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Eni Widianti
NPM : 20100540007


Student-led discussion during small group work is now a familiar feature in many
schools. However, simply organizing students in small groups does not mean they will
automatically participate in collaborative discussion. In this article I report on a small-
scale research project in the UK which examined the discourse patterns of year 8 (13–
14-year-old students) as they worked in discussion groups during English lessons.
Using a multi-case study approach, video recordings were made in four high schools
over a one-year period and qualitative analysis was undertake For illustrative purposes I
focus on two transcripts which are representative of discussions from a full range of 40
video recordings and illustrate common and recurrent patterns of discourse. The
findings suggest that students’ interpretations of tasks are influenced by an orthodox
perception of teaching and learning which emphasizes independent and individualized
working practices in schools. The importance of explicit and unambiguous teacher
guidance is highlighted, and the apparent paradox of encouraging critical and open
discussion of texts within a structured framework is examined.


APROVAL PAGE ..................................................................... і

TITLE PAGE .............................................................................іі

ABSTRACT ...............................................................................ііі

TABLE OF CONTENTS .........................................................іv


І. INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1
Statement of prolem
Purpose of the research
Significance of the problem
Delimitations of research
Definition of terms
ІІ. REVIEW OF LITERATURE ..............................................


ІV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION......................................



The present time many teachers have found and use a variety of ways that it
deems evektif to learn how to progress and ways of thinking students muridnya.some of
the programs is the Internet learning. Namely how belajardengan use the internet. But
to levels bawh this way may be less evektif, need more review for the children. Lagy
and many other ways. All dilkkan only to advance the science of children didiknny.
Sebenrnya purpose of all methods was only one that is: how to make children succeed
in learning English. And how to help children so they do not just learn the dangers of
Britain but only so they could use it in a conversation or other needs.
The researcer Will concentrate on a Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta in 2.
Mereka semester English class has several courses that mostly use a method of group
discussion in class, either in the home atapun task assignment in their kelas.dan also
required to speak English in a conversation every day.

Statement of the Problem

The point of this paper focuses on : will the group discussion techniques in
language teaching, in the class room will be effective. Whether these methods have an
impact for the almighty english smester 2 students of Muhammadiyah University of
Yogyakarta, or even vice versa. All the answers to these problems Will be Explored in
this paper.
Purpose of the research
Purpose of the paper is to explore the effectiveness of group discussion
techniques in language teaching, in the class room.the paper may also find out some
possible suggestions for Improving the intelligence of students. And to find out whether
this way of effective use and brings many benefits as well as the progress of their
students especially in English classes at the university Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

Significance of the problem

The group discussion techniques in language teaching, in the class room
method is very popular among students until this time. Because that way according to
some they are very good way for study. This paper method to analyze the influence of

the effectiveness of group discussion techniques in language teaching, in the classroom.
And it probably will totally help teachers in providing material to the practice of
teaching and learning in the classroom preformance.

Delimitation of the research

This research will be conducted at grade english class smester 2 University of
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Will be primary research via the internet, book and
questionnaire created to determine the effectiveness of group discussion techniques in
language teaching, in the class room. It Will be administered to 32 students from the
university of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta semester 2 class A. The limited time and the
small number of informants might result in conclusion being reached through the
analysis of such data will have relevance only for the particular group surveyed by this
Method of approach
A brief review will be held in class A , english smester 2 Muhammadiyah
University of Yogyakarta, and the researcher wil also conduct a questionaire collecting
the relevant data from 32 subjects. Will the data be analyzed and interviews Will also
be conducted with all the student of English majors semester 2 class A,Muhammadiyah
University of Yogyakarta.

Definition on terms

The group discussion techniques ,a group discussion who help a student to

study in class.although this is considered a good way but it is possible for some
students maybe this way into unapplied to them, therefore the researcher tried to find
for most students this method is effective or not.

