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Week 2 - Assignment 2


Karen Bowler

National University

TED 626

Professor Wanda Carroll

May 18, 2018


Be the Change

For this assignment, I chose to create a subway art which I’ve titled “Be the Change” from the

famous quote from Mahatma Gandhi, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” In the top

portion, I used words depicting the actions of bullies printed in black and gray using fonts that appear

dark, harmful, and broken representing the hurt and emotions that victims of bullying may feel. I

also included a few images that illustrate bullying and the outcome of tears from its victims.

In the center, I used an image that represents how people joining together in standing up

against bullying can “be the change” and make a difference. The red arrows pointing to that image

suggest that we focus on working together to put a stop to bullying. The words in the bottom portion

demonstrate the desired actions for us as a human race. I selected cheerful fonts and used bright,

beautiful colors that emote feelings of happiness and joy suggesting the peace and contentment that

can result when bullying is prevented and not tolerated.

Bullying is an epidemic! Statistics indicate that more than one in four children a year

experience bullying. A safe and supportive school climate can help to prevent bullying, and creating

this type of climate begins in the classroom. As teachers, we need to establish a culture of inclusion

and respect by modeling positive relations and treatment of others. Establishing clear rules,

procedures, and expectations and being consistent in reinforcing them will help in maintaining a safe

and supportive classroom environment which will help to deter bullying.

In my subway art, I also included the eye emoji that was created in conjunction with the Ad

Council as part of the “I Am A Witness” Bullying Prevention Campaign. According to its website, I

Am A Witness aims to stop bullying by activating the ‘silent majority’ of kids who witness it each

day, transforming them from passive bystanders into an active collective that speak up against

bullying.” Nearly 43 percent of kids have been bullied online, and 70 percent of students report

seeing frequent bullying online. Using the emoji not only allows kids to take a stand by sending the

message to cyber-bullies that what they are doing is being seen by others and that it’s NOT okay, but

also allows them to show support for someone who is being bullied.

My hope is that by displaying this subway art in my classroom, I will be reminded daily of

my duty to maintain a safe and supportive classroom environment for my students. In addition, this

art will encourage discussions with my students about bullying and hopefully help them to realize and

empower them to take a stand against it. Together we can “be the change”.


Stopbullying.gov. (Webpage). Retrieved from https://www.stopbullying.gov/prevention/at-


DoSomething.org. (Webpage). Retrieved from https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-


iwitnessbullying.org. (Webpage). Retrieved from http://iwitnessbullying.org/about

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