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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology.

Palaeoecology, 91 ( 1992): 197-218 197

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam

Mid-Cretaceous sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary

cyclicity in the western Paris Basin

Pierre Juignet a and G6rard Breton b

aUniversitO, Laboratoire de Gdologie de Normandie occidentale, 14032 Caen Cedex, France
bMuseum d'Histoire naturelle, 76600 Le Havre, France
(Received F e b r u a r y 5, 1991; revised a n d accepted S e p t e m b e r 3, 1991)


Juignet, P. and Breton, G., 1992. Mid-Cretaceous sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary cyclicity in the western Paris Basin.
Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 91 : 197 218.

Cenomanian and Turonian depositional patterns of the western Paris Basin are interpreted in terms of sequence stratigraphy.
A system tract analysis of the epicontinental "Normandie Basin", with pelagic chalks, and of the "Maine Platform" covered
by clastics, provides evidence for relative changes in coastal onlap; various minor uncomformities are related to these changes
of sea level. The four global cycles (UZA or ZC-2.2/2.5) of Haq et al. (1987, 1988) are recognised while an additional one is
proposed for the Geslinianum Zone. In addition, periodic rhythmic cycles are commonly registered within the chalk, expressed
by the repetition of various facies enhanced both by biosedimentary processes and diagenetic alteration. These elementary
climatic cycles allow accurate lithostratigraphic correlations. During this period when the sea level peaked on the tectonically
passive border of the Armorican block, the Paris Basin appears to record a detailed set of events which can be correlated with
those in the Atlantic, Boreal and Tethyan provinces.


La s6rie s6dimentaire du C6nomanien et Turonien du bassin de Paris occidental est interpr6t+e en termes de stratigraphie
s6quentielle. Une synth6se de l'enchainement des cort+ges de d6p6ts est 6tablie entre le '~bassin normand" 6picontinental,
caract6ris6 par le faci6s p61agique de la craie, et la "plate-forme mancelle'" ~i couverture d6tritique; la signification des diverses
discontinuit6s est discut6e dans le cadre de cette dynamique eustatique. Les quatre cycles (UZA ou ZC-2.2 fi 2.5) individualis6s
fi l'6chelle globale par Haq et al. (1987, 1988) sont reconnus et un cycle supplEmentaire est propos~ pour la zone ~ Geslinianum.
L'attention est 6galement port6e sur un motif cyclique 616mentaire qui s'exprime par la r6p~tition de facies vari6s au sein de
la craie en fonction des structures bios6dimentaires et des retouches diag~n6tiques. L'origine climatique de ces rythmes est
6voqu6e ainsi que leur utilisation lithostratigraphique. Sur la bordure assez stable du bloc amoricain, progressivement submerge
par cette culmination des eaux marines, le bassin de Paris enregistre avec finesse un ensemble d'~v+nements qui peuvent 6tre
corr+l~s vers les domaines atlantiques, bor6aux et t+thysiens.

Introduction on the periphery, adjacent to emerged ancient

massifs, the chalk passes laterally into clastic,
The Anglo-Paris Basin has a privileged position silicious or carbonate deposits of the infratidal
in forming the meeting point of the Atlantic, platform. This transition is known to occur in the
Boreal and Tethyan areas. In this epicontinental northeast (towards the Ardennes), in the south
environment, the Cretaceous series, of predomi- (towards Limousin and Vend6e) and especially in
nantly terrestrial origin in its lower part, is charac- the west (towards the Armorican Massif and Corn-
terized by the development of chalk facies from wall where these facies are best preserved).
the Cenomanian to the Campanian. In the latter two areas, the coastal cliffs of the
This pelagic circalittoral sedimentation extends Channel show nearly continuous sections which
throughout the major part of the basin. However, have been the subject of numerous recent lithologic

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and biostratigraphic studies in England (Jefferies, Channel

1962, 1963; Kennedy, 1969; Mortimore, 1986) as
" "sv picard e
well as in France (Juignet, 1974; Juignet and ,~o
A n t i ~ . f F e "~
Kennedy, 1976; Robaszynski et al., 1980; Pomerol,
1984; Mortimore and Pomeroi, 1987).
These regional studies provide detailed informa-
tion, calibrated against a common biostratigraphic
and sufficiently accurate time scale, permitting ~ 6
good correlations. Dynamic interpretations of the 'Fu

cretaceous units in term of transgressions, regres-

sions and eustatic variations have been proposed
by Hancock and Kaufman (1979), Juignet (1980),
Robaszynski (1981), Juignet and Louail (1987). ARMORICAN " ~ / ~ .
At the same time, seismic stratigraphy and sedi- MASSIF ....
mentary system tract studies by Vail and his team, :::::::::: ::
. vLP ~]
specially on peri-atlantic continental margins and
internal basins led to an adjustment of a global
chart of the eustatic cycles for the Mesozoic and :!ii!iiii:: eTh Jurassic
Cenozoic (Haq et al., 1987, 1988). During the Maine /
Upper Albian to Upper Turonian supercycle UZA- [lercynian Basement
% &
2 (version 3.1A of Haq et al.'s chart) or ZC-2
(version 3.1B), the sea reached its highest level,
i~% .Bo f//f
which resulted in the submersion of the barriers / " ..... , s j
"~.-, Anjou g
and swells, and an increase in faunal exchanges.
A synthesis of these results is proposed here for
the period from the lowermost Cenomanian to the
middle of the Turonian (96.5-91 Ma). Fig.l. Locality map for the Western Paris Basin. An." Angers,
The interest of this regional model is due to the Ba: Ballon, Be: Berneval, Bn: Bonn&able, Bo." Bousse, Ca:
presence of the stratotype areas of two stages (Le Cauville, Co: Cormeilles, Di: Dieppe, El. Etretat, Fe: F6camp,
Fu: Fumichon, La: Lamnay, LH: Le Havre, Li: Lillebonne,
Mans and Tours) while the geodynamic context of LM: Le Mans, LP: La Perri~re, Lx: Lisieux, MP: M6zi6res-
great stability allows it to be used as a reference. sous-Ponthouin, Me: Le Merlerault, NB: Nogent-le-Bernard,
The good outcrops of Haute Normandie chalk Oc: Octeville, Pa: Parign~, P w Pavilly, Ro: Rouen, Sa." Sandou-
formations also permitted the recognition of a ville, SC: St. Calais, Se: Senneville, S J: St. Jouin, SV: St.
Val6ry-en-Caux, Ta: Tancarville, Th: Th61igny, 7'o: Tours, Tu:
sedimentary rhythmicity, emphasised by the ichno- Tuff~, Ve: Vernon, Vi: Vimoutiers, Vq: Villequier, Vr: Villers
facies and variably expressed depending on the sur Mer.
age, the position in the basin and the sedimentation
rate. It appears likely that this cyclic pattern reflects
variations in climatic conditions. stretches out towards Maine and beyond, towards
Tectono-sedimentary conditions (Fig.l) The limits of these units are related to structural
features of the Hercynian Basement which were
In the western part of the Paris Basin, the reactivated during the Cretaceous. These structures
Cretaceous paleogeography indicates the presence delimit blocks, themselves subdivided into smaller
of a distinct "Normandie Basin" between the Bray units by similar features which generally follow
anticline in the north and the Merlerault Axis in the Armorican NW-SE direction. Such is the case
the south. Beyond the Bray anticline, the "Picardie for the Normandie block which is cut by the
Basin" extends towards the north. In the south of St. Val6ry-Pavilly-Rouen-Vernon, F6camp-Lille-
the Normandie basin, the "Maine Platform" bonne, and Villers-Lisieux faults. These delimit,