As a professional in the working world, there will be times when you will be required
to participate in group discussions. This section offers helpful articles analyzing the
rules for success in group discussions. Your career and status within your field can
improve if you learn some guidelines and tactics that refine your group discussion



Theories on group discussion

Psychologists and educationalists influenced by Vygotsky (1978) claim that

Pupils working in small groups can share and evaluate ideas and develop Their critical
thinking (Norman, 1992; Sharan and Shaulov, 1989; Webb and Cullian, 1983; Wells et
al., 1990; Wood, 1988). The seminal work of Barnes And Todd (1977) highlights the
learning potential of peer group discussions Which are reflective and hypothetical and
where speech is tentative and Exploratory. However, although organizing pupils into
groups may increase Their potential for discourse, it does not mean they will
automatically discuss

Researchers have examined group size and composition (Galton and

Williamson, 1992), tasks (Cowie and Ruddock, 1988), and organizational Features
(Bossert et al., 1984). Some have looked at pupils’ roles in group Work (Pollard, 1985;
Salaman and Globerson, 1989). Others have examined Intra- and inter-group
competition (Slavin, 1983) and creative conflict (Johnson et al., 1981). However,
although Barnes and Todd (1977) drew Attention to the importance of open and closed
contextual conditions in Determining discourse patterns, little research has examined
how pupils’ Collective definitions of learning situations influence their interaction and
Patterns of discourse during small group work. Some studies show how the same tasks
can generate different responses From pupils in terms of the quality of talk and
collaboration that emerge (Crook, 1991; Jones and Mercer, 1993). Evidence from
empirical research (Hoyles et al., 1990; Mercer, 1995) confirms Barnes and Todd’s
(1977) view That successful peer-group work depends on pupils having a shared
Understanding of the purpose of tasks and a joint conception of what they Are trying to
achieve. However, some studies provide examples of how pupils’ Interpretations of the
ground rules for discussion may differ in important Ways from those of their peers
and/or teachers (Mercer et al., 1988; Rohrkemper, 1985). For example, while some
pupils working in groups may See it as an opportunity to explore and interrogate texts

collaboratively, others In the same group may see it as an opportunity to exhibit
individual Knowledge and demonstrate an ability to get the correct answers. Moreover,
Some studies illustrate how pupils’ traditional conceptions of school learning Contexts
and acceptable discourse patterns can inhibit their capacity for Collaborative discussion
(Barnes and Sheeran, 1992; Edwards and Mercer,1987; mcmahon and Meyers, 1993).
There is evidence that when teachers bring ground rules for discussion into The open
this can lead to improved motivation and levels of performance Amongst pupils
(Dawes et al., 1992; Prentice, 1991). However, a substantial Body of research shows
this practice to be uncommon and that pupils usually Receive little help in
understanding and appreciating the ground rules they Are expected to follow when
engaged in group discussion tasks (Elbers and Kelderman, 1994; Mercer and Edwards,
1981; Phillips, 1992). In this article I explore how pupils’ culturally based definitions
and the Attitudinal baggage they bring to lessons shape their use of language during
Group discussions. I also examine how discourse patterns in small group Work are
influenced by pupils’ collective interpretation of contextual Conditions.

Main problem of the effectiveness of group discussion techniques in language teaching,

in the class.

The effectiveness of group discussion techniques in language teaching, in the

class is not new in the world of education today, especially among high school . But
this only a part of it uses this method. Some universities think maybe his protege could
learn through the course lecturer or via the internet. Or maybe also the way this
discussion will actually make the children who are not active will be more silent and
passive. Because in the discussion he would become a passive just listening to his
friends speak and remove all their opinions and arguments only. He said the problems
that we will in this report.

Every child has the courage of the different attitudes and different. With
different learning styles as well. There is a child who may feel the focus if he is left
alone to solve the task or the problem of the lecture. But there is also need of a friend to
work together in solving a task. As well as on how to learn in the class. Who like
learning by discussing, but there is also a lecturer who prefer to listen to listen to
lecturers spoke in front of the class. In group discussions we will surely find someone

who is active, less active or even passive. (group discussion 2007)
possible for the passive is the way this may be less effective but maybe this way even
more effective because more lure them to compete and eventually they will actively
participate. Those who see the themes they speak will actively think positive and want
to be like that .but it may also to some students they will be discouraged to see their
friends are smart talk while he listened . He will feel inferior and ultimately despair.
Then even this method may require monitoring and motivation of the lecturer's own.in
this survey the researcher will choose clas A smester 2 english class.who just use this



The inquiry focused on small groups smester 2 working in English lessons.in

Muhammadiyah universities of Yogyakarta. A little investigation will be held at the
office of the languages in one building at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. At
the beginning of August 2010 they began their students English language learning
activities in their class. Since the first time the lecture has applied this method to them .
During 2 times a week language training course attendance, the students arrange 2
classes a student has 32-40 with 1 or two theacher are involved in the English language
instruction. At twice the researcher's meeting will give all students in class questionaire
to all student class A. In a firs meeting will be given two questions that have been
provided. The answer is they who will be the consideration of this paper researh.



