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'. Cert~ficat e of. Ana lysis ' . I .' ~.

Product name : TEFOSE 63

Item N° : 31 T1TFB
Batch N ° : 171795
M anufacturing date ; 10.2016
Ex piry data : 10.2.02 1
Sp ~cificlltio n N' : 3 177/2
CU$ tOrrler reference ASP IN PHAAMA (PVTl liMITED,
Customer oode 116490
Dalivery N ° 80 233843
Analysis dato : 10.20 18
In spec tion lot :40000092 6 75


Ernul ifler, rnl~ tLHe 0 1' PEG·6 st.e rate NF/JPE and Ethylene
g lycOl palm ito st earate EPINFI.JP .tnd PEG -32 st earate NF/JPE

Ch aracteristic Method Speclfloatlon RO$u it

A PP EARANCE MA0 193 Wa)(y sohd Con forms

ODOUR MA0 170 FlJi!'ll Conforms
COLOU R (Galt!ner Scale) MA0214 < .. 5 .0 1.2
DAOP POINT (METTLER) MAOOOl 46 0 to 53 0 °c 49 .0
AC ID VALUE MAOOO8 <= 6.0 mgK OH/g 2.0
SAPONIFI CATION VALU E MAOO2.2 100 to 120 mgr<OH/g 114
IODINE VALU E MA0092 2 3.0 91211009 <; '" 3 .0 "
WATER CONT ENT MAOOO7 <= 0 .50 % 0 .13
SULPHATED A SH ES CONTENT MA0028 < 0 .2 % < = 0.2"
HEAVV METALS CONT ENT [pbl MAOO32 < 10 ppm Con forms'

• Charac ferlst i guaranteed bVI no t tested .

This batch w ,)s released hy our aurhorlzed QuehlY Manager ond was fou nd to maet thl! spec,fice l,ons S Slated above . The abo ve
resulUl do not diRch arge the customer Iro ", the obligation [0 carry out lin rnspactlQn of oads received .
This report has been produced ele~tronlclllly an d does not "''lI JlrO a slgn~!Urc .

Printing 01118 : 11 .06. 2018 QualitY Managor

Magali DRONNlffi

P '1'" I , i
r,:A1"T['f OSstS/fSlt:. It.tnl l (f\,lGC '':'' ~ S "'C 0 70 6 9 8o.::l., I "J f~ I ~T('t!i.OL:-. lOr IItt.: T ' .J.t":'/J...r.;:~ ~ 1JC ' I'! / I' .!li" 1 .. !M.;.., .s,
$AS . IU '" /II rl .. , G~ 000 Wrc:.. 1\ C ~ LVClO e a8i ~8 ·.l .0 tt '" d"liJtnU': 1Io e r e' rr::. .sp ': ~ 'SP 90C
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_" -.
Product n amo : LA8R A FIL M 1944 CS

Item N° : 306 3SFC

Botch N° : 171882
Manu facturing date : 10 . 2018
Expiry dilte : 10.2021
S peci fication N° : 3063/6
Cu~!orner referonce A SPIN PHARMA (PVTI LIMITED,
Customor c ode : 116490
Delivery N° : 8023384 3
Analysis ditto : 10 20 18
Inspection lot : 40 000 09 2716

01 oVI mac(ogol· 6 gly cerides EP 10leoyi polyox'(t-6 g lycerl de ~ NF.

Characteristic Method Specifica.ion Rasult

MANUFA CTU RING PLAN T Gal1efossE! : 01 / SIO : 02 0 1/01

A PPEARANCE MA0193 LIqUid Dt 40°C Conforms
ODOUR MA0170 Faint Conlorms
CO LOUR (Gardner s ~le l MI\0 2111 <: '" 5. 0 14
SPECIFIC GRA VITY AT 2 0° C (02014) MAOOO5 0.935 to 0.955 0 ,941
REFRA CTIVE INDEX AT 2 0 ° C MAOQll , .465 to 1.475 1.470
VISCOSITY AT 20 °C MA0025 75 to 95 mPa.s 85
ACID V ALU E MAOOOa <: 200 mg KOH.'g 1. 1
SA PONIFICATION VALUE MA OO22 150 10 170 mgKOH /g 165
IODINE VALUE MA0224 75 10 95 91211 00g 83
HYDROXYL VALUE MAOO23 '15 1065 mgK.OHlg 57
PEROXiDE V A LUE MA0010 <: ­ 12.0 mflQ02Jlr.g < 0 .1
WATER CONTENT M AOO07 <: .. 0 .50 % 0 .02
FREE GLYC EROL CONTENT MA0293 < '" 3.0 % <: = 3 .0·
PAl.MITIC ACID IC16) MA OOO2 4.0 ro 90~' 5.8
STEARIC ACID IC' S) MAOOO2 < -= 6.0 "'" 3.1
OLEIC A CID I C1B:1) MAOOO2 59.0 1080 0 % 635
LINOlEIC A CID IC18 ;21 MAO 02 15 .01035.0% 24 .8
LIN OLEN IC ACID (C18 :3) MAOOO2 <; = 2-0 % 0.1
ARACHIDIC ACID (C2 0 ) MAOOO2 <: 2.0 .. 0 .3
I ElCOSENOIC AC ID (C20: l ) MAOO02 <: '" 2 .0 % 0 .3
TOTAL ASHES CONTENT MAOO1B < ~ 0 . 10 % < ~ 010·
HEA VY META1.S CONTENT (Pbl MAOO32 <: 10 ppm Conrorms'
l A -DIOXA NE CONTENT MA0140 < = 10 ppm <: 1
ETHYLENE OXIDE CONTENT MA0140 -= 1 ppm \.onlorms
TLC (ldOOtirlcallon leSt Eur .Pharm . ) MA0209 Conform~ Conlo rm$

- Chr;rllc leri 'til' gus r nll)ud but 1101 tes ted

Pelle i 1 2.
CAT Il f O\iStSAS H a::21 "m l1 Q.('o ('j IlJ" ~ CS 7Qf11C - tl iOU'; :,AlN rl; IIl t,5 1c.. ." , ."Ie., I j)J..1,~1:1t OO f\!' " ,-" til . l J4 800 ·t !atJ
SAS u \, ,1 , ~ 11 .. ·SO 00-0 E'U'~I Re s ' .,."(in 61..":.9 586 r. 0 N 9 IS .,.,." ,', :"' EC F:; 49 "89 456& t\ 1~

Certificate of Analysis
Product Name : LA8RAFIl M 1944 CS

: 3063BF C
: 171 8 82

Characteristic Me ~hod S p eclfi c~l;i on Rasult

This blllCh w as r eleased ' your authorized Quali ty Managor lind w as fo und to meet the 6p ci fi co tio ns 8S stated nbove . The ahove
result s do no t di scharge the custom !!r fro m t he ohlig8rion to corry Out un Inspection 0 1 goods received.
This report h as been prod uced el",ctronicsliy and does IlOt ,equir a signalure

Printi ng Date : 11. 0 6 .2018 Qualily M anager



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