from north to south, the structural units of Ste. 1978) and foraminifera (Monciardini, 1978). The
Marguerite-sur-Mer, Senneville, the Bec de Caux- biostratigraphical zonation used for the Cenoman-
Lieuvin and the Pays d'Auge. ian-Turonian period was defined by Kennedy
Several regional studies have revealed the struc- (1984). It is the same scale as the one used by Haq
tural control exerted by the activity along these et al., for the positioning of their eustatic variation
faults on the Cretaceous sedimentation (Juignet, curve and the definition of coastal agradation
1974; Kennedy and Juignet, 1974; Gale, 1980; sequences linked with short-duration cycles.
Mortimore and Pomerol, 1987; Ragot, 1989); these We shall analyse the Cenomanian Turonian
areas of slight movement, however, were affected period following this division into third order
by a series of broad-scale tectonic events which cycles using the numerical symbols of Haq et al.
also affect the more stable adjoining areas: discon- (1988).
tinuities and condensed horizons are interpreted
as signals reflecting eustatic variations. Cycle ZC-2.2 (uppermost Dispar-Mantelli-Dixoni
p.p. ) (Fig.2)
Turonian and C e n o m a n i a n system tracts ordering
This period (96.5-95.5 Ma) corresponds partly
The dating of the different sedimentary forma- to a major sequence of deposits between two very
tions in the western part of the Paris Basin is well marked sedimentary discontinuities, recorded
essentially based on the evolution of ammonite throughout the area regardless of the structural
faunas (Juignet and Kennedy, 1976; Juignet et al., conditions: the "Octeville erosion surface" at the

hardground Rouen
N o r m a n d i e Basin Maine Platform
hardgro~d Th~tgny


F~camp Fault
- - i, Ii :_--~--

i///¸ •

erosion Surface I-=~=
i chalk flint bands
- - - - e r o s i o n surface
gaize I
~-'carbouate hardground
~ glauconite ~ - - s a n d s t o n e hardground
phosphated nod ~////.~. nodular limestone
sands ~andstones

Fig.2. Schematic sections of Lower Cenomanian formations (Mantelli and Dixoni Zones). C J = St. Jouin glauconitic chalk, M B =
Ballon marls, S L = Lamnay sands. Discontinuities: /=Octeville erosion surface, 2 = M B basal surface; 3=St. Jouin hardground
(hg); 4=B16ville hg; 5=Heuqueville hg; 6=Villequier hg; 7=Livet hg; 8=Montpinqon hg; 9 / / = l o w e r MB erosion surfaces;
1 2 - 1 3 = F6camp hg; 1 4 - 1 6 = Bruneval, 1,2 and 3 hg; 17 = Villers hg; 1 8 - 1 9 = Crouttes hg; 2 0 = Montgaudry surface; 21 = Perronerie
hg; 2 2 - 2 4 = upper MB erosion surfaces; 2 5 = Sables hg; 26 = Lamnay hg; 2 7 = Rouen hg; 2 8 = Th61igny hg.
200 P. J U I G N E T A N D G. BRETON

base and the "Rouen" or "Theligny hardground" nqon, Villers, and Crouttes hardgrounds"). The
at the top. terrigenous fraction increases, with especially
The succession of deposits which characterizes quartz and bioclasts becoming more abundant; in
this cycle is composed of several biosedimentary the middle of the formation a diagenetic network
systems that succeed each other from the Norman- of globular opal appears; simultaneously the flint
die Basin to the Maine Platform and the Armori- bands become more scarce.
can littoral zone. Further towards the southwest, in the Perche,
Towards the centre of the basin, on the Bec de the St. Jouin glauconitic chalk always shows a
Caux and the Lieuvin for instance, the Dispar progressive vertical decrease in the quartzose detri-
Zone is represented by the upper "Octeville gaize" tal fraction, while the facies containing sponge
silty and glauconitic marl formation, with a large spicules and opal cement becomes dominant within
amount of siliceous sponge spicules and with a a four or five times repeated sequential pattern
pelagic influence (Hedbergella); near the F6camp (glauconitite-biomicrite, microsparite-siliceous
Fault, the "Lillebonne sands" represent a contem- gaize). Flint is not common. The internal disconti-
porary facies. The whole sequence is bounded by nuities ("the Coulimer and Perronerie hard-
the "Cauville burrowed surface" at the base and grounds") are no longer marked by nodular
by the "Octeville erosion surface" at the top. limestones but take the form of burrowed omission
Above the Octeville erosion surface, the "St-Jouin surfaces, associated with a burrow network.
glauconitic chalk" often shows 6 minor sequences. In the Pays d'Auge and the Perche, the St. Jouin
Each is characterized by a vertical succession of chalk lies on highly glauconitic deposits ("Basal
four facies: glauconitic nodules and phosphated Glauconite") which is part of the Dispar Zone.
fossils, clayey, glauconitic chalk, white or grey On the Maine Platform, the rate of deposition
chalk with flint, and bioturbated chalky nodular increased above the Ostrea vesiculosa glauconite
limestone, with a hardground structure (Juignet, bed (Dispar Zone). The "Ballon marls" (40 m)
1980). laterally replace the lower part of the St. Jouin
The following minor, though distinct, disconti- chalk (Mantelli Zone, Carcitanense Subzone and
nuities, are found to extend for ten to fifty kilome- the lower part of Saxbii Subzone), while the upper
tres: the St. Jouin, Heuqueville, Bruneval 1-3, part (uppermost Saxbii Subzone and Dixoni Zone)
F6camp, and Villequier hardgrounds. The two is replaced by the coarse-grained sediments of the
basal sequences correspond approximately to the "Lamnay sands and sandstones" (25 m). Within
Carcitanense Subzone of the Mantelli Zone, the the dominantly silty and clayey Ballon marls, with
two median sequences with the Saxbii Subzone of local interlayers of gaize, more than ten sequences
the Mantelli Zone, and the two upper sequences with basal glauconitite and terminated by omission
with the Dixoni Zone. The average thickness of or erosion surfaces can be distinguished; the diage-
the formation is 25 m; it contains some forty flint netic evolution is weak. A pelagic microfauna is
bands, which emphasise the elementary sequences. present in the middle and upper parts. The regres-
The detrital content (quartz, clay, muscovite) sive facies of the Lamnay sands, which is also
decreases progressively upwards. The siliceous multisequential, reflects an increasing depth of
sponge spicules, which are very numerous, are water with well marked currents (ripples and sand-
calcified near the base and at the top; a pel- waves), tempestite horizons, infratidal organisms
agic microfauna is plentiful in the middle part. (rudists, Melobesieae); and an early, diagenetic,
The F~camp-Lillebonne-Villequier tectonic axis carbonate cementation produces hardgrounds at
behaved as an elevated swell as is evidenced by the top of sandy bodies (Longueville and Lamnay
the presence of glauconitic and condensed facies. hardgrounds) with borings and oyster encrust-
Southwards, in the Pays d'Auge, the St. Jouin ations.
glauconitic chalk becomes thicker (35 m) and the Beyond, towards Anjou (Louail, 1984), conti-
internal discontinuities, such as nodular limestone, nental deposits of coastal marshes (Baugeois clays)
are more numerous (up to a dozen: "the Montpi- or of fluviatile origin (Jumelles gravels) appear.

