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I am Coralyn B.

Cosicol a citizen of the Republic of the Philippines

In my opinion there are a lot of changes that need to take place for this country to grow,
some are quite simple others i don't believe can be achieved.

One of the biggest issues in this country is poverty which is caused by lack of jobs and
lack of training for unskilled workers. If you look at the jobs that are available you will
see that even for the simpliest of jobs they require you to have a degree or have finished
high school or be a college graduate, so if are unfortunate enough to come from a very
poor family who could not afford to pay for you to go to school for whatever reason even
like not being able to pay for the uniform or books or even the transport then there is no
future you are stuck in the poverty trap with no escape, also means that the
unemployment rate will not change.

These are the ways to fix this.

1) Children from poverty stricken families should be helped by the government with
basic schooling costs.

The long term affect is a higher level of educated people who are able to work and
therefore more income in taxes for the government.

2) Introduce free training programs for unemployed people and give tax incentives for
companies that train people who have not had the chance for a full education, long term
affect more skilled workers paying tax.

3) Create jobs by allowing more foreign companies to set up operations in the

Philippines and allow foreign companies and individuals to purchase land.

The whole country will start to grow if all of the above were implicated and the GDP
would increase dramatically.

If none of the above are put into action then poverty will continue to grow as poverty
stricken family’s have more children.

The knock on affect with more people working and more revenue from taxes is huge as
there is more money available to fix the other major issues

4) Free hospital treatment for all families earning less than the minimum wage.

This could be paid for from the increase in revenues from more taxpayers.

5) One of my biggest complaints, make it illegal for taxi drivers to ask for more than the meter
fare as soon as you step in a taxi, sometimes with the excuse there is traffic, which i find strange
because if you don’t like traffic don’t drive a taxi.
6)Create jobs by allowing more foreign companies to set up operations in the Philippines and
allow foreign companies and individuals to purchase land.
I dont see employees complaining considering the fact that under the current system if a
unemployed member of the family needs treatment the one that pays is the one that is working.
So to summarize, we now have less unemployment, more trained people, more jobs and health
care for all.

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