline

Nebraska's legislature revised its Safe Haven Law after parents

some of them teens. All states have Safe Haven laws regardmg
orig1nallaw allowed parents to drop children as old as 1
parents came from other states, including Teri Mart1n of Mrch1g
termination nghts 1n Mich1gan.


Annika Sorenstam announced her retirement from competitive
W1nn1ngest female golfer of all time with
tjii!I,AUU. .I\;C _.

t year cntiCaily acclrumed Sitcom 30 Rock won

Series t the Emmy Awards and began to slowly
getting a boost from the fame star Tina Fey
tp'esilc:lerltlal elect on.

ong10al Yankee Stadium closed 1ts doors to make

stad1um be1ng built for the New York Yankees. The
played in the "House That Ruth Built" on Sept. 21,
the Balt1more Onoles, with the Yankees winn1ng 7-3.

European SCientists bwld the Large Hadron Colllder in Switzerland,

a g1ant part1cle accelerator des1gned to study advanced physics and
unlock many of sc1ence's mysteries Before ti-Je LHC s launch, con-
spiracy theonsts speculated that the machine's power would create
a d1saster such as a black hole. Wh1le that did not happen, the LHC
d1d suffer a malfunction shortly after becom1ng operational, which
the work.

Astronom• have known for several years

that exoptanets. or planets outs1de of our
solar system, existed. But it was not until
this year that a group of astronomers from
the U.S. and Canada were able to produce
photographs of two of these planets in
actual visible l1ght.


Kanye West, the most commercially
successful rap star of the moment,
released an expenmental pop album t1tfed
808s and Heartbreak. West surprised h1s
fans and critics alike by choos1ng to s1ng,
rather than rap, on most of the songs. The
heavy use of drum machmes and an aud1o
processor to alter West's voice brought
mixed reviews, but earned the star pra1se
for 1nnovat1on.

A multinational task team led by the U S. Navy was cracking down on ptrate--s off the
coast of Somalia. In February, the U.S. Navy made •:; 'irst arrests of ptrates on behalf
of the team. Piracy has become btg bus1ness and a big nuisarce ·n the Gulf of Aden
In 2008, p11ates attacked almost 100 vessels, hiJaCked a• least 40 and '<>.-""v'""'·'""
estnnated $150 mtlhon il" ransoMS.


At only 19, young country
star Taylor Sw1ft became
Billboard's highest-selling
country art1st of the year
when her second album

B1g purses were one of the

b1g fashion statements of
the year Neutral or multi-
colored. g1rls and women
could carry almost anyth1ng
they needed w1th them.
Scarves and boots rema1ned
must-have accessones. For
boys. the slightly spiky look
was be1ng worn 1n short to
med1um ha~r In college,
showmg up to class m
sweats was cool.

Governments struggled to
get a handle on the potential
dangers of S1sphenol A or
SPA, an organic compound
present m some plast1cs
used to make products
such as baby bottles. When
new studtes showed that
exposure to SPA had hnks
to many d1seases, Canada
and several U.S. states
moved for leg1slat1on to ban
the use of SPA 1n bottles

It was an NFL regular season where big
big headlines. Green Bay's Brett Favn1
coaxed the team 1nto trading him to the
Warner had his finest season 1n years
Bowl. Meanwhile, New England's Tom
season when he was knocked out lrl week
The Phlladelphta Phlliles won JUSt the
second wortd trtle tn thetr 125-year
history by defeattng the Tampa Bay
Rays in the Wortd Senes. By wtn-
ntng a ratn-soaked Game 5 that was
delayed for two days by storms, the
Phililes ended Tampa's hopes of go-
ing from the worst record 1n baseball
to the championship.


When NBC and News Corp. launched their streaming video

website Hulu.com with almost no content, there were skeptics
everywhere. By the end of the year, once full episodes of 1V
shows from a variety of channels was up on the srte for free,
Hulu.com had become one of the most popular destinations on
the internet and a rival to YouTube.

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