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Literature Review 2

Claudia Alvarez

April 21, 2019

National University

Professor Hart


Teaching has a special place in the heart. There are teachers who prefer to work with students in

the lower grades and those teachers that prefer to work with students in the upper grades. I

personally have always liked to work with lower grade levels, but I have learned that in order to

become an experiences teacher I will also have to teach upper grade levels. This assignment will

reflect on the importance of upper elementary grade levels.


In education, there is a large focus on early childhood education, there are many

programs, associations and funding that goes into the early childhood education. On the other

hand, the upper grade levels have little to no support. According to Christine Finnan (2009-

2010), “There were no textbooks or research compilations targeting the upper elementary grades

(especially third through fifth grades), but more surprising, there were no professional

organizations, journals or websites specifically targeted the special needs of upper elementary

students and teachers” (p.7). The lack of support that these upper grade levels receive can be

harmful to the student’s academic achievement and overall identity development. Students in the

upper grade levels are also going through cognitive, social and physical changes. These changes

need to be addressed and taken into consideration.

There are three components of identity: accomplishment, belonging and engagement.

Within each of these components there are important aspects that need to be addressed in order

to support students in the upper grade levels.

Practice Supporting Accomplishments

Students in the upper grade levels need to feel a sense of accomplishment. These students

need to believe that they are given the opportunity to try new things and that the teacher believes

they are able to successfully complete them. Finnan (2009-2010) created a list of the type of

environments that will facilitate students to prosper in their accomplishments,

“• Teachers encourage students to use their prior knowledge and skills during active

knowledge construction.

• They provide opportunities for students take personal responsibility for learning and


• Feedback to students reflects individually identified and paced growth and change.

• Students use their strengths and talents for the betterment of self and others.

• Their aspirations drive their current learning and goals.

• Teachers recognize and celebrate learning and growth” (p. 10).

I find this information to be crucial for any teacher because it is important to realize that the

older students now have a different perspective on their academic achievement. The older the

students get the more pride the students place on their accomplishments. These older students

also begin to identify their own strengths and weaknesses by comparing themselves to other

students. Finnan (2009-2010) mentions, “For this reason, it is critical that teachers create

classroom environments that encourage students to retain a belief that they can accomplish even

when they struggle" (p.10).

Practice Supporting Belonging

Students in the upper grade levels begin to notice positive and negative differences

between themselves and their peers. These differences can be in academic achievement or they

can be in other personal characteristics. It is important that teacher create a safe classroom where

everyone feels safe and welcome. Older students need to feel like they are needed and that they

contribute to their community. Finnan (2009-2010) created a list of the environments that foster


“• Everyone welcomes and respects people who are different (i.e., cultural, economic,

gender, language).

• Everyone looks for the strengths in each other.

• Adults and students have the opportunity to know each other and establish caring,

trusting relationships.

• Adults and students engage in discourse and interactions that are kind and considerate

even when differences of opinion are expressed.

• Everyone displays behavioral self-control.

• Everyone works collaboratively and productively with one another” (p.10).

Students in the upper grade levels are having so many changes in their lives academically,

socially and physically that as educators it is important that we create a classroom where all of

our students feel safe to contribute their knowledge and ideas to the class. In order for this

environment to flourish it is important that the teacher allows themselves the time to get to know

the students, and that the students are given the opportunity to know more about their teacher.

Practice Supporting Engagement

It is during the upper grade levels when students begin to have issues of classroom

participation and engagement due to social aspects. It becomes important that students in these

grade levels are given the opportunity to become engaged members of the classroom. Finnan

(2009-2010) mentions that supportive classrooms should have,

“• Learning is clearly connected to the outside world.

• Learning focuses on concepts and relationships within and across subjects.

• Children learn through dialogue, exchange of diverse ideas, and careful listening in a

social context.

• They are encouraged to ask questions; they engage in inquiry and solve problems.

• Learning in these classrooms is engrossing; students become so engaged in what they

are doing that they do not want to stop.

• These classrooms provide strategies and role models to help students continue to learn

inside and outside the classroom” (p. 11).


Educators need to realize that upper grade level students also need the support to engage and

create positive relationships with peers. The classroom needs to be a place to learn, where

student’s belief in themselves and their peers. This will create a positive place for students to feel

safe and become active participants of their learning.



Finnan, C. (2009-2010). A Focus onUpper Elelmentary Teacher Preparation: Developmentally

Appropriate Practice and Standards Shaping Our Programs. SRATE Journal, 19, 7-14.


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