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(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)

City of Iriga



SUBJECT: SCI ED- 201 Science Instrument Improvisation

These are the different Virtual Laboratory Techniques:


 are imitations of operating systems through time, via computers. These represent a
process on the basis of a model that is cheaper, faster, less risky and more affordable
than the real process.


 are experimental devices in small virtual laboratories and are quite popular in science
subjects. They are small in size and easily transported and they can be used
regardless of the operating system type.

Applet Practical Example

 The applet facilitates user interaction in the browsing environment. We have all
indulged in a little online game at some point. Playing a game always involves a lot of
user interactions. Let us take an online game called Retreat. In this game, soldiers
have completed their field mission and are to make their way back to the barracks.
This journey is plagued with obstacles. Obstacles include rivers, ditches, remnants of
the enemy, land mines, wild animals and bad weather conditions. The soldier is armed
with a gun, knife and his skill set.

 The solder must be animated to move forwards, backwards, left and right. He must be
able to walk, run, stoop, jump and stand. He must be able to use his knife and gun. All
these actions are initiated by the mouse click or keystroke of the user. Being a gaming
environment, each action initiated is accompanied by corresponding graphics and/or
sound effects. Examples are a smoking gun, sounds of gun shots, sounds of running
boots and breaking twigs. With the aid of applets, these added animations and sound
effects bring the game to life making the environment dynamic.

 The most common programming language for creating web pages is HTML, and for
application distribution is Java. A marriage of these two birthed the popular Java
applet. We will examine the advantages and disadvantages of applets using Java
applets as our reference point.


 Cross Platform. Applets are platform independent. This means that they are designed
to work across various platforms. The same Java applet supporting our Retreat game
on a Windows system can also work on Linux and OSI systems.
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
City of Iriga


 Compatibility. We all have different levels of alertness in keeping our computers

updated. Java applets, however, can work on any installed version of the Java plug-in
that exists on the computer. The most recent plug-in is not necessarily required. The
user is only forced to do an update if the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is outdated.

 Quick Execution. The process of caching is employed by computers to temporarily

store in memory frequently accessed data to shorten program runtimes. As such,
applets are normally cached, making their execution across web browsers faster.

 Scalable Work. The ability for certain functions to be moved from the server-side to
the client-side has enabled application development to be scalable with the use of
applets. If there was an upgrade on our online game Retreat, which has 2 million
subscribers of varying PC specifications, then the deployment file will be a fraction of
its size due to the burden taken off by the use of applets. This reduces the installation
time on the client-side.


Applets have many restrictions over the areas of security because they are obtained
from remote machines and can harm client-side machines. Some of them are as follows:

If we are running an applet from a provider who is not trustworthy than security is

 Applet itself cannot run or modify any application on the local system.

 Applets has no access to client-side resources such as files, OS etc.

 Applets can have special privileges. They have to be tagged as trusted applets and
they must be registered to APS (Applet Security Manager).

 Applet has little restriction when it comes to communication. It can communicate only
with the machine from which it was loaded.

 Applet cannot work with native methods.

 Applet can only extract information about client-machine is its name, java version, OS,
version etc.

 Applets tend to be slow on execution because all the classes and resources which it
needs have to be transported over the network.


 Virtual labs (virtual laboratories) simulate a virtual operating system, the computer
screen, Science laboratories, exploiting the potential offered by modern media
technology key feature technical interaction and direct and plausible manipulation of
objects and parameters.
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
City of Iriga



 VRL workshops are computer based and highly interactive. The user becomes a
participant in a “virtually real” world, in an artificial three-dimensional optical
environment. These workshops are essentially an interface high level including real
time three-dimensional simulations through different sensory channels.

Common Applications of Virtual Reality in The Classroom

 VR and education have been merged beautifully to provide a better learning

experience for students, its applications in the classroom vary according to the level of
education and the specific disciplines. Below are the top applications of virtual reality
in today’s classrooms.

a. Virtual Field Trips

 Class field trips have for ages been an important part of the educational curriculum.
Just like regular field trips, virtual field trips are meant to be as entertaining as they are
educational. The difference, however, is that with VR field trips, there is no need for
schools buses and weeks of prior planning. The trips are not limited to a particular
location but rather, VR allows the learners to take virtual trips to incredible places.
From a journey to the solar system and its planets to Antarctica and areas that would
otherwise be impossible for a school bus to voyage to, simulated field trips are

 With the necessary resources, teachers can execute the perfect class trip all in the
comfort of the classroom. VR technology just requires basic knowledge of computers
and a clear lesson plan. A combination of the two aspects culminates in a successful
virtual trip.
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
City of Iriga


b. 3D Design

 Virtual reality is perhaps most useful in the 3D design and modeling classes. The
technology allows learners to visualize concepts learned in class in realistic 3-
dimension rendering. This allows students to gain a deeper appreciation of 3D models
and concepts behind them. The method allows improved virtual interaction with the
intricate parts creating an immersive learning experience. Studies indicate that the
uptake of VR technology in disciplines such as engineering and software design has
led to improved student performance.

c. Anatomy Classes

 VR technology in the classroom is particularly useful in anatomy studies. It allows an

in-depth view of critical biological systems such as the circulatory system, digestive
system, and others. It allows precise dissection and study of animals at a level
previously unattainable. VR technology works in conjunction with allied software such
as Autocad, providing detailed models of biological systems.