Thus, these assemblages of deposits can be inter- ground (Plate l,a) at the Dixoni-Rhotomagense
preted in terms of sequential stratigraphy. boundary.
The upper Octeville gaize, Lillebonne sands, The system tract is as follows: In the Normandie
Basal glauconite and the O. vesieulosa glauconite Basin, the "Rouen chalk" represents the Rhotoma-
represent the ZC2-1 cycle (Dispar Zone) between gense, Jukesbrownei and Guerangeri Zones. It
the Cauville and the Octeville erosion surfaces. always begins with a glauconitic, condensed level
The Octeville surface is an erosional sequence with a phosphated fauna (Costatus Subzone). The
boundary in the Normandie Basin, but it is also facies are organized, as in the St. Jouin chalk, in
a minor discontinuity on the Maine Platform. It minor sequences of glauconitite-clayey glauconitic
is overlain by an incipient shelf margin wedge chalk-massive chalk with flint-nodular, biotur-
(sandy glauconitite) followed by the transgressive bated limestone of hardground type. Three of these
complex of the lower St. Jouin glauconitic chalk sequences, terminated by the internal discontinuit-
and the Ballon marls (Carcitanense Subzone); a ies of the Rouen 2 and 3, or Pavilly hardgrounds
rapid rising of the sea level is suggested by the can be identified. The top of the formation is
frequence of condensed, glauconitic and biotur- formed by the Antifer 1 hardground. This unit is
bated facies with phosphates. about 15 m thick and 25 flint bands can be seen
The middle part of the St. Jouin chalk and in it. The microfacies shows a decrease in terrige-
upper part of the Ballon marls (Saxbii subzone) nous material and a marked preponderance of
can be interpreted as highstand; then St. Jouin pelagic sedimentation. In the basal facies, abun-
hardground and its equivalents represent a maxi- dant glauconite is associated with phosphated
mum flooding surface. gravels, miscellaneous bioclasts and quartz; the
The beginning of the drop of the sea level at micritic matrix is rich in coccoliths. The increase
the end of the Saxbii Zone produced a sequence in planktonic microfauna is clearly visible in the
boundary in the form of the Bruneval 1-2 hard- Jukesbrownei Zone with a Pithonella, Hedbergella,
grounds within the basin, or the Perronerie-Sables Calcispherula, Rotalipora, Heterohelix ooze
hardgrounds on the Maine Platform. This disconti- enriched in opal spicules. Despite an extreme con-
nuity took place before the deposition of the densation (thickness reduced to 2 or 3 m), the
Lamnay sands (Dixoni Zone) which are considered same microfacies does also cover the F6camp and
to represent a shelf margin wedge. This prism is Pavilly-Rouen-Vernon swells.
to be correlated with the upper part of St. Jouin As in the previous cycle, in the Perche transi-
chalk. tional area the Rouen chalk also shows a higher
The minor internal discontinuities present in sedimentation rate with a scarcity of planktonic
these formations can be considered as parasequen- foraminifera and a flooding of sponge spicules
tial boundaries reflecting higher frequency of which results in the formation of massive "gaize"
eustatic variation. with a framework of opal; flint is rare. The "Perche
The contrast in thickness betWeen the distal, the sands", a detritic discharge which here marks the
condensed basinal deposits and those proximal to top of the sequence is announced in the Jukes-
the platform, though still present in this example, brownei Zone by a new profusion of quartz and
is weakened by the addition of a pelagic, carbonate muscovite followed by a clayey fraction.
phase (coccoliths, pithonellas, calcispheres) to the The extension of the Rouen chalk towards north
terrigenous material of the Normandie Basin. and east of the Maine Platform reveals a radical
change in the depositional environment.
Cycle ZC-2.3 (uppermost Dixoni-Rhotomagense- Because of this onlap of the pelagic carbonated
Jukesbrownei) (Fig.3) facies, the "Theligny chalk" and the "Nogent le
Bernard marls" (with a 25 m average thickness)
This period (95.5-94 Ma) is represented in the lie on the terminal Larnnay sands hardground.
Normandie Basin by a new major sequence of The basal bioclastic level has a coccolithic matrix,
deposits which begins above the Rouen 1 hard- and the planktonic microfauna reaches a maximum

hardground Savigfly hardground Parign~

hardground Antifer 1
4 m ¢-
Rouen t
F~camp Fault

j f-

~ - - 3

Normandie Basin


Maine Platform

Fig.3. Middle-Upper Cenomanian schematic sections (Rhotomagense, Jukesbrownei and Guerangeri Zones). C R = Rouen chalk,
C T = Th61igny chalk, M P = P y c n o d o n t e biauriculata marls, M N = Nogent-le-Bernard marls, S M = Le Mans sands, S P = Perche sands.
Discontinuities: 1 = Rouen hardground (hg); 2 = Th61igny hg; 3 = Rouen 2 hg; 4 = Pavilly hg; 5 = Rouen 3 hg; 6 = Jalais hg; 7 - 8 =
Fayau 1 a n d 2 hg; 9 - 1 0 = Savigny I and 2 hg; 1 1 = Sarg6 hg; 12 = Antifer I hg; 1 3 = Parign6 hg.

in the upper part of Rhotomagense Zone (Acutus hardgrounds. Opal or calcitized sponge spicules
Subzone) with components similar to those of the are abundant and permit "gaize" formation.
basin. As in the Perche, the formation shows a An increasingly silty phase appears at the base
metric alternation of marly,'glauconitic beds and of the Jukesbrownei Zone. The coarse-grained
massive chalk. Flints have disappeared. A few sediment of the Perche sands (20 m average thick-
minor discontinuities with glauconitic recurrences ness) were deposited rapidly under shallow water
still remain but are no longer associated with true conditions and form irregular bodies. This regime


a. St. Jouin: Rouen 1 hardground with burrowing network between calcareous nodules (top of St. Jouin glauconitic chalk); above,
the marly base of the Rouen chalk contains phosphated gravels.
b. Le Tilleul: Tilleul 1 and 2 hardground with fiat, eroded upper surface; small silicified burrows near hammer.
c. F6camp: Antifer 2 hardground with glauconitised cortex of calcareous nodules and chalk filling of Thalassinoides burrows.
d. Le Tilleul: Antifer 2 hardground with glauconitised calcareous nodules (hammer) and Antifer 3 hardground above; note the
marly, glauconitic filling of the burrowing network within the chalk at the base.