Subject’s character and background

The basic information of the subjects have been collected and demonstrated ,
and it is the foundation for all of us to perceive the outcomes of the survy. Teachers
have used this method since the beginning of group discussions. Concidence language
courses for the first time held at the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. So the
benefits are indistinguishable compared with their learning while in high school.

Just some of pupils may have been steeped english but not with this method. Therefore
it is not likely to be directly for them to speak English fluently, they are still at the level
of the mid Because they must need to learn how change from basic english language
thingking to real English language for academic.

Data and effectiveness analysis

When talking about this method ‘’ a group discussion in english class in the
class room, most students have down great anthusiasm toward the new learning stile.
90% of the subjects though that the group didscussion in a class is a good way to
improve their language, and then 83 % of the students agreed that the group discussion
method is agood way to do their home’s job or class job from lecturer. 73 % agreed if
the group discussion is mak their study is more easy and 27 % is unagreed because they
feel if study olene is well for them,they are part of student who like a silent and calm
area for study. The advantages of study by group discussion feel 90% students. They
feel it make them more easy to speak and share what they want by english language.
And disadvantages feel 10% student. They are still feel unconvidence about their
language. They need for a suport.98% of students agreed if everybody must use this
method to improved their language,their speaking english. The group discussion
method suggest th student to speak and share what in their brain.

Sometimes they do not ever try to use English to speak unruk because they
think they are not nice language. Or they feel less able to interact with their peers and it
made them ashamed to reveal what they think and it causes them to become passive.
Therefore in this way will be very effective when used in the classroom. The student’s
are motivated by enthusiasm for learning.

Pupils need to hold a corporate perception of the ground rules for learning
When they are working on tasks that require collaboration and discussion. When such a
shared understanding exists pupils are likely to use exploratory Language and to
interrogate texts through an exchange of diverse and often conflicting ideas.


Many statistict and fact many have proved That group discussion method is in-
effective way to help the students to iprove Their language and Their skill. But the
group discussion. Although already widely used in this way are still many students who
can not feel its effectiveness. Teacher support, attention, and guidance is needed in this
regard. Some of those who feel there is less able to apply this method on their students.
Most children come with their original basic, insecure, discouraged, feeling can not,
and even lazy and unwilling to try. In this method would not want the students actively
prosecuted in the execution, if not then he will be missed and can not feel the impact
and the positive effects of this method of group discussion. There was a weak basic
language so they are less confident when it came to pass on what they want to say,
there is also a feeling inferior and not comparable with those friends who is active and
smart talk that one of the causes of less effective as this way. Therefore the role of
teacher will be very important in this method in improving the quality of science .

Group discussion undoubtely discussion can help Them to fuly Interact with
each other and student learn bahasa. In group discussion the students can discuss and
give creative respopnses, Greenwich Will Help Them to think critically in the future.
Exactly this way proved to be very effectively used when there is cooperation and
response from both students aware of and willing to follow and jug ing in group
discussions and the teacher always gives support and motivation in all the difficulties


Dennis L. Sacdalan, M.D., Francisca B. Espino, M.D., Regina P. Berba, M.D. and
Amelen V.
Palanca, M.D.(e, Dr. Antonio Gonzaga Research Contest, 24th PSMID Annual
Convention, November 27-29, 2002)

The Effectiveness of Interactive Group Discussion Versus

Performance Feedback in Improving Adherence to the Philippine Clinical Practice
Guidelines on the Management of Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis

http://www.experiment-resources.com/group discussion-of-a-research-

University Microfilms, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48106, An

Experimental Investigation of the Effectiveness of Group Listening, Discussion,
Decision, Commitment, and Consensus in Indian Radio Forums

Oleh Elisabeth Dunne,Neville Bennett Talking and learning in groups










I would like to say thanks to the professors who have helped me, guiding and
directing my research on this paper. and also all of my friends, and also a grateful to the
participants of this study witch make this research paper possible, I say thank you very


Questionaire for the 2 semester of english education program class A

Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta

1. Do you think That using discussion group techniques in classroom is effective?

a. effective
b. less effective
c. ineffective
2. Does the use of discussion group techniques is make your study more easy?
a. yes
b. no
3.what do you think is easier, learning with discussion groups or study alone in the
a.discussion b. study alone
4. What the advantages of using discussion group techniques in classroom ?
5. What disadvantages using discussion group techniques in the classroom?

6. Do you think That everybody must use this techniques to do the class job or out class
a. yes
b. no
7. What this technique allows you in working out a difficult task?
a. yes
b. no


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