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We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families as narrative of the

Human Rights, cultural and migrant experiences.

Rwandan Genocide, killed over 1,000,000 people who were called the Tutsis and Hutu. This
unfair act towards those people has been recorded by Philip Gourevitch, writer of The New
Yorker. The author mentions the struggle of the survivors and their testimonies.

The book not only helps in understanding the cruel act towards the people of that place but
also it has recorded instances that led to the major event. This event affected the very identity
of the people and the inequality that was encountered with appalling massacre.

Tutsi’s lost their right, they weren’t given a say in it, the affected Hutu and Tutsi were robbed
off of their comfort and resources. In reading this we know about the tragic event that most of
us might be unaware of and the narratives of the survivors bring in a concern towards
humanity and to place an undertaking to protect the unprotected.

Submitted by
Esther Jayakumar

Second semester- MA English Literature

Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous)

Mobile Number: 8073676199

Email id: janezie13@gmail.com

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