204 P. J U I G N E T A N D G. BRETON

is also present at the base of the Guerangeri Zone Here, once more, the contrast in thickness
where it ends with a double hardground (Fayau between basin and platform deposits is visible.
1-2, Savigny 1-2, Duneau 1-2 hardgrounds), bio-
turbated sandstone with infratidal cementation. Cycle ZC-2.4 (Uppermost Jukesbrownei-
The more coastal area in the vicinity of Le Mans Guerangeri-Geslinianum p.p.) (Figs.3 and 4)
is characterized, throughout the whole Rhotoma-
gense Zone by coarse-grained deposits with coqui- During this period (94-93 Ma), several distur-
nas and sandy bioclastic megaripples, followed by bances in the sedimentary process are visible, both
clayey deposits indicating periods of settling. These in the basin and on the platform. In fact, they are
"Le Mans sands" (12 m thickness) terminate with common to the whole Anglo-Paris area and to
a nodular bioturbated sandstone bed (Jalais hard- numerous other basins. The thickness of the depos-
ground) where the biotope is revealed by corals its, considerably less than that of previous cycles,
and red algae. Progradation of the overlying Per- and the presence of several discontinuities made it
che sands (15 m, the Jukesbrownei and basal Guer- necessary to draw the representative sections for
angeri Zone) took place in a shallow sea, though the Geslinianum Zone at a larger scale and with
still with pelagic contributions (Pithonella, Hedber- greater detail. (Fig.4)
gella, calcispheres) and mesogean influences In the Normandie Basin, the upper Rouen chalk
( Thomasinella punica). shows a nearly continuous sedimentation from the
In the south, in Anjou, the Le Mans sands upper portion in the Jukesbrownei Zone into the
become glauconitic sands (Maine sands, Cizay Guerangeri Zone; it is bounded at the top by the
sands) with intercalations of continental black Antifer 1 hardground which signals the base of
the "Antifer chalk". This 1-3 m thick formation,
clays (Ecommoy, Baugeois clays). The Perche
a lateral equivalent of the "Actinocamax plenus
sands are progressively replaced by "Pycnodonta
chalk and marls" and of the Geslinianum Zone,
is mainly constituted of nodular limestones with
The interpretation of deposit assemblages can
two major hardgrounds (Antifer 2 and 3) which
be modulated according to eustatic changes.
are sometimes locally subdivided by thin clayey
The Rouen and Theligny hardgrounds represent
chalk intercalations.
a transgression surface at the top of a shelf margin
The condensation can be more important, for
wedge. On this discontinuity, the base of the Rouen
instance in the Rouen area, where the Antifer 1
and Theligny chalks, the Nogent-le-Bernard marls
and 2 hardgrounds amalgamate. The most impor-
and the base of the Le Mans sands (Rhotomagense
tant hiatus is associated with Antifer 2 (condensed
Zone, Costatus Subzone) represent a large trans- fauna, glauconite and phosphate) which is often
gressive system tract. The Rouen 2 hardground cut by a flat abrasion surface (Plate I,c,d). The
appears as a maximal flooding surface which facies do not show any traces of anoxia, but in
precedes the highstand system tract (Acutus the Antifer section a carbon-13 rate anomaly has
Subzone). been found between Antifer 1 and 3 (Pomerol,
This regime decreases with a fall of the sea level 1984). The microfacies are rather homogeneous
which produces the Jalais or Pavilly hardgrounds throughout the whole of the Antifer chalk, with a
as a sequence boundary in the Jukesbrownei Zone. nearly exclusive accumulation of pelagic material
That period is then marked by the expansion of (Pithonella, Hedbergella, Calcispherula, Praeglobo-
the Perche sands which prograde widely over the truncana); R. cushmani disappears above the Anti-
Maine Platform towards the basin. The fall of the fer 2 hardground.
sea level is only poorly evident in the pelagic In Maine, the depositional succession is more
Normandie area where it is reflected by the alterna- complex (Figs.3 and 4). In the neighbourhood of
tion of marl and flint chalk in the Jukesbrownei Le Mans, the Guerangeri Zone is essentially repre-
Zone. This system tract thus represents a new shelf sented by the Pycnodonte biauriculata marls (7 m)
margin wedge. which lie on the top Perche sands hardground.

Normandie Basin
hardground Antifer 3 NEUVILLE

::,_ :-, _

t._rhardground Antifer 1

MEzi6res erosion Surface

DOUE ~'e-
~ \ I- ~ ~{__1~ =:
-_-. • .. ~

hardground Bousse

•, ~ , : . < ~ , •
Maine Platform


Fig.4. Sections of Antifer chalk (CA), Catopygus obtusus sands (SO), Bousse sands (SB), Dou(~-la-Fontaine Marls (MD) (of Upper
Cenomanian (Geslinianum Zone)) and of Terebratella carantonensis chalk (CC) (Juddii Zone). Discontinuities: l=Antifer 1
hardground (hg); 2-3=Antifer lb hg; 4=Antifer 2 hg; 6-8=Antifer 3a, 3b, 3c hg; 9=Antifer 3 hg; 1 0 = S 0 basal surface; 11 =
M D basal surface; 12 = Parign6 hg; 13 = Bousse hg; 14 = Savigny 2 hg; 15= M~zi+res erosion surface.

This unit shows an alternation of decimetric marl fragments or blocks of Geslinianum silty marl;
beds and glauconitic calcarenite with lenticular sometimes it fills an important burrowing network,
oyster coquinas in both facies. Locally, there is a which penetrates into the marls. The latter contain
hardground at the top (Parign6). Towards Anjou, a benthic fauna not very different from that of the
the formation thickens to the detriment of the P. biauriculata marls; the abundant pelagic micro-
subjacent Perche sands: on the other hand, it thins fauna includes Dicarinella hagni, Whiteinella arch-
towards the north and east. aeocretacea and also R. cushmani, which suggests
The Geslinianum Zone (Fig.4), is the equivalent its belonging to the lower part of the Geslinianum
of the "Catopygus obtusus sands" found in the Zone (erosion of the upper part?). To the west of
vicinity of Le Mans. The lower part consists of Le Mans, the facies becomes chalky and glauco-
nodular, coarse sandstones and shelly limestones nitic: it lies on the summital hardground of the
with quartz gravels. The "Bousse hardground" P. biauriculata marls or the Perche sands (gap in
forms the top of these beds. The upper part, deposition or erosion of marls).
formed of silty marls, has a very variable thickness Towards Anjou, the Bousse sands, contempora-
(0-1.5 m); it is limited at the top by the "M6zi6res neous with the rocks described above, may be
erosion surface", a scar representing irregular gul- 20 m thick with a more diversified facies, especially
lying which cuts deeply into the silty marls and clays with lignitic pieces and paleosoils; the Exo-
sometimes right down to the Bousse hardground. gyra limestones, near the top, might belong to the
The basal "Terebratella carantonensis chalk", upper Geslinianum Zone.
which covers this erosion level contains reworked In Saumurois, the "Dou6-1a-Fontaine marls"

