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Gridding Report
Thu Nov 23 17:52:28 2017
Elapsed time for gridding: 0.00 seconds

Data Source
Source Data File Name: D:\semester 5\perpetaan\hasil.bln
X Column: A
Y Column: B
Z Column: C

Data Counts
Active Data: 13

Original Data: 13
Excluded Data: 0
Deleted Duplicates: 0
Retained Duplicates: 0
Artificial Data: 0
Superseded Data: 0

Exclusion Filtering
Exclusion Filter String: Not In Use

Duplicate Filtering
Duplicate Points to Keep: First
X Duplicate Tolerance: 1.4E-005
Y Duplicate Tolerance: 3.5E-005

No duplicate data were found.

Breakline Filtering
Breakline Filtering: Not In Use

Data Counts
Active Data: 13
Univariate Statistics


Count: 13 13 13

1%%-tile: 561528.827938 774562.537369 7.89263244705

5%%-tile: 561528.827938 774562.537369 7.89263244705
10%%-tile: 561537.1647 774578.068606 10.7264671525
25%%-tile: 561566.271619 774645.328186 11.276257374
50%%-tile: 561606.081285 774718.042297 11.7887002652
75%%-tile: 561620.985881 774777.051493 13.17239176
90%%-tile: 561621.886272 774797.77117 13.655343948
95%%-tile: 561642.410836 774821.427816 14.1259930095
99%%-tile: 561642.410836 774821.427816 14.1259930095

Minimum: 561528.827938 774562.537369 7.89263244705

Maximum: 561652.207186 774864.496616 14.3826219486

Mean: 561593.091092 774712.710031 11.9880830974

Median: 561606.081285 774718.042297 11.7887002652
Geometric Mean: 561593.089844 774712.704679 11.8646663607
Harmonic Mean: 561593.088597 774712.699326 11.7266034909
Root Mean Square: 561593.092339 774712.715383 12.0990650425
Trim Mean (10%%): N/A N/A N/A
Interquartile Mean: 561596.357833 774718.824954 12.0151071107
Midrange: 561590.517562 774713.516993 11.1376271978
Winsorized Mean: 561589.82119 774706.952273 12.1139221469
TriMean: 561599.855017 774714.616068 12.0065124161

Variance: 1517.81044786 8984.31989334 2.89600843009

Standard Deviation: 38.9590868459 94.7856523601 1.70176626776
Interquartile Range: 54.7142621699 131.7233075 1.89613438598
Range: 123.37924753 301.95924734 6.48998950151
Mean Difference: 46.1108571813 112.974527702 1.89436552154
Median Abs. Deviation: 25.91721319 72.71411106 0.832428279063
Average Abs. Deviation: 31.7251220277 77.19697166 1.17485106353
Quartile Dispersion: 4.87133928956e-005 8.50144603741e-005 0.0775557935979
Relative Mean Diff.: 8.21072372732e-005 0.000145827641962 0.158020719922

Standard Error: 10.8053065591 26.2888099818 0.471985041329

Coef. of Variation: 6.93724468194e-005 0.000122349422093 0.141954827467
Skewness: -0.185044573608 -0.12766413451 -0.660395112723
Kurtosis: 1.65601696213 1.64399446394 3.19869222094

Sum: 7300710.18419 10071265.2304 155.845080267

Sum Absolute: 7300710.18419 10071265.2304 155.845080267
Sum Squares: 4.10002841772e+012 7.8023372879e+012 1903.03587372
Mean Square: 315386801363 600179791377 146.387374902

Inter-Variable Covariance
X: 1517.8104 504.92025 14.629417
Y: 504.92025 8984.3199 -61.430648
Z: 14.629417 -61.430648 2.8960084

Inter-Variable Correlation
X: 1.000 0.137 0.221
Y: 0.137 1.000 -0.381
Z: 0.221 -0.381 1.000

Inter-Variable Rank Correlation

X: 1.000 0.060 0.352
Y: 0.060 1.000 -0.533
Z: 0.352 -0.533 1.000

Principal Component Analysis

X: 0.997668941647 0.997668941647 -0.0121578838114
Y: -0.0670599216354 -0.0670599216354 0.00752200516145
Z: 0.0126352595074 0.0126352595074 0.00752200516145

Lambda: 9018.7136512 1484.05669981 2.25599861527


Planar Regression: Z = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters
Parameter Value: 0.0121400690855 -0.00751981397958 -980.09537363
Standard Error: 0.0123084435478 0.00505905386707 7465.44141715

Inter-Parameter Correlations
A: 1.000 -0.137 -0.854
B: -0.137 1.000 -0.398
C: -0.854 -0.398 1.000

