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LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Fatima Obaid Topic or Theme: Fractions and Decimals

Class:4 Date & Duration: 10-March Lesson 2 (40 Min)

Trainee Personal Goals

In this lesson plan I am working on time management.

Lesson Focus:

Students will collaborate on how to multiply fractions with the same denominator.

Lesson Outcomes:

Students will be able to multiply fractions with the same denominator.

Links to Prior Learning:

Review add and subtraction fractions with same denominator.

21st Century Skill

Collaboration: students will collaborate to complete the activates.

Critical Thinking: when the students try to solve to equation in three different levels.
Key vocabulary

 Fractions
 denominator
 numerator
 Multiply

Possible problems for learners: Solutions to possible problems;

 Difficulties on understanding the  Modelling the activity in a student friendly

activities. language and do one example for them
 the language I’m using.
 behaviour issues.  Grouping the students and do competition,
 Students doesn’t memorise the give points for group who listing and
time table. Participates with me.

 Teacher will give them multiplication Fact

Table. If they need it.
Resources/equipment needed

Questions work sheet-counters and dice- A4 work sheet -Game sheet

& Time
In introduction first teacher will like their lesson to their prior knowledge, add and
subtract fractions. Teacher will say did you remember how me add and subtract with
5-10min same denominator. And she will put one example for them and call one student to
solve it.

Than teacher will ask the students did you know how we multiply, students will say
yes. Teacher will randomly ask students, for example 2X2= ,3X4=

Than teacher what if we have to multiply 2 fractions, teacher will write 2 fractions on
the board. Ask the students think about it how I am going to multiply these 2
fractions before answering she will open the video how to multiply fractions.

Than teacher will ask them what you notice?

Students will say denominator is same.

Teacher will say denominator is your leggs down I we cannot changes and numerator
up up your hair and you can change it. Than teacher will solve one sum. And write
other questions and let the students solve with me than they move to centres.

Main activities
& Time
Center 1: Pair work
In this center teacher will give them a work sheet, with different multiply
5-6min totating fractions questions. students will work in pairs to finish these questions in five
Questions work
min. Teacher will see how many sums they can solve in five min. The pair that
finish first and has the most answers will win the activity.

counters and

A4 work sheet

Game sheet
Center 2: Pair Work
Students will have 2 games, counters and dice. There will be 10 different
fractions and answers in different order. Students roll the dice, find the sum of
the fractions and search for the answer at the bottom. The pair that finish first
and has the most answers will win the activity.

Center 3:Pair work

In this center there will be white and yellow dice and A4 Paper. First students
will roll the white dice to get denominator, then roll the yellow dice 2 times to
get numerator, then write the fraction in the paper. Students must write
down the equation and solve it. The pair with the most equations wins the

Each activity will be 5 min and in pairs,and all groups will take these three
activies in same time.teacher will do comptions betwwen group to encourag
them to work .

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

All activities are differentiated.

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

After 15 min, the teacher will ring the bell and ask the students to stop and
put everything in the middle of the table, then students will check their
understanding teacher will give them A5 worksheet, teacher will put
2questions on the board and students have to answer it on the paper, teacher
will give them two min to answer, it. Then the teacher will collect the paper to
see are the students understand or the lesson need retake.

Assessment Teacher will review the student’s answers tounderstanding and assessment

√ Observation Student self-assessment √ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment

☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation √ Written work and √ Verbal feedback


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