(5 m) which probably provided the M. geslinianum Cycle ZC-2.5 (Uppermost Geslinianum-Juddii-

holotype contain R. cushmani in the micrites which Color adoense- Nodosoides- Woollgari p.p.) (Figs.4
follow the oyster coquinas (Kennedy and Juignet, and 5)
1981). The Bousse sands and the Dou6 marls are
also cut by an erosion surface with burrowing It is during this exceptional cycle (93-91 Ma)
network and covered by the T. carantonensis that the sea reached its highest level. It really
chalk. corresponds to a sedimentary episode in which a
The arrangement of the overall sedimentary considerable part of the old massifs is covered
system tract during the period from the end of with pelagic deposits, slightly mixed with terrige-
Jukesbrownei to Geslinianum does not suggest an nous material, so that the paleogeographic bor-
evolution controlled by only one eustatic cycle. A ders of the emerged ground become very
succession of two minor pulsations seems more hypothetical.
likely. In the Normandie Basin, this period is repre-
The first of these two minor cycles practically sented by the "Tilleul chalk" which is located
coincides with the upper Jukesbrownei Zone and between the Antifer 3 hardground at the base
the Guerangeri Zone. The system of hardgrounds and the Tilleul 2 hardground at the top (Plate
at the top of the shelf margin wedge of the Perche I,b). This unit can be divided into a lower
sands represents a transgressive surface that is member, the "Cap Fagnet nodular chalk" repre-
surmounted by the transgressive and highstand senting the Juddii-Coloradoense-Nodosoides
system tracts of the P. biauriculata marls, the lat- Zones, and an upper member, the "Val St.
eral equivalent of the top of the Rouen chalk. Nicolas Thalassinoides chalk" forming the lower
The drop in sea level that followed produced part of Woollgari Zone. The thickness of the
the summital discontinuity in these formations, i.e. whole succession is nearly 60m at Berneval,
the Parign6 and Antifer 1 hardgrounds which mark
north of Dieppe along the coast of Picardie, 15 m
the sequence boundary.
near Senneville, 10 m at Le Tilleul and 6 m at St.
The second minor cycle (Geslinianum) begins
Jouin; these variations emphasize the differential
with the coquinas and sandstone facies of the
movement of previously individualized geotec-
Bousse sands and the C. obtusus sands basis which
tonic blocks. The Juddii and Coloradoense Zones,
form an incipient shelf margin wedge. Above this,
always difficult to distinguish (very few ammo-
the transgressive surface is formed by the Bousse
nites, W. archaeoeretaeea) are condensed in the
hardground of the Maine Platform. The system
base of the Cap Fagnet chalk forming nodular
tract of the Dou6-1a-Fontaine marls, the Bousse
chalks, alternating with marly horizons; 90% of
sands, and the C. obtusus sands can be considered
the carbonate material is pelagic (Pithonella,
to be a new transgressive highstand unit. The
Nannoconus, Hedbergella); glauconite is rare. The
Antifer 2 hardground within the basin appears in
this context as a transgressive surface or a con- same facies is also present in the Nodosoides
Zone with the appearance of Mytiloides labiatus
densed level linked to the transgressive maximum.
Later, an eustatic fall gives rise to the Antifer 3 replacing I. pictus.
hardground and the beginning of the Mezi6res Above this, the Val St. Nicolas chalk (the
Surface which therefore have the value of a Woollgari or Helvetica Zone) can be defined by
sequence boundary. an increase in flint bands showing large-sized Tha-
Taking into account the low sedimentation rate lassinoides networks, repeated according to an
along the studied border of the basin, it appears elementary sequential pattern. The coccolith
that several successive discontinuities occur inter- content increases at the top, while a recrystalliza-
mingled which makes the interpretation in terms tion linked to the Tilleul 1 and 2 hiatus produces
of eustatism very tricky; an improvement of this a nodular or massive limestone, penetrated by a
interpretation requires a precise dating of each burrowing network; the structure is cut by a
bed. glauconitised erosion surface.

hsrdground Tg6eu4 2

t= ' ~:--~-~-I~~::~--~:--~--~=~:i:~!--;~--~-~:-~,---~woollgari


~- ";~ ~ ~~ ~, ~:~nodosoides
_ / ~ 1-/

Fig.5. Schematic sections in the uppermost Cenomanian and the Lower-Middle Turonian (Juddii, Coloradoense, Nodosoides,
Woollgari p.p.). C N = Val St. Nicolas chalk, CF= Cap Fagnet chalk. Discontinuities: 1 = Antifer 3 hg; 2 = M+zi6res erosion surface;
3-4 = Tilleul 1 and 2 hg.

Slightly different environments prevailed over the M6zi6res surface remodeling in transgressive
the Perche and the Maine Platform. However, the surface during the sea rise. A few Exogyra columba
basal facies of the T. carantonensis chalk facies of gigas beds, preserved under the M6zi6res Surface
the Juddii zone at St. Calais is very glauconitic in the south of Maine and of Anjou might be
with a coarse quartzose part and phosphated com- attributed to this lowstand. In the basin, nodular
ponents. This deposit, rich in coccoliths, lies with- layers associated with the incipient Antifer 3 b,
out transition on the M6zi6res erosion surface, and 3 c hardgrounds might represent the same
cutting the C. obtusus sands, or on the top of the controlling feature.
Perche sands. This transgressive facies continues The transgressive surface can be identified at the
in Touraine, Saumurois and Anjou. top of the Antifer 3 and at the M6zi6res erosion
Above this, the marly chalks or the Inoceramids surface. The T. carantonensis glauconitic chalk and
chalks, with black flints in the upper part, overlain the base of the Cap Fagnet chalk form a transgres-
by the lower part of the "Saumur and Bourr+ sive system tract while the horizon with large
tuffeaux" represent, as in Normandie, a deposit ammonites (Nodosoides Zone basis) shows a con-
and predominantly pelagic influence representing densation linked to a period of maximum flooding.
the submersion of a great part of the Armorican The L labiatus chalk corresponds to a general
Massif. highstand system tract.
This cycle is very well defined in the Anglo-Paris The beginning of the drop in sea level at the
Basin. The lowstand system tracts are difficult to end of the cycle throughout the whole basin and
distinguish, either they were never deposited on platform is expressed by the Tilleul hardgrounds
the platform (gap), or they have been eroded by and equivalent discontinuities.