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F
Regression: 2 7.67459015277 3.83729507639
Residual: 10 27.0775110083 2.70775110083
Total: 12 34.7521011611

Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 0.220838162193

Nearest Neighbor Statistics

Separation |Delta Z|
1%%-tile: 32.9998631788 0.037194990466
5%%-tile: 32.9998631788 0.037194990466
10%%-tile: 32.9998631788 0.037194990466
25%%-tile: 33.9915076527 0.229804833658
50%%-tile: 42.99982171 0.632460930849
75%%-tile: 54.7745317291 1.38369149477
90%%-tile: 55.9997893979 1.38369149477
95%%-tile: 75.9744789598 5.27975931294
99%%-tile: 75.9744789598 5.27975931294

Minimum: 32.9998631788 0.037194990466

Maximum: 90.8644516942 6.23336056241

Mean: 48.0732956838 1.34865848682

Median: 42.99982171 0.632460930849
Geometric Mean: 45.5965329524 0.489888098512
Harmonic Mean: 43.6233027257 0.16459165984
Root Mean Square: 51.0219690599 2.35996692735
Trim Mean (10%%): N/A N/A
Interquartile Mean: 43.1604128324 0.634680140753
Midrange: 61.9321574365 3.13527777644
Winsorized Mean: 43.8548840024 0.675909495602
TriMean: 43.6914207004 0.719604547532

Variance: 316.549532917 4.06311119948

Standard Deviation: 17.7918389414 2.0157160513
Interquartile Range: 20.7830240764 1.15388666112
Range: 57.8645885154 6.19616557194
Mean Difference: 18.9738258897 1.87491360206
Median Abs. Deviation: 9.0083140573 0.513862938551
Average Abs. Deviation: 12.4606238805 1.1207706411
Quartile Dispersion: 0.234132605456 0.715146753533
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.394685357429 1.3902063572

Standard Error: 4.93456827601 0.559059044596

Coef. of Variation: 0.370098173807 1.49460821328
Skewness: 1.17819542588 1.56563262493
Kurtosis: 3.19964105055 3.82319828147

Sum: 624.952843889 17.5325603286

Sum Absolute: 624.952843889 17.5325603286
Sum Squares: 33842.1372477 72.4027706765
Mean Square: 2603.24132675 5.5694438982

Complete Spatial Randomness

Lambda: 0.000348941722765
Clark and Evans: 1.79601658387
Skellam: 74.1977185493

Gridding Rules
Gridding Method: Kriging
Kriging Type: Point

Polynomial Drift Order: 0

Kriging std. deviation grid: no

Semi-Variogram Model
Component Type: Linear
Anisotropy Angle: 0
Anisotropy Ratio: 1
Variogram Slope: 1

Search Parameters
No Search (use all data): true

Output Grid
Grid File Name: D:\semester 5\perpetaan\hasil.grd
Grid Size: 100 rows x 41 columns
Total Nodes: 4100
Filled Nodes: 4100
Blanked Nodes: 0
Blank Value: 1.70141E+038

Grid Geometry

X Minimum: 561528.8279
X Maximum: 561652.2072
X Spacing: 3.0844824999978

Y Minimum: 774562.5373
Y Maximum: 774864.4967
Y Spacing: 3.0500949494955

Univariate Grid Statistics

Count: 4100

1%%-tile: 8.88559707272
5%%-tile: 9.86401151581
10%%-tile: 10.6901648909
25%%-tile: 11.1345046006
50%%-tile: 11.7776962483
75%%-tile: 12.1792606752
90%%-tile: 13.5258188477
95%%-tile: 14.0156358747
99%%-tile: 14.454695347

Minimum: 7.94516248054
Maximum: 14.5588943464

Mean: 11.7788776664
Median: 11.7777164013
Geometric Mean: 11.72526401
Harmonic Mean: 11.6710340969
Root Mean Square: 11.8321246996
Trim Mean (10%%): 11.7782016836
Interquartile Mean: 11.7079356221
Midrange: 11.2520284135
Winsorized Mean: 11.8196761299
TriMean: 11.7172894431

Variance: 1.25752253972
Standard Deviation: 1.12139312452
Interquartile Range: 1.04475607457
Range: 6.61373186586
Mean Difference: 1.21262808296
Median Abs. Deviation: 0.547119929458
Average Abs. Deviation: 0.807176501637
Quartile Dispersion: 0.0448128417789
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.102949374066
Standard Error: 0.0175132182813
Coef. of Variation: 0.0952037330111
Skewness: 0.166670382711
Kurtosis: 3.72711239202

Sum: 48293.3984322
Sum Absolute: 48293.3984322
Sum Squares: 573996.617118
Mean Square: 139.999174907

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