 Breathtaking Visualizations

VR technology allows educational displays that are typically impossible in the

traditional classroom setting. Virtual reality is a great learning tool because it lets the
students explore different realities and alternative learning experiences. Wearing a VR
headset allows learners to encounter high-quality educational visualizations that
impact positively on the whole process. It is a well-known fact that pictures help you
learn better. By using virtual technology, learners take advantage of the visual aspects
of learning to ensure they retain as much content as possible. The traditional teaching
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
City of Iriga


methods however time-tested they are, can never match the effectiveness
emphasizing content through visualization achieves.

 Improvement In The Quality Of Education

Virtual reality has opened up new frontiers in education. By allowing a three-

dimensional view of educational content, the learning experience improves, which
typically means better grades and better application of the content in real life. VR helps
students better understand lessons and find mistakes they would usually miss. This
advantage of VR in the classroom cuts across various disciplines.

 Increased Learner Participation

VR is as useful in today’s classrooms as it is intriguing. This simulation technology is

a breath of fresh air that has enabled student-teacher interactions to improve.
Traditional pedagogies are plain, simple and a bit boring. Adding a bit of technology in
the equation revamps the whole experience. VR and education are, therefore, a recipe
for success.

 Students Connect With Technology

In day-to-day life, technology occupies a significant place in students’ lives. When not
in class, just about everything else that they do is in some way is connected to
technology. Therefore, by integrating VR into the learning curriculum, teachers ensure
a seamless transition from standard out-of-class-lives into the classroom. This method
changes the way information is passed and provides the students with the necessary
tools to take on the 21st century. Virtual reality has somewhat become a mainstream
form of entertainment as more and more smartphone manufacturers embrace the
technology. This means that it is unlikely that learners will be experiencing or coming
into contact with the technology for the first time, though this greatly depends on an
individual’s circumstances and a country’s technological status.

 Improved Content Retention Rates


 Cost Concerns

It has been noted that using VR and education technology helps students to retain the
material better. For instance, presenting material in interactive 3D form as opposed to
traditional textbooks can have a massive impact on how much of the material the
learners can recall. Studies have been conducted to test the effectiveness of related
technologies in improving retention rates. The results as expected were impressive
with an observed improvement on how much content the students remember when
virtual reality was used in classrooms.

VR gear is typically costly to procure. For instance, Oculus Rift, perhaps the most
common VR equipment available goes for a whopping five hundred USD ($500). Other
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
City of Iriga


models cost a few hundred dollars more than Oculus’ price tag. The question,
however, doesn’t necessarily lie in the value. Rather, the quality is directly related to
the price. Cheaper models have a poor quality of build which means schools have to
invest quite an amount of money in VR headsets and computing equipment.

 Deterioration In Social Connections

While technology and virtual reality, in particular, can be a vital asset for the most part
in education, its main disadvantage is that it reduces human interaction. The traditional
pedagogy of education is based on interpersonal human communication and
connections. Virtual reality makes the whole experience different in that, the aspect of
personal interactions is eliminated. There are just the student and the technology; no
one else. The lack of proper communication skills can result in poor social skills which
can cause problems later on in a professional setting.

 Glitches And Functionality Issues

As with any other technology, VR gadgets may from time to time malfunction. This
presents the need for a tech support department which further increases the amount
of money necessary to keep the equipment running optimally. Repairing VR gear is an
expensive prospect that limits its uptake in many classrooms and schools.

 Addiction

Virtual reality is gripping and addictive, if not indulged in responsibly. In young learners,
it is easy to get hooked on the virtual world and simply lose touch with reality. The
effects are similar to drug addiction which makes VR and education a potentially
dangerous match.

Virtual reality is positioning itself as the next biggest advancement in educational

technology. Teachers and learners alike are expected to make use of virtual reality
technology to redefine the learning experience further. There are numerous tech
players actively involved in developing VR technology with the likes of Samsung,
Google, HTC Vive and Facebook leading the pack. The future of virtual reality in
education certainly seems bright. Virtual Reality technology is still in its childhood
which means that VR and education are going to cause quite a stir in the future.


 Workshops controlled remotely (remote labs, otherwise known as online labs or

workbenches) include real experiments conducted from a distance with the use of
telecommunications, while the user uses this technology from another location.

 Most of the virtual laboratory software consists on computing applications running on

the local user’s computer, for speed and security reasons. They can be operated
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
City of Iriga


remotely. An example are those based on applets or robotic workshops (remote labs)
that can accept commands via the Internet.

“All life is an experiment.

The more experiment you make, the better.”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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