The effects of eustatic fluctuations during the of Haq et al., the lowstand is located at the base
Cenomanian-Turonian in the western Paris basin of the Rhotomagense and the highstand at the
(Fig.6) Rhotomagense-Jukesbrownei transition.
The ZC-2.4 cycle is more complex and surely
The sedimentary system tract succession under polyphasic. After the low point at the end of the
eustatic control as registered in the Normandy Jukesbrownei, a minor cycle marks the Guerangeri
Basin and on the Armorican border is here pro- Zone, with a drop in sea level interrupted by a
posed (Fig.6). The comparison with the chart of new Geslinianum cycle which we propose to insert
Haq et al. (1987, 1988) suggests a few comments. in the chart; the final eustatic fall is situated at the
The ZC-2.2 cycle can be readily distinguished; the end of the Geslinianum zone.
lowstand corresponds almost exactly to the Dispar- The ZC-2.5 cycle begins at the Geslinianum-
Mantelli boundary and the highstand approxi- Juddii boundary with a short episode of shallow
mately to the end of the Mantelli; the subsequent water and a persistence of high water level up to
fall is marked as early as the Mantelli-Dixoni the end of the Nodosoides; the decrease begins
transition. only with the Woollgari Zone.
Thus the ZC-2.3 cycle occurs earlier than that The maximum range of eustatic variation occurs

A B C .,. D E F ,~
2150 m I 200 I

'=~ Z ,4
WooLLGARI ~--T. . . . ~ - ~ z " "Z~-" -/ SB 2 L3 ~ I
- - \ .sT r---- --C
NODOSOIDE$ "~-- . . . . . . . . TS 22

JUOOtl " ~ TS , I
93 I .... s 20
ZC - 2 . 4
_ _ .~?_,~,~...TS T TS ~..~_-:~
JuKEsB.ow.E, "~d~//ff~s Mw
_ _ ~_

.... _ v'/j/
SB / ~
RHOTOMAGENSE \. . . . . . . . MFS 11~
_ _ "~,~Y/:".-"Y.,~.~.~
.......... TST TS s
Y/z/~/ 25.s
MANT~'LL, -- ~_2222 HST MFS 5 -.-.-----~
ZC - 2 . 2 /~'~
_ ~.J,.,~,,2mT S T - TS 3 ,4 ,4
DISPAR ~ HST SB 1 ~ ~ , z L_~.6.5

Fig.6. Sequential stratigraphy of Western Paris Basin for the uppermost Albian to Middle Turonian series.
A: eustatic variations curves of long and short length according to Haq et al. and (A') proposed intermediate cycle;
B: Ammonite zones scale;
C: relative change of coastal onlap and system tracts identified in the western Paris Basin. S M W = s h e l f margin wedge; T R =
transgressive system tract; H S = h i g h s t a n d system tract.
D: main discontinuities identified. S B = sequence boundary; T S = transgressive surface; M F S = maximum flooding surface.
E: juxtaposition of sedimentary formations and discontinuities of the Normandie Basin (on the left) and of the Maine Platform
(on the right). Discontinuities: 1 = Octeville erosion surface; 2 = Ballon marls basal surface; 3 = St. Jouin or Heuqueville hardground
(hg); 4 = lower M B erosion surfaces; 5 = Bruneval 1 and 2 hg; 6 = upper M B erosion surfaces; 7 = Bruneval 3 hg; 8 = Rouen hg; 9 =
Lamnay hg; 10=Th61igny hg; 1 1 1 Rouen 2 hg; 12=Antifer 1 hg; 13 =Jalais hg; 1 4 - 1 5 = Savigny 1 and 2 hg; 16=Antifer 1 hg;
17 = Parign6 hg; 18 = Bousse hg; 1 9 - 2 0 = A n t i f e r 2 and 3 hg; 21 = M6zi6res erosion surface; 22 = M . nodosoides related hg; 23 =
Tilleul 1 and 2 hg.
F: chronostratigraphy and sequence boundaries as used here (on the left) and as indicated by Haq et al. (on the right).

in ZC-2.3 beginning with an important discontinu- a shorter time than the Mantelli or Rhotomagense
ity which is found in numerous epicontinental Zones.
sedimentary basins, e.g. in the North Atlantic area The ranges of several dozen metres (10-50 m)
(Vail et al., 1980). estimated for eustatic fluctuations are partly based
The very widespread distribution of discontinuit- upon bathymetric variations suggested by field
ies linked to the Geslinianum Zone also suggests evidence, mainly on the Maine Platform.
a relationship to drops in the sea level which There is an evolution from circalittoral to upper
introduced a higher frequence signal in this short infratidal environments, even to intertidal, without
period. a long recognisable emersion period (Juignet,
In addition, during this period important paleo- 1980). In that respect, all the zones are docu-
oceanic modifications took place such as the exten- mented, even if they are not completely repre-
sion of anoxic environments as indicated by a sented.
positive anomaly of 13C (synthesis in Robaszynski, The divergences between the Paris Basin eustatic
1989). curve and that of Haq et al., specially the time lag
The ZC-2.5 cycle is rather long: the sea level of ZC-2.3 or the relative amplitude of the cycles,
reaches its highest mark since the Trias and it may be explained by some influence of a provincial
coincides effectively with the largest immersion of tectonic behaviour.
the Armorican Massif and the uniform spreading The structural movements at the local scale
of a pelagic carbonated deposit cover. strongly influences the sedimentary series and the
The condensation associated with regressive thickness of the parasequences (Figs.2-5), but the
phases or periods of high water level are well chronology of the eustatic markers is not markedly
expressed, specially in the Dixoni and Geslinianum affected. The registered signal epirogenic distortion
Zones. could be found only for eventual tectonic stresses
During these periods, one may presume that upon the whole basin and its borders, i.e. a large
there were variations in the rate of deposition but piece of the Atlantic passive margin.
the temporal reference to a scale assigning the
different zones a priori a nearly similar length is Records of the cyclic sedimentation in the pelagic-
very inaccurate. We have taken up the scope province: the chalk rhythms (Fig.7)
proposed by Haq et al., but modifications will
undoubtedly occur; it seems probable that the The chalk series (Cenomanian-Campanian) of
Guerangeri or the Coloradoense Zones lasted for the Normandie and Picardie Basins is made up of

-- 4- 60190 -- d" ~ Y STRUCTURES u i A ~ r ~ r . a l a DISSOLUTION
~- ii=..::i'.~
~-~ ., -- ~ rec ryst allisat iun
.... iun ~ "\

flaser structure
d / / .a" ll Ch
\ reworking -~-S_ ~--
glauconite \
phosphate \~_ c)°C:~ ~ ~ ~ flowage

Fig.7. Elementary cyclicity of the chalk: schematic representation of rhythms and sedimentologic and diagenetic characteristics (refer
to description in text).

