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REED'S MOTOR ENGINEERING KNOWLEDOE. FIG 144 VARIATIONS OF CONNECTING ROD DESIGN @ Jk, ) @e ghd CHAPTERS WASTE HEAT PLANT General Details Reference should be made (0 chapter | for general comments, relating 1p heat balance. Fig. 3 details an approximate heat balance for an IC engine showing significant losses to the exhaust and cooling. Every artempt must be made to unlise energy in waste beat and recovery from both exhaust and coolant is established practice. Sufficient energy potential can be available in exhaust pas at fll engine power w generate sufficient seam, in waste heat boiler, to supply oxal electrical load and heating services forthe ship. The snount of beat actualy recovered from the exhaust gases depends upon various factors uch ax steam pressure, temperature, ‘evaporation rate required, mass flow of g2s, condition of heating surfaces ec. Waste heat boilers ean recover Up © about 605% of the loss to atmosphere in exhaust gases. Heat recovery from jacket cooling water systems at a temperature of 70-R0°C is generally restricted to supplying hea 1 the fresh water go erator Combustion Equipment Obviously most boilers and heaters have arrangements for burning oil fuel during low engine power condicions. It is therefore approprinte to repeat some very general remarks on combustion ‘ith detail of typical -quipment in use Good combustion is essenvial for the efficient running of the boller as it gives the best possible heat release and the minimom amount of deposits upon the heating surfaces. To ascerain if the ‘combustion is good we measure the % COs content (and in some Insullatons the % Os content) anc observe the appearance of the ees, If the % COs coment is high (or the 4 Os content low) and he ‘ses are in x non smokey condition then the comburBon of te fuel s correct With a high % COs content be % excess af reaured for combustion will be low and this results \9 improved boiler efficiency since less beat 1s vaken from the burning foel by tbe 26 REED'S MOTOR ENOIYEERING KNOWLEDOE small amount of excess it. If the excess air supply is increased then the % COs content ofthe gases will fall Condition of burve-. cil condition pressure and temperature, condition of air registers, air supply presiure and temperature are All factors which ean influence combustion, Burners If these are dirty or the sprayer plates damaged then effective stomisaton will not be achieved. Resulting in poor combustion. on If the oil is dnt i can foul up the burmes. (Flters are provided in the oil supply lines to remove most of the dir particles bu: filters ‘can get damaged. Ideally the mesh in the last filter should be smaller than the holes in the burner sprayer plate.) ‘Water in the oil ean affect combustion, it could lead 10 the burners being extinguished and a dangerous situation arising, It ‘could also produce panting which can result in structural defects. IC the oil temperature is 100 low the oll does noc readily stomise since ics viscosity will be high, this could cause flame impingement, overheating, tube and refractory failure. Ifthe oil temperature is too high the burner tip becomes too hot and ‘excessive carbon deposits can then be formed on the tip causing spray defects, these could again lead t0 flame impingement on adjacent refractory and demage could also occur tothe ar swirler Oil pressure is also important since it affects atomisation and lengths of spray jet Air Register Good mixing of the fuel particles with the air is essential, hence td» condition of the air registers and their swirling devices are imporant, if they are damaged mechanically or by corrosion then ‘the airflow wil be affected air ‘The combustion ait supply is governed by the combustion controller fuel/air ratio setting. If this i8 et too low then insufficient ait wll be supplied resulung in incomplete combustion and the ysneraton of black smoke. Ifthe fuer ratio is set t00 a [WASTE HEAT LNT high then 100 much ar will be supplied for esmouston resulting ia a greater percentage of fre oxygen in te uptakes chan is desirable Causing the boiler efficiency to fll It is generally considered that the appearance of the boiler ‘uprake gases will ive an accurate indication of the effectiveness of combustion, While this is undoubredly ve it should be noted that Clear uptake gases can be achieved while supplying excess ar, resulting in a reduction in bouer efficiency. To achieve meaimum boiler efficiency the fue air rato sewing should be reduced une the setting for optimum combustion, commensurate with clear vpiake gases, is reached. PACKAGE BOILERS [Although such boilers are not necessarily involved with waste heat systems itis considered appropriare to include them at this sage. ‘These boilers are often fied on motorships for auxiliary use and the principles and practice are a good lead into general boiler practice. Two types of design involving mader principles will ‘ow be considered Sunrod Vertical Boiler “The design sketched in Fz, 14S. is the Sunrod Marine Boer. This boiler utilises a water-cooled furnace incorporating membrane walled construction. The membrane water vall is backed by low temperature insulation, Fig, 1462. The water wall tubes are joined at the lower end to a ccular header and at their upper ends to tne steam chamber, Good circulason is assured by the amangement of, ‘number of dowacomers as shown in the diagram. The steam chamber has & number of smoke tubes each fined wich a “Sunrod Element”. The purpose of the Sunrod element is 10 increase dhe heating surface are ofthe bole. This i accomplished by welding pins onto the element as shown in Fig. 1466. In some Sanrod designs the firetube is also water-cooled. This design is, ‘manufactured in sizes ranging from 700 kg/t ro 35000 kar with pressures up w 18 bar. The oiler is usually fined with aumomane ‘Hart up/shot down and combusson contok Due to ine absence of furnace refractory lining this type of boiler is exmemely robust and easy to operae. Cleaning the boiler 28 REED's MOTOR ENGINEERING KNOWLEDGE FIG 14s SUNROD MARINE BOILER (WASTE HEAT LNT 29 FIG 146 SUNROD BOILER DETAIL 6 —- \ muyeene

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