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Students are exposed to and engaged with user-friendly, interactive technology as part of

their daily lives. As new devices are embedded into our culture, it is important to explore how

technology can be integrated into the learning process, and support our students to become

proficient in 21st century technologies. I consider it my role to provide students with experiences

that safely utilize technology in a way that channels their existing familiarity into academic

content by engaging communication, critical thinking, and creativity.

Researchers have observed that technology has a positive impact on student motivation in

the classroom, and it empowers students to work more independently (Batak and Tarmuin,

2011). In my project Skeletons and Bears, I utilize technology to provide information to students

in an engaging, relevant format. As I considered this lesson, I made a point to incorporate

technology through a diverse presentation that includes a wide array of visual and audio

materials (Levy & Byrd, 2011). The digital presentation is filled with a variety of still images

that not only capture attention but also communicate valuable information. In addition to

pictures and diagrams, I incorporate two videos that have distinct purpose. The first is to provide

a visual of the human skeleton in motion. Students see how the skeleton moves while walking,

at which time I point out key features that will be discussed in the lesson on how structure

enables function (walking upright on two legs, how arms move, how ball and socket joints allow

for fluid movement, etc.). The second video is of a bear “fishing” for a salmon at the bottom of a

river. In this clip, students see how the skeletal structure of a bear, when supported by the water,

allows it to utilize the back legs to grab a dead fish. Through this multimedia lesson, I was able

to provide a relevant learning experience into the classroom. This type of content, incorporating

multiple ways of communicating simultaneously (text, images, graphic design, etc.) is aligned

with how my students frequently encounter information in our technology-enhanced society

(Serafini, 2011).

When I use technology in my classroom, I strive to provide more than just a visual

experience. I capitalize on student motivation to use technology by integrating Chromebooks and

iPads into our weekly learning activities. These tools provide the opportunity to explore

academics in interactive ways. Projects that utilize digital student portfolios, digital texts, and

online discussion groups tools are just some of the ways that technology can be integrated into

the classroom (Coffey, 2018). Students engage with content through audio books at listening

stations, they use editing tools to draw sight words on tablets, or utilize videos to record

themselves reading text and retelling stories. Students also practice academic skills through

Lexia, Freckle, Teach your Monster to Read, and Monster Math.

Through the program SeeSaw, students capture their work in a student journal, which is

then shared with their families. Much of this work is collaborative in nature, where students are

motivated to share their experience with peers and families. This aligns with Vygotsky’s theory

of social development (1978), which emphasizes that learning is an interactive and social

endeavor in which constructing meaning is coupled with sharing knowledge. The use of this

program does not just apply to my students’ classroom experience. The parents of my first

graders utilize their phones, tablets, and computers as a primary communication tool as well.

With this in mind, I use SeeSaw to connect with parents and family members through our

digital classroom news. Utilizing student journals and class announcements, I send video

messages about things that are going on in our classroom, and send photos to parents about the

amazing things that I see in my classroom. I utilize messaging software that allows me to send

group messages about upcoming events and communicate with individual parents about anything

from forgotten lunchboxes to upcoming vacations.

The power that technology brings to the learning environment is exciting, and when used

intentionally can open new windows for our students. As I integrate technology, I also work

with students to understand the parameters in which it can be safely and thoughtfully used. We

discuss the importance of making safe and responsible choices when using these tools, including

how we use our time with our devices, how we choose what to view, and who we share our

information with. Providing students with the skills to use technology in a safe, meaningful way

is truly amazing to watch. As I review the information that they load onto their portfolios, I am

inspired by their creativity, their attention to their work, and their motivation to explore new

ways to engage with the subjects we study.



Baytak, A., Tarman, B., & Ayas, C. (2011). Experiencing technology integration in education:
children's perceptions. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 3(2),

Coffey, G. (2012). Literacy and Technology: Integrating Technology with Small Group, Peer-led
Discussions of Literature. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education,
4(2), 395-405.

Levy, D., and Byrd, D. (2011). Why can't we be friends? Using music to teach social justice.
Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 11(2), 64-75.

Serafini, Frank, (2011). Expanding perspectives for comprehending visual images in multimodal
texts. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 54(5), 342-350.

Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind and society: The development of higher mental processes.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

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