a succession of first-order depositional cycles, lim- the diagenetic evolution creates a spectacular
ited by regional sedimentary discontinuities of contrast.
either an omission surface type, or an erosion Thus, the first early diagenetic expression devel-
surface or hardground (Kennedy and Juignet, ops, in the upper part of the rhythm, a distribution
1974). These lithologic units of several metres of calcareous nodules with more or less precise
thickness (0.5-15 m) reflect the tectono-eustatic outlines. Their iithification is effected by the recrys-
control, described above. tallization, in variable degree, of the matrix of
The good quality outcrops, on the Channel coccolith ooze.
coast, allowed us to recognize the superimposition The second stage also consists of a process of
on these sequences of shorter period elementary dissolution-crystallization which modifies the sil-
rhythms whose thickness varies between 0.30 and ica of the sponge spicules. The opal is replaced by
1.50 m. calcite and silica migrates to the burrows which it
This cyclic pattern is not very visible in quarry invades progressively, building up a more or less
sections where only its diagenetic expression can dense cristobalite network which will further evolve
be seen as grey or black flints. Then, the alternation into quartz (Clayton, 1986; Hart et al., 1986). This
of chalk beds and flint bands is traditionally to be silicification may proceed to variable degree and
seen. A good picture of this cyclicity can be clearly may affect the sediments around the burrows.
seen in the Lower chalk of southern England, the Then, the bioturbation system will no longer stand
Isle of Wight and Sussex (Kennedy, 1969) or in out and cannot further be identified. The flint
the Cenomanian chalk of Boulonnais (Destombes formed in this way epigenises the Thalassinoides
and Shepard-Thorn, 1972). network in the middle part of the rhythm resulting
The basic rhythmicity that we examine is in fact in a single or nearly continuous double band. Such
due to a variation in the clay content, which a disposal has also been observed in the Limbourg
decreases from the base of a cycle to the top. Thus, Maastrichtian chalk (Felder, 1986)~
the calcium-carbonate content may vary from 60 Later, following the burying, the compaction
to 90%. The change from one rhythm to the rate increased. The compression is not really per-
following one is sometimes progressive, but it is ceptible in the silicified middle part of the rhythm.
more often marked by an omission surface associ- In contrast, the nodular upper level develops a
ated with a burrowing network of variable depth; "griotte" or flaser structure (Garrison and Ken-
this indicates a temporary increase in water energy nedy, 1977); a network of marl seams locally
and is sometimes emphasized by an erosion scar develops due to the dissolution of a part of the
or reworked intraclasts. carbonated fraction while stylolitic sutures appear
The chalk deposit unit shows a particularly rich between the nodules. At the base of the rhythm,
ichnofacies characterized by a Planolites, Thalassi- the initially more clayey horizon is subjected to
noides, Zoophycos and Chondrites association flowage and a vertical compression by the indurate
which has been studied by Bromley (1967), Brom- calcareous nodules or the apophyses of the flint
ley and Ekdale (1984, 1986), Kennedy (1967). The network (Plate III, a).
tiering in these different burrowing organisms Thus, flaser structures, depending on the relative
seems more influenced by dissolved oxygen content importance of the sedimentological controls - -
in the interstitial water in the sediments than by ichnologic or diagenetic - - in their genesis, appear
bathymetry (Bromley and Ekdale, 1984, 1986; as the faciologic expression of a convergence
Savrda and Bottjer, 1986). between: (1) Zoophycos burrows, (2) a nodularisa-
Elementary rhythms are generally unknown tion of the "griotte" type or touching chalk
from the chalk formations of Normandy where intraclasts, (3) a dissolution. Each of these three
the variation of clay content is very slight; thus factors, by raising the relative clay contents of the
the bioturbations and discontinuities do not show marl seams (burrows and/or dissolution) or by
any noticeable colour differences against the white raising the relative carbonate content of the nod-
background of the rock. However, in many cases, ules (enlargement original micrite cristals) tends to

create a contrast within the rocks and thus emphas- The Cap Fagnet chalk (Uppermost Cenomanian-
ises the flaser structure. The compaction to which Lower Turonian)
the dissolution is probably linked, may finally
crush the horizon at which the structure develops. The Juddii, Coloradoense and Nodosoides
Zones are represented by this type of chalk which
is well exposed at F6camp, Le Tilleul and Etretat.
Expression of sedimentary rhythms in the
Cenomanian-Turonian chalks, of the western This chalk, 7-8 m thick, contains about fifteen
rhythms linking a thin marl band (0.05-0.20 m)
Paris Basin
and a nodular chalk bed with a frequent "griotte"
The different stages of replacement described structure (0.20-0.80 m). The marl often contains
above are expressed in the chalk formations of chalk intraclasts and in such cases the compaction
Normandy. produced a flaser structure; the nodular chalk, gen-
erally without flint, contains inoceramids; the top
discontinuity is weakly marked or missing (Fig.8).
The Rouen chalk (Middle-Upper Cenomanian) Toward the northeast, beyond the Bray Axis,
the subsidence of the Eaulne trough is to be found,
This formation shows some sections favourable where the Lower Turonian is four to five times
for the recognition of rhythms near St. Jouin (Oil thicker than in the Bec de Caux. At Berneval, a
terminal) and Antifer (Fourquet Valleuse). The Nodosoides Zone chalk appears again with thicker
chalk of the Jukesbrownei and Guerangeri Zones (0.5-1 m) and more numerous (more than thirty)
(Juignet, 1974, fig.27, level 6-10) shows, within rhythms. The marly part contains numerous
10 m, about twenty change-overs of grey marls intraclasts and fills a burrowing network associated
(average thickness 0.20 m) and bioturbated chalk with the summital discontinuity of the chalk bed
with Thalassinoides included in a dark or black (Plate III, c). The latter locally presents erosion
flint band (average thickness 0.30 m). The marls hollows with ovoid outline, 5-10 m wide, which
underwent a compaction of about 50%; they con- gully the nodular chalk to a depth of 0.10 0.50 m;
tain chlamids, inoceramids, oysters, serpulids, these pseudo-channels are partly filled with brecci-
cidarids, bioclasts ad a few glauconitised or phos- ated or conglomeratic chalk with a highly pyritic
phatised gravels; the limestones contain silicis- matrix (anoxic conditions?) and suprajacent marl.
ponges, ammonites and large pleurotomarids The chalk bed, often rich in Inoceramids, is sprin-
(Bathrotomaria sp.). A discontinuity may often be kled with slightly hardened nodules in a biotur-
seen at the top of the chalk, associated with bated structure at the top; here the compaction
calcareous nodules; burrows filled by the overlying created a flaser structure with almond-like
marl infill it (Plate II, a-c). stretched nodules in a marly network.

The Antifer chalk (Upper Cenomanian) The Val St. Nicolas chalk (Lower-Middle
Turonian )
In the sections at Antifer (Fourquet), Tiileul and
F6camp (Cap Fagnet), this Geslinianum Zone This upper part of the Senneville chalk is charac-
chalk (Actinocamax plenus chalk) about 2 m thick, terized by considerable variations in thickness:
shows 5 or 6 rhythms in which greenish grey marls 13 m at Senneville, 10 m at F6camp, 5 m at Etretat,
with glauconitised gravels alternate with nodular 6.5 m at Le Tilleul, 6 m at Antifer, 2 m at Tancar-
bioturbated limestones containing a network of ville and about 30 m at Berneval (Fig.9).
burrows (Planolites, Thalassinoides) often full of In the Senneville area, the rhythms are very
glauconitic sediment. These latter levels constitute clearly visible, exhibiting the majority of the struc-
incipient hardgrounds, more or less formed, gen- tures of the elementary rhythm pattern. Their
erally without flints; they are terminated at the top average thickness is 1 m. The basal marl horizon,
by a well marked discontinuity. not very thick (0.10 m), progressively appears with
212 P. J U I G N E T A N D G. B R E T O N

Berneval F6carnp Etretat Tilleul Antifer Tancarville


_ _ _

10 ~ -
~o~:~o.'~;. - - H A n 2


- - - HAn 1

- i


Fig.8. Correlations and thickness variations in an elementary cycle set within the Antifer chalk and Cap Fagnet chalk (Geslinianum-
Nodosoides). H A n l - 3 = Antifer 1-3 hardgrounds; HFa= Cap Fagnet hardground.

