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EXERCISE 7 Trigonometric Solution of Fault Problems Method ‘The types of faults and the definition of terms eating to the move- ment slong felts are given on p. 180-104. “The solution ofthe problems shou be accompanied by a plan, 38 well as by one or more structure sections that show the fault and the ‘srapted beds "At a distance of 300 tual of sandstone that Torizontal fine inthe fault plane; that in the pitch of the slickensides 30 degrees north, ‘Calelate the tet slip, dip slip, strike slip, heave, throw, trati- graphic separation, vera! separation in a plane perpendicular tothe fault, and horizontal separation in the same plane ‘From Fig. 274, which ba vertical section at right ang to tho strike of the fault, we obtain Dip slip = DB + BE {In triangle ABD EH ~ 1108 fe. Na sip = Dit e321 Tiere ation of Fat Plone. Veto oa meee rom Fig. 827A, triangle DEB, Throw = BP. pier sheng tit ‘Beker TRIGONOMETRIC SOLUTION OF FAULT PROBLEMS 437 BP = (DB + BE) so. 0 EP ~ (38 sin 47 = 410 fot. eave = DF DP = (DB + BE) cow 0", DP = 688 com 40 = 188 fot. rom Fig 827A, tangle DET, ‘Sroigophi eparation = El ‘ en fin OF +10) = eae BL = (88a TO" = 520 fet. From Fie. 3274, triangle DBC, Vertical spration = BP + PO. sin or +407) _ BP + PO sa ~ DB BE sin _ BP FO, sin GB EP + PG = e12 oet rom Fig. 3274, Horizont! separation = AB + BC, ABT ne = 1200 toe Picblem ‘Theve problems are to be solved by trigonometry. A bed that strikes N, 90° Ean di 45°. is broken by a strike fauit that dpm 5° 8. "The hanging wall has moved 1290 fet diretly doen the dip of the fault plane.” Calealae (a) net slip, 8) strike sip {0 dip ap, (2) throw, (6 heave, ()horimatal seperation ina vertinl plane perpendicular to the strike ofthe fault, (9) vertical separation {the same plane, and (A) stratigraphic throw: ‘2 A sandstone that strikes N. 45° E. and dips 0° SE. is broken by ‘strike fault that dipe 30° SE.” The sandstone outerope 1500 feet ‘outhenet ofthe fault und 900 fect northwest of the fault. Assuring the movement to have been dirvetly down the dip of the fault plane, talcalate the (a) net slip, dip sip, 2) strike slip, (@) throw, (6) Ieave, () horisontal separation in a vertial plane perpersielar to the strike of the ful, (9) vertical separation inthe same plane, and (8) ‘stratigraphic throw, EXERCISE 8 i “Ge Projections ait Method An abject having thrve dimensions may be shown on single plane by means of projection The projection af & paint on i point be 2 " i : a i z a i ‘line upon which points or ies are projected the plane lion.” The direction of projection ithe diretion in which Hie ig! oe ne tet. 2 Projected into the plane of projection. Normal projection, in which the direction of projection is perpendicular to the plane of projection, {is usd in ths exer. Fig. 828, Points and lines Plane represented by the upper point sthe projection of pont "Normal projections arv llustrated Ihave heen projected into the horizontal surface of the Boek. In Fig. 3284, o

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