a proliferation of burrows (specially Zoophycos), the cycle lower third top. Above this, Thalassi-
with a grey marl infilling whose network isolates noides are associated with Planolites while, towards
almond-like nodules of white chalk; Chondrites the upper part Chondrites, probably coming down
appear locally (Plate III,b). from the summita! surface, invade the filling of
In the upper part, the evolution into chalk these large burrows. This part of the chalk contains
sediments is also progressive; bioturbation is Inoceramids, ammonites (Lewesiceras peramplum),
always intense with the expansion of Thalassinoides large Pleurotomarids (Bathrotomaria perspectiva)
whose network is included in a flint band towards and frequent Conulus subrotundus.


a. St. Jouin, oil terminal: flinty chalk-marly chalk rhythms in St. Jouin chalk (Lower Cenomanian) and Rouen chalk (Middle
Cenomanian); Bruneval 1 and 2 hardgrounds at the base (total height 22 m).
b. Antifer, Fourquet: rhythms of Jukesbrownei Zone (Rouen chalk) with Thalassinoides epigenetic flints.
c. Antifer, Fourquet: elementary rhythm with grey, bioturbated marl and burrowed chalk with flints (Thalassinoides); note the
marl-filled burrowing network descendence from the top of the photograph (0.7 m height).


Senneville Fecamp Etretat Tilleul Antifer Tancarville

_ HTi2
--- HTi 1

10 i



-- J





Fig.9. Correlations and thickness variations in an elementary cycle set within the Val St. Nicolas chalk (lower part of Woollgari
Zone). HTil.2 = Tilleul 1-2 hardgrounds.

Meaning of the elementary chalk cycle and precise r h y t h m s a n d c o m p a r e d with those of the M i l a n -
lithologic correlations kovitch cycles established for the Pleistocene
period. D u r a t i o n s of a b o u t 20,000 a n d 40,000
The presence of r h y t h m i c deposits in M i d - C r e t a - years (De Boer a n d Wonders, 1984; Fischer a n d
ceous s e d i m e n t a r y series has been recognized in Schwarzacher, 1984) can thus be a t t r i b u t e d to such
n u m e r o u s basins. The analysis o f pelagic facies, elementary rhythms. The examples chosen often
specially in the T e t h y a n province, shows that c o r r e s p o n d to deep b a s i n a l deposits which have
different periodicities can be distinguished in these u n d e r g o n e strong c o m p a c t i o n a n d diagenesis


a. Antifer, Fourquet: contact between two rhythms in the Rouen chalk (Jukesbrownei Zone); note the pinching of the grey,
bioturbated, marly bed between a lower calcareous nodule and an upper flint nodule: compaction is still active after the
development of these diagenetic structures.
b. Senneville:contact between two rhythms in the Val St. Nicolas chalk (Middle Turonian); the lower part shows a chalk bed with
a marl-filled burrowing network (Zoophycos) with the appearance of an incipient flaser structure; this is overlain by a grey,
bioturbated marl band while homogeneous chalk with flint and a epigenetic large Thalassinoides network occurs in the upper
part of the photograph.
c. Berneval: contact between two M. nodosoides chalk rhythms; "griotte" structure at the top of the lower bed; the suprajacent
marl band covers an erosion surface and contains chalk intraclasts.


which complicate the decoding of the initial sedi- Etretat or Antifer, some of these cycles vanish
mentary signals (Arthur et al., 1984). The chalk through condensation. Finally when condensation
deposited in an outer platform environment and becomes very important as at Tancarville, the
subjected to a very gentle burying represents quite elementary rhythmic signal decreases and the beds
a different pattern. Hart et al. (1987) studied chalk become indistinct.
facies in Great Britain, specially the Cenomanian, Similar cycle-scale correlations can be estab-
and asserted a cyclicity with 23,000 and 41,500 lished between different sections in the St. Jouin
year periods on the basis of radiochronologic glauconitic chalk, the Rouen chalk, and the chalks
dating of biostratigraphic markers. About one of Antifer and Cap Fagnet (Figs.2-5).
hundred rhythms of 41,500 years, counted in the Individual flint bands can often be recognized
Cenomanian of the Isle of Wight, can be compared over dozens of kilometres and provide invaluable
to 70/80 cycles with flint bands in the St. Jouin or markers which supplement those supplied by the
Sandouville Cenomanian. The presence in Nor- discontinuities used for the sequential division.
mandy of several discontinuities (hardgrounds)
associated with lacunas whose effective duration Conclusion
are still very approximate, equally permits us to
think of a length of about 40,000 years for those The Paris Basin appears as an area specially
cycles. This period of time is comparable to the suitable to the recording of eustatic or climatic
periodicity resulting from the variations in the sedimentary signals.
obliqueness of the earth's axis on the ecliptic. During the Mid Cretaceous, a cortege of forma-
As in other basins with pelagic sedimentation, tions were deposited with a detritic dominance
the marl-chalk alternation in the Normandy series nearshore and a more pelagic one basinwards.
shows a climatic control over a fluctuating terrige- These assemblages of contemporaneous deposits
nous supply to the basin and the production of show different types of reactions to the influences
primary calcium carbonate by pelagic organisms. of the epicontinental environment and thus provide
It is likely that such increases in the productivity a useful record for judging the global climatic
of superficial waters produced detectable decreases evolution. The Atlantic districts reveal a highly
of the dissolved oxygen content in the interstitial disturbed sedimentation from the Cenomanian
waters of the upper, near surface part of the which provides poor information on the oceanic
sediments (Jenkyns, 1980). area. Thus, beyond the Armorican continental
The exact duration of the chalk rhythms and slope, Campanian-Maastrichtian chalks lie
their true significance still have to be determined straight on Aptian chalks or black Albian marls.
but in their function as signal they represent an This nearly general discontinuity (Auffret and Pas-
interesting tool to establish precise lithologic corre- touret, 1978) reflects a system of strong currents,
lations between neighbouring sections. In combi- linked with the increasing activity of the oceanic
nation with classical biostratigraphic subdivisions, ridge. In contrast, valuable comparisons can be
the geometry (at a bed scale) which is related with made with North Iberic or Tethyan districts from
this cyclicity, permits a better evaluation of the which a set of common features emerges (Floquet
lateral variations in thickness as well as lacunas, et al., 1987; Philip et al., 1989; Crumiere et al.,
condensations or expansions. 1989).
An example of such correlations can be pro- The Cenomanian-Turonian series of the Paris
posed for a section of the Val-St. Nicolas chalk basin clearly records eustatic variations which can
series in the Bec de Caux, between Senneville and be correlated with the Haq et al. (1987) global
Tancarville (Fig.9). Cycles are expressed most chart cycles, which confirms their chronological
clearly, on a metric scale, at Senneville. The cycle value. However, there are some differences as
set can be followed to Frcamp and Le Tilleul with regards the chronology based upon the ammonite
a same number of rhythms, but with a more and zones while an additional cycle can also be inserted
more reduced thickness; in contrast, locally at in the Upper Cenomanian.

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concept. From this analysis, it emerges that the thalassinidean crustacea in Chalk hardgrounds. Q. J